Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

[ame=]Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube[/ame]

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I thought America supported Freedom & Democracy? Guess that's out the window now. Egypt, now Ukraine? Looks like we have no problem with illegal Military Coups these days. In my opinion, forcing American Taxpayers to finance such coups is illegal. I believe our Government is violating Law in funding these coups with Foreign Aid dollars. It should be challenged.
Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

This is why I never want him or anyone of his type to be President. I'd love 75 more people just like him in the House, but I don't want a Chief Executive who is so isolationist the he would call Russia's action against the Ukraine legal to make a point about "and therefore let the barbarians settle their own affairs."

I don't want to intervene militarily, but endorsing Putin's actions is just stupid - and dangerous.
[ame=]Ron Paul: US has no right to lecture on Ukraine because of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya - YouTube[/ame]
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.
Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

This is why I never want him or anyone of his type to be President. I'd love 75 more people just like him in the House, but I don't want a Chief Executive who is so isolationist the he would call Russia's action against the Ukraine legal to make a point about "and therefore let the barbarians settle their own affairs."

I don't want to intervene militarily, but endorsing Putin's actions is just stupid - and dangerous.

He's not endorsing Putin's actions. He just saying we've supported an illegal coup there. And we've done that in Egypt as well. Putin's no angel, but neither are we. And we certainly shouldn't have given $1 Billion in Tax Dollars to Ukraine. The U.S. and Great Britain are stirring things up over there. And it's not right. We have no valid reason to get involved.
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

I am not talking about the Gold Standard.

So what part of what he said do you oppose. The part where he said we shouldn't have financed the coup in Ukraine or the part where we should let the people of Crimea determine their political destiny?

And he's wrong.

The US has every right to lecture on Ukraine and actually has a treaty obligating us to support the Ukraine against a Russian invasion.

Dr. Paul is a great man but he's too isolationist and that didn't work out so well in the late 1930s.

The U.S. has supported an illegal coup there. Since when do we support illegal Military Coups? No, we don't have a right to preach to Putin and Russia. It's very disingenuous and hypocritical. It's not our fight. We shouldn't be involved.
Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

This is why I never want him or anyone of his type to be President. I'd love 75 more people just like him in the House, but I don't want a Chief Executive who is so isolationist the he would call Russia's action against the Ukraine legal to make a point about "and therefore let the barbarians settle their own affairs."

I don't want to intervene militarily, but endorsing Putin's actions is just stupid - and dangerous.

He's not endorsing Putin's actions. He just saying we've supported an illegal coup there. And we've done that in Egypt as well. Putin's no angel, but neither are we. And we certainly shouldn't have given $1 Billion in Tax Dollars to Ukraine. The U.S. and Great Britain are stirring things up over there. And it's not right. We have no valid reason to get involved.

He is completely endorsing Putin's actions when he says that Putin has the law on his side.
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

I am not talking about the Gold Standard.

So what part of what he said do you oppose. The part where he said we shouldn't have financed the coup in Ukraine or the part where we should let the people of Crimea determine their political destiny?

Yes, it's a very disturbing trend. We are now supporting illegal Military Coups. I believe Taxpayer-funding of such coups is illegal. Foreign Aid cannot be given in these cases. Foreign Aid to Egypt and Ukraine should be vigorously challenged.
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

I am not talking about the Gold Standard.

So what part of what he said do you oppose. The part where he said we shouldn't have financed the coup in Ukraine or the part where we should let the people of Crimea determine their political destiny?

The part where he said that Putin has the law on his side.

And the "people of Crimea" argument is akin to letting Atlanta nationalize all the farms in rural Georgia if the state holds a referendum on the matter. Why not let the people decide, right?
Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

This is why I never want him or anyone of his type to be President. I'd love 75 more people just like him in the House, but I don't want a Chief Executive who is so isolationist the he would call Russia's action against the Ukraine legal to make a point about "and therefore let the barbarians settle their own affairs."

I don't want to intervene militarily, but endorsing Putin's actions is just stupid - and dangerous.

He's not endorsing Putin's actions. He just saying we've supported an illegal coup there. And we've done that in Egypt as well. Putin's no angel, but neither are we. And we certainly shouldn't have given $1 Billion in Tax Dollars to Ukraine. The U.S. and Great Britain are stirring things up over there. And it's not right. We have no valid reason to get involved.
Also don't forget Zionists role as well in supporting this coup:

Did you know that Mr. Yatsenyuk owns an organization called “Open Ukraine Foundation”? If you do, you might be surprised to learn that all traces of this foundation have been eradicated from the internet. The website of the Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation ( and its Facebook page ( have simply disappeared. The Wikipedia entry still exists, but the links lead nowhere.

As we know, the Internet forgets nothing and therefore a screen-shot of the website is still on hand. And what do we see there? A list of the foundation’s partners, and looking at it, you may say with some awe that it is an exceptionally impressive collection of the usual suspects. Which, we strongly suspect, must be the reason why the foundation is now defunct and its tracks have been obliterated.

What follows is an extract from the list of partners:

- Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (A Project of the German Marshall Fund)
- Chatham House
- NATO Information and Documentation Centre
- State Department of the United States of America
- NED National Endowment for Democracy
- Horizon Capital
- Swedbank

With such partners, and in this present scenario, it is small wonder that the page has been deleted. Because it can be clearly seen who stands right behind Mr. Arseniy Yatsenyuk and the coup.

Let us start with the German Marshall Fund, whose Chairman is Guido Goldman. His father, Nahum Goldman, was co-founder of the World Jewish Congress, Chairman of the Jewish Agency and president of the World Zionist Organization. Guido studied at Harvard and one of his teachers was the former presidential security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. Henry Kissinger later supervised Guido’s doctoral thesis. The money for the Fund has been approved by the former German finance minister Alex Möller. Who, on occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Marshall Plan, funded the organization with 150 million German marks for the next 15 years, ostensibly to promotes relations between Europe and the U.S.

The Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation has disappeared | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture
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Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

Except, the people of Crimea have no choice to determine their own political destiny.

Declining being annexed by Russia is not a choice in Sunday's voting.

Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

Who is a fake American?
This is why I never want him or anyone of his type to be President. I'd love 75 more people just like him in the House, but I don't want a Chief Executive who is so isolationist the he would call Russia's action against the Ukraine legal to make a point about "and therefore let the barbarians settle their own affairs."

I don't want to intervene militarily, but endorsing Putin's actions is just stupid - and dangerous.

He's not endorsing Putin's actions. He just saying we've supported an illegal coup there. And we've done that in Egypt as well. Putin's no angel, but neither are we. And we certainly shouldn't have given $1 Billion in Tax Dollars to Ukraine. The U.S. and Great Britain are stirring things up over there. And it's not right. We have no valid reason to get involved.

He is completely endorsing Putin's actions when he says that Putin has the law on his side.

He's not endorsing Putin's actions or our own actions supporting an illegal coup there. He's just pointing out the dishonesty and hypocrisy. We should not be involved. It's not our fight.
He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

I am not talking about the Gold Standard.

So what part of what he said do you oppose. The part where he said we shouldn't have financed the coup in Ukraine or the part where we should let the people of Crimea determine their political destiny?

The part where he said that Putin has the law on his side.

And the "people of Crimea" argument is akin to letting Atlanta nationalize all the farms in rural Georgia if the state holds a referendum on the matter. Why not let the people decide, right?

Let's put it to a vote, decide (for them) how farmlands work everywhere and democracy can live by default wherever we choose. lol

And he's wrong.

The US has every right to lecture on Ukraine and actually has a treaty obligating us to support the Ukraine against a Russian invasion.

Dr. Paul is a great man but he's too isolationist and that didn't work out so well in the late 1930s.

The U.S. has supported an illegal coup there. Since when do we support illegal Military Coups? No, we don't have a right to preach to Putin and Russia. It's very disingenuous and hypocritical. It's not our fight. We shouldn't be involved.

What was illegal about it?

And we should be involved, we signed a treaty. Now you can make a case that we should nullify that treaty because it no longer serves our interests and I'd probably support that. But we can't just up and decide that these things are no longer our problem and leave our allies in the lurch. Ukraine took a huge risk when they liberated themselves from the old Soviet Union and that was a big (HUGE) deal for us.

Keep your eye on the ball. The Soviet Union didn't have thousands of ICBMs pointed at us for 50 years because they were worried about us taking their territory. They did that so we would compromise on their expansion into Europe and accept the Iron Curtain as a line of detente.

No matter how much I love and am inspired by the Honorable Dr. Paul, he's wrong here.
He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

I am not talking about the Gold Standard.

So what part of what he said do you oppose. The part where he said we shouldn't have financed the coup in Ukraine or the part where we should let the people of Crimea determine their political destiny?

The part where he said that Putin has the law on his side.

And the "people of Crimea" argument is akin to letting Atlanta nationalize all the farms in rural Georgia if the state holds a referendum on the matter. Why not let the people decide, right?

If enough people in Atlanta, or Georgia, want to break away from the US Government, I would support them. I mean, America was founded on secession and the consent of the governed. A government that forces people into union with it is no longer legitimate, at least according to the founders of the United States.

So your argument with him is on his language? Or you really think the US should get involved in the Crimea issue? Doing what exactly?
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

Except, the people of Crimea have no choice to determine their own political destiny.

Declining being annexed by Russia is not a choice in Sunday's voting.

Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

Who is a fake American?

George Soros.

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