Ron Paul: Major health crisis at Border Hospitals due to Illegal Immigration


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
One of my arguments for trying to stem the tide would be remove the incentives and not to get free everything, free medical care and free education,'' he said.

Paul, founder of Campaign for Liberty, said he is not surprised at a new Quinnipiac University poll that found Obama to be the lowest-ranked president since World War II.

"That takes some doing, to be the worst already. So, you'd think with all his problems he'd become a little more mellow and a little more cautious,'' Paul said.

"But he becomes more aggressive. So, he's more defensive, and I'm surprised of that because he's doing excessively what most presidents do, they overstep their bounds.

"But I've never seen any of them be so arrogant about it, so in-your-face about it . . . He says, I've got a pen and I've got a telephone and if Congress won't act, if the Congress doesn't act, I am obligated to do it and I'm going to do it. He doesn't back off at all.''

Read Latest Breaking News from Ron Paul: Immigrant Surge Creates 'Serious' Border Health Crisis
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Ron Paul is dead on accurate in everything he said..

Well, if the Left can successfully dissolve our southern border this stuff will be less complicated.

We'll just pay for it.

I grew up in SoCal (Long Beach/Lakewood) so I can tell ya' the Health Crisis has been going on for at least the last 30 years.
What a sad disgrace. The President is not enforcing the Laws of land. He is in violation of the oath of office he swore to. He's a criminal. He should be Impeached immediately.
I've read where hospitals in Cali have had to close because they keep having to treat the illegals and never, ever get payed. They are overrun with the bastards and can't refuse to treat them. No money. No Hospital.

Build the damned fence and shoot a few as they try to cross. They will get the idea real quick and our hospitals won't have to go bankrupt treating their illegal sorry asses.
They should of gone from the border straight to a bus or plane right back to the border. Dump them at San Ysidro.

C ya, wouldn't want to be ya

The President has gone rogue. He does not represent the American Peoples' best interests. He represents foreign interests instead. By not enforcing the Laws of the land, he is violating the sacred oath of office he swore to. Therefore, he should be held accountable. He should be Impeached.

We are not gullible enough to believe thousands came without aid and assistance'

An organization of former Border Patrol agents Wednesday charged that the federal government, under the administration of President Obama, is deliberately arranging for a flood of immigrant children to arrive in America for political purposes.

Read more at Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ?orchestrated?

We are not gullible enough to believe thousands came without aid and assistance'

An organization of former Border Patrol agents Wednesday charged that the federal government, under the administration of President Obama, is deliberately arranging for a flood of immigrant children to arrive in America for political purposes.

Read more at Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ?orchestrated?

Absolutely orchestrated. The current President represents foreign interests over American interests. You could call him a Traitor. He has violated the oath he swore to. He should be removed on those grounds.
CAREFULL! Ron Paul is a educated Doctor!!!! Liberals will destroy him, hate him, call him names and not take anything he says seriously! Liberals love politicians who previous jobs were....; being politicians!
I've read where hospitals in Cali have had to close because they keep having to treat the illegals and never, ever get payed. They are overrun with the bastards and can't refuse to treat them. No money. No Hospital.

Build the damned fence and shoot a few as they try to cross. They will get the idea real quick and our hospitals won't have to go bankrupt treating their illegal sorry asses.

This is reprehensible.
Liberal scum want chaos and the American way of life to collapse, this is just one part.

Overrun the schools, hospitals, etc with non-Americans milking the system for FREE is all part of the plan.
Liberal scum want chaos and the American way of life to collapse, this is just one part.

Overrun the schools, hospitals, etc with non-Americans milking the system for FREE is all part of the plan.

Yeah, it's a very sad mess. And it is an orchestrated mess. We have a President who brazenly declares he will not enforce Immigration Laws. He's in violation of the oath he swore to. He should be removed from office on those grounds. It is fair to call him a Traitor.

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