Ron Paul: Federal Response To Hurricane Unnecessary

Ok... perhaps someone already said this to you... but... go fuck yourself. A number of private interests???? who? why?

There is simply NO money to be made in forecasting weather. It is purely and simply about saving lives and protecting property. Who's going to pay that private interest? Life and homeowner's insurance companies? Gimme a break.... there is a whole country's worth of land mass and population that doesn't give a shit about people along the East Coast(who's risk is the median), people in Florida(who's risk is fairly high), the Gulf... Who's risk is a little less than the Atlantic Coast), and the the Pacific,(who's risk is next to nothing).

You dumbfucks find anything and everything to destroy any and every advance this country has made... because you're too fucking selfish to pay fucking taxes.... that's your whole problem. You bawl like a 4 year old...because you refuse to see anything beyond yourself...which is the typical behavior of a.. guess what????... 4 year old....

in short, you are a Child... who has no sense of responsibility or real compassion for your fellow man... and that is why people fight your side so hard. We are ABOVE the animals of the world... survival of the fittest does not work for humans... we are held to a different set of standards... and your side wants to regress, not progress.

Man you're an ass...
The energy industry pays big bucks for weather forecasting.

Bullshit.... they pay nothing... what good is it? Sure... they can plyboard the fuck out of their windows, and perhaps shut shit down before it becomes a catastrophe. But that's about it... if you think you can make an entire money making industry out of that... you are are a fucking idiot.

Moron, billions of dollars are traded around weather events...he who has the the most accurate info. first makes the most$$$ :eusa_shhh:
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Yeah, I know that no liberals are defending Paul (and for good reason). It's the kooky cons who are defending him. And as we've seen from your posts, your defense is extremely weak.
FEMA should be let loose only if requested .The agency is bloated and ineffective.
BTW, your side went cuckoo for cocoa puffs when FEMA didn't move it's collective ass quickly enough to save New Orleans.

And we should have. Katrina was a disaster. Luckily, we learned from it. DO you have a better suggestion? Oh I know. How about a private company takes care of our emergency situations. They can charge us by the pound for evacuation. We can buy private rescue insurance. Of course, if you've ever been rescues, sorry, that's a pre-existing condition. You'll have to pay a higher premium.

Private charities and relief programs are great at this sort of thing.
So, we're going to compare a Cat 5 storm that struck without notice in 1900 with any given storm today, where' there are several days at least, if not a week's, worth of notice to evacuate and prepare?

And y'all wonder why people mock and laugh at you? :lol:

Why is there so much warning (and you wonder why I laugh at you Odd-dude)? Should each state fund their own NASA & NOAA?

Maybe we should since NASA is kaput under Obama.
Private charities and relief programs are great at this sort of thing.

In a perfect world, private charities and relief program would be sufficient. However, much like how many Libertarian ideas go, we do not live in a perfect world.
Ron Paul thinks states don't need FEMA to help with natural disasters. I guess he should tell Rick Perry to give all of that money back. I don't understand why cons love this guy so much. He sounds like a loon to me.

First Read - Ron Paul: No FEMA response necessary

GILFORD, N.H. -- After a lunch speech today, Ron Paul slammed the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, and said that no national response to Hurricane Irene is necessary.
"We should be like 1900; we should be like 1940, 1950, 1960," Paul said. "I live on the Gulf Coast; we deal with hurricanes all the time. Galveston is in my district.

Yeah, Paul, Galveston is in your district. And what happened in Galveston 100 or so years ago? A hurricane that killed thousands. Too bad we can't go back to the way things were in 1900, when thousands died because of a lack of emergency preparedness.

That is because they wouldn't need federal aid if his ideas were in place...

Lets also not forget the guy is from Texas - a state that has seen its fair amount of "natural disasters" - especially this summer....

Ron Paul understands Texas issues are Texas issues not your issues, and with the currant policies in place states generally cannot take care of their needs without help from the federal government.

We need real change - change that allows the states to be who they are as individual entities.

This isn't the fucking Soviet Union......
So, we're going to compare a Cat 5 storm that struck without notice in 1900 with any given storm today, where' there are several days at least, if not a week's, worth of notice to evacuate and prepare?

And y'all wonder why people mock and laugh at you? :lol:

It was/is a cat 1 when it hit land... Don't attempt to be dramatic.

A Chicago blizzard or severe storm is worse than that...
Nice strawman, junior. :lol:

Not a strawman, but nice way to not address my post. :thup:

The fact of the matter is, private charity and relief programs are almost always pushed to their limit during major events that acquire their assistance. This financial crisis is proof of that.

Heck, here's just one example from March 2009 in the UK.

Charities run out of money – just when they need it most - Home News, UK - The Independent

Plummeting share prices, cancelled direct debit donations and a weak pound are seriously undermining the voluntary sector's efforts to provide relief at a time when the services that charities offer are in particularly high demand.

Figures released by the Charity Commission today show that more than half of all Britain's charities are now suffering as a direct result of the economic situation, up from 38 per cent six months ago, when the recession had yet to hit home.

At the same time, at least a fifth of all charities have seen an increase in demand for their services. Dame Suzi Leather, who is chairman of the Charity Commission, said the impact of the financial downturn on charities was now widening and deepening. "Some charities still face that double whammy of a drop in income as well as an increased demand for services," she added.

There are also growing concerns that the public has become less willing to donate as belts are tightened during times of economic hardship.

The voluntary sector has asked the Government to provide assistance. In February, the Government announced a £42.5m bailout, which was less than a tenth of the £500m that struggling charities said they needed to ride out the recession. The money will only go to those charities that are dealing with the direct fallout of the recession, leaving many organisations forced to battle the credit crunch on their own.

This is basic economics Oddball, something you say you supposedly understand.
Ron Paul understands Texas issues are Texas issues not your issues, and with the currant policies in place states generally cannot take care of their needs without help from the federal government.

Federal assistance has nothing to do with ‘current policies.’ It’s part of responsible governance to not allow any American to needlessly suffer; for most states the ability to address significant disasters will forever be fiscally impossible.

We need real change - change that allows the states to be who they are as individual entities.

That’s the problem: for many states being ‘who they are’ is to violate the civil rights of their citizens – something state and local governments are infamous for.
It's funny how many people believe in God when they want to eat.

Progressives demand the government feeds the people while exempting themselves from being communists in the process.

No they're not communists - they're just simple people that would like to see indefinite food rationing.

Of course it never gets cold in the Grain Belt - we have epic supplies of oatmeal and corn.
More than 6,000 men, women and children lost their lives. Among the dead were 10 sisters and 90 children from the St. Mary's Orphans Asylum, operated by the Sisters of Charity.

The sisters also operated St. Mary's Infirmary in Galveston. It was the first Catholic hospital in the state, established in 1867.

They were also charged with caring for orphaned children, most of whom had lost parents during yellow fever epidemics.

The 1900 Storm: Galveston, Texas

So this is Ron Paul’s reactionary dream, and the dream of his supporters and most on the right: to return to a time when thousands lost their lives in hurricanes and yellow fever epidemics.

Whatever Paul and the right’s pathetic fantasy, we can never return to the past; and the policies they advocate are equally useless.
Well you must admit that FEMA doesn't have a great record in dealing with disasters. However, leaving it to the states doesn't make sense. FEMA maintains disaster plans, technical specialist, a huge amount of equipment ready to roll to disaster areas For example: The equipment cache consists of five types of equipment: medical, rescue, communications, technical support and logistics.

Medical supplies include various medicines, intravenous fluids, blankets, suture sets, airways, tracheal tubes, defibrillators, burn treatment supplies, bone saws and scalpels.

The search component of the equipment is a lot like the equipment at a normal construction site. Common cache supplies include concrete saws, jackhammers, drills, lumber and rope. This equipment is used to safely reach trapped victims, and to safely and slowly remove them from the rubble.

In addition FEMA maintains contracts with private firms and agreements with various military organization to provide support as needed.

The cost of each state trying to maintain adequate resources to handle a dozen major types of disasters in a timely fashion would be far more expensive and inefficient than FEMA.
The cost of each state trying to maintain adequate resources to handle a dozen major types of disasters in a timely fashion would be far more expensive and inefficient than FEMA.
Yeah...Like the federal gubmint is the model of efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Bloody comedic gold. :lol:
The cost of each state trying to maintain adequate resources to handle a dozen major types of disasters in a timely fashion would be far more expensive and inefficient than FEMA.
Yeah...Like the federal gubmint is the model of efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Bloody comedic gold. :lol:

States can handle when an individual municipality is affected by a natural disaster. However, when an entire state is affected, their resources are rapidly depleted. This is why idiots like Ron Paul and Little Nicky should never be listened to

We are stronger as a UNITED States than a bunch of states that are united
The cost of each state trying to maintain adequate resources to handle a dozen major types of disasters in a timely fashion would be far more expensive and inefficient than FEMA.
Yeah...Like the federal gubmint is the model of efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Bloody comedic gold. :lol:

States can handle when an individual municipality is affected by a natural disaster. However, when an entire state is affected, their resources are rapidly depleted. This is why idiots like Ron Paul and Little Nicky should never be listened to

We are stronger as a UNITED States than a bunch of states that are united
Who says that gubmint is the only source for helping others?

Who says that nobody outside the affected states will come in to help?

Check your premises.
The cost of each state trying to maintain adequate resources to handle a dozen major types of disasters in a timely fashion would be far more expensive and inefficient than FEMA.
Yeah...Like the federal gubmint is the model of efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Bloody comedic gold. :lol:

States can handle when an individual municipality is affected by a natural disaster. However, when an entire state is affected, their resources are rapidly depleted. This is why idiots like Ron Paul and Little Nicky should never be listened to

We are stronger as a UNITED States than a bunch of states that are united

Horse shit, if you haven't noticed we are BROKE!!!
Yeah...Like the federal gubmint is the model of efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Bloody comedic gold. :lol:

States can handle when an individual municipality is affected by a natural disaster. However, when an entire state is affected, their resources are rapidly depleted. This is why idiots like Ron Paul and Little Nicky should never be listened to

We are stronger as a UNITED States than a bunch of states that are united
Who says that gubmint is the only source for helping others?

Who says that nobody outside the affected states will come in to help?

Check your premises.

And those people outside the affect states are?
States can handle when an individual municipality is affected by a natural disaster. However, when an entire state is affected, their resources are rapidly depleted. This is why idiots like Ron Paul and Little Nicky should never be listened to

We are stronger as a UNITED States than a bunch of states that are united
Who says that gubmint is the only source for helping others?

Who says that nobody outside the affected states will come in to help?

Check your premises.

And those people outside the affect states are?
People who donate to outfits like Red Cross.

Charities like Goodwill and Salvation Army.

People like Wal-Mart and Home Depot, who stepped in with tools and supplies after Katrina and Rita.

Much as you'd like to think otherwise, there are lots of folks completely willing to lend a hand to people who are really in need.
Who says that gubmint is the only source for helping others?

Who says that nobody outside the affected states will come in to help?

Check your premises.

And those people outside the affect states are?
People who donate to outfits like Red Cross.

People like Wal-Mart and Home Depot, who stepped in with tools and supplies after Katrina and Rita.

Much as you'd like to think otherwise, there are lots of folks completely willing to lend a hand to people who are really in need.

Oddball, dunno how to tell you this but... look up.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc is fallacious and irrelevant.

NOAA could be funded by any one of a number of private interests and/or coalition of the several states.

Try again.

Ok... perhaps someone already said this to you... but... go fuck yourself. A number of private interests???? who? why?

There is simply NO money to be made in forecasting weather. It is purely and simply about saving lives and protecting property. Who's going to pay that private interest? Life and homeowner's insurance companies? Gimme a break.... there is a whole country's worth of land mass and population that doesn't give a shit about people along the East Coast(who's risk is the median), people in Florida(who's risk is fairly high), the Gulf... Who's risk is a little less than the Atlantic Coast), and the the Pacific,(who's risk is next to nothing).

You dumbfucks find anything and everything to destroy any and every advance this country has made... because you're too fucking selfish to pay fucking taxes.... that's your whole problem. You bawl like a 4 year old...because you refuse to see anything beyond yourself...which is the typical behavior of a.. guess what????... 4 year old....

in short, you are a Child... who has no sense of responsibility or real compassion for your fellow man... and that is why people fight your side so hard. We are ABOVE the animals of the world... survival of the fittest does not work for humans... we are held to a different set of standards... and your side wants to regress, not progress.
Nice freaked-out meltdown, Captain Hyperbole! :lmao:

NO kidding. sheesh
People who donate to outfits like Red Cross.

People like Wal-Mart and Home Depot, who stepped in with tools and supplies after Katrina and Rita.

Much as you'd like to think otherwise, there are lots of folks completely willing to lend a hand to people who are really in need.

Red Cross busts budget on Vt. flooding - WCAX.COM Local Vermont News, Weather and Sports-

Red Cross Disaster Fund Is Depleted

The American Red Cross said yesterday that it has depleted its national disaster relief fund and is taking out loans to pay for shelters, food and other relief services across seven Midwestern states battered by floods.

"The disaster relief fund today is completely depleted. The balance is zero," Jeffrey Towers, chief development officer, said in a conference call with reporters.

Towers added that the Red Cross "needs immediate funds to deploy in a variety of ways to provide the scale of services that this disaster demands."

So Oddball, are you going to address the elephant in the room that you wish to ignore?

You know:

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