Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Which is the point.

Why could Kosovo, possibly the Crimea, possibly Scotland, East Timor get their independence, while the Basque Country, Catalonia, Chechnya, Xinjiang and many other places can't?

Some of those who can't are being killed, they're being forced to do what they don't want. Most are parts of stronger countries who simply don't want to allow them to go free.
Those who do get free usually have a large backer to help them.

Are we to be the financial and military backer of every underdog region that wants to secede? What if we back the wrong side as we did in Egypt and Libya? Its not our responsibility, we are 17 trillion in debt. We need to focus on our country and stop trying to police the world.

We are not "trying to police the world," you spineless, irresponsible, near-sighted moron. We ARE focused on our country. Dimwits like you can't see beyond the end of your nose and think closing your eyes and hiding behind the sofa is a legitimate foreign policy position.

:cuckoo: viet nam and korea were described as "police actions". what would you call it if we sent troops to crimea to overturn the vote of the people? I would call it an aggressive attack.

Tell us exactly how the USA will be harmed by crimea rejoining russia---------I want specifics, not talking points.
There is no such thing as a legitimate vote at the barrel of a gun.

please post some pictures of the voters in crimea with guns at their heads. post pics of the voters who voted against rejoining russia being shot.

you are an idiot, and the worst kind of idiot, an arrogant one who does not know that he is an idiot.

Oh, you missed all that footage on the news of Russian forces rolling into Crimea, of heavily armed Russian troops and massive weapons of war stationed all across the region. Even you can't be this stupid. You are only trying to be in order to justify your 'policy' of spineless irresponsibility, simpleton.

Russia already had thousands of troops in crimea, there is a major russian base and naval port there. they put some of them on the border with ukraine to prevent and border clashes. they also agreed to bring in UN monitors to ensure that the new border remained secure and to prevent any regional conflicts.

I know you don't like it, but its what the people of crimea want. AND ITS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.
In fact, when the US tried to oust Chavez in the coup in 2002

We did not.

Yeah, you've made short comments about this before.

The evidence goes against you though.

If you look at everything the US said, it's like a running gag on some kind of spoof documentary. Everything was like "we support democracy" then cough and say "and Chavez isn't democracy" and then cough again and say "we'd never get rid of a legitimate leader" cough "chavez isn't legitimate".

2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just to be quick, as this post is already way longer than any post you've ever written.

Upon news of Chávez's return, Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor to US President George W. Bush, said, "We do hope that Chávez recognizes that the whole world is watching and that he takes advantage of this opportunity to right his own ship, which has been moving, frankly, in the wrong direction for quite a long time."[104] Bush denied any involvement of the US government in the coup attempt and asked Chávez to "learn a lesson" from it.[105] Asked whether the administration now recognizes Mr. Chávez as Venezuela's legitimate president, one administration official replied, "He was democratically elected," then added, "Legitimacy is something that is conferred not just by a majority of the voters, however."

Bush Administration officials acknowledged meeting with some of the planners of the coup in the several weeks prior to 11 April but have strongly denied encouraging the coup itself, saying that they insisted on constitutional means.[107] However, a Defense Department official who was involved in the development of policy towards Venezuela said the administration was sending a different message. "We were not discouraging people," the official said. "We were sending informal, subtle signals that we don't like this guy. We didn't say, 'No, don't you dare,' and we weren't advocates saying, 'Here's some arms; we'll help you overthrow this guy.' We were not doing that.
Are we to be the financial and military backer of every underdog region that wants to secede? What if we back the wrong side as we did in Egypt and Libya? Its not our responsibility, we are 17 trillion in debt. We need to focus on our country and stop trying to police the world.

We are not "trying to police the world," you spineless, irresponsible, near-sighted moron. We ARE focused on our country. Dimwits like you can't see beyond the end of your nose and think closing your eyes and hiding behind the sofa is a legitimate foreign policy position.

:cuckoo: viet nam and korea were described as "police actions".

Talk to the UN about the 'title' of the Korean conflict if you need to.
please post some pictures of the voters in crimea with guns at their heads. post pics of the voters who voted against rejoining russia being shot.

you are an idiot, and the worst kind of idiot, an arrogant one who does not know that he is an idiot.

Oh, you missed all that footage on the news of Russian forces rolling into Crimea, of heavily armed Russian troops and massive weapons of war stationed all across the region. Even you can't be this stupid. You are only trying to be in order to justify your 'policy' of spineless irresponsibility, simpleton.

Russia already had thousands of troops in crimea [sic]

We have thousands of troops in South Korea. Ok if we just annex the country then?
Oh, you missed all that footage on the news of Russian forces rolling into Crimea, of heavily armed Russian troops and massive weapons of war stationed all across the region. Even you can't be this stupid. You are only trying to be in order to justify your 'policy' of spineless irresponsibility, simpleton.

Russia already had thousands of troops in crimea [sic]

We have thousands of troops in South Korea. Ok if we just annex the country then?

another failed analogy attempt. there is no american majority in south korea like the russian majority in Crimea.

But what if 96% of south koreans voted to become a US state? not that they would, but what if they did?
The kooks believe Russia has the right to invade nearby countries and take over parts of that country or all of that country depending on the % make-up of scumbag Russians living there.

So how many ethnic Russians live in Alaska, Illinois, New York, etc???

I guess the kooks are ok with Russian invasions everywhere.....
But what if 96% of south koreans voted to become a US state? not that they would, but what if they did?

If they did so because we were threatening them with military annihilation it would be meaningless and illegitimate.
The kooks believe Russia has the right to invade nearby countries and take over parts of that country or all of that country depending on the % make-up of scumbag Russians living there.

So how many ethnic Russians live in Alaska, Illinois, New York, etc???

I guess the kooks are ok with Russian invasions everywhere.....

It depends, if New York was part of Russia and was awarded independence against the wishes of the people only a few years ago, maybe New York should vote to become part of Russia. This is what happens when laws are passed and agreements made without the consent of the people.
The kooks believe Russia has the right to invade nearby countries and take over parts of that country or all of that country depending on the % make-up of scumbag Russians living there.

So how many ethnic Russians live in Alaska, Illinois, New York, etc???

I guess the kooks are ok with Russian invasions everywhere.....

they did not 'invade' or 'take over'. 96% of the people of crimea VOTED to rejoin Russia. Are you claiming that 96% of the voters were forced to vote as they did? If so, lets see some proof.

the ethinc russians in Alaska, Illinois, and New York are free to leave and emigrate to Russia if they choose. your analogy is no more valid than unks.
Alaska used to be Russia....but there are more Russians living in New York today compared to Alaska.

I guess you are ok with Russia invading Moldova, Lativa, Estonia, etc....afterall they are just "little countries" that used to be under the USSR boot and they are soooooooooo far away from the USA. :cuckoo:

Oh, there are Russian goons in those European countries right now riling up the local Russians living in those countries....

The kooks believe Russia has the right to invade nearby countries and take over parts of that country or all of that country depending on the % make-up of scumbag Russians living there.

So how many ethnic Russians live in Alaska, Illinois, New York, etc???

I guess the kooks are ok with Russian invasions everywhere.....

It depends, if New York was part of Russia and was awarded independence against the wishes of the people only a few years ago, maybe New York should vote to become part of Russia. This is what happens when laws are passed and agreements made without the consent of the people.
Shitbag.....the fucking Russian military rolled in with weapons and overtook Crimea. :cuckoo:

They currently have THOUSANDS of Ukrainian troops and civilians surrounded in their country....pointing GUNS at them.

That is called a FUCKING INVASION you stupid fuck pile of shit.

The kooks believe Russia has the right to invade nearby countries and take over parts of that country or all of that country depending on the % make-up of scumbag Russians living there.

So how many ethnic Russians live in Alaska, Illinois, New York, etc???

I guess the kooks are ok with Russian invasions everywhere.....

they did not 'invade' or 'take over'. 96% of the people of crimea VOTED to rejoin Russia. Are you claiming that 96% of the voters were forced to vote as they did? If so, lets see some proof.

the ethinc russians in Alaska, Illinois, and New York are free to leave and emigrate to Russia if they choose. your analogy is no more valid than unks.
see, I can post improperly too. Do you comprehend the difference between an armed invasion and a referendum? Crimea was a referendum, not an invasion.

The Baltic countries would not vote as crimea did, they do not want to rejoin Russia.

why can't you accept the will of the people in a majority vote?

What exactly do you want the USA to do about Crimea?

Alaska used to be Russia....but there are more Russians living in New York today compared to Alaska.

I guess you are ok with Russia invading Moldova, Lativa, Estonia, etc....afterall they are just "little countries" that used to be under the USSR boot and they are soooooooooo far away from the USA. :cuckoo:

Oh, there are Russian goons in those European countries right now riling up the local Russians living in those countries....

The kooks believe Russia has the right to invade nearby countries and take over parts of that country or all of that country depending on the % make-up of scumbag Russians living there.

So how many ethnic Russians live in Alaska, Illinois, New York, etc???

I guess the kooks are ok with Russian invasions everywhere.....

It depends, if New York was part of Russia and was awarded independence against the wishes of the people only a few years ago, maybe New York should vote to become part of Russia. This is what happens when laws are passed and agreements made without the consent of the people.
the ethinc russians in Alaska, Illinois, and New York are free to leave and emigrate to Russia if they choose. your analogy is no more valid than unks.

Maybe that's true - but does Russia have the right to "annex" Alaska, Illinois, and New York because there are ethnic Russians living there?

Of course not - No matter how voters in those states may vote.

You kinda missed the boat on that one Redfish.

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