Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

What I don't get is how people are just buying in to this so called "revolution". This was a coup. And we are being fed a steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter for three meals a day.

Holy toledo all one has to do is look at the freaking players involved. Take the time to check out Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Those sons of bitches who now have important positions in the new interim government will make your hair stand on end.

And I don't want to hear any whining and moaning that it's "Putin's Propaganda". That's stupid. I've already put up links to credible sources like the BBC who clearly had proof and published proof about how anti Jew the leader and his followers are in the Svoboda party.

For crying out loud check out the Right Sector and their love of Bandera.

Do some research instead of doing the knee jerk "Putin bad" .
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What I don't get is how people are just buying in to this so called "revolution". This was a coup. And we are being fed a steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter for three meals a day.

Holy toledo all one has to do is look at the freaking players involved. Take the time to check out Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Those sons of bitches who now have important positions in the new interim government will make your hair stand on end.

And I don't want to hear any whining and moaning that it's "Putin's Propaganda". That's stupid. I've already put up links to credible sources like the BBC who clearly had proof and published proof about how anti Jew the leader and his followers are in the Svoboda party.

For crying out loud check out the Right Sector and their love of Banderas.

Do some research instead of doing the knee jerk "Putin bad" .

Yes, the Orange Revolution was a coup too. An illegal coup. Why did we support that?
you obviously don't know Jack sh#t about what is going on, it was an illegal coup, stop your internal dialogue. You are wrong and probably a massively grotesque and ugly freak.

Yes, the illegal coup in Kiev is of course being conveniently ignored by the usual suspects. They're just pretending it didn't happen. Just look at the corrupt Western Media. Not even a peep about the illegitimate Government now running Kiev. It's just another sham.

Great Britain and the U.S. should have dealt with the illegal coup honestly and fairly. But they didn't do that. Instead they just worked to make sure things worked to their advantage. It's all about their greed. They gave Russia no choice but to act. They definitely helped create this mess. But for me, I just want our $Billion back. And then let's call it a day. This is not our War. We shouldn't be involved.

The break up of the Soviet Union was an illegal coup, according to the narco-libtards.

The current Kiev Government is illegitimate. You can spin it any way you like, but that is the reality. The U.S. and Great Britain should have dealt with it honestly and fairly. But they didn't do that. Instead, they forced Russia's hand.
What I don't get is how people are just buying in to this so called "revolution". This was a coup. And we are being fed a steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter for three meals a day.

Holy toledo all one has to do is look at the freaking players involved. Take the time to check out Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Those sons of bitches who now have important positions in the new interim government will make your hair stand on end.

And I don't want to hear any whining and moaning that it's "Putin's Propaganda". That's stupid. I've already put up links to credible sources like the BBC who clearly had proof and published proof about how anti Jew the leader and his followers are in the Svoboda party.

For crying out loud check out the Right Sector and their love of Banderas.

Do some research instead of doing the knee jerk "Putin bad" .

It's very difficult for Americans to get truth. The American Government/Media Complex is incredibly powerful. Most Americans have no idea that an illegal coup took place in Kiev. And that the perpetrators are not very good people. It's just like what happened in Egypt. We shouldn't hand out one penny of Foreign Aid to fund these illegal coups. That's how i feel anyway.
I think Paul is wrong about this, but it really doesn't matter because DC is a hypocrite in such matters. At the end of the day the guy with the biggest stick wins. The U.S. has a well deserved bloody nose. Pushing this further might get us all killed. I don't think anyone here is ready to die for Obama or Kerry while they and their kids descend into their lavish nuclear shelter.


There well be no one left to bury you punk.
Latvia has a large ethnic Russian contingent. When Russia decides to annex Latvia will you be saying the same thing?

Ethnic Russians constitute about 20% of the population.

I would venture to say that so long as Latvia remains a sovereign and independent country that it will not be invaded.

However if the US attempts to make Latvia a geopolitical peon then its independence will be threatened.


And we know the US will attempt to make Latvia a peon when Russia threatens its indepedence, right shithead?

From 1989 to 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to let Eastern Europe go free and withdraw his troops and tank armies back to the Urals. The Soviet Union was allowed to dissolve into 15 nations. In three years, the USSR gave up an empire, a third of its territory, and half its people.

And it extended to us a hand of friendship.

How did we respond? We pushed NATO right up to Russia’s borders, bringing in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, even former Soviet republics Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

What I don't get is how people are just buying in to this so called "revolution". This was a coup. And we are being fed a steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter for three meals a day.

Holy toledo all one has to do is look at the freaking players involved. Take the time to check out Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Those sons of bitches who now have important positions in the new interim government will make your hair stand on end.

And I don't want to hear any whining and moaning that it's "Putin's Propaganda". That's stupid. I've already put up links to credible sources like the BBC who clearly had proof and published proof about how anti Jew the leader and his followers are in the Svoboda party.

For crying out loud check out the Right Sector and their love of Bandera.

Do some research instead of doing the knee jerk "Putin bad" .

It's very difficult for Americans to get truth. The American Government/Media Complex is incredibly powerful. Most Americans have no idea that an illegal coup took place in Kiev. And that the perpetrators are not very good people. It's just like what happened in Egypt. We shouldn't hand out one penny of Foreign Aid to fund these illegal coups. That's how i feel anyway.

You would think by now that after the debacle of Egypt with the lies that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization who wanted democracy, the nightmare in Libya. Libya is completely lawless and run by militias now and then our leaders and media got busted over the faux rebels in Syria who were actually paid mercenaries or linked to AQ and we would have spent more quizzillions helping terrorists overthrow Assad, and now freaking now Obama is in negotiations with the Taliban who have been allowed an Embassy for crying out loud in Qatar, you would freaking think some in the west would wake up and smell the bloody coffee.

Aye carumba. And all of the above have come with a very high price tag including lives in Afghanistan.

So now, really now people are still buying into the bullshit they keep feeding the masses?

Alas I really fear there is no hope. I guess ignorance really must be bliss. I'm spitting bullets over the thought of one thin dime of my tax dollars going to the Ukraine. Let the EU bail them out.
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What I don't get is how people are just buying in to this so called "revolution". This was a coup. And we are being fed a steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter for three meals a day.

Holy toledo all one has to do is look at the freaking players involved. Take the time to check out Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Those sons of bitches who now have important positions in the new interim government will make your hair stand on end.

And I don't want to hear any whining and moaning that it's "Putin's Propaganda". That's stupid. I've already put up links to credible sources like the BBC who clearly had proof and published proof about how anti Jew the leader and his followers are in the Svoboda party.

For crying out loud check out the Right Sector and their love of Bandera.

Do some research instead of doing the knee jerk "Putin bad" .

It's very difficult for Americans to get truth. The American Government/Media Complex is incredibly powerful. Most Americans have no idea that an illegal coup took place in Kiev. And that the perpetrators are not very good people. It's just like what happened in Egypt. We shouldn't hand out one penny of Foreign Aid to fund these illegal coups. That's how i feel anyway.

You would think by now that after the debacle of Egypt with the lies that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization who wanted democracy

Nobody made that argument.

The argument made was that they won a democratic election - which was somewhere in all those excuses Bush gave during his Quagmire FAIL: to spread democracy in the middle east.

Well, he did it, and they elected who they wanted - and nobody disputes the legitimacy of the election.

Be careful what you wish for - sometimes it bites you in the ass.
Yes, the illegal coup in Kiev is of course being conveniently ignored by the usual suspects. They're just pretending it didn't happen. Just look at the corrupt Western Media. Not even a peep about the illegitimate Government now running Kiev. It's just another sham.

Great Britain and the U.S. should have dealt with the illegal coup honestly and fairly. But they didn't do that. Instead they just worked to make sure things worked to their advantage. It's all about their greed. They gave Russia no choice but to act. They definitely helped create this mess. But for me, I just want our $Billion back. And then let's call it a day. This is not our War. We shouldn't be involved.

The break up of the Soviet Union was an illegal coup, according to the narco-libtards.

The current Kiev Government is illegitimate. You can spin it any way you like, but that is the reality. The U.S. and Great Britain should have dealt with it honestly and fairly. But they didn't do that. Instead, they forced Russia's hand.

It's illegitimate because it was installed by the country's parliament? So now they forced Russia's hand? Geezus, you sound like the lib apologists for the Soviet Union in the 1980s explaining that the Soviets were only responding to Western pressure.
Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

Ron Paul: U.S. State Dept. Conspired To Overthrow Ukraine - YouTube
Ok Paulitician, here is what I think. I think Ron Paul looks like a puppy floating in a toilet bowl among this scum - here is a genuine human being talking with all these dingbats who are so ignorant I have no words. really. people like RP only give them credibility to continue their careers.
It's very difficult for Americans to get truth. The American Government/Media Complex is incredibly powerful. Most Americans have no idea that an illegal coup took place in Kiev. And that the perpetrators are not very good people. It's just like what happened in Egypt. We shouldn't hand out one penny of Foreign Aid to fund these illegal coups. That's how i feel anyway.

You would think by now that after the debacle of Egypt with the lies that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization who wanted democracy

Nobody made that argument.

The argument made was that they won a democratic election - which was somewhere in all those excuses Bush gave during his Quagmire FAIL: to spread democracy in the middle east.

Well, he did it, and they elected who they wanted - and nobody disputes the legitimacy of the election.

Be careful what you wish for - sometimes it bites you in the ass.

Come on. Many made the argument that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization. Especially US / Canuck / and Brit politicians.

Oh and of course the goal in all these countries that we have foolishly interfered in has been to bring "democracy".

We've been fools. You won't get an argument from me on this. I have had my mea culpa moment a long time ago because for years I had been hoping and praying for a decent outcome in Afghanistan for the people but especially women and children.

So all I am saying is why are we still doing this shit? In the here and now. Egypt was a failure. Libya OMG what a nightmare. Syria like I said everyone was gangbusters to support fake rebels till the truth was told about them in the Brit media.

Now the Ukraine. Are we freaking masochists?

Ukraine is an instant replay of Egypt. Deja vu baby.

First you have honest protests truly heartfelt against government policies. Then the genuine protests are hijacked by those who wish to over throw a government backed by political forces with a different motivation than the original protestors. The motivation. Power.

So this is crazy to me. I'm working the boards and comment sections like crazy up here tackling my own beloved conservative party for jumping on the bandwagon in Ukraine. Letters to editors, to my representatives, to radio personalities that I know.

I'm bipartisanly (is that a word or am I pulling a Palin) pissed off.

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