Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

Oh you hate Putin. But you don't even know why. You just think you're supposed to. Cause that's what your Idiot Box told you. ;)

... Link then?



Didn't think so.

Still waiting for you to suit up and head over to Ukraine to fight. And i bet you haven't handed your bank account over to em yet either. You Communists and Neocons are such uninformed dunces. You're so quick to stick your noses in everyone's business. Just give us our $Billion back and call it a day. This is between Russia and Ukraine. It's none of our business.


Full Definition of HYPERLINK

: an electronic link providing direct access from one distinctively marked place in a hypertext or hypermedia document to another in the same or a different document

Still waiting...
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speaking of this,god bad news for you Paul. Just like I feared would happen,Rand has betrayed not only his father but has sold out the american people as well in the fact he has just the opposite views about the ukraine matter than Ron does.

Rand Paul: Degenerate, Liar, and Warmonger

Obama The Catholic & Rand Paul The Zionist

I knew this was coming.I warned you about him sometime back.That he is a traiter to his father and the american people the fact that he did what ron refused to do,endorse Romney for president.I expect sometime before we have the elections in 2016,he will become a member of the CFR group.cant become president unless you become one as you well know. Obama joined it just two months before becoming POTUS.

Lol, you are ridiculous.

If Rand Paul is not a libertarian then no one is.


I suspect that 9/11 works for the CIA, the KGB Wing of it

Nah, CIA wouldn't take the likes of him...more like the BATF.

tartar sauce is the only tartar i know. Stop it.

Crimea is Russian the people want to belong to Russia again. Why can you not respect what they want?

darling I understand that is all you know about it.

but that does not mean that is the reality.

Crimea is NOT russian. Crimea belongs to Crimean Tatars ( not TaRtars - in American school geography and history are almost non existent, but there is also google around, so educate yourself).

and if you consider a vote of 123% ( as was reported in Sevastopol) to be anything but a falsified one - well, then math is also not your stronghold.

the so-called 'referendum" was neither legitimate from the Constitutional point of view nor from the procedural side - as it was totally falsified. With a pre-printed choice o a ballot included.

Where on earth are you coming up with 123%?

And if Kosovo's vote in 2008 was considered legitimate by an international court then that sets the precedence for the Crimean vote. Ditto the Falklands who voted to stay with Britain.

And for crying out loud Crimea is demographically 60% ethnic Russian.

By the way Venice just voted with a high turnout as well and their numbers to break away from Italy hit 89% so high numbers in crucial votes are not uncommon.

And considering Svoboda says right in their party platform that they were going to strip Crimea of their autonomy why wouldn't Crimea vote to join Russia?

So when do Southerners get a referendum on staying in the USA?


This is a dangerous road we travel.
Iam hugely baffled by the statements of some americams here. they keep parroting that there may have been a corrapt vote, they roll their eyes and dismiss any alternative views out of hand. I told some time ago that I'd been in Crimnea myself and seen the folks 's anticipation to finally become free. They feel the urge to throw up at the thought of being associated with the criminals in Kiev. their happiness was plainly written across their faces, their eageness to break away from the country that had treated them like scum for the last 23 years was obvious. I was standing beside them watching them slaping each other gently on their shoulders and singing songs and now despite all my attempts to open your eyes you are still tenaciously clining to the dreamed up reality- Russia has invaded the repulic . Putin is the embodiment of evil and other shit.... I wonder why?? You may be thinking that I'm spying on you or that everybody who supports Putin shouldn't be trusted?

I am not baffled, most Americans are retards, they deserve the government they have. Putin is demonized because he has the balls to stand up to US/NATO/Zionist hegemony.

I wouldn't worry much about them.


As if your account name weren't proof enough, this post seals it; you are an idiot.
nice game of dodgeball you play,evade the facts and engage in childish name calling knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

get a clue idiot,Cruz and Gary Johnson are far better candidates for the people than sellout Paul is.they wont become president though since they are not CFR members which Rand will eventually become since he has sold out the american people and gone over to the dark side.

thanks for proving you didnt even bother to read the two links.that one person thanked me cause he saw the facts in those links and actually read them seeing the evidence of his sellout.

I read your stupid links and they are obviously sites set up to hate on Rand. Who gives a fuck what such morons think?

Rand Paul has devoted most of his life to medicine and advancing his fathers that he adopted as his own. Millions support him in these efforts, and we are all supposed to just forget all that because some anonymous loser like you comes along with linkies?


He endorced Romney who laughed at the statement a reporter made when that reporter asked Romney he thought of rons idea of getting rid of the CIA,THE FED,THE FBI repling-Thats comical he wants to get rid of the CIA,THE FBI AND THE FED,Yeah I know all about Paul wanting to do that and thats just nuts. Yet your hero worshipper rand STILL endorced Romney which Ron nevev did.:cuckoo:

dont you get tired of showing off what a stupid fuck you are?:lol::lol::lol::D

In internal party politics you often have to go with those you would prefer not to in order to stay in the party and have a chance to do some good later.

Romney is a fraud, and I think Rand at least suspects that, but then most politicians are whores anyway, so why quibble?

Rand is libertarian, but not an anarchist or a fascist like you seem to prefer.

Eat shit, cum bucket ass hat.
Most just don't want to hear it. Their Politicians and Idiot Box told them what to think. And that's that. It is very sad but it is what it is.

-- Said the board Chief Randbot, in fluent Ironyese...

Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Your Idiot Box told you you're supposed to hate Putin. I'm sure you don't even know why you hate him. You just know you've been told to. You're just one of the many many duped simpletons in this country. It's actually sad.

No, Pogo is just a natural idiot, no need for an idiot box or anything else to blame it on.
I read your stupid links and they are obviously sites set up to hate on Rand. Who gives a fuck what such morons think?

Rand Paul has devoted most of his life to medicine and advancing his fathers that he adopted as his own. Millions support him in these efforts, and we are all supposed to just forget all that because some anonymous loser like you comes along with linkies?


He endorced Romney who laughed at the statement a reporter made when that reporter asked Romney he thought of rons idea of getting rid of the CIA,THE FED,THE FBI repling-Thats comical he wants to get rid of the CIA,THE FBI AND THE FED,Yeah I know all about Paul wanting to do that and thats just nuts. Yet your hero worshipper rand STILL endorced Romney which Ron nevev did.:cuckoo:

dont you get tired of showing off what a stupid fuck you are?:lol::lol::lol::D

In internal party politics you often have to go with those you would prefer not to in order to stay in the party and have a chance to do some good later.

Romney is a fraud, and I think Rand at least suspects that, but then most politicians are whores anyway, so why quibble?

Rand is libertarian, but not an anarchist or a fascist like you seem to prefer.

All good points. Oh wait, there's more...

Eat shit, cum bucket ass hat.

... Link then?



Didn't think so.

Still waiting for you to suit up and head over to Ukraine to fight. And i bet you haven't handed your bank account over to em yet either. You Communists and Neocons are such uninformed dunces. You're so quick to stick your noses in everyone's business. Just give us our $Billion back and call it a day. This is between Russia and Ukraine. It's none of our business.


Full Definition of HYPERLINK

: an electronic link providing direct access from one distinctively marked place in a hypertext or hypermedia document to another in the same or a different document

Still waiting...

Oh i get it, you're too much a pussy to suit up and go fight for Ukraine. Or donate your own bank account to the cause. Instead you want to force all Americans to pay for another one of your costly misadventures. That about sums up you stupid Communists and Neocons. It's time you assholes suited up and handed your own cash over.
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Still waiting for you to suit up and head over to Ukraine to fight. And i bet you haven't handed your bank account over to em yet either. You Communists and Neocons are such uninformed dunces. You're so quick to stick your noses in everyone's business. Just give us our $Billion back and call it a day. This is between Russia and Ukraine. It's none of our business.


Full Definition of HYPERLINK

: an electronic link providing direct access from one distinctively marked place in a hypertext or hypermedia document to another in the same or a different document

Still waiting...

Oh i get it, you're too much a pussy to suit up and go fight for Ukraine. Or donate your own bank account to the cause. Instead you want to force all Americans to pay for another one of your costly misadventures. That about sums up you stupid Communists and Neocons. You assholes need to suit up and hand your own cash over.

So we're still waiting for:
Link to "I hate Putin"...
Link to any comment at all about Putin...
Link to my "idiot box"...
Link to my intention to "go fight for Ukraine"... or anyone's...
Link to any mention of my "bank account" ( :cuckoo: )...
Link to my being a communist or neocon...

Better get busy.


Full Definition of HYPERLINK

: an electronic link providing direct access from one distinctively marked place in a hypertext or hypermedia document to another in the same or a different document

Still waiting...

Oh i get it, you're too much a pussy to suit up and go fight for Ukraine. Or donate your own bank account to the cause. Instead you want to force all Americans to pay for another one of your costly misadventures. That about sums up you stupid Communists and Neocons. You assholes need to suit up and hand your own cash over.

So we're still waiting for:
Link to "I hate Putin"...
Link to any comment at all about Putin...
Link to my "idiot box"...
Link to my intention to "go fight for Ukraine"... or anyone's...
Link to any mention of my "bank account" ( :cuckoo: )...
Link to my being a communist or neocon...

Better get busy.


Suit up and donate your bank account to the Ukrainian cause. Otherwise, STFU. Don't force the rest of us to pay for your stupid misadventure. Give us our $Billion back right now.
I read your stupid links and they are obviously sites set up to hate on Rand. Who gives a fuck what such morons think?

Rand Paul has devoted most of his life to medicine and advancing his fathers that he adopted as his own. Millions support him in these efforts, and we are all supposed to just forget all that because some anonymous loser like you comes along with linkies?


He endorced Romney who laughed at the statement a reporter made when that reporter asked Romney he thought of rons idea of getting rid of the CIA,THE FED,THE FBI repling-Thats comical he wants to get rid of the CIA,THE FBI AND THE FED,Yeah I know all about Paul wanting to do that and thats just nuts. Yet your hero worshipper rand STILL endorced Romney which Ron nevev did.:cuckoo:

dont you get tired of showing off what a stupid fuck you are?:lol::lol::lol::D

In internal party politics you often have to go with those you would prefer not to in order to stay in the party and have a chance to do some good later.

Romney is a fraud, and I think Rand at least suspects that, but then most politicians are whores anyway, so why quibble?

Rand is libertarian, but not an anarchist or a fascist like you seem to prefer.

Eat shit, cum bucket ass hat.

Just note that anarchist and fascist are on opposite sides of political spectrum (far left and far right). Rand Paul cant be put into neither one.
You gotta wonder why in the heck we're making such a big deal out of it. Putin virtually comes to Obama's rescue on Syria.....and this is how he repays him??

Maybe there's another angle, maybe Obama and Putin are working together to carve up Ukraine for crooked bankers.......

Some Ukrainian Oligarch gave Hillary husband's global initiative fund 5 million dollars I read (and he had ties to Gazprom one of Putins buddies companies I believe).
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Oh i get it, you're too much a pussy to suit up and go fight for Ukraine. Or donate your own bank account to the cause. Instead you want to force all Americans to pay for another one of your costly misadventures. That about sums up you stupid Communists and Neocons. You assholes need to suit up and hand your own cash over.

So we're still waiting for:
Link to "I hate Putin"...
Link to any comment at all about Putin...
Link to my "idiot box"...
Link to my intention to "go fight for Ukraine"... or anyone's...
Link to any mention of my "bank account" ( :cuckoo: )...
Link to my being a communist or neocon...

Better get busy.


Suit up and donate your bank account to the Ukrainian cause. Otherwise, STFU. Don't force the rest of us to pay for your stupid misadventure. Give us our $Billion back right now.

So..... still emptyhanded then?

Just like the last time... and the time before that, and the time before that....

Puppetician likes to run the same busted play over and over and keeps expecting different results. :cuckoo:

tartar sauce is the only tartar i know. Stop it.

Crimea is Russian the people want to belong to Russia again. Why can you not respect what they want?

darling I understand that is all you know about it.

but that does not mean that is the reality.

Crimea is NOT russian. Crimea belongs to Crimean Tatars ( not TaRtars - in American school geography and history are almost non existent, but there is also google around, so educate yourself).

and if you consider a vote of 123% ( as was reported in Sevastopol) to be anything but a falsified one - well, then math is also not your stronghold.

the so-called 'referendum" was neither legitimate from the Constitutional point of view nor from the procedural side - as it was totally falsified. With a pre-printed choice o a ballot included.

Where on earth are you coming up with 123%?

And if Kosovo's vote in 2008 was considered legitimate by an international court then that sets the precedence for the Crimean vote. Ditto the Falklands who voted to stay with Britain.

And for crying out loud Crimea is demographically 60% ethnic Russian.

By the way Venice just voted with a high turnout as well and their numbers to break away from Italy hit 89% so high numbers in crucial votes are not uncommon.

And considering Svoboda says right in their party platform that they were going to strip Crimea of their autonomy why wouldn't Crimea vote to join Russia?

read a bit more than Russia Today and you will know the reality.

although it would not be paid for as the "news" from RT :badgrin:

What a Turnout! 123% of Sevastopol, Crimea Voted for Merger With Mother Russia | The Gateway Pundit
so, tiny, tell me, is FSB paying you at least 20 per post?

you have to be more valid than a russian :lol:

if not - ask for a raise. It's a shame you are wasting your reputation in defense of the newest nazi regime of your russian hero and being paid so cheap.

BBC and I are being paid a fortune.

True story.


money do not stink as you should know now.

paid journalists - what a novelty. as paid publications. as bought and paid american posters. like you. cheap.
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since when tinydancer was bought and paid by putler's FSB?

do you, idiot, know what are YOU supporting?

I'm supporting no one. I'm a believer in truth. And this was a coup. And a duly elected government was overthrown.

Don't tell me different. In February there was an agreement reached that had been negotiated by representatives of the EU and Russia that the President agreed to.

New elections and a referendum on joining the EU or taking the Russian offer which was far more lucrative by the way than the EU's.

Svoboda and Right Sector decided that wasn't good enough and forcibly overthrew the government.

And both these parties are extremely dangerous.

They believe whatever liberals tell them to believe. No reality can get through that wall.

one more idiot which can't read in any other language except English and think the news are limited to "liberal or "conservative" ones only :lol:

why won't you all putler lovers just move to ... Moscow for a year in order to unite in your love with the new nazi regime which you worship so much?
I'm supporting no one. I'm a believer in truth. And this was a coup. And a duly elected government was overthrown.

Don't tell me different. In February there was an agreement reached that had been negotiated by representatives of the EU and Russia that the President agreed to.

New elections and a referendum on joining the EU or taking the Russian offer which was far more lucrative by the way than the EU's.

Svoboda and Right Sector decided that wasn't good enough and forcibly overthrew the government.

And both these parties are extremely dangerous.

oh, yes you are. you are reciting the putler's propaganda lies just as they do on Kiselyov-TV.

you do not even read what you are being told as a rebuke to your idiocy on imaginary antisemitism - that Israeli soldiers were actually TEACHING and leading some units of the "Right sector" and that the main Rabbi of Ukraine is totally supporting both the Revolution and current government and opposes the putler's invasion.

as do all other Jewish citizens of Ukraine - from the billionaires who pay for the needs of army and are the part of the government - together with supposedly "antisemitic" Svoboda and as simple citizens - including the protesters and the ones being killed by the "democratically elected government" which the people have the right to overthrow, BTW.

Hitler was democratically elected as well. Overthrowing him was a coup on the part of the allies :D

First off I don't have a television. Secondly, all I had to do was google the goons and its all out there. Going years back. Their history cannot be rewritten.

You cannot hide Svoboda's past. Nor the past of Right Sector members.

Counter punch. Check the date. It's not Putin propaganda. :eusa_angel:

WJC calls for European ban on ‘neo-Nazi parties’
05/07/2013 21:01

:eusa_whistle: Gee guess who is on the "neo nazi" list of the WJC.

Parties like the Greek Golden Dawn, Ukrainian Svoboda [/COLOR]and Hungarian Jobbik shocked European Jews as they gained unprecedented representation in their respective countries’ parliaments

WJC calls for European ban on ?neo-Nazi parties? | JPost | Israel News

did you get a raise to 20 per post, putler's worshiper?

the money paid by the regime which has more modern nazi parties and organizations than whole Europe combine do not stink?

Ukraine Jews refute Russia's 'neo-Nazi' claims
Moscow was quick to slam the Maidan protesters as extremists bent on waging war against ethnic Russians, and media in Russia -- much of it influenced by the Kremlin -- has carried repeated reports of Russians fleeing Ukraine, claiming both they and Jews are at risk of violence.

But according to Ukraine's chief rabbi Moshe Reuven Asman, there isn't a hint of anti-Jewish sentiment -- either on the Maidan square, where protesters have camped out for four months, or elsewhere in the country.

Just to be sure, he and Vadim Rabinovich, the president of the Congress of Ukrainian Jews, phoned around to get local confirmation

"We called community leaders and rabbis across the country and noone mentioned any expression of anti-Semitism," said Asman.

"There's a difference between nationalism and Nazism," he also pointed out, as Moscow has repeatedly blended the two.

The president of the Council of Ukrainian Jews, Ilya Levitas, and Berl Kapulkin, spokesman for the Jewish community in the largely Russian-speaking port of Odessa, came to the same conclusion.

But your masters from the putler's propaganda lying machine pay you to spew just more lies, right?
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Most just don't want to hear it. Their Politicians and Idiot Box told them what to think. And that's that. It is very sad but it is what it is.

-- Said the board Chief Randbot, in fluent Ironyese...

Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Your Idiot Box told you you're supposed to hate Putin. I'm sure you don't even know why you hate him. You just know you've been told to. You're just one of the many many duped simpletons in this country. It's actually sad.

it is your idol who is an absolute idiot.
I guess I know why all you "conservatives" are suddenly so in love with a XXI century Hitler - that's because HIS neo-nazis which are more numerous in Russia than in the whole Europe combined are abducting and killing gays?

Neo-nazi leader still using Putin-friendly website VK for kidnappings
Neither Putin-friendly, nor Putin himself, seem to have much interest in taking on the Nazis in their midst. Which is ironic, since the Russian government has used the “Nazis are coming” leitmotif to describe the unrest in Ukraine, and to justify Moscow’s invasion and occupation of Crimea, for a while now.

Why Is Putin Allowing Skinheads and Neo-Nazis to Exist in Russia?

Disturbing news reaches NSC nowadays, where reports describe the attacks on non-Russians in cities like Moscow and Leningrad, by gangs of these Skin heads and neo-Nazis who seem to enjoy freedom, and who are never in need of finances to support themselves, their many publications or for their training camps.

It seems – according to our information – that there are up to 80,000 Skinheads throughout Russia, almost as many as in the USA, Germany and Britain combined! Many are linked to outright fascist parties and even those that call themselves National Bolsheviks or National Socialists!

Now, putler worshipers from the "libertarian" and "conservative" ranks, why have we not ever heard from you about the REAL neo-nazism - in Russia and right under the putler's nose?

why don't we ever hear YOU bashing the ones which not only follow the origins bt even follow the symbols up to letter?

Russian Ultra-rightist Political Groups - Page 1

loke this one, for example Russian National Socialist Party

or this one - National Unity of Russia

and 120 other pure Nazi organizations?

and they do not just march and flex their muscles - they MURDER people all over Russia ( mostly in Moscow and St. Petersburg) - like these gangs which murdered 27 dark skinned migrants.

The Rise of Neo Nazism in Russia | Dogma and Geopolitics

Judge who targeted Russia’s neo-Nazis is found shot dead.

or these nice boys which catch and torture the memeber of LGBT group?

[ame=]Russian Neo-Nazis torture LGBT and immigrant groups - Truthloader - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, I know why you won't ever bother to be interested in THOSE ones - first - they target the societal groups which you won't mind being targeted and secondly they are under protection of your new hero putler - which you are so in love with just because he happens to oppose Obama.

Your blind hatred of YOUR president is driving you to worship the real criminal.

why aren't you worried about the overabundance of neo Nazis in Russian upper echelons of power?

why aren't you bashing here Rogozin and his Rodina party which was banned from Moscow city council elections because of their blatantly racist campaign but are in Duma and him and Glazyev ( both included in the sanctions lists) are the right hand of putler?

Why haven't you ever mention in your oh, so "sincere" outrage Glazyev and Dugin which have just recently called to murder the anti-war protesters in Moscow as the "enemy of the state" ( I have heard that word combination already - in German, too)?

Why aren't you ever mentioning that Russia banned all respectable international observers to watch the "referendum" in Crimea but the only ones who were invited were the extreme European neo-nazis like Belgian neo-Nazi Luc Michel, Hungarian right-wing extremist Bela Kovacs, and Serbian-born American paleocon and war crime apologist Srđa (Serge) Trifković. Another observer, Polish parliament member Mateusz Piskorski, who praised the referendum in a Russia Today interview, is a former neo-Nazi in a very literal sense. As one of Poland’s leading newspapers, Gazeta Wyborcza, reported in 2006, in the late 1990s and early 2000s Piskorski published a magazine called Odala, which openly praised Nazi Germany, interviewed Holocaust deniers, and proclaimed that “considering the decay and multi-racialism of the West,” a united Slavic empire was “the only hope for the White Race.” Piskorski now belongs to Dugin’s Eurasian Movement.

why aren't you EVER mentioning the clear neo-nazism of the current Russian government ( it's neostalinism you worship without saying) which is EXPONENTIALLY higher as anything even remotely close in Ukraine - both by policies and by amount of representatives and support?

Isn't it just becasue those nazis you like - because they hate your president and, obviously, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Just do not pose your false outrage on svoboda then.

Smells like hypocrisy to me.

If not worse.
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