Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Russia sold Alaska to the US dirt cheap....if they now realize they made a mistake, the kooks here believe Russia can just invade Alaska to "take it back."

Did the Alaskans vote to be part of Russia? Did obama give Wrangell Island to Russia?

The people who live in Ukraine think that giving them independent in 1954 was a mistake and they are fixing it. 1954 wasn't that long ago. A lot of people are around who know what it was like a a part of Russia. They vote.

Part of American inability to understand is the knee jerk reaction to nationalism. People who are nationalistic are automatically just like Hitler. The loyalty in this country is first to diversity and multiculturalism. Americans and europeans are devoted to making their nations less American, less French, less European. A Russian who doesn't want to be anything but Russian and is nationalistic in their loyalty is incomprehensible.
Uh, conservatives are loudly against this invasion....see McCain, Graham, etc.

Don't confuse us with the losertarian kooks.....of course they wonder why they can't win elections. :cuckoo:

Russians have not invaded Ukraine.

At least you’re consistent at being wrong.

The Crimean peninsula is part of Ukraine, as acknowledged and recognized by the international community. The referendum was not sanctioned by Kiev, it did not allow for appropriate debate, and took place while the peninsula was illegally occupied with Russian troops.

There was nothing 'democratic' about the process.

It’s both telling and sad the way the American right is attempting to contrive this violation of international law into some sort of ‘legitimate’ plebiscite while also playing the role of apologist for the dictator Putin.

Telling and sad, but not surprising.
Idiot....Russia won't invade Alaska because our military would wipe them off the face of the Earth.

Ukraine can't wipe Russia off the face of the Earth so Russia decided to steal back land they claim is their land.

I guarantee Putin would like to steal Alaska if he could do it.

You believe since Russia can invade Crimea with their military then hold a circus election that makes it all legit because you are fucking insane.

Russia sold Alaska to the US dirt cheap....if they now realize they made a mistake, the kooks here believe Russia can just invade Alaska to "take it back."

Did the Alaskans vote to be part of Russia? Did obama give Wrangell Island to Russia?

The people who live in Ukraine think that giving them independent in 1954 was a mistake and they are fixing it. 1954 wasn't that long ago. A lot of people are around who know what it was like a a part of Russia. They vote.

Part of American inability to understand is the knee jerk reaction to nationalism. People who are nationalistic are automatically just like Hitler. The loyalty in this country is first to diversity and multiculturalism. Americans and europeans are devoted to making their nations less American, less French, less European. A Russian who doesn't want to be anything but Russian and is nationalistic in their loyalty is incomprehensible.
Someone needs to tell Obama that Vlad is taking the Crimea AND the points

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Idiot....Russia won't invade Alaska because our military would wipe them off the face of the Earth.

Ukraine can't wipe Russia off the face of the Earth so Russia decided to steal back land they claim is their land.

I guarantee Putin would like to steal Alaska if he could do it.

You believe since Russia can invade Crimea with their military then hold a circus election that makes it all legit because you are fucking insane.

Russia sold Alaska to the US dirt cheap....if they now realize they made a mistake, the kooks here believe Russia can just invade Alaska to "take it back."

Did the Alaskans vote to be part of Russia? Did obama give Wrangell Island to Russia?

The people who live in Ukraine think that giving them independent in 1954 was a mistake and they are fixing it. 1954 wasn't that long ago. A lot of people are around who know what it was like a a part of Russia. They vote.

Part of American inability to understand is the knee jerk reaction to nationalism. People who are nationalistic are automatically just like Hitler. The loyalty in this country is first to diversity and multiculturalism. Americans and europeans are devoted to making their nations less American, less French, less European. A Russian who doesn't want to be anything but Russian and is nationalistic in their loyalty is incomprehensible.

Considering the new illegal government in Kiev was going to strip Crimea of its autonomy does anyone really think that they would have sanctioned a vote on secession?

And the hypocrisy is palpable over the Crimean vote. We had no problem with Kosovo voting for independence.

And btw that vote to break away from Serbia was declared not to be in violation of international law.

This whole "illegal referendum" is bullshit because Kosovo actually sets the stage for the legality of the Crimean vote. There's irony for you. :eusa_angel:

Serbia sought international validation and support for its stance that the declaration was illegal, and in October 2008 requested an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice. The Court determined that the declaration did not violate international law

2008 Kosovo declaration of independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is pathetic seeing limp dick losertarians and liberals opposed to standing against Russia come up with their strawman arguments like "You only want war with Russia" as if economic sanctions can't bring Putin to his knees. Russia is in debt and reliant on their exports to Europe for survival.

Turn off their monopoly then the rich scumbags supporting Putin should throw his ass out of office.

Also, this limp dick response to evil in the world making excuses for Putin like "He is only bringing Crimea back to the motherland" only gives dictators like Putin even more balls to invade other countries. He can rely on you limp dick fucks to make excuses for each invasion....

You mad bro?

You an ukie or something?
It is an EU problem right now. If Adolph Putin continues in his efforts to re-establish the USSR, it will be a world problem.
It is an EU problem right now. If Adolph Putin continues in his efforts to re-establish the USSR, it will be a world problem.

oi vey, we could have a second holocaust on our hands.

Might as well call ukrainians jewkrainians now.
"Hello, I'm from the Government, and I'm here to save the world from evil."

When will republicans learn that Washington can't save the world?

When will republicans stop expanding the budget and power of Washington?

When will they stop empowering this planet's largest, most expensive and most incompetent bureaucracy?

When we will they realize that Washington can't solve every problem?

When will they realize that the world is a dangerous and unfair place, and giving Washington more money and power to fight evil will only result in a bigger and more powerful Washington.

Republicans tell us that Washington can't run a laundromat, yet they give it the power to remake the Middle East. They want the US to jump from quagmire to quagmire, wasting our money trying to reform dysfunctional societies and terminal civil wars into utopias of freedom, all the while bankrupting future generations of Americans.

The old isolationist Republican Party was pragmatic. They knew the world was a dangerous place, and they counted on Americans to take care of themselves and be their own first responders. They recognized the limits of the nanny state. They didn't think Washington had the money or competence to get involved in every civil war, or to fix every territorial dispute.

Then came Ronald Reagan, a man who thought there was no global problem that Big Government couldn't fix. And so Reagan created the biggest, most powerful Washington of all, one not only big enough to rule the 50 states but also the seven seas. Reagan transformed the Republican Party into a bunch of liberals who thought the world could be saved from Washington.

For Reagan there was no global problem that was beyond the competence of Washington and the wallet of the American taxpayer.

And so we trusted Reagan. We increased the military budget to unprecedented levels and we gave our beloved bureaucrats the ability to intervene all over the planet. And what did they do with their greatest achievement, the War on Terrorism? Answer: they built a surveillance state so they could spy on the American People and shred the Constitution. They did exactly what the old Republican Party said they would do once given the power.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you from evil doers."

Grab your wallet people. The Republicans are going to retake the White House in 2016. And then, every time Putin scratches his ass, the GOP is going to throw another trillion dollars at the problem and destroy more of our Constitutional protections.

Fucking talk radio morons. When will you people stop giving big government money and power? When will you stop bankrupting our grandchildren? When you realize that Washington can't save the world?
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"Hello, I'm from the Government, and I'm here to save the world from evil."

When will republicans learn that Washington can't save the world?

When will republicans stop expanding the budget and power of Washington?

When will they stop empowering this planet's largest, most expensive and most incompetent bureaucracy?

When we will they realize that Washington can't solve every problem?

When will they realize that the world is a dangerous and unfair place, and giving Washington more money and power to fight evil will only result in a bigger and more powerful Washington.

Republicans tell us that Washington can't run a laundromat, yet they give it the power to remake the Middle East. They want the US to jump from quagmire to quagmire, wasting our money trying to reform dysfunctional societies and terminal civil wars into utopias of freedom, all the while bankrupting future generations of Americans.

The old isolationist Republican Party was pragmatic. They knew the world was a dangerous place, and they counted on Americans to take care of themselves and be their own first responders. They recognized the limits of the nanny state. They didn't think Washington had the money or competence to get involved in every civil war, or to fix every territorial dispute.

Then came Ronald Reagan, a man who thought there was no global problem that Big Government couldn't fix. And so Reagan created the biggest, most powerful Washington of all, one not only big enough to rule the 50 states but also the seven seas. Reagan transformed the Republican Party into a bunch of liberals who thought the world could be saved from Washington.

For Reagan there was no global problem that was beyond the competence of Washington and the wallet of the American taxpayer.

And so we trusted Reagan. We increased the military budget to unprecedented levels and we gave our beloved bureaucrats the ability to intervene all over the planet. And what did they do with their greatest achievement, the War on Terrorism? Answer: they built a surveillance state so they could spy on the American People and shred the Constitution. They did exactly what the old Republican Party said they would do once given the power.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you from evil doers."

Grab your wallet people. The Republicans are going to retake the White House in 2016. And then, every time Putin scratches his ass, the GOP is going to throw another trillion dollars at the problem and destroy more of our Constitutional protections.

Fucking talk radio morons. When will you people stop giving big government money and power? When will you stop bankrupting our grandchildren? When you realize that Washington can't save the world?

Get a grip. Blame both parties.

Who demanded that Mubarak step down? And then interfered in Libya?

Tried to pull the wool over our eyes on Syria till they were busted for supporting paid mercenaries and trying to claim they were rebels.

And who the hell started the chest thumping over Russia? Ding ding ding! Why a D President and Sec. of State.

I've been on a true bi partisan rant because my conservatives up here have jumped into this sorry affair as well.

Geeze louise, the latest actions by western leaders crosses the political spectrum. Stay pissed but stay honest.
No one was told to vote at the barrel of a gun.

All of Crimea was and is at the barrel of a very big fucking gun, you fool.

No they weren't. They don't want to be part of the shithole known as Ukieland. Can't blame them...

As opposed to the shithole called "Russia?"


You have to be really fucking delusional to think that vote wasn't rigged in favour of the Russians.

First hint: On the ballot, there was no option to "Stay in Ukraine."
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All of Crimea was and is at the barrel of a very big fucking gun, you fool.

No they weren't. They don't want to be part of the shithole known as Ukieland. Can't blame them...

As opposed to the shithole called "Russia?"


You have to be really fucking delusional to think that vote wasn't rigged in favour of the Russians.

First hint: On the ballot, there was no option to "Stay in Ukraine."

Russia is less of a slavic shithole than Ukraine, they actually have some potential.

There was an option to stay in Ukraine, but no one wants to be part of the JEWU, oops I mean EU. The EU is in economic decline and most EU "nations" are on the verge of bankruptcy. Russia could overrun those eurofags in two weeks and the smart ukies and russians in ukieland realize that, and know the have more of a a future in Russia, relatively speaking.
All of Crimea was and is at the barrel of a very big fucking gun, you fool.

No they weren't. They don't want to be part of the shithole known as Ukieland. Can't blame them...

As opposed to the shithole called "Russia?"


You have to be really fucking delusional to think that vote wasn't rigged in favour of the Russians.

First hint: On the ballot, there was no option to "Stay in Ukraine."

FYI there was the option to stay in the Ukraine. This is the other lie the media put out there.

It was the option to reaffirm Crimea's state of autonomy within the Ukraine.

1992 I believe was the year of the agreement. And Toro, why would Crimea want to stay with the Ukraine?

The goons who overthrew the duly elected government have right in their party platform that they were going to strip Crimea's autonomy away from them.

Demographically Crimea's 60% ethnic Russian and they know damn well that this new interim government has now very high ranking members from Svoboda who hate any and all things Russian. Including "ethnic Russians".

Hell's bells one of the first bills they passed was to ban the Russian language. It was vetoed by the interim President under pressure from the EU.

You bet they voted to join Russia.

Here's a quick link. The second choice is very clear in its language despite the spin put on it by the west.

The referendum asked the people of Crimea whether they wanted to join Russia as a federal subject, or if they wanted to restore the 1992 Crimean constitution and Crimea's status as a part of Ukraine.

Crimean referendum, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
no one wants to be part of the JEWU, oops I mean EU.

And there you have it. The true colors eventually come out, no matter how vile they turn out to be. Don't try and post while shaving your head, adolph, you might damage something...well, nothing important really.

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