Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

I believe what I believe and that is enough for me.

Sadly, this is a philosophy that makes up most of the bullshit on this board.
Damn facts. Always getting in the way. Who needs 'em.

I have given my reasons several pages ago...if you bother to read them would be nice.

And I linked the history three posts back, so ... wtf? :confused:
Facts are not negotiable, regardless what you want them to be. They're just not.
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Translation: :lalala:

The Tartars will be happy to hear this. As will the Romans, Goths, Huns, Bulgars, Khazars, the state of Kievan Rus', the Byzantine Empire, the Kipchaks, the Golden Horde, the Republic of Venice and the Republic of Genoa and the Ottoman Empire -- all of which have "owned" Crimea.

You're wrong but you can't admit it.
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Donetsk is demanding a vote now. The EU sees its stranglehold diminishing. The EU bankers think that any vote that doesn't go their way is dishonest. How long can they keep that fiction going?
Of course, by "always" we mean "1783 to the Crimean War, at which point it reverted back to the Ottoman Empire, and then 1921 when it was annexed by the Soviet Union (not Russia) until 1991 when Ukraine got its independence back and took Crimea -- which had been a part of Ukraine since 1954 -- with it".

Definition of "always"


"We are at war with Oceania. We have always been at war with Oceania".

Nikita gave Crimea to the Ukraine.

I asked you this a while back... why do you say "the" Ukraine?

I must have missed your question. I refer to countries in different ways. And assign gender as well. Although in this day and age I'm probably going to be called a bigot referring only to male and female countries.

Donetsk is demanding a vote now. The EU sees its stranglehold diminishing. The EU bankers think that any vote that doesn't go their way is dishonest. How long can they keep that fiction going?

I guess what has truly shocked me about this dogs breakfast the EU and our nations have created is that our governments and media really thought we'd all buy in hook, line and sinker.

They've blatantly been lying to us. More so than the way they lied to us about Syria. It's crazy train time.
Interestingly enough the British seem to understand Crimea ' s vote for freedom and support Russia far more than they do the EU.
Nikita gave Crimea to the Ukraine.

I asked you this a while back... why do you say "the" Ukraine?

I must have missed your question. I refer to countries in different ways. And assign gender as well. Although in this day and age I'm probably going to be called a bigot referring only to male and female countries.


Genders huh? That's going to get kinda messy when one country invades or 'penetrates' another -- then again, "Mother Russia"... :ack-1:

My interest is linguistic... and in the symbolism thereof:

>> Those who called it "the Ukraine" in English must have known that the word meant "borderland", says Anatoly Liberman, a professor at the University of Minnesota with a specialism in etymology. So they referred to it as "the borderland".

"After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainians probably decided that the article denigrated their country [by identifying it as a part of Russia] and abolished 'the' while speaking English, so now it is simply Ukraine.

"That's why the Ukraine suddenly lost its article in the last 20 years, it's a sort of linguistic independence in Europe, it's hugely symbolic." <<

-- "Ukraine" vs. "The Ukraine"
Russia sold Alaska to the US dirt cheap....if they now realize they made a mistake, the kooks here believe Russia can just invade Alaska to "take it back."
Asswipe...we are not funding AQ groups in Syria. :cuckoo:

There are rebels that are fighting the terrorists and Assad you stupid fuck pile of shit.

Uh, Russia is telling their stupid masses that Ukraine is doing what Assad is doing in Syria.

The irony is the Russian mobs don't understand Russia is actually behind Assad massacring Syrians....

You know that Russia is lying to the people because that's what obama tells you is happening. We have a lap dog, state controlled, media that tells you what's happening.

There is no more reason to believe American media than there is to believe Russian media.

We're actually behind much of the horrific mess in Syria. We've funded & armed brutal Al Qaeda Terrorist thugs there. We call them 'Rebels.' It's just another mess we should have stayed out of. We've made things much worse there. What has Assad ever done to our nation? Why so much hate for the man? Most Americans don't even know why they're supposed to hate him. They just know their Politicians and Media told them to. Americans are very uninformed people for the most part.
You fucking inbred shit....I have said economic sanctions to hammer the shit out of Russian rich scumbags and their banks to force them to remove Putin from power and to hopefully pull back their forces.

You scumbags come here every fucking day with your strawman arguments "oh you just want to nuke Russia" to make your demented selves feel smart and important.

So let's see....Putin has invaded Georgia and stole land, invaded Ukraine and stole land, has backed the evil Assad regime killing thousands, has backed Iran's nuclear weapons program, uses Russia's gas supply as a weapon against Europe when he likes....but he is a so-called good guy to the kooks here.

So what is it that you think the USA should do? start a ground war with Russia in Ukraine? nuke moscow? have the CIA hit Putin? What exactly do you think we should do?
I asked you this a while back... why do you say "the" Ukraine?

I must have missed your question. I refer to countries in different ways. And assign gender as well. Although in this day and age I'm probably going to be called a bigot referring only to male and female countries.


Genders huh? That's going to get kinda messy when one country invades or 'penetrates' another -- then again, "Mother Russia"... :ack-1:

My interest is linguistic... and in the symbolism thereof:

>> Those who called it "the Ukraine" in English must have known that the word meant "borderland", says Anatoly Liberman, a professor at the University of Minnesota with a specialism in etymology. So they referred to it as "the borderland".

"After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainians probably decided that the article denigrated their country [by identifying it as a part of Russia] and abolished 'the' while speaking English, so now it is simply Ukraine.

"That's why the Ukraine suddenly lost its article in the last 20 years, it's a sort of linguistic independence in Europe, it's hugely symbolic." <<

-- "Ukraine" vs. "The Ukraine"

Thanks for the link. I do find it odd that one would consider it derogatory. I grew up hearing "the Ukraine" and consequently I use the term. I certainly wouldn't consider the use of "the Ukraine" by my Baba or my Gido or anyone else in my family to have been said in a negative light.

Considering everyone was from there. But you have a huge uber Ukrainian movement now that I find very disturbing. When they start talking about criminalizing "Ukrainaphobia" and talk about "ethnically pure Ukrainians" alarm bells start going off for me.
It is pathetic seeing limp dick losertarians and liberals opposed to standing against Russia come up with their strawman arguments like "You only want war with Russia" as if economic sanctions can't bring Putin to his knees. Russia is in debt and reliant on their exports to Europe for survival.

Turn off their monopoly then the rich scumbags supporting Putin should throw his ass out of office.

Also, this limp dick response to evil in the world making excuses for Putin like "He is only bringing Crimea back to the motherland" only gives dictators like Putin even more balls to invade other countries. He can rely on you limp dick fucks to make excuses for each invasion....
It is pathetic seeing limp dick losertarians and liberals opposed to standing against Russia come up with their strawman arguments like "You only want war with Russia" as if economic sanctions can't bring Putin to his knees. Russia is in debt and reliant on their exports to Europe for survival.

Turn off their monopoly then the rich scumbags supporting Putin should throw his ass out of office.

Also, this limp dick response to evil in the world making excuses for Putin like "He is only bringing Crimea back to the motherland" only gives dictators like Putin even more balls to invade other countries. He can rely on you limp dick fucks to make excuses for each invasion....

There was no invasion. And Crimeans had every right to fear the goons in Kiev. The vote was a no brainer.
Russians have not invaded Ukraine.

At least you’re consistent at being wrong.

The Crimean peninsula is part of Ukraine, as acknowledged and recognized by the international community. The referendum was not sanctioned by Kiev, it did not allow for appropriate debate, and took place while the peninsula was illegally occupied with Russian troops.

There was nothing 'democratic' about the process.

It’s both telling and sad the way the American right is attempting to contrive this violation of international law into some sort of ‘legitimate’ plebiscite while also playing the role of apologist for the dictator Putin.

Telling and sad, but not surprising.
:cuckoo:You are such a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:

Russian ships are blocking Ukraine's ships from leaving port and attacking those that don't surrender.

On land Russian troops surround every Ukrainian military base and have stormed a few.

A Ukrainian officer was killed last week and another military member wounded in an attack by Russian troops.

Dumbfuck people like you believe since Russia had "some" troops and ships in Crimea that adding thousands more to attack Urkaine's military isn't some invasion.....fucking insane.

What are you claiming about Russia pushing troops, tanks, missiles and aircraft close to Ukraine's eastern and northern border??? Also Russian troops laying MINES along the Crimean border?

Oh, you believe Putin's lies that it isn't the Russian military, just "pro-Russian" militia that just happened to be living in Crimea....fucking insane. :cuckoo:

It is pathetic seeing limp dick losertarians and liberals opposed to standing against Russia come up with their strawman arguments like "You only want war with Russia" as if economic sanctions can't bring Putin to his knees. Russia is in debt and reliant on their exports to Europe for survival.

Turn off their monopoly then the rich scumbags supporting Putin should throw his ass out of office.

Also, this limp dick response to evil in the world making excuses for Putin like "He is only bringing Crimea back to the motherland" only gives dictators like Putin even more balls to invade other countries. He can rely on you limp dick fucks to make excuses for each invasion....

There was no invasion. And Crimeans had every right to fear the goons in Kiev. The vote was a no brainer.

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