Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

You mean the US Media is clearly misrepresenting the situation on the ground? I am shocked. It isn't like our media ever pushes the foreign policy agenda of the administration in power.

But thank you for exposing the cognitive dissonance of the NY Times and the lies and thus lack of credibility on the part of the MSM. You deserve some kind of award.

Not all those links were from the U.S. media, dope.

You lose again.
This is your best response?

So some British and some European rags copy the lies of the NY Times. What's the difference?

You are a moron being taken for a ride. The vote clearly allowed for them to remain in Ukraine, if you bothered to look it up. But the dinosaur media knows idiots like you just read the titles.

Fuck you, the fact retarded mouth-breathers like you have a vote is a travesty.
You mean the US Media is clearly misrepresenting the situation on the ground? I am shocked. It isn't like our media ever pushes the foreign policy agenda of the administration in power.

But thank you for exposing the cognitive dissonance of the NY Times and the lies and thus lack of credibility on the part of the MSM. You deserve some kind of award.

Not all those links were from the U.S. media, dope.

You lose again.
This is your best response?

So some British and some European rags copy the lies of the NY Times. What's the difference?

You are a moron being taken for a ride. The vote clearly allowed for them to remain in Ukraine, if you bothered to look it up. But the dinosaur media knows idiots like you just read the titles.

Fuck you, the fact retarded mouth-breathers like you have a vote is a travesty.
Yes, yes - we all get it.

The world's media are ALL wrong, and you, posting from your mom's basement, are correct. :lol:

Not all those links were from the U.S. media, dope.

You lose again.
This is your best response?

So some British and some European rags copy the lies of the NY Times. What's the difference?

You are a moron being taken for a ride. The vote clearly allowed for them to remain in Ukraine, if you bothered to look it up. But the dinosaur media knows idiots like you just read the titles.

Fuck you, the fact retarded mouth-breathers like you have a vote is a travesty.
Yes, yes - we all get it.

The world's media are ALL wrong, and you, posting from your mom's basement, are correct. :lol:

They aren't wrong, they are lying in their title. And morons like you buy it. You can't comprehend the notion that a group of people like Crimea don't want to be part of the suicide pact known as the EU/NATO/IMF.

Choice 1: Are you in favour of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?[54]
Choice 2: Are you in favour of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?[54]

Crimean referendum, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Considering the majority of Crimeans are ethnic Russians it's a bloody no brainer that they want to leave a Ukraine whose new interim government hates Russians and everybody of Russian origin.

Geeze louise, who would want to stay with a government that wants to ban the Russian language, who wants to strip you of your rights because you are not "ethnically pure Ukrainian" and on top of all the other bullshit from Kiev wants to take away your autonomy. Part of Svoboda's platform was to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

Crimeans really don't have a warm and fuzzy with the new so called government and who the hell can blame them?

Well except those that don't know what has really transpired in the Ukraine. Or have bought into the steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter we've been handed
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I think Paul is wrong about this, but it really doesn't matter because DC is a hypocrite in such matters. At the end of the day the guy with the biggest stick wins. The U.S. has a well deserved bloody nose. Pushing this further might get us all killed. I don't think anyone here is ready to die for Obama or Kerry while they and their kids descend into their lavish nuclear shelter.
This is your best response?

So some British and some European rags copy the lies of the NY Times. What's the difference?

You are a moron being taken for a ride. The vote clearly allowed for them to remain in Ukraine, if you bothered to look it up. But the dinosaur media knows idiots like you just read the titles.

Fuck you, the fact retarded mouth-breathers like you have a vote is a travesty.
Yes, yes - we all get it.

The world's media are ALL wrong, and you, posting from your mom's basement, are correct. :lol:

They aren't wrong, they are lying in their title. And morons like you buy it. You can't comprehend the notion that a group of people like Crimea don't want to be part of the suicide pact known as the EU/NATO/IMF.

Choice 1: Are you in favour of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?[54]
Choice 2: Are you in favour of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?[54]

Crimean referendum, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the second-to-last link:

Kyiv Post’s Katya Gorchinskaya details the choices on the ballot:
Do you support joining Crimea with the Russian Federation as a subject of Russian Federation?


Do you support restoration of 1992 Crimean Constitution and Crimea’s status as a part of Ukraine?

That Constitution declares that Crimea is an independent state.
In other words, there is no option that says “don’t secede.” The only option on the ballot is “when” to secede.


Voters in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea who vote in the March 16 referendum have two choices – join Russia immediately or declare independence and then join Russia.

So the choices are “yes, now” or “yes, later.”
I think Paul is wrong about this, but it really doesn't matter because DC is a hypocrite in such matters. At the end of the day the guy with the biggest stick wins. The U.S. has a well deserved bloody nose. Pushing this further might get us all killed. I don't think anyone here is ready to die for Obama or Kerry while they and their kids descend into their lavish nuclear shelter.

Yes, yes - we all get it.

The world's media are ALL wrong, and you, posting from your mom's basement, are correct. :lol:

They aren't wrong, they are lying in their title. And morons like you buy it. You can't comprehend the notion that a group of people like Crimea don't want to be part of the suicide pact known as the EU/NATO/IMF.

Choice 1: Are you in favour of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?[54]
Choice 2: Are you in favour of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?[54]

Crimean referendum, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the second-to-last link:

Kyiv Post’s Katya Gorchinskaya details the choices on the ballot:
Do you support joining Crimea with the Russian Federation as a subject of Russian Federation?


Do you support restoration of 1992 Crimean Constitution and Crimea’s status as a part of Ukraine?

That Constitution declares that Crimea is an independent state.
In other words, there is no option that says “don’t secede.” The only option on the ballot is “when” to secede.


Voters in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea who vote in the March 16 referendum have two choices – join Russia immediately or declare independence and then join Russia.

So the choices are “yes, now” or “yes, later.”

Hello? That 1992 Constitution holds that Crimea has autonomy within the Ukraine.

So the referendum asks "do you want to stay the same within the Ukraine" or "do you want to join Russia".

It's quite simple. Should we stay or should we go?

The constitution establishes the republic's status and authority within Ukraine. It grants Crimea the right to draft a budget and manage its own property

Constitution of Crimea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The only way Russia can be a threat, is if the Warmongers here make them a threat.

This is the essence of the issue. People don't understand the political uses of fear - and how that fear is used to grow government power.

Consider the War on Terrorism.

We should have made our hunt for Bin Laden a quiet police matter. Instead, Bush 43, through his never-ending projection of fear, turned 15 guys with box cutters into a cosmic power, capable of toppling the USA, and therefore equivalent in power to the USA. He was the best recruiting tool Al Qaeda ever had.

We made Al Qaeda powerful by putting them on the news every ten seconds. Do you know how proud Al Qaeda was that FOX News was broadcasting color coded fear alerts every second of every day? Al Qaeda hit the jackpot because they found a force inside the USA willing to achieve their goals by proxy, which was to make our nation scared. The Republican Party, in some odd way, became an arm of Al Qaeda because they constantly reminded us how much danger we were in; they constantly reminded us of Al Qaeda's power. (What more could a band of crippled cave monkeys hope for? We gave them the headline of every news story for years. We gave them the lead story on every broadcast for years. This is what they wanted, to be the center of our lives and keep us in fear. The Republican party kept these bastards in business.)

The whole point of Terrorism is to make people scared. This is why Israel never gives press to terrorists; rather, they quietly hunt and kill them - but they never let terrorists destroy their nation through fear.

Israel realizes that to give terrorists press, is to give them exactly what they want.

The goal of terrorism is to scare people into giving up their values - to make the enemy collapse internally through fear. To do this they need a willing accomplice on the inside, a political party willing to spread fear. The fact that Bush shredded the Constitution with the Patriot Act, and suspended Habeas Corpus, and created a domestic spying program is a greater victory than Al Qaeda could have ever hoped for. We destroyed our freedom because we had a political party that benefited by spreading fear. (The 2004 elections had mushroom clouds and Bin Laden's face on nearly every campaign ad. Fear wins elections. Could Al Qaeda have hoped for more - to have their interest in spreading fear align so perfectly with the Republican interest in winning elections?)

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

Destroying our Constitution and erecting a surveillance state is far more dangerous than 15 guys with box cutters, who got insanely lucky by catching an incompetent administration asleep at the switch. But make no mistake. The goal of terrorism is to destroy a society with fear. They want us to trade our freedom for the illusion of safety - and Republicans always believe we can be more safe by giving Government more power.

The GOP and the War on Terrorism is coming back in 2016. If you thought the first Patriot Act was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. These people benefit from fear. They win elections with fear. If they can rekindle the Soviet Threat, there is no telling how much fear they will spread, and how big government will grow to save us. God Help Us.
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Considering the majority of Crimeans are ethnic Russians it's a bloody no brainer that they want to leave a Ukraine whose new interim government hates Russians and everybody of Russian origin.

Geeze louise, who would want to stay with a government that wants to ban the Russian language, who wants to strip you of your rights because you are not "ethnically pure Ukrainian" and on top of all the other bullshit from Kiev wants to take away your autonomy. Part of Svoboda's platform was to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

Crimeans really don't have a warm and fuzzy with the new so called government and who the hell can blame them?

Well except those that don't know what has really transpired in the Ukraine. Or have bought into the steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter we've been handed

Latvia has a large ethnic Russian contingent. When Russia decides to annex Latvia will you be saying the same thing?
Considering the majority of Crimeans are ethnic Russians it's a bloody no brainer that they want to leave a Ukraine whose new interim government hates Russians and everybody of Russian origin.

Geeze louise, who would want to stay with a government that wants to ban the Russian language, who wants to strip you of your rights because you are not "ethnically pure Ukrainian" and on top of all the other bullshit from Kiev wants to take away your autonomy. Part of Svoboda's platform was to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

Crimeans really don't have a warm and fuzzy with the new so called government and who the hell can blame them?

Well except those that don't know what has really transpired in the Ukraine. Or have bought into the steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter we've been handed

Latvia has a large ethnic Russian contingent. When Russia decides to annex Latvia will you be saying the same thing?

Ethnic Russians constitute about 20% of the population.

I would venture to say that so long as Latvia remains a sovereign and independent country that it will not be invaded.

However if the US attempts to make Latvia a geopolitical peon then its independence will be threatened.

Considering the majority of Crimeans are ethnic Russians it's a bloody no brainer that they want to leave a Ukraine whose new interim government hates Russians and everybody of Russian origin.

Geeze louise, who would want to stay with a government that wants to ban the Russian language, who wants to strip you of your rights because you are not "ethnically pure Ukrainian" and on top of all the other bullshit from Kiev wants to take away your autonomy. Part of Svoboda's platform was to strip Crimea of its autonomy.

Crimeans really don't have a warm and fuzzy with the new so called government and who the hell can blame them?

Well except those that don't know what has really transpired in the Ukraine. Or have bought into the steaming plate of bullshit with a side of political fecal matter we've been handed

Latvia has a large ethnic Russian contingent. When Russia decides to annex Latvia will you be saying the same thing?

Ethnic Russians constitute about 20% of the population.

I would venture to say that so long as Latvia remains a sovereign and independent country that it will not be invaded.

However if the US attempts to make Latvia a geopolitical peon then its independence will be threatened.


And we know the US will attempt to make Latvia a peon when Russia threatens its indepedence, right shithead?
Ron Paul, proving why he should never be anywhere near power. Ron Paul? No. RuPaul, YES! Join the RuVolution!

You should rethink your position on this one. You shouldn't support being forced to fund illegal coups in Egypt and Ukraine. It's a gross misappropriation of Foreign Aid Tax Dollars. It should be challenged legally.
There was no illegal coup in the Ukraine. More conspiracy crap from the fringe wookie suiters. Ron Paul has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for 30 years.

you obviously don't know Jack sh#t about what is going on, it was an illegal coup, stop your internal dialogue. You are wrong and probably a massively grotesque and ugly freak.
You should rethink your position on this one. You shouldn't support being forced to fund illegal coups in Egypt and Ukraine. It's a gross misappropriation of Foreign Aid Tax Dollars. It should be challenged legally.
There was no illegal coup in the Ukraine. More conspiracy crap from the fringe wookie suiters. Ron Paul has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for 30 years.

you obviously don't know Jack sh#t about what is going on, it was an illegal coup, stop your internal dialogue. You are wrong and probably a massively grotesque and ugly freak.

Yes, the illegal coup in Kiev is of course being conveniently ignored by the usual suspects. They're just pretending it didn't happen. Just look at the corrupt Western Media. Not even a peep about the illegitimate Government now running Kiev. It's just another sham.

Great Britain and the U.S. should have dealt with the illegal coup honestly and fairly. But they didn't do that. Instead they just worked to make sure things worked to their advantage. It's all about their greed. They gave Russia no choice but to act. They definitely helped create this mess. But for me, I just want our $Billion back. And then let's call it a day. This is not our War. We shouldn't be involved.
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There was no illegal coup in the Ukraine. More conspiracy crap from the fringe wookie suiters. Ron Paul has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for 30 years.

you obviously don't know Jack sh#t about what is going on, it was an illegal coup, stop your internal dialogue. You are wrong and probably a massively grotesque and ugly freak.

Yes, the illegal coup in Kiev is of course being conveniently ignored by the usual suspects. They're just pretending it didn't happen. Just look at the corrupt Western Media. Not even a peep about the illegitimate Government now running Kiev. It's just another sham.

Great Britain and the U.S. should have dealt with the illegal coup honestly and fairly. But they didn't do that. Instead they just worked to make sure things worked to their advantage. It's all about their greed. They gave Russia no choice but to act. They definitely helped create this mess. But for me, I just want our $Billion back. And then let's call it a day. This is not our War. We shouldn't be involved.

The break up of the Soviet Union was an illegal coup, according to the narco-libtards.

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