Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

No they weren't. They don't want to be part of the shithole known as Ukieland. Can't blame them...

As opposed to the shithole called "Russia?"


You have to be really fucking delusional to think that vote wasn't rigged in favour of the Russians.

First hint: On the ballot, there was no option to "Stay in Ukraine."

FYI there was the option to stay in the Ukraine. This is the other lie the media put out there.

It was the option to reaffirm Crimea's state of autonomy within the Ukraine.

1992 I believe was the year of the agreement. And Toro, why would Crimea want to stay with the Ukraine?

The goons who overthrew the duly elected government have right in their party platform that they were going to strip Crimea's autonomy away from them.

Demographically Crimea's 60% ethnic Russian and they know damn well that this new interim government has now very high ranking members from Svoboda who hate any and all things Russian. Including "ethnic Russians".

Hell's bells one of the first bills they passed was to ban the Russian language. It was vetoed by the interim President under pressure from the EU.

You bet they voted to join Russia.

Here's a quick link. The second choice is very clear in its language despite the spin put on it by the west.

The referendum asked the people of Crimea whether they wanted to join Russia as a federal subject, or if they wanted to restore the 1992 Crimean constitution and Crimea's status as a part of Ukraine.

Crimean referendum, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But not remain with the status quo.

With Russian troops on the ground in Crimea.

Yeah, it was fair.

no one wants to be part of the JEWU, oops I mean EU.

And there you have it. The true colors eventually come out, no matter how vile they turn out to be. Don't try and post while shaving your head, adolph, you might damage something...well, nothing important really.

LOL, I am Hitler. I am not the one advocating confrontation with Russia, how hitleresque of you you whiny little fagcunt.
No they weren't. They don't want to be part of the shithole known as Ukieland. Can't blame them...

As opposed to the shithole called "Russia?"


You have to be really fucking delusional to think that vote wasn't rigged in favour of the Russians.

First hint: On the ballot, there was no option to "Stay in Ukraine."

Russia is less of a slavic shithole than Ukraine, they actually have some potential.

There was an option to stay in Ukraine, but no one wants to be part of the JEWU, oops I mean EU. The EU is in economic decline and most EU "nations" are on the verge of bankruptcy. Russia could overrun those eurofags in two weeks and the smart ukies and russians in ukieland realize that, and know the have more of a a future in Russia, relatively speaking.

Russia is a backward corrupt shithole kleptocracy.

And take your garbage anti-Semitism elsewhere, loser.
As opposed to the shithole called "Russia?"


You have to be really fucking delusional to think that vote wasn't rigged in favour of the Russians.

First hint: On the ballot, there was no option to "Stay in Ukraine."

Russia is less of a slavic shithole than Ukraine, they actually have some potential.

There was an option to stay in Ukraine, but no one wants to be part of the JEWU, oops I mean EU. The EU is in economic decline and most EU "nations" are on the verge of bankruptcy. Russia could overrun those eurofags in two weeks and the smart ukies and russians in ukieland realize that, and know the have more of a a future in Russia, relatively speaking.

Russia is a backward corrupt shithole kleptocracy.

And take your garbage anti-Semitism elsewhere, loser.

So you want Crimea to become part of Ukraine, because why, ukraine is less corrupt?


And fuck you I do what I want bitch.
As opposed to the shithole called "Russia?"


You have to be really fucking delusional to think that vote wasn't rigged in favour of the Russians.

First hint: On the ballot, there was no option to "Stay in Ukraine."

FYI there was the option to stay in the Ukraine. This is the other lie the media put out there.

It was the option to reaffirm Crimea's state of autonomy within the Ukraine.

1992 I believe was the year of the agreement. And Toro, why would Crimea want to stay with the Ukraine?

The goons who overthrew the duly elected government have right in their party platform that they were going to strip Crimea's autonomy away from them.

Demographically Crimea's 60% ethnic Russian and they know damn well that this new interim government has now very high ranking members from Svoboda who hate any and all things Russian. Including "ethnic Russians".

Hell's bells one of the first bills they passed was to ban the Russian language. It was vetoed by the interim President under pressure from the EU.

You bet they voted to join Russia.

Here's a quick link. The second choice is very clear in its language despite the spin put on it by the west.

The referendum asked the people of Crimea whether they wanted to join Russia as a federal subject, or if they wanted to restore the 1992 Crimean constitution and Crimea's status as a part of Ukraine.

Crimean referendum, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But not remain with the status quo.

With Russian troops on the ground in Crimea.

Yeah, it was fair.


Why would any sane Crimean vote to stay within the Ukraine? ETA: I'm third generation Uk on my mothers side. This isn't easy for me. I grew up hating the USSR and Stalin for what he did to my people. But we are being fed a pantload. This was a coup. And Svoboda having any power should scare the crap out of everyone. They are into "ethnically pure Ukrainians". Warning bells should go off.

Right in the party platform of Svoboda they state that their intention is to strip Crimea of any and all autonomy.

To ban the Russian language. To criminalize "ukrainaphobia". To not allow anyone but an "ethnically pure Ukrainian" to adopt a Ukrainian child. To strip certain "ethnic Russians" of Ukrainian citizenship. To give preference to any ethnic Ukrainian for schooling.

Would you like me to go on?
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no one wants to be part of the JEWU, oops I mean EU.

And there you have it. The true colors eventually come out, no matter how vile they turn out to be. Don't try and post while shaving your head, adolph, you might damage something...well, nothing important really.

LOL, I am Hitler.

What was that you called the EU again, loser? You've exposed yourself, punk. It's tiny and flaccid, but you've exposed yourself.
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And there you have it. The true colors eventually come out, no matter how vile they turn out to be. Don't try and post while shaving your head, adolph, you might damage something...well, nothing important really.

LOL, I am Hitler.

What was that you called the EU again, loser? You've exposed yourself, punk. It's tiny and flaccid, but you've exposed yourself.

You and Toro should be the commanding officers of a voluntary faggot brigade to fight the Russians in Crimea. Since you guys and the faggots have such an obsession with Putin.
Here's Svoboda in action beating the shit out of a television executive and forcing him to resign for reporting on the Crimean vote.

One of the MP's seen beating the head of the station actually sits on a freedom of speech committee. :lol: These are the goons we are backing. We are freaking crazy.



LOL, I am Hitler.

What was that you called the EU again, loser? You've exposed yourself, punk. It's tiny and flaccid, but you've exposed yourself.

You and Toro should be the commanding officers of a voluntary faggot brigade to fight the Russians in Crimea. Since you guys and the faggots have such an obsession with Putin.

What was that you called the EU, loser? Go on, it's too late now anyway. Everyone can see you for what you are, punk.
The leader of Svoboda. Nice salute eh? Sorries. I just don't get a warm and fuzzy from this party.

Here's Svoboda in action beating the shit out of a television executive and forcing him to resign for reporting on the Crimean vote.

One of the MP's seen beating the head of the station actually sits on a freedom of speech committee. :lol: These are the goons we are backing. We are freaking crazy.

Svoboda are nutters and really shouldn't be allowed anywhere near politics.

They're going to get as much out of this situation as they can. They don't run the country, but if they carry on giving Ukrainians hope, then maybe they will.
I don't know or really care about all of this but I have to ask, is Crimea part of the Ukraine, if Crimea becomes part of Russia, does it landlock Ukraine and if Crimea can vote to leave the Ukraine, does that mean Boston can vote to become part of Ireland or southern California vote to become part of Mexico?

Or how bout Scotland? They're getting ready to dump Great Britain. What do you think about that?

Well, all I can say is; NUKE THE BLOODY BASTARDS!

Now, where were we? Crimea river?
Well, all I can say is; NUKE THE BLOODY BASTARDS!

Now, where were we? Crimea river?

Surely people should have control of their lives, and not be forced to have a govt that doesn't look after them or care about them.

No problem with a government acting as a safety net, as long as that government encourages them to out of the damned net eventually and back on their feet.
No problem with a government acting as a safety net, as long as that government encourages them to out of the damned net eventually and back on their feet.

I'm not talking welfare, I'm talking things like genocide, ethnic cleansing and the like.

You can take for example Catalonia or other regions of Spain under Franco where they couldn't speak their own language, education was indoctrination of the highest level.

Or Kosovo where education had to be in Serbian, and so those who spoken Albanian didn't send their kids to proper schools, and jobs had to go 50/50 serb/kosovan albanian even though 90% of the people were kosovan albanian. Then came the ethnic cleansing/genocide attempt in 1999.

There are plenty of examples around the world, the Russian in Chechnya are also a good example, they want to take ethnically Russian parts of other countries in Georgia, Ukraine etc, but they don't want to give up their ethnically non-Russian parts.

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