Ron Paul Needs To Drop Out

Blaming the victim is a fail.

He has authored a bunch of vanity bills with no chance of becoming legislation. That isn't any kind of leadership. That is grandstanding.

The people who compromise get nothing done, as evidenced by the fact that nothing gets passed that limits government. The only thing that does get done is expansion of government because that is the one thing most of them agree on but for different reasons. I think it's obvious you side with big government too.

So you're saying Ron Paul will get nothing done as president? Why would anyone want that?

Stopping the expansion of government is getting something done. I guess it depends on what your goals are. My goal is to see an increase in personal liberty and to reduce the size and scope of the government your is the opposite apparently. It's ok just admit you like big government, big spending and an unsustainable global empire. I won't think any less of you.
So you're saying Ron Paul will get nothing done as president? Why would anyone want that?

As commander and chief, he could end the wars, bring the troops home and cut foreign aid that is desperately needed at home. This alone, would be far more than any other president has accomplished in the last 75 years of war and nation building.

Why would anyone NOT want that in this country?
Blaming the victim is a fail.

Heh... we're not blaming the victim, no matter how incessantly you chant it. We're blaming the inept leaders and policies that YOU support.

It's like they have a disorder. You show them even the government admits our foreign policy and bases on their land was one of the reason for the blow back and they call us conspiracy nuts..

Then, we show them it is in the 9/11 Commission Report (see look here you mindless zombie) and they respond, "God, if you don't like this country get out."

You ever see "Walking Dead" on AMC? hint
Paulie is an idiot, a point made so often there is no need to repeat it.

Yet you continue to drone on and on about him. C'mon, fess up. Is this a man-crush?

Remind we why he continues to run when everyone says he doesnt have a chance. TO score points? To run his mouth? WHy doesn't he do talk radio instead if that's all he wants?
Pauls' views have been examined by the GOP faithful and rejected on many occasions.

He runs to shine a light on the hypocrisy and stupidity of YOUR VIEWS. Presumably that's why you whine about it so much.
I will say one thing for Ron Paul. At least he wants to discuss issues, unlike Newton and Willard. All they want to do is point fingers at each other.
The people who compromise get nothing done, as evidenced by the fact that nothing gets passed that limits government. The only thing that does get done is expansion of government because that is the one thing most of them agree on but for different reasons. I think it's obvious you side with big government too.

So you're saying Ron Paul will get nothing done as president? Why would anyone want that?

Stopping the expansion of government is getting something done. I guess it depends on what your goals are. My goal is to see an increase in personal liberty and to reduce the size and scope of the government your is the opposite apparently. It's ok just admit you like big government, big spending and an unsustainable global empire. I won't think any less of you.
Those would all involve getting something done. SInce Paul has a demonstrated history of getting nothing done why would anyone vote for him?
Blaming the victim is a fail.

Heh... we're not blaming the victim, no matter how incessantly you chant it. We're blaming the inept leaders and policies that YOU support.

It's like they have a disorder. You show them even the government admits our foreign policy and bases on their land was one of the reason for the blow back and they call us conspiracy nuts..

Then, we show them it is in the 9/11 Commission Report (see look here you mindless zombie) and they respond, "God, if you don't like this country get out."

You ever see "Walking Dead" on AMC? hint

You have the disorder. It's called The Stupids. ANd you've got it bad. It doesnt matter what our foreign policy is. As long as we exist the radical Muslims will hate us and want us gone.
Well I haven't checked his delegate votes after SC, however he was in second place before SC...

Paul will certainly win several states... Illinois, California, Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin are all locks for Paul....

Not to mention this race is wide open with no clear candidate having an edge over another.

In theory Ron Paul could continually come in second or third in every state and still win the nomination...

WHat have you been smoking?
In 2008 Paul got 5% (McCain 54%) in IL, 12% (McCain 42%) in CA, 38% (McCain 51%) in TX, 37% (McCain 55%) in WI.
Even if he doubles these numbers, which he wont, he's still a loser.

Like i said these Ron Paul people are delousional

I see what you did there...very clever!
Heh... we're not blaming the victim, no matter how incessantly you chant it. We're blaming the inept leaders and policies that YOU support.

It's like they have a disorder. You show them even the government admits our foreign policy and bases on their land was one of the reason for the blow back and they call us conspiracy nuts..

Then, we show them it is in the 9/11 Commission Report (see look here you mindless zombie) and they respond, "God, if you don't like this country get out."

You ever see "Walking Dead" on AMC? hint

You have the disorder. It's called The Stupids. ANd you've got it bad. It doesnt matter what our foreign policy is. As long as we exist the radical Muslims will hate us and want us gone.
More ad hominem and we are back to "they hate us for our freedoms"
@ the Hill dot com

Filmmaker Oliver Stone would vote for Ron Paul over Obama
In fact, I think in many ways the most interesting candidate — I’d even vote for him if he was running against Obama — is Ron Paul. Because he’s the only one of anybody who’s saying anything intelligent about the future of the world.”
@ the Hill dot com

Filmmaker Oliver Stone would vote for Ron Paul over Obama
In fact, I think in many ways the most interesting candidate — I’d even vote for him if he was running against Obama — is Ron Paul. Because he’s the only one of anybody who’s saying anything intelligent about the future of the world.”

Thats great but Oliver stone or any other celebrity is not going to make me vote for one person or another person. I will vote for Ron Paul because of me.
Not the party or because it's anyone but obama.
Heh... we're not blaming the victim, no matter how incessantly you chant it. We're blaming the inept leaders and policies that YOU support.

It's like they have a disorder. You show them even the government admits our foreign policy and bases on their land was one of the reason for the blow back and they call us conspiracy nuts..

Then, we show them it is in the 9/11 Commission Report (see look here you mindless zombie) and they respond, "God, if you don't like this country get out."

You ever see "Walking Dead" on AMC? hint

You have the disorder. It's called The Stupids. ANd you've got it bad. It doesnt matter what our foreign policy is. As long as we exist the radical Muslims will hate us and want us gone.

Maybe, if you stopped throwing stones and hornet nests.
@ the Hill dot com

Filmmaker Oliver Stone would vote for Ron Paul over Obama
In fact, I think in many ways the most interesting candidate — I’d even vote for him if he was running against Obama — is Ron Paul. Because he’s the only one of anybody who’s saying anything intelligent about the future of the world.”

Thats great but Oliver stone or any other celebrity is not going to make me vote for one person or another person. I will vote for Ron Paul because of me.
Not the party or because it's anyone but obama.

I'm voting Ron Paul because of Chumlee from Pawn Stars.:doubt:
@ the Hill dot com

Filmmaker Oliver Stone would vote for Ron Paul over Obama

Thats great but Oliver stone or any other celebrity is not going to make me vote for one person or another person. I will vote for Ron Paul because of me.
Not the party or because it's anyone but obama.

I'm voting Ron Paul because of Chumlee from Pawn Stars.:doubt:

Surely you jest, if that were true that would be a terrible reason to vote for him.
@ the Hill dot com

Filmmaker Oliver Stone would vote for Ron Paul over Obama
In fact, I think in many ways the most interesting candidate — I’d even vote for him if he was running against Obama — is Ron Paul. Because he’s the only one of anybody who’s saying anything intelligent about the future of the world.”

Like I said, Paul is actually a Leftist. This just adds evidence.
@ the Hill dot com

Filmmaker Oliver Stone would vote for Ron Paul over Obama
In fact, I think in many ways the most interesting candidate — I’d even vote for him if he was running against Obama — is Ron Paul. Because he’s the only one of anybody who’s saying anything intelligent about the future of the world.”

Like I said, Paul is actually a Leftist. This just adds evidence.

Wow, you put that much of your political views into what one Hollywood voice says?
@ the Hill dot com

Filmmaker Oliver Stone would vote for Ron Paul over Obama

Like I said, Paul is actually a Leftist. This just adds evidence.

Wow, you put that much of your political views into what one Hollywood voice says?

Ron Paul has many supporters from all walks of life. One thing that brings them together that others do not comprehend
They want a small effective federal government.
Like I said, Paul is actually a Leftist. This just adds evidence.

Wow, you put that much of your political views into what one Hollywood voice says?

Ron Paul has many supporters from all walks of life. One thing that brings them together that others do not comprehend
They want a small effective federal government.

Yes. He has supporters among KKK members, John Birchers, and npw Michael Moore.
That isn't a crowd I'd want to be associated with.

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