Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

boooooooooooooring...bring on the next act.

Я русский, если тебе так хочется доказательства, надеюсь это сообщение, написанное на русском языке, послужит оным. Я с уважением и пониманием отношусь к высказываниям всех американцев на этом форуме. Я зарегистрировался на вашем сайте, чтобы улучшить свой английский. После ушата помоев, вылитого на меня некоторыми участниками дискуссии, я начал сомневаться стоило ли мне вообще здесь появляться - вам, уважаемый японец американского происхождения, совершенно не нужна правда, вы склонны верить свои обнаглевшим политикам и пренебрегать мнением очевидца тех событий. Жаль, очень жаль...

ты обыкновенный путлерюгендский фашик, проплаченный 11.80 за мессидж.

еще кургиняновскую курточку надень, руссонацисто, для большей убедительности.
аль это сержанта Steinlight-a форма?
Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Pogo. she is probably getting a hefty sum from the putler's propaganda machine. wich is sad becasue she is supposedly partially ethnic Ukrainian.

oh maybe she is just an idiot.

Ukrainian's Jews are all supporting not only the new temporary government, but there were plenty of Israel citizens on Maidan - including in the fights.
And Jews ( together with Russians, Georgians, Armenians, Belorussians and other ethnic minorities) were killed on Maidan while protesting and they all are now in the Heavenly Hundred.

In Kiev, an Israeli army vet led a street-fighting unit | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
JTA – He calls his troops “the Blue Helmets of Maidan,” but brown is the color of the headgear worn by Delta — the nom de guerre of the commander of a Jewish-led militia force that participated in the Ukrainian revolution. Under his helmet, he also wears a kippah.

Ukrainian Jews mourn shot Maidan protester
Ukrainian Jews mourn shot Maidan protester


Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich, a chief rabbi of Ukraine, accused Russia of staging anti-Semitic “provocations” in Crimea in order to justify its invasion of the former Soviet republic. At a press conference in the Manhattan office of the United Jewish Communities of Eastern Europe, Bleich compared Russia’s behavior to that of the Nazis prior to the Anschluss invasion of Austria in 1938.

"Things may be done by Russians dressing up as Ukrainian nationalists,” he said, adding that it’s “the same way the Nazis did when they wanted to go into Austria and created provocations.”“The Russians are blowing this way, way out of proportion,” he said, referring to the issue of anti-Semitism among some Ukrainian nationalist factions. He said that Ukrainians were united in response to the Russian intervention. “There were many differences of opinion throughout the revolution, but today all that is gone,” he said. “We’re faced by an outside threat called Russia. It’s brought everyone together.”
Ukraine's Chief Rabbi Refutes Putin's Anti-Semitic Charges | World Affairs Journal

Not to even mention that the most wealthy people in Ukraine of Jewish origin are not only the heads of the big regions ( so being the interim government themselves) but actually spend their own money in support of Ukrainian army and resistance of the region they are governing
Igor Kolomoyskiy spent ?a colossal amount of money? on the Ukrainian army | ??????? ???????

et cetera et cetera et cetera.

so to tinydancer et al - can you, please, stop your avalanche of LIES paid by putler's propaganda machine?

I've put up the links to BBC in 2012 long before the coup and the Crimean referendum. Svoboda are goons. So are the Right Sector.

They are uber Ukrainian nationalists with a long history of anti jew, anti gay, anti anyone who isn't "ethnically pure Ukrainian". That should send off warning bells.

Go read Svoboda's Party Platform. Putin didn't make up their party platform. They want to criminalize "Ukrainaphobia", they want to ban any adoption of a Ukrainian child by a non Ukrainian, they want to ban the Russian language (actually one of the first bills they voted on but it was vetoed because of pressure by the EU) the list is endless.

Go read their platform.

Svoboda in action. Just a couple of days ago. One of the MPs thumping out the executive sits on a "freedom of speech committee". :lol:

What a freaking joke that we are backing these goons.

Crimea is was and will be Russian. Read some history.

it os better for you to read some history.

it is not and never was russian.

and won't be.

if anything - it will be the country of the people who it belongs to - Crimean Tatars.
which do have potential allies not yet involved, but the allies are NATO country.

and good for them.
Btw TD -- if that's a salute... how come he's using his left hand?

Pogo. she is probably getting a hefty sum from the putler's propaganda machine. wich is sad becasue she is supposedly partially ethnic Ukrainian.

oh maybe she is just an idiot.

Ukrainian's Jews are all supporting not only the new temporary government, but there were plenty of Israel citizens on Maidan - including in the fights.
And Jews ( together with Russians, Georgians, Armenians, Belorussians and other ethnic minorities) were killed on Maidan while protesting and they all are now in the Heavenly Hundred.

In Kiev, an Israeli army vet led a street-fighting unit | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
JTA – He calls his troops “the Blue Helmets of Maidan,” but brown is the color of the headgear worn by Delta — the nom de guerre of the commander of a Jewish-led militia force that participated in the Ukrainian revolution. Under his helmet, he also wears a kippah.

Ukrainian Jews mourn shot Maidan protester
Ukrainian Jews mourn shot Maidan protester


Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich, a chief rabbi of Ukraine, accused Russia of staging anti-Semitic “provocations” in Crimea in order to justify its invasion of the former Soviet republic. At a press conference in the Manhattan office of the United Jewish Communities of Eastern Europe, Bleich compared Russia’s behavior to that of the Nazis prior to the Anschluss invasion of Austria in 1938.

"Things may be done by Russians dressing up as Ukrainian nationalists,” he said, adding that it’s “the same way the Nazis did when they wanted to go into Austria and created provocations.”“The Russians are blowing this way, way out of proportion,” he said, referring to the issue of anti-Semitism among some Ukrainian nationalist factions. He said that Ukrainians were united in response to the Russian intervention. “There were many differences of opinion throughout the revolution, but today all that is gone,” he said. “We’re faced by an outside threat called Russia. It’s brought everyone together.”
Ukraine's Chief Rabbi Refutes Putin's Anti-Semitic Charges | World Affairs Journal

Not to even mention that the most wealthy people in Ukraine of Jewish origin are not only the heads of the big regions ( so being the interim government themselves) but actually spend their own money in support of Ukrainian army and resistance of the region they are governing
Igor Kolomoyskiy spent ?a colossal amount of money? on the Ukrainian army | ??????? ???????

et cetera et cetera et cetera.

so to tinydancer et al - can you, please, stop your avalanche of LIES paid by putler's propaganda machine?

I've put up the links to BBC in 2012 long before the coup and the Crimean referendum. Svoboda are goons. So are the Right Sector.

They are uber Ukrainian nationalists with a long history of anti jew, anti gay, anti anyone who isn't "ethnically pure Ukrainian". That should send off warning bells.

Go read Svoboda's Party Platform. Putin didn't make up their party platform. They want to criminalize "Ukrainaphobia", they want to ban any adoption of a Ukrainian child by a non Ukrainian, they want to ban the Russian language (actually one of the first bills they voted on but it was vetoed because of pressure by the EU) the list is endless.

Go read their platform.

Svoboda in action. Just a couple of days ago. One of the MPs thumping out the executive sits on a "freedom of speech committee". :lol:

What a freaking joke that we are backing these goons.

do they pay you 11.80 for a pro russian message or you being American are worthy a bit more?

putin is XXI century Hitler and if you do not see it - you are being paid not to see.
Crimea is Russian. :)

nope it is not :D

the party is not over.

they won't find a new Kadyrov among Crimean Tatars and if they would - the two payments of billions of dollars putler's russia won't survive.

Tatars are Muslims.

As are Chechens.
So what are you going to do to stop Crimea being what it really is ...Russian?

What the fig are you going to do?????????

So what are you going to do to stop Crimea being what it really is ...Russian?

What the fig are you going to do?????????


I am already doing.

it does not matter what :D

The rest will be up to Tatars. And some others.

there wwere fairly recent bombings in Russia, just before the olympics... Volgograd as i recall... Hm. It were the Chechen and Dagestan rebels. they have the patterns. they have been doing it for the last 15 years. And would not stop despite billions paid by putler to kadyrov who killed his first russian when he was 16 years old ( he is 37). He is an official "hero" of russia declared by putler.

It would not be the last one. And may gain in strength and power given the potent new enemy brewing.
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tartar sauce is the only tartar i know. Stop it.

Crimea is Russian the people want to belong to Russia again. Why can you not respect what they want?
Let's see. Putin propaganda waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2012 where he obviously must have been controlling the BBC.

Here's your goons Vox beating up members of Parliament. That's what they do. Beat people up.


Svoboda's newly installed deputies, clad in traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirts, were in the thick of the melee, when not actually leading the charge.

They helped attack and drive from the opposition's ranks two deputies - a father and son - who were accused of preparing to defect to the ruling party. Then they joined a massive free-for-all around the speaker's rostrum, in protest at alleged illegal absentee-voting by deputies from the governing party.

Oh and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back Putin made the leader of Svoboda give this speech.

Man oh man, that Putin is one heck of a guy to make the leader of Svoboda give this speech and write this letter and then make BBC report on it.

In 2004, Tyahnybok was kicked out of former President Viktor Yushchenko's parliamentary faction for a speech calling for Ukrainians to fight against a "Muscovite-Jewish mafia" - using two highly insulting words to describe Russians and Jews - and emphasising that Ukrainians had in the past fought this threat with arms.

In 2005, he signed an open letter to Ukrainian leaders, including President Yushchenko, calling for the government to halt the "criminal activities" of "organised Jewry", which, the letter said, was spreading its influence in the country through conspiratorial organisations as the Anti-Defamation League - and which ultimately wanted to commit "genocide" against the Ukrainian people.

The open letter (2005)
Letter about activities of Jewry


Title - Stop the Criminal Activities of Organised Jewry

Signed by Tyahnybok and 17 others

Lists Jewish businessmen, who got rich in the 1990s, and claims they control Ukrainian media

Describes Zionism as "Jewish Nazism" and warns of "genocide" through the impoverishment of Ukrainians

Demands investigation into the activities of Jewish organisations headed by people "suspected of serious crimes"

BBC News - Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists
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so, tinydancer, how much are you being paid to spew putler's propaganda lies?

is it 11.80 as slava as russian receives or is it more?

tartar sauce is the only tartar i know. Stop it.

Crimea is Russian the people want to belong to Russia again. Why can you not respect what they want?

darling I understand that is all you know about it.

but that does not mean that is the reality.

Crimea is NOT russian. Crimea belongs to Crimean Tatars ( not TaRtars - in American school geography and history are almost non existent, but there is also google around, so educate yourself).

and if you consider a vote of 123% ( as was reported in Sevastopol) to be anything but a falsified one - well, then math is also not your stronghold.

the so-called 'referendum" was neither legitimate from the Constitutional point of view nor from the procedural side - as it was totally falsified. With a pre-printed choice o a ballot included.
since when tinydancer was bought and paid by putler's FSB?

do you, idiot, know what are YOU supporting?

I'm supporting no one. I'm a believer in truth. And this was a coup. And a duly elected government was overthrown.

Don't tell me different. In February there was an agreement reached that had been negotiated by representatives of the EU and Russia that the President agreed to.

New elections and a referendum on joining the EU or taking the Russian offer which was far more lucrative by the way than the EU's.

Svoboda and Right Sector decided that wasn't good enough and forcibly overthrew the government.

And both these parties are extremely dangerous.
I am already doing.

it does not matter what :D

The rest will be up to Tatars. And some others.

there wwere fairly recent bombings in Russia, just before the olympics... Volgograd as i recall... Hm. It were the Chechen and Dagestan rebels. they have the patterns. they have been doing it for the last 15 years. And would not stop despite billions paid by putler to kadyrov who killed his first russian when he was 16 years old ( he is 37). He is an official "hero" of russia declared by putler.

It would not be the last one. And may gain in strength and power given the potent new enemy brewing.

Basically, the west was stupid in not demanding that he Crimea vote went hand in hand with a Chechen vote. That would have put Russia on the stop, but they let the Crimea vote happen without any recourse for the Russians, strengthening their position.

Yes, they've been bombing, and it's easy to see why, the Russians destroyed their land.
so, tinydancer, how much are you being paid to spew putler's propaganda lies?

is it 11.80 as slava as russian receives or is it more?


Oh yeah. The BBC and I have conspired with Putin to spread lies about the goons.

This was their first logo. A variation on Wolfsangel.


In Nazi Germany, the Wolfsangel was used by:

the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich
the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division
the 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland
the 60th Panzergrenadier-Division "Feldherrnhalle"
the Sturmabteilung "Feldherrnhalle" Wachstandart Kampfrunen (Assault Unit—SA--"Warlord's Hall" Guard Regiment
the Hitlerjugend
the NS-Volkswohlfahrt
the Werwolf plan of resistance against allied occupation was intended to use this symbol.

After World War II, the symbol was used by some Neo-Nazi organizations, but public exhibition of the symbol is illegal in Germany if a connection with one of these groups is apparent

Wolfsangel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Svoboda (political party) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
since when tinydancer was bought and paid by putler's FSB?

do you, idiot, know what are YOU supporting?

I'm supporting no one. I'm a believer in truth. And this was a coup. And a duly elected government was overthrown.

Don't tell me different. In February there was an agreement reached that had been negotiated by representatives of the EU and Russia that the President agreed to.

New elections and a referendum on joining the EU or taking the Russian offer which was far more lucrative by the way than the EU's.

Svoboda and Right Sector decided that wasn't good enough and forcibly overthrew the government.

And both these parties are extremely dangerous.

oh, yes you are. you are reciting the putler's propaganda lies just as they do on Kiselyov-TV.

you do not even read what you are being told as a rebuke to your idiocy on imaginary antisemitism - that Israeli soldiers were actually TEACHING and leading some units of the "Right sector" and that the main Rabbi of Ukraine is totally supporting both the Revolution and current government and opposes the putler's invasion.

as do all other Jewish citizens of Ukraine - from the billionaires who pay for the needs of army and are the part of the government - together with supposedly "antisemitic" Svoboda and as simple citizens - including the protesters and the ones being killed by the "democratically elected government" which the people have the right to overthrow, BTW.

Hitler was democratically elected as well. Overthrowing him was a coup on the part of the allies :D
so, tiny, tell me, is FSB paying you at least 20 per post?

you have to be more valid than a russian :lol:

if not - ask for a raise. It's a shame you are wasting your reputation in defense of the newest nazi regime of your russian hero and being paid so cheap.

tartar sauce is the only tartar i know. Stop it.

Crimea is Russian the people want to belong to Russia again. Why can you not respect what they want?

darling I understand that is all you know about it.

but that does not mean that is the reality.

Crimea is NOT russian. Crimea belongs to Crimean Tatars ( not TaRtars - in American school geography and history are almost non existent, but there is also google around, so educate yourself).

and if you consider a vote of 123% ( as was reported in Sevastopol) to be anything but a falsified one - well, then math is also not your stronghold.

the so-called 'referendum" was neither legitimate from the Constitutional point of view nor from the procedural side - as it was totally falsified. With a pre-printed choice o a ballot included.

Where on earth are you coming up with 123%?

And if Kosovo's vote in 2008 was considered legitimate by an international court then that sets the precedence for the Crimean vote. Ditto the Falklands who voted to stay with Britain.

And for crying out loud Crimea is demographically 60% ethnic Russian.

By the way Venice just voted with a high turnout as well and their numbers to break away from Italy hit 89% so high numbers in crucial votes are not uncommon.

And considering Svoboda says right in their party platform that they were going to strip Crimea of their autonomy why wouldn't Crimea vote to join Russia?

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