Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

so, tiny, tell me, is FSB paying you at least 20 per post?

you have to be more valid than a russian :lol:

if not - ask for a raise. It's a shame you are wasting your reputation in defense of the newest nazi regime of your russian hero and being paid so cheap.

BBC and I are being paid a fortune.

True story.

Iam hugely baffled by the statements of some americams here. they keep parroting that there may have been a corrapt vote, they roll their eyes and dismiss any alternative views out of hand. I told some time ago that I'd been in Crimnea myself and seen the folks 's anticipation to finally become free. They feel the urge to throw up at the thought of being associated with the criminals in Kiev. their happiness was plainly written across their faces, their eageness to break away from the country that had treated them like scum for the last 23 years was obvious. I was standing beside them watching them slaping each other gently on their shoulders and singing songs and now despite all my attempts to open your eyes you are still tenaciously clining to the dreamed up reality- Russia has invaded the repulic . Putin is the embodiment of evil and other shit.... I wonder why?? You may be thinking that I'm spying on you or that everybody who supports Putin shouldn't be trusted?

the american sheople over here in the states have been programmed and conditioned by the mainstream media into believing everything their media tells them.they dont get it that the media is just a TOOL for the government.half them wont look at alternative media that tells it like it is like you are.
Iam hugely baffled by the statements of some americams here. they keep parroting that there may have been a corrapt vote, they roll their eyes and dismiss any alternative views out of hand. I told some time ago that I'd been in Crimnea myself and seen the folks 's anticipation to finally become free. They feel the urge to throw up at the thought of being associated with the criminals in Kiev. their happiness was plainly written across their faces, their eageness to break away from the country that had treated them like scum for the last 23 years was obvious. I was standing beside them watching them slaping each other gently on their shoulders and singing songs and now despite all my attempts to open your eyes you are still tenaciously clining to the dreamed up reality- Russia has invaded the repulic . Putin is the embodiment of evil and other shit.... I wonder why?? You may be thinking that I'm spying on you or that everybody who supports Putin shouldn't be trusted?

I am not baffled, most Americans are retards, they deserve the government they have. Putin is demonized because he has the balls to stand up to US/NATO/Zionist hegemony.

I wouldn't worry much about them.

Iam hugely baffled by the statements of some americams here. they keep parroting that there may have been a corrapt vote, they roll their eyes and dismiss any alternative views out of hand. I told some time ago that I'd been in Crimnea myself and seen the folks 's anticipation to finally become free. They feel the urge to throw up at the thought of being associated with the criminals in Kiev. their happiness was plainly written across their faces, their eageness to break away from the country that had treated them like scum for the last 23 years was obvious. I was standing beside them watching them slaping each other gently on their shoulders and singing songs and now despite all my attempts to open your eyes you are still tenaciously clining to the dreamed up reality- Russia has invaded the repulic . Putin is the embodiment of evil and other shit.... I wonder why?? You may be thinking that I'm spying on you or that everybody who supports Putin shouldn't be trusted?

I am not baffled, most Americans are retards, they deserve the government they have. Putin is demonized because he has the balls to stand up to US/NATO/Zionist hegemony.

I wouldn't worry much about them.

I am an American and I could not care less what goes on in Crimea. It is none of our business, but we have a government run by elites who think otherwise. They would like nothing more than to cause another war. They believe they are the worlds salvation.

amen to that.
since when tinydancer was bought and paid by putler's FSB?

do you, idiot, know what are YOU supporting?

I'm supporting no one. I'm a believer in truth. And this was a coup. And a duly elected government was overthrown.

Don't tell me different. In February there was an agreement reached that had been negotiated by representatives of the EU and Russia that the President agreed to.

New elections and a referendum on joining the EU or taking the Russian offer which was far more lucrative by the way than the EU's.

Svoboda and Right Sector decided that wasn't good enough and forcibly overthrew the government.

And both these parties are extremely dangerous.

They believe whatever liberals tell them to believe. No reality can get through that wall.
Hello, I'm from the Government, and I'm here to save the world from evil."

When will republicans learn that Washington can't save the world?

When will republicans stop expanding the budget and power of Washington?

When will they stop empowering this planet's largest, most expensive and most incompetent bureaucracy?

When we will they realize that Washington can't solve every problem?

When will they realize that the world is a dangerous and unfair place, and giving Washington more money and power to fight evil will only result in a bigger and more powerful Washington.

Republicans tell us that Washington can't run a laundromat, yet they give it the power to remake the Middle East. They want the US to jump from quagmire to quagmire, wasting our money trying to reform dysfunctional societies and terminal civil wars into utopias of freedom, all the while bankrupting future generations of Americans.

The old isolationist Republican Party was pragmatic. They knew the world was a dangerous place, and they counted on Americans to take care of themselves and be their own first responders. They recognized the limits of the nanny state. They didn't think Washington had the money or competence to get involved in every civil war, or to fix every territorial dispute.

Then came Ronald Reagan, a man who thought there was no global problem that Big Government couldn't fix. And so Reagan created the biggest, most powerful Washington of all, one not only big enough to rule the 50 states but also the seven seas. Reagan transformed the Republican Party into a bunch of liberals who thought the world could be saved from Washington.

For Reagan there was no global problem that was beyond the competence of Washington and the wallet of the American taxpayer.

And so we trusted Reagan. We increased the military budget to unprecedented levels and we gave our beloved bureaucrats the ability to intervene all over the planet. And what did they do with their greatest achievement, the War on Terrorism? Answer: they built a surveillance state so they could spy on the American People and shred the Constitution. They did exactly what the old Republican Party said they would do once given the power.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you from evil doers."

Grab your wallet people. The Republicans are going to retake the White House in 2016. And then, every time Putin scratches his ass, the GOP is going to throw another trillion dollars at the problem and destroy more of our Constitutional protections.

Fucking talk radio morons. When will you people stop giving big government money and power? When will you stop bankrupting our grandchildren? When you realize that Washington can't save the world?
Post of the thread.

Thread, over!

*one-man standing ovation*

yes that indeed was a post worthy of a staning ovation TD.:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
Our new bestest buds. Yikes! Yeah, let's get our $Billion back right now.

Why oh why are we backing these guys?

Same reason we backed Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya ...stupid ignorant Dems running our foreign policy.

True, but to be fair, Neocon Republican idiots like McCain fully backed them too. Remember McCain's bizarre 'Slumber Party' request? The guy was too stupid to realize he was hangin with well known Terrorist thugs. And unfortunately, Americans have been forced to fund & arm those thugs. So both Communist and Neocon morons are to blame for our absurd Foreign Policy.
Lol, you are ridiculous.

If Rand Paul is not a libertarian then no one is.


nice game of dodgeball you play,evade the facts and engage in childish name calling knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

get a clue idiot,Cruz and Gary Johnson are far better candidates for the people than sellout Paul is.they wont become president though since they are not CFR members which Rand will eventually become since he has sold out the american people and gone over to the dark side.

thanks for proving you didnt even bother to read the two links.that one person thanked me cause he saw the facts in those links and actually read them seeing the evidence of his sellout.

Actually, after doing a little more research on the Ukrainian clusterfuck, I am more inclined to be willfully ignorant and let the Euromite fill their need for bloodlust.

As for Rand and why I gave you the thumbs has been obvious, since day one, that he was nothing more than a media whore in search of a voice and following. He is no Ron Paul, and never will be. (I still voted for him when I lived in KY).

well I didnt see right through him like you did on day one but I at least wised up when he endorced Romney.

that should have been a red flag right there for any true blooded american he was a sellout especially since Ron stood his ground and never endorced him.:cuckoo: only an idiot would believe there is any difference between romney and obama.:lol: other than one is black of course.:cuckoo:

Both CFR members,both zionists supporters,both hang out with the pope- someone posted a pic of them sitting next to the pope not too long agao,both serve wall street,both have no desire to get rid of the fed,the CIA,the FBI like true patrot ron did,gee wheres the difference in the two?:cuckoo:

how much more proof do these idiots need that rand is a sellout?:cuckoo:
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since when tinydancer was bought and paid by putler's FSB?

do you, idiot, know what are YOU supporting?

I'm supporting no one. I'm a believer in truth. And this was a coup. And a duly elected government was overthrown.

Don't tell me different. In February there was an agreement reached that had been negotiated by representatives of the EU and Russia that the President agreed to.

New elections and a referendum on joining the EU or taking the Russian offer which was far more lucrative by the way than the EU's.

Svoboda and Right Sector decided that wasn't good enough and forcibly overthrew the government.

And both these parties are extremely dangerous.

oh, yes you are. you are reciting the putler's propaganda lies just as they do on Kiselyov-TV.

you do not even read what you are being told as a rebuke to your idiocy on imaginary antisemitism - that Israeli soldiers were actually TEACHING and leading some units of the "Right sector" and that the main Rabbi of Ukraine is totally supporting both the Revolution and current government and opposes the putler's invasion.

as do all other Jewish citizens of Ukraine - from the billionaires who pay for the needs of army and are the part of the government - together with supposedly "antisemitic" Svoboda and as simple citizens - including the protesters and the ones being killed by the "democratically elected government" which the people have the right to overthrow, BTW.

Hitler was democratically elected as well. Overthrowing him was a coup on the part of the allies :D

First off I don't have a television. Secondly, all I had to do was google the goons and its all out there. Going years back. Their history cannot be rewritten.

You cannot hide Svoboda's past. Nor the past of Right Sector members.

Counter punch. Check the date. It's not Putin propaganda. :eusa_angel:

WJC calls for European ban on ‘neo-Nazi parties’
05/07/2013 21:01

:eusa_whistle: Gee guess who is on the "neo nazi" list of the WJC.

Parties like the Greek Golden Dawn, Ukrainian Svoboda and Hungarian Jobbik shocked European Jews as they gained unprecedented representation in their respective countries’ parliaments

WJC calls for European ban on ?neo-Nazi parties? | JPost | Israel News
Lol, you are ridiculous.

If Rand Paul is not a libertarian then no one is.


nice game of dodgeball you play,evade the facts and engage in childish name calling knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

get a clue idiot,Cruz and Gary Johnson are far better candidates for the people than sellout Paul is.they wont become president though since they are not CFR members which Rand will eventually become since he has sold out the american people and gone over to the dark side.

thanks for proving you didnt even bother to read the two links.that one person thanked me cause he saw the facts in those links and actually read them seeing the evidence of his sellout.

I read your stupid links and they are obviously sites set up to hate on Rand. Who gives a fuck what such morons think?

Rand Paul has devoted most of his life to medicine and advancing his fathers that he adopted as his own. Millions support him in these efforts, and we are all supposed to just forget all that because some anonymous loser like you comes along with linkies?


He endorced Romney who laughed at the statement a reporter made when that reporter asked Romney he thought of rons idea of getting rid of the CIA,THE FED,THE FBI repling-Thats comical he wants to get rid of the CIA,THE FBI AND THE FED,Yeah I know all about Paul wanting to do that and thats just nuts. Yet your hero worshipper rand STILL endorced Romney which Ron nevev did.:cuckoo:

dont you get tired of showing off what a stupid fuck you are?:lol::lol::lol::D

How 'bout now?

For crying out loud those are children. Not the head of the political party who provided the muscle for the coup and scored highly powerful positions in the new interim illegal government.

This man and his party live in the here and now. AND we in the West are supporting them. We're freaking crazy.

Check this out. It's not Putin propaganda. Check the date.And it's the BBC. This is just for starters. I'm loaded for bear. :eusa_angel:

Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists
By David Stern BBC News, Kiev

25 December 2012 Last updated at 19:02 ET

The open letter (2005)


Title - Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry

Signed by Tyahnybok and 17 others

Lists Jewish businessmen, who got rich in the 1990s, and claims they control Ukrainian media

Describes Zionism as "Jewish Nazism" and warns of "genocide" through the impoverishment of Ukrainians

Demands investigation into the activities of Jewish organisations headed by people "suspected of serious crimes"

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists

Most just don't want to hear it. Their Politicians and Idiot Box told them what to think. And that's that. It is very sad but it is what it is.

For crying out loud those are children. Not the head of the political party who provided the muscle for the coup and scored highly powerful positions in the new interim illegal government.

This man and his party live in the here and now. AND we in the West are supporting them. We're freaking crazy.

Check this out. It's not Putin propaganda. Check the date.And it's the BBC. This is just for starters. I'm loaded for bear. :eusa_angel:

Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists
By David Stern BBC News, Kiev

25 December 2012 Last updated at 19:02 ET

The open letter (2005)


Title - Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry

Signed by Tyahnybok and 17 others

Lists Jewish businessmen, who got rich in the 1990s, and claims they control Ukrainian media

Describes Zionism as "Jewish Nazism" and warns of "genocide" through the impoverishment of Ukrainians

Demands investigation into the activities of Jewish organisations headed by people "suspected of serious crimes"

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists

Most just don't want to hear it. Their Politicians and Idiot Box told them what to think. And that's that. It is very sad but it is what it is.

-- Said the board Chief Randbot, in fluent Ironyese...

Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Your Idiot Box told you you're supposed to hate Putin. I'm sure you don't even know why you hate him. You just know you've been told to. You're just one of the many many duped simpletons in this country. It's actually sad.
Lol, you are ridiculous.

If Rand Paul is not a libertarian then no one is.


nice game of dodgeball you play,evade the facts and engage in childish name calling knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

get a clue idiot,Cruz and Gary Johnson are far better candidates for the people than sellout Paul is.they wont become president though since they are not CFR members which Rand will eventually become since he has sold out the american people and gone over to the dark side.

thanks for proving you didnt even bother to read the two links.that one person thanked me cause he saw the facts in those links and actually read them seeing the evidence of his sellout.

I read your stupid links and they are obviously sites set up to hate on Rand. Who gives a fuck what such morons think?

Rand Paul has devoted most of his life to medicine and advancing his fathers that he adopted as his own. Millions support him in these efforts, and we are all supposed to just forget all that because some anonymous loser like you comes along with linkies?


yeah you read the title of the thread and thats as far as you never clicked them on.:cuckoo:
so, tiny, tell me, is FSB paying you at least 20 per post?

you have to be more valid than a russian :lol:

if not - ask for a raise. It's a shame you are wasting your reputation in defense of the newest nazi regime of your russian hero and being paid so cheap.

BBC and I are being paid a fortune.

True story.


yeah that is pretty funny.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D
Most just don't want to hear it. Their Politicians and Idiot Box told them what to think. And that's that. It is very sad but it is what it is.

-- Said the board Chief Randbot, in fluent Ironyese...

Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Your Idiot Box told you you're supposed to hate Putin. I'm sure you don't even know why you hate him. You just know you've been told to. You're just one of the many many duped simpletons in this country. It's actually sad.

some of the sheople just cant deal with facts that they have been programmed their whole lives.I bet he actually thinks there is no different laws for politicians than there are for us.:lol: I actually used to know someone like that in real life.

I never thought I would actually meet anybody in REAL life that stupid,but i did.On the net,i have seen people say that before,thats cause they know they can hide behind a computer,but that was a major shock when i ran into someone in REAL life who actually believed that especially since i had never met anyone prior to that or since then who actually believes that neither have any of my friends ever said they knew anyone like that.

I mean thats just common knowledge that thats true.:cuckoo:
-- Said the board Chief Randbot, in fluent Ironyese...

Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Your Idiot Box told you you're supposed to hate Putin. I'm sure you don't even know why you hate him. You just know you've been told to. You're just one of the many many duped simpletons in this country. It's actually sad.

some of the sheople just cant deal with facts that they have been programmed their whole lives.I bet he actually thinks there is no different laws for politicians than there are for us.:lol: I actually used to know someone like that in real life.

I never thought I would actually meet anybody in REAL life that stupid,but i did.On the net,i have seen people say that before,thats cause they know they can hide behind a computer,but that was a major shock when i ran into someone in REAL life who actually believed that especially since i had never met anyone prior to that or since then who actually believes that neither have any of my friends ever said they knew anyone like that.

I mean thats just common knowledge that thats true.:cuckoo:

Unfortunately, most Americans are fat, lazy, greedy, and ignorant. If their Idiot Box didn't say it, it can't possibly be true. I mean, why would the Idiot Box lie? Most really don't even know why they hate Putin, Assad, and so on. All they know is that their Politicians and Idiot Box told them they're supposed to.

I've asked some of em to explain why they hate these people so much. And they just can't come up with anything logical or coherent. Most Americans aren't capable of critical and independent thinking anymore. It's the result of many years of Dumbing-Down America. It's very unfortunate.
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Most just don't want to hear it. Their Politicians and Idiot Box told them what to think. And that's that. It is very sad but it is what it is.

-- Said the board Chief Randbot, in fluent Ironyese...

Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Your Idiot Box told you you're supposed to hate Putin. I'm sure you don't even know why you hate him. You just know you've been told to. You're just one of the many many duped simpletons in this country. It's actually sad.

Your slavish crutch of assumption told you that I "hate Putin". I never even mentioned Putin. Check me.

As I said, you're a mindless bot running your mouth with what it's told to say. Good puppet. Matter o' fact that's your new name: "Puppetician". The Grand Rand says "people hate Putin", you hear and obey. What anyone actually does say is irrelevant, because you have your own ass-umptions to fuel your folly.

I've asked some of em to explain why they hate these people so much. And they just can't come up with anything logical or coherent. Most Americans aren't capable of critical and independent thinking anymore. It's the result of many years of Dumbing-Down America. It's very unfortunate.

And you're a living example. Try learning to read one of these daze.
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-- Said the board Chief Randbot, in fluent Ironyese...

Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Your Idiot Box told you you're supposed to hate Putin. I'm sure you don't even know why you hate him. You just know you've been told to. You're just one of the many many duped simpletons in this country. It's actually sad.

Your slavish crutch of assumption told you that I "hate Putin". I never even mentioned Putin. Check me.

As I said, you're a mindless bot running your mouth with what it's told to say. Good puppet. Matter o' fact that's your new name: "Puppetician".

Try learning to read one of these daze.

Oh you hate Putin. But you don't even know why. You just think you're supposed to. Cause that's what your Idiot Box told you. ;)
Your Idiot Box told you you're supposed to hate Putin. I'm sure you don't even know why you hate him. You just know you've been told to. You're just one of the many many duped simpletons in this country. It's actually sad.

Your slavish crutch of assumption told you that I "hate Putin". I never even mentioned Putin. Check me.

As I said, you're a mindless bot running your mouth with what it's told to say. Good puppet. Matter o' fact that's your new name: "Puppetician". The Grand Rand says "people hate Putin", you hear and obey. What anyone actually does say is irrelevant, because you have your own ass-umptions to fuel your folly.

I've asked some of em to explain why they hate these people so much. And they just can't come up with anything logical or coherent. Most Americans aren't capable of critical and independent thinking anymore. It's the result of many years of Dumbing-Down America. It's very unfortunate.

And you're a living example. Try learning to read one of these daze.

Oh you hate Putin. But you don't even know why. You just think you're supposed to. Cause that's what your Idiot Box told you. ;)

... Link then?



Didn't think so.
Your slavish crutch of assumption told you that I "hate Putin". I never even mentioned Putin. Check me.

As I said, you're a mindless bot running your mouth with what it's told to say. Good puppet. Matter o' fact that's your new name: "Puppetician". The Grand Rand says "people hate Putin", you hear and obey. What anyone actually does say is irrelevant, because you have your own ass-umptions to fuel your folly.

And you're a living example. Try learning to read one of these daze.

Oh you hate Putin. But you don't even know why. You just think you're supposed to. Cause that's what your Idiot Box told you. ;)

... Link then?



Didn't think so.

Still waiting for you to suit up and head over to Ukraine to fight. And i bet you haven't handed your bank account over to em yet either. You Communists and Neocons are such uninformed dunces. You're so quick to stick your noses in everyone's business. Just give us our $Billion back and call it a day. This is between Russia and Ukraine. It's none of our business.

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