Ron Paul: I don't accept the theory of evolution

Yes, I'm serious. When you write stuff like

"...says that the theory of human evolution is just a theory - "

Do you dispute that?

Do you understand the distinction between "theory" and "law"?

I want to know we're using the same definitions for those terms.

Tell ya' what, Stevie....

...say "please" and I'll post an OP tomorrow morn that debunks Darwin's "theory" of evolution.

Just one word.....'please.'

Or....get the whiz who operates the keyboard for you to do it......

Don't be afraid.
The National Academy of Sciences defines a scientific theory as " a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence." Science, Evolution, and Creationism

You're going to post something tomorrow morning that will debunk Darwin's Theory (aka Darwin's comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence) if I just say please?

Please. Pretty please. With sugar on top.
The National Academy of Sciences defines a scientific theory as " a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence." Science, Evolution, and Creationism

You're going to post something tomorrow morning that will debunk Darwin's Theory (aka Darwin's comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence) if I just say please?

Please. Pretty please. With sugar on top.

"...supported by a vast body of evidence."

In the am, Stevie.

Stay tuned.

Gonna blow ya' skirt up!

Science there, or be square!
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the ToE is a useful tool to advance the fitness of pre-existing lifeforms but it fails utterly to explain the existence of life in the first place.
the ToE is a useful tool to advance the fitness of pre-existing lifeforms but it fails utterly to explain the existence of life in the first place.

The lack of an explanation doesn't allow anyone to propose magic as the explanation, and that's what creationist do.
Any man who becomes a vagina doctor out of the millions of professions in life.... necessarily has a bit creep/weird in him from the onset.
the ToE is a useful tool to advance the fitness of pre-existing lifeforms but it fails utterly to explain the existence of life in the first place.

The lack of an explanation doesn't allow anyone to propose magic as the explanation, and that's what creationist do.

have you ever heard me advocate creationists?

I just get pissed off when anti religion extremists use Darwinism for a purpose that it is insufficient for. just because evolution works to cause increased fitness, that does not mean that it causes either the mutations that it exploits, or most importantly, the origin of life.
You mean a christian man doesn't believe in the THEORY of evolution?


You two are flaming retards. Just sayin'.

You don't believe a scientific theory. You either accept or reject a scientific theory on evidence. And virtually 100% of the scientists in the world accept the theory of evolution as the only explanation tendered that fits the evidence.

Paul is a politician with a high school or less understanding of science. With that fact in mind, I would reject voting for him for any office. In this day and age, there is no excuse for that kind of ignorance.
Yes, I'm serious. When you write stuff like

"...says that the theory of human evolution is just a theory - "

Do you dispute that?

Do you understand the distinction between "theory" and "law"?

I want to know we're using the same definitions for those terms.

Tell ya' what, Stevie....

...say "please" and I'll post an OP tomorrow morn that debunks Darwin's "theory" of evolution.

Just one word.....'please.'

Or....get the whiz who operates the keyboard for you to do it......

Don't be afraid.

Now PC, what that means is that you will post reams of silly out of context quotes, or quotes from outright frauds.
You mean a christian man doesn't believe in the THEORY of evolution?


You two are flaming retards. Just sayin'.

You don't believe a scientific theory. You either accept or reject a scientific theory on evidence. And virtually 100% of the scientists in the world accept the theory of evolution as the only explanation tendered that fits the evidence.

Paul is a politician with a high school or less understanding of science. With that fact in mind, I would reject voting for him for any office. In this day and age, there is no excuse for that kind of ignorance.

Virtually 100% of the scientists in the world opposed it when Darwin first published it, what's your point?
Paul is a politician with a high school or less understanding of science. With that fact in mind, I would reject voting for him for any office. In this day and age, there is no excuse for that kind of ignorance.

He's a physician by trade. Now, he's an idiot for ignoring the science, but I dare say he's got slightly beyond a high school science course or two.
Paul is a politician with a high school or less understanding of science. With that fact in mind, I would reject voting for him for any office. In this day and age, there is no excuse for that kind of ignorance.

He's a physician by trade. Now, he's an idiot for ignoring the science, but I dare say he's got slightly beyond a high school science course or two.

Not just a physician. Paul was a gynocologist! Ron Paul was a specialist in reproduction. Which fact gives him more credibility than someone who posts on a message board.
It makes him creepy as fawk. He had a special interest in the health of a vagina.

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