Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Yeah, you've made short comments about this before.

Reality doesn't change with excessive verbiage.

And it certainly doesn't change with making short comments without backing anything up. You're on a forum where you're trying to discuss things with people. It's hardly discussing things with three words.

Yeah, but he is quite effective with his short posts. Its sorta refreshing that someone can make a point with just a few words and without spewing drivel.
Yeah, but he is quite effective with his short posts. Its sorta refreshing that someone can make a point with just a few words and without spewing drivel.

At the same time, he makes a point, and then doesn't back himself up.

Just saying "it didn't happen" doesn't mean anything to me, other than he thinks something didn't happen. Doesn't give me anything to work on.
Yeah, but he is quite effective with his short posts. Its sorta refreshing that someone can make a point with just a few words and without spewing drivel.

At the same time, he makes a point, and then doesn't back himself up.

Just saying "it didn't happen" doesn't mean anything to me, other than he thinks something didn't happen. Doesn't give me anything to work on.

I don't know him or you, but sometimes it is easier to just make your point and move on. As I said I don't know you, but there are a lot of idiots on this forum and it gets to just be a waste of time to go in depth on any opinion, especially when its been beaten to death in other posts or there is no real answer because it is opinion. With all due respect, he doesn't have to justify his opinion to you or anyone else.

I can't speak for they guy, but that is how I see it. Sometimes its just an opinion and there is no need for justification because the topic has been beaten to death.
I don't know him or you, but sometimes it is easier to just make your point and move on. As I said I don't know you, but there are a lot of idiots on this forum and it gets to just be a waste of time to go in depth on any opinion, especially when its been beaten to death in other posts or there is no real answer because it is opinion. With all due respect, he doesn't have to justify his opinion to you or anyone else.

I can't speak for they guy, but that is how I see it. Sometimes its just an opinion and there is no need for justification because the topic has been beaten to death.

No, he doesn't need to justify anything, he doesn't have to come on to the board, and he doesn't have to even be nice to people. There's a lot that people don't have to be.
However it depends what you want, and whether you are actually trying to debate or not.
I don't know him or you, but sometimes it is easier to just make your point and move on. As I said I don't know you, but there are a lot of idiots on this forum and it gets to just be a waste of time to go in depth on any opinion, especially when its been beaten to death in other posts or there is no real answer because it is opinion. With all due respect, he doesn't have to justify his opinion to you or anyone else.

I can't speak for they guy, but that is how I see it. Sometimes its just an opinion and there is no need for justification because the topic has been beaten to death.

No, he doesn't need to justify anything, he doesn't have to come on to the board, and he doesn't have to even be nice to people. There's a lot that people don't have to be.
However it depends what you want, and whether you are actually trying to debate or not.

unkotare is a disengenuous poster, he posts lies and never defends them with facts. He is not worth your time or mine. thats why I have him/her/it on ignore.
I don't know him or you, but sometimes it is easier to just make your point and move on. As I said I don't know you, but there are a lot of idiots on this forum and it gets to just be a waste of time to go in depth on any opinion, especially when its been beaten to death in other posts or there is no real answer because it is opinion. With all due respect, he doesn't have to justify his opinion to you or anyone else.

I can't speak for they guy, but that is how I see it. Sometimes its just an opinion and there is no need for justification because the topic has been beaten to death.

No, he doesn't need to justify anything, he doesn't have to come on to the board, and he doesn't have to even be nice to people. There's a lot that people don't have to be.
However it depends what you want, and whether you are actually trying to debate or not.

unkotare is a disengenuous poster, he posts lies and never defends them with facts. He is not worth your time or mine.

...says the libertari-coward from behind his sofa where he's hiding from the world and imagining that is a foreign policy position. The fetal position is the only one he really knows.
Stupid fuck....Russia sent in more troops into Crimea to block GOV buildings, Ukraine's military bases and roads.....that is called an INVASION to anyone with a brain.

Russia's military has killed UKRAINIAN civilians and military in Crimea. They are wearing SKI MASKS for a reason, to cover up their crimes and to claim they aren't Russian troops.

Sure Russia had some bases there from their USSR past and of course Ukraine wasn't about to tell them to leave, Russia might get mad and invade Ukraine....oh wait they have invaded Ukraine, well Crimea for now.

Your bullshit lies about being a Ukrainian is pathetic, given you are cheering on Russia killing and oppressing Ukrainians....your playbook is right from the FSB/KGB. Soon you'll tell us "The Nazis in Kiev have oppressed you."

And one more time don't hand me the bullshit that Crimea voted at the point of a gun.

And one more time, that shit wasn't handed to you it was handed to the people of Crimea who were standing on the other side of that gun. However convenient it might seem to your so-called 'principles,' that vote was by no standard legitimate.

I don't normally get in a pissing contest with you because I like you. That said. Here we go.

Show me the invasion? Show me that they voted at the point of a gun. You can't. It's a lie. and we are being fed lie after lie after lie.

What makes their vote illegal?

You prove to me that the vote was illegal. I am not taking this bullshit anymore. And I'm a fucking Uk.

Svoboda in no uncertain terms wants to strip Crimea of its already given autonomy. You can't wrap your brain around these goons wanting to crush Crimea into the next century and Crimeans going "I'm not taking the coup in Kiev?

These uber right super wing Ukrainian nationalists and you really need to learn some history about my anti jew brethren (look up Bandera and the Right Sector).

Crimea chose wisely in my book. And I'm really getting scared at who is in charge now and the direction of the country with these goons at the helm.
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Uh, Russia is telling their stupid masses that Ukraine is doing what Assad is doing in Syria.

The irony is the Russian mobs don't understand Russia is actually behind Assad massacring Syrians....

You know that Russia is lying to the people because that's what obama tells you is happening. We have a lap dog, state controlled, media that tells you what's happening.

There is no more reason to believe American media than there is to believe Russian media.
Uh, Russia is telling their stupid masses that Ukraine is doing what Assad is doing in Syria.

The irony is the Russian mobs don't understand Russia is actually behind Assad massacring Syrians....

You know that Russia is lying to the people because that's what obama tells you is happening. We have a lap dog, state controlled, media that tells you what's happening.

There is no more reason to believe American media than there is to believe Russian media.

Assad is killing foreign paid mercenaries and Al Nusra you fool. This little "Arab Spring" bullshit under the guise of an uprising didn't work so well for Qatar and the Saudis.

Damn you are an ignorant one. Posting devoid of any facts should be a bannable offense.

Just saying. :eusa_whistle:
Stupid fuck...Assad is supported by your fellow Russian goons. Russia and Iran are keeping him alive and in power because they don't want the rebels possibly changing the country to more like Turkey and Jordan (aka not trying to destroy Israel).

You have no clue who you are talking to, shitbag. I read stuff at work that you will never know run along FSB asshole before we find out who you are....I read about what Russia is doing away from the "news."

Uh, Russia is telling their stupid masses that Ukraine is doing what Assad is doing in Syria.

The irony is the Russian mobs don't understand Russia is actually behind Assad massacring Syrians....

You know that Russia is lying to the people because that's what obama tells you is happening. We have a lap dog, state controlled, media that tells you what's happening.

There is no more reason to believe American media than there is to believe Russian media.

Assad is killing foreign paid mercenaries and Al Nusra you fool. This little "Arab Spring" bullshit under the guise of an uprising didn't work so well for Qatar and the Saudis.

Damn you are an ignorant one. Posting devoid of any facts should be a bannable offense.

Just saying. :eusa_whistle:
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So let's see....Putin has invaded Georgia and stole land, invaded Ukraine and stole land, has backed the evil Assad regime killing thousands, has backed Iran's nuclear weapons program, uses Russia's gas supply as a weapon against Europe when he likes....but he is a so-called good guy to the kooks here.
And the Dear Leader's 'Sanctions' are desperate & petty. Imagine other Nations imposing 'Sanctions' on our individual Politicians? How would we react? And what is legal/illegal these days? Who decides? Is it only the U.S. and its Allies who decide? Seems like that's the current set-up.

They should rescind the stupid Sanctions and try again at negotiations. But this time allow the Ukrainians and Russians to work it out amongst themselves. The U.S. and Great Britain should mind their own business. They should treat others as they themselves would like to be treated. The constant meddling needs to end. The days of Imperialist dominance are long long over.
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So let's see....Putin has invaded Georgia and stole land, invaded Ukraine and stole land, has backed the evil Assad regime killing thousands, has backed Iran's nuclear weapons program, uses Russia's gas supply as a weapon against Europe when he likes....but he is a so-called good guy to the kooks here.

We've backed all sorts of evil all throughout history. And what is a 'good guy' these days anyway? Who decides? I would say it's a matter of perspective on that. My perspective is that our current President here is more destructive to my Nation than Putin could ever possibly be. Sadly, I fear and despise the current President of the U.S. more than i do Putin. He's destroying my Nation. Putin isn't doing that.
Uh, Russia is telling their stupid masses that Ukraine is doing what Assad is doing in Syria.

The irony is the Russian mobs don't understand Russia is actually behind Assad massacring Syrians....

You know that Russia is lying to the people because that's what obama tells you is happening. We have a lap dog, state controlled, media that tells you what's happening.

There is no more reason to believe American media than there is to believe Russian media.

We're actually behind much of the horrific mess in Syria. We've funded & armed brutal Al Qaeda Terrorist thugs there. We call them 'Rebels.' It's just another mess we should have stayed out of. We've made things much worse there. What has Assad ever done to our nation? Why so much hate for the man? Most Americans don't even know why they're supposed to hate him. They just know their Politicians and Media told them to. Americans are very uninformed people for the most part.
Russians have not invaded Ukraine. Crimea is not part of Ukraine. It was decided by the democratic vote of the people that Crimea would separate. The "Russians" are actually people from Crimea thowing the traitors out. The Russian military there have been there for 200 years, maintaining the Russian naval port.

The liberals have against Assad is that he kept muslims from killing the Christians and maintained a nation with religious pluralism. That's why they hate him.
Russians have not invaded Ukraine. Crimea is not part of Ukraine. It was decided by the democratic vote of the people that Crimea would separate. The "Russians" are actually people from Crimea thowing the traitors out. The Russian military there have been there for 200 years, maintaining the Russian naval port.

The liberals have against Assad is that he kept muslims from killing the Christians and maintained a nation with religious pluralism. That's why they hate him.

Messes that have nothing to do with us. And yeah, most Americans don't even know why they're supposed to hate Putin and Assad. They just know the Idiot Box told them to. Americans' lack of understanding and critical thinking is very disappointing.
So let's see....Putin has invaded Georgia and stole land, invaded Ukraine and stole land, has backed the evil Assad regime killing thousands, has backed Iran's nuclear weapons program, uses Russia's gas supply as a weapon against Europe when he likes....but he is a so-called good guy to the kooks here.

So what is it that you think the USA should do? start a ground war with Russia in Ukraine? nuke moscow? have the CIA hit Putin? What exactly do you think we should do?
Russians have not invaded Ukraine. Crimea is not part of Ukraine. It was decided by the democratic vote of the people that Crimea would separate. The "Russians" are actually people from Crimea thowing the traitors out. The Russian military there have been there for 200 years, maintaining the Russian naval port.

"Democratic vote" -- run by a country that has no authority there and offering no status quo option. Some democracy that is. :lmao:

Imagine Canada setting up a referendum in New York asking 'do you want to (a) be a part of Canada or (b) be an independent country'.

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