Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Shitbag.....the fucking Russian military rolled in with weapons and overtook Crimea. :cuckoo:

They currently have THOUSANDS of Ukrainian troops and civilians surrounded in their country....pointing GUNS at them.

That is called a FUCKING INVASION you stupid fuck pile of shit.

The kooks believe Russia has the right to invade nearby countries and take over parts of that country or all of that country depending on the % make-up of scumbag Russians living there.

So how many ethnic Russians live in Alaska, Illinois, New York, etc???

I guess the kooks are ok with Russian invasions everywhere.....

they did not 'invade' or 'take over'. 96% of the people of crimea VOTED to rejoin Russia. Are you claiming that 96% of the voters were forced to vote as they did? If so, lets see some proof.

the ethinc russians in Alaska, Illinois, and New York are free to leave and emigrate to Russia if they choose. your analogy is no more valid than unks.

The Russian military was already in Crimea. The have bases and a big naval port there. The unrainian troops were given the choice of joining the russiam military or crossing the border back into Ukraine.

This was a referendum of the people. the military is there to keep the peace. The have invited the UN to join them.

You have no idea what is really going on over there.
It's clear you're a dumb pile of shit.

The Russian military invaded Crimea which is legally Ukrainian territory going back decades long before you were crapped out.

That is an invasion, the illegal vote was held after the Russian military kicked the political leaders out of office there and installed their goons to hold an election.

The Russian military has killed a few Ukrainians in Crimea...they would be alive if the Russian military in ski masks didn't invade THEIR COUNTRY.

Since you are too stupid to understand what a military invasion is, going into detail about our sanctions and military show of force regarding this invasion is too deep for your inferior brain.

see, I can post improperly too. Do you comprehend the
difference between an armed invasion and a referendum? Crimea was a referendum, not an invasion.

The Baltic countries would not vote as crimea did, they do not want to rejoin Russia.

why can't you accept the will of the people in a majority vote?

What exactly do you want the USA to do about Crimea?

Alaska used to be Russia....but there are more Russians living in New York today compared to Alaska.

I guess you are ok with Russia invading Moldova, Lativa, Estonia, etc....afterall they are just "little countries" that used to be under the USSR boot and they are soooooooooo far away from the USA. :cuckoo:

Oh, there are Russian goons in those European countries right now riling up the local Russians living in those countries....

It depends, if New York was part of Russia and was awarded independence against the wishes of the people only a few years ago, maybe New York should vote to become part of Russia. This is what happens when laws are passed and agreements made without the consent of the people.
the ethinc russians in Alaska, Illinois, and New York are free to leave and emigrate to Russia if they choose. your analogy is no more valid than unks.

Maybe that's true - but does Russia have the right to "annex" Alaska, Illinois, and New York because there are ethnic Russians living there?

Of course not - No matter how voters in those states may vote.

You kinda missed the boat on that one Redfish.

I didn't miss the boat at all, its just not a valid analogy. None of the states of the USA were once part of Russia, Crimea was.

Yes, Alaska was, but we bought it and I really doubt if a majority of alaskans would vote to rejoin Russia.
It's clear you're a dumb pile of shit.

The Russian military invaded Crimea which is legally Ukrainian territory going back decades long before you were crapped out.

That is an invasion, the illegal vote was held after the Russian military kicked the political leaders out of office there and installed their goons to hold an election.

The Russian military has killed a few Ukrainians in Crimea...they would be alive if the Russian military in ski masks didn't invade THEIR COUNTRY.

Since you are too stupid to understand what a military invasion is, going into detail about our sanctions and military show of force regarding this invasion is too deep for your inferior brain.

see, I can post improperly too. Do you comprehend the
difference between an armed invasion and a referendum? Crimea was a referendum, not an invasion.

The Baltic countries would not vote as crimea did, they do not want to rejoin Russia.

why can't you accept the will of the people in a majority vote?

What exactly do you want the USA to do about Crimea?

Alaska used to be Russia....but there are more Russians living in New York today compared to Alaska.

I guess you are ok with Russia invading Moldova, Lativa, Estonia, etc....afterall they are just "little countries" that used to be under the USSR boot and they are soooooooooo far away from the USA. :cuckoo:

Oh, there are Russian goons in those European countries right now riling up the local Russians living in those countries....

You are wrong, you are a warmonger. I am done with you.
Nobody said anything about attacking Russia with our military, you stupid pile of shit.

You're a limp dick pussy that is ok with dictators killing innocent people because you feel punishing them with sanctions and giving redlines to those dictators might somehow affect you in your white trash trailer park.

It's clear you're a dumb pile of shit.

The Russian military invaded Crimea which is legally Ukrainian territory going back decades long before you were crapped out.

That is an invasion, the illegal vote was held after the Russian military kicked the political leaders out of office there and installed their goons to hold an election.

The Russian military has killed a few Ukrainians in Crimea...they would be alive if the Russian military in ski masks didn't invade THEIR COUNTRY.

Since you are too stupid to understand what a military invasion is, going into detail about our sanctions and military show of force regarding this invasion is too deep for your inferior brain.

see, I can post improperly too. Do you comprehend the
difference between an armed invasion and a referendum? Crimea was a referendum, not an invasion.

The Baltic countries would not vote as crimea did, they do not want to rejoin Russia.

why can't you accept the will of the people in a majority vote?

What exactly do you want the USA to do about Crimea?

You are wrong, you are a warmonger. I am done with you.
the ethinc russians in Alaska, Illinois, and New York are free to leave and emigrate to Russia if they choose. your analogy is no more valid than unks.

Maybe that's true - but does Russia have the right to "annex" Alaska, Illinois, and New York because there are ethnic Russians living there?

Of course not - No matter how voters in those states may vote.

You kinda missed the boat on that one Redfish.

I didn't miss the boat at all, its just not a valid analogy. None of the states of the USA were once part of Russia, Crimea was.

Yes, Alaska was, but we bought it and I really doubt if a majority of alaskans would vote to rejoin Russia.

But by your logic - if Alaskans DID vote to join Russia - then that's just peachy keen. And Sarah Palin really WOULD be able to see Russia from her house.

Yeah, you missed the boat big time. Sorry, not trying to be offensive or anything, but the logic you use to support the Russian invasion of Crimea is VERY weak.
Oh no....the kooks believe if a country can invade another country and hold a bogus election with guns....the results of that bogus election are legit in their inferior minds.

Russia can just reform the USSR by invading their neighbors over lies of Russians living in those countries being oppressed by the locals living there too. Igor is mad that he doesn't have "the life" in Estonia so he wants Putin to invade Estonia to make him mayor of his city.
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Maybe that's true - but does Russia have the right to "annex" Alaska, Illinois, and New York because there are ethnic Russians living there?

Of course not - No matter how voters in those states may vote.

You kinda missed the boat on that one Redfish.

I didn't miss the boat at all, its just not a valid analogy. None of the states of the USA were once part of Russia, Crimea was.

Yes, Alaska was, but we bought it and I really doubt if a majority of alaskans would vote to rejoin Russia.

But by your logic - if Alaskans DID vote to join Russia - then that's just peachy keen. And Sarah Palin really WOULD be able to see Russia from her house.

Yeah, you missed the boat big time. Sorry, not trying to be offensive or anything, but the logic you use to support the Russian invasion of Crimea is VERY weak.

Nope, you are not listening. But lets take it a step further. Do you think that any state has the right to secede from the USA? Could Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma form a new country? Yes or No.

Russia did not invade Crimea, they were already there under an agreement with ukraine. The people of crimea voted to rejoin russia and leave ukraine.

I don't know what people like 1776 want us to do. Do they want another no-win war where american kids will die and get maimed for nothing?
Oh no....the kooks believe if a country can invade another country and hold a bogus election with guns....the results of that bogus election are legit in their inferior minds.

Russia can just reform the USSR by invading their neighbors over lies of Russians living in those countries being oppressed by the locals living there too. Igor is mad that he doesn't have "the life" in Estonia so he wants Putin to invade Estonia to make him mayor of his city.

No one has said that, thats your bullshit logic for getting the US involved in another stupid war.

If you think the vote was rigged, prove it because the people of crimea think it was legitimate.
If California gets a majority hispanic population then I guess Mexico would be in its' rights to annex it back?

EXACTLY - it ain't happening. Why? Because the United States would kick their ass up one side and down the other - and rightfully so.

But Ukraine CAN'T kick Russia's ass, so their just out of luck? Might makes right? Really?

I understand those who believe OUR options for rectifying the situation are limited - and that's true. The U.S. does not have the stomach to engage in another war right now. But that's a far cry from defending Russia's actions.
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If California gets a majority hispanic population then I guess Mexico would be in its' rights to annex it back?

EXACTLY - it ain't happening. Why? Because the United States would kick their ass up one side and down the other - and rightfully so.

But Ukraine CAN'T kick Russia's ass, so their just out of luck? Might makes right? Really?

So, should we send our kids over there to kick russia's ass for them? What exactly do you guys want the US to do?
Alaska used to be Russia....but there are more Russians living in New York today compared to Alaska.

I guess you are ok with Russia invading Moldova, Lativa, Estonia, etc....afterall they are just "little countries" that used to be under the USSR boot and they are soooooooooo far away from the USA. :cuckoo:

Oh, there are Russian goons in those European countries right now riling up the local Russians living in those countries....

The kooks believe Russia has the right to invade nearby countries and take over parts of that country or all of that country depending on the % make-up of scumbag Russians living there.

So how many ethnic Russians live in Alaska, Illinois, New York, etc???

I guess the kooks are ok with Russian invasions everywhere.....

It depends, if New York was part of Russia and was awarded independence against the wishes of the people only a few years ago, maybe New York should vote to become part of Russia. This is what happens when laws are passed and agreements made without the consent of the people.

If any of those former Russian satellites vote to return to Russia, then yes, Russia should take them back.

How hard is this to understand when we fought a civil war over very similar issues?
If California gets a majority hispanic population then I guess Mexico would be in its' rights to annex it back?

EXACTLY - it ain't happening. Why? Because the United States would kick their ass up one side and down the other - and rightfully so.

But Ukraine CAN'T kick Russia's ass, so their just out of luck? Might makes right? Really?

So, should we send our kids over there to kick russia's ass for them? What exactly do you guys want the US to do?

I added to that post you quoted. No one (or not many) in the U.S. have the stomach to engage in yet another war right now. That isn't going to happen. But frustration over our limited options to influence this situation SHOULD NOT encourage us to find ways to defend Russia's actions. Not imho.
EXACTLY - it ain't happening. Why? Because the United States would kick their ass up one side and down the other - and rightfully so.

But Ukraine CAN'T kick Russia's ass, so their just out of luck? Might makes right? Really?

So, should we send our kids over there to kick russia's ass for them? What exactly do you guys want the US to do?

I added to that post you quoted. No one (or not many) in the U.S. have the stomach to engage in yet another war right now. That isn't going to happen. But frustration over our limited options to influence this situation SHOULD NOT encourage us to find ways to defend Russia's actions. Not imho.

who are we to judge whether what russia and the people of crimea did was right or wrong? why is our moral compass better than the people who are actually involved?
If California gets a majority hispanic population then I guess Mexico would be in its' rights to annex it back?

EXACTLY - it ain't happening. Why? Because the United States would kick their ass up one side and down the other - and rightfully so.

But Ukraine CAN'T kick Russia's ass, so their just out of luck? Might makes right? Really?

I understand those who believe OUR options for rectifying the situation are limited - and that's true. The U.S. does not have the stomach to engage in another war right now. But that's a far cry from defending Russia's actions.

There are parts of California where the Mexicans believe that mexico has already taken back. There is a very large and very active Hispanic separatist movement that wants southwest independence from the US and mexico.
So, should we send our kids over there to kick russia's ass for them? What exactly do you guys want the US to do?

I added to that post you quoted. No one (or not many) in the U.S. have the stomach to engage in yet another war right now. That isn't going to happen. But frustration over our limited options to influence this situation SHOULD NOT encourage us to find ways to defend Russia's actions. Not imho.

who are we to judge whether what russia and the people of crimea did was right or wrong? why is our moral compass better than the people who are actually involved?

Yanking a hunk off of a sovereign nation and "annexing" it at gun point .... that doesn't make your moral compass wiggle?

And I'm pretty sure the Ukrainians are not real wild about getting a hunk of their country "annexed."
Uh, since you're so stupid....I'm going to speak slowly.

R...U..S...S..I...A has no legal right to invade their neighbors over trumped up claims that "Russians are being killed by Nazis" in those countries, then holding a bogus election with guns to annex that country or parts of it.

You have no fucking clue that Russia is lying 24/7 to people inside Russia and any nearby country that picks up their radio/TV signals about Russians being oppressed by the locals.

Alaska used to be Russia....but there are more Russians living in New York today compared to Alaska.

I guess you are ok with Russia invading Moldova, Lativa, Estonia, etc....afterall they are just "little countries" that used to be under the USSR boot and they are soooooooooo far away from the USA. :cuckoo:

Oh, there are Russian goons in those European countries right now riling up the local Russians living in those countries....

It depends, if New York was part of Russia and was awarded independence against the wishes of the people only a few years ago, maybe New York should vote to become part of Russia. This is what happens when laws are passed and agreements made without the consent of the people.

If any of those former Russian satellites vote to return to Russia, then yes, Russia should take them back.

How hard is this to understand when we fought a civil war over very similar issues?
You know that Russia is lying to the people because that's what obama tells you is happening. We have a lap dog, state controlled, media that tells you what's happening.

There is no more reason to believe American media than there is to believe Russian media.

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