Ron Paul Legalize Marijuana Bill: 8 Reasons Why It Makes Sense

3 states, Colorado, Washington and Oregon have voter initiatives on the 2012 Presidential ballot where the people of each state will vote to either legalize, tax and regulate recreational use of marijuana for adults or deny legalization.

The polling:

Colorado 60% in favor of legalization
Washington 60% in favor of legalization
Oregon 37% in favor of legalization

I think it's going to happen, and it won't be long before
I move to either one of those three states.
Won't pass. I have always said they can legalize all the drugs they want. As long as I can waste anyone on them who commits a crime against me.
Please try to stay on topic.

You have your gun control thread(s), les the pot smokers have theirs.
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Won't pass. I have always said they can legalize all the drugs they want. As long as I can waste anyone on them who commits a crime against me.

If you think pot smokers are the ones running around committing violent crime. You clearly don't have a clue what you are talking about.
3 states, Colorado, Washington and Oregon have voter initiatives on the 2012 Presidential ballot where the people of each state will vote to either legalize, tax and regulate recreational use of marijuana for adults or deny legalization.

The polling:

Colorado 60% in favor of legalization
Washington 60% in favor of legalization
Oregon 37% in favor of legalization

I think it's going to happen, and it won't be long before
I move to either one of those three states.
It won't matter if a state legalizes marijuana. Federal law supersedes state law and the Congress has been sufficiently bribed by the liquor, pharmaceutical, and various other corporate "lobbies" to keep marijuana illegal. And it wouldn't surprise me to learn that additional bribes are secretly distributed to the Congress by marijuana trafficking cartels to maintain the prohibition.

If that were not the case marijuana would be fully legal in California by now. Pressure from the corporate lobbies is strong enough to cause Obama to totally withdraw from the issue in spite of the fact that he has admitted to smoking marijuana "frequently" and there is no way he could intelligently justify maintaining the prohibition.

Until this bribery is curtailed marijuana will never be legalized -- regardless of what the voting public wishes.
Won't pass. I have always said they can legalize all the drugs they want. As long as I can waste anyone on them who commits a crime against me.
Fine with me. I don't blame you either. Most states already have a castle doctrine do they not?
3 states, Colorado, Washington and Oregon have voter initiatives on the 2012 Presidential ballot where the people of each state will vote to either legalize, tax and regulate recreational use of marijuana for adults or deny legalization.

The polling:

Colorado 60% in favor of legalization
Washington 60% in favor of legalization
Oregon 37% in favor of legalization

I think it's going to happen, and it won't be long before
I move to either one of those three states.
It won't matter if a state legalizes marijuana. Federal law supersedes state law and the Congress has been sufficiently bribed by the liquor, pharmaceutical, and various other corporate "lobbies" to keep marijuana illegal. And it wouldn't surprise me to learn that additional bribes are secretly distributed to the Congress by marijuana trafficking cartels to maintain the prohibition.

If that were not the case marijuana would be fully legal in California by now. Pressure from the corporate lobbies is strong enough to cause Obama to totally withdraw from the issue in spite of the fact that he has admitted to smoking marijuana "frequently" and there is no way he could intelligently justify maintaining the prohibition.

Until this bribery is curtailed marijuana will never be legalized -- regardless of what the voting public wishes.

You can only go against the peoples will for so long until it becomes either a very stupid political stance to take or something that can have bad consequences on your life...eventually I assume next 15 years politicians against legalizing marijuana are going to find it hard to be elected.
You can only go against the peoples will for so long until it becomes either a very stupid political stance to take or something that can have bad consequences on your life...eventually I assume next 15 years politicians against legalizing marijuana are going to find it hard to be elected.
I'm on your side, but what you're saying was said fifteen years ago and fifteen years before that, and that is what accounts for my cynicism.

I was among the founding membership of NORML (back in the early seventies) and I have a long history of participation in the decriminalization movement. By now I have a clear understanding of why, in spite of public pressure, which happens to be much greater than we are told, the federal prohibition remains firmly in place. The reason for it is graft. Bribery of key officials.

The money is big enough to risk being un-elected for and I believe the biggest chunk comes from the traffickers. Combine this with political pressure from major corporations and the entire law-enforcement community, which includes the prison industry, and you'll see why the situation isn't as simple as you might think.

Ask yourself why Obama, with his history and the impression he clearly conveyed as candidate, did a 180 on the marijuana issue after he was elected.

Until one of these sonsabitches is caught, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for taking bribes, we will never see the end of federal prohbition of marijuana. And I am as saddened to write that as you are to read it.
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Ah...well maybe if just 1 of the 3 states approves it it will start a domino effect...hope so.
I am not obsessed with it. The government seems to be obsessed with keeping something like marijuana illegal yet they allow alcohol and ciggs...both of which can and do kill. They tried banning alcohol it didn't work out so well.
I hope it stays illegal. There's so much money in that business and the quality is through the roof on the black market that the government can only fuck it up at this point. In my state it's quasi-legal and there's actually markets with up to a 100 vendors with everything you can imagine. It would be much better if the government stayed out of it.
"I dont get the dope obsession....get high on life!!!!! "

only dopes call it "dope"

Pot is a recreational//relaxing drug

people on pot are NOT wacked out druggies

MILLIONS of people smoke it every day and do NOT commit crimes

I have no doubt that you have had conversations with people "on pot" and you didn't even know it!

MOST pot smokers; finish high school, go to college, get degrees, have careers, own businesses, get married, buy houses, have kids, send kids to college, pay taxes

MOST pot smokers smoke pot and; play frisbee, pay basketball, play golf, watch tv, play board games, play video games. read books, pay music, make music

some of the best music written in the past 50 years has been written (and played) by pot smokers

I know pot smokers who play in bands
are artists
make furniture

these people are not DOPES
and only FREEDOM-HATING, nanny state lovers who want to tell everyone how to live and PUNISH PEOPLE for not following irrational and illogical laws (that would be conservatives) would want to continue to ruin the lives of decent people over such an insignificant issue.
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I hope it stays illegal. There's so much money in that business and the quality is through the roof on the black market that the government can only fuck it up at this point. In my state it's quasi-legal and there's actually markets with up to a 100 vendors with everything you can imagine. It would be much better if the government stayed out of it.

Yer an idjit!

Hemp is an incredibly wonderful agricultural crop that provides fiber, oil and soil retention/conservation, in addition to it's medicinal effects. These include lowering blood pressure, fighting nausea and possibly curing cancer.

God said:
Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
I hope it stays illegal. There's so much money in that business and the quality is through the roof on the black market that the government can only fuck it up at this point. In my state it's quasi-legal and there's actually markets with up to a 100 vendors with everything you can imagine. It would be much better if the government stayed out of it.

Yer an idjit!

Hemp is an incredibly wonderful agricultural crop that provides fiber, oil and soil retention/conservation, in addition to it's medicinal effects. These include lowering blood pressure, fighting nausea and possibly curing cancer.

God said:
Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

:lol: I love marijuana. I loooovvvveeee marijuana. I've been involved with it for my entire adult life. I've smoked it, grown it and sold it. However, it's much more free without government intervention than with it. For instance in my state, there's a bill that will supposedly help to decriminalize it but in it there's hidden section that gives you a DUI if you're caught driving with marijuana in your system from the last seven days.

The government can really suck my dick on this issue. I want them to stay out of it and I want there to continue to be a black market instead of legalizing, taxing and corporatization of it because the black market is the freest and best economic system for this market.
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I hope it stays illegal. There's so much money in that business and the quality is through the roof on the black market that the government can only fuck it up at this point. In my state it's quasi-legal and there's actually markets with up to a 100 vendors with everything you can imagine. It would be much better if the government stayed out of it.

Yer an idjit!

Hemp is an incredibly wonderful agricultural crop that provides fiber, oil and soil retention/conservation, in addition to it's medicinal effects. These include lowering blood pressure, fighting nausea and possibly curing cancer.

God said:
Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

:lol: I love marijuana. I loooovvvveeee marijuana. I've been involved with it for my entire adult life. I've smoked it, grown it and sold it. However, it's much more free without government intervention than with it. For instance in my state, there's a bill that will supposedly help to decriminalize it but in it there's hidden section that gives you a DUI if you're caught driving with marijuana in your system from the last seven days.

The government can really suck my dick on this issue. I want them to stay out of it and I want there to continue to be a black market instead of legalizing, taxing and corporatization it because the black market is the freest and best economic system for this market.

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. The current prohibition finances violent drug cartels who have set up shop in every corner of our nation. I HATE that.

Legalized marijuana would provide benefits to farmers, manufacturers and citizens while creating a taxable commodity capable of generating enough income to balance the books of government, from local to Federal.

Users of marijuana would see a REDUCTION in price and an increase in quality.

Our court and prison system would see a drastic reduction in population.

Billions of taxpayer dollars per year would no longer be pissed away on the 'War on Drugs'.

Legalize it already, I can't see a downside.

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