Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

OK so you cannot support your claim. But Lew Rockwell said they damaged the country and by golly that's good enuf for you.
Remind me why narco-libertarians are superior to liberals.

Your loyal support of the NSA is very sad and unfortunate. The NSA does not have your best interests in mind. It's no wonder you guys are becoming an endangered species. You're rapidly becoming outdated ole fossils. Remind me why Big Brother Neocons are superior to Communists/Progressives.

Quit trying to deflect from your failed post. NSA, whatever else they are, have not done more harm to the US than Russia.

Well i believe they have. I believe it's an Un-American criminal organization. I don't have any worries about Putin and Russia. But i do have many worries about my own Government. I'm much more concerned with the Dictator asshole in power here at home. He's doing far more damage to my country than Putin and Russia could ever dream of doing.

Russia's no threat to me. But my own Government is. The only way Russia can be a threat, is if the Warmongers here make them a threat. This confrontation is unwise and unnecessary. It's not our War.
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Crimea Today:


Who is spreading Democracy again?

No you dummy, illegal coups now = 'Democracy.' Get with the program. ;)
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Of course, now you see why the federales insist that the news networks have an FCC "License".

While we didn't invade, we certainly had a war as to whether a state had the right to leave the Union at all. Once the South declared its independence, according to the obama theory of government, they should have had a right to do just that.

The oama theory of government is wholly based in hypocrisy,

The West has condemned the upcoming referendum in Crimea as “illegitimate” and is preparing sanctions against Russia. However, the West’s seemingly random policy on other referendums hints at a double standard in their governments’ rhetoric.

Crimea will vote Sunday whether to remain an autonomous region in Ukraine or to join with Russia. Western leaders have claimed the referendum is a farce and that Russian forces have occupied the region. Moscow, however, maintains there has been no such invasion and the referendum represents the Crimeans’ right to self-determination.

In the past the West has not batted an eyelid when countries sought to hold referendums and in some cases actively supported them.
Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

Ron Paul: U.S. State Dept. Conspired To Overthrow Ukraine - YouTube

That senile fuckwad traitor would say The Pootin would have the law on his side if he invaded America. Unfortunately, a large number of republicans and all the teabaggers would agree.
While we didn't invade, we certainly had a war as to whether a state had the right to leave the Union at all. Once the South declared its independence, according to the obama theory of government, they should have had a right to do just that.

The oama theory of government is wholly based in hypocrisy,

The West has condemned the upcoming referendum in Crimea as “illegitimate” and is preparing sanctions against Russia. However, the West’s seemingly random policy on other referendums hints at a double standard in their governments’ rhetoric.

Crimea will vote Sunday whether to remain an autonomous region in Ukraine or to join with Russia. Western leaders have claimed the referendum is a farce and that Russian forces have occupied the region. Moscow, however, maintains there has been no such invasion and the referendum represents the Crimeans’ right to self-determination.

In the past the West has not batted an eyelid when countries sought to hold referendums and in some cases actively supported them.

Idiots to the left of me, morons to the right....
While we didn't invade, we certainly had a war as to whether a state had the right to leave the Union at all. Once the South declared its independence, according to the obama theory of government, they should have had a right to do just that.

The oama theory of government is wholly based in hypocrisy,

The West has condemned the upcoming referendum in Crimea as “illegitimate” and is preparing sanctions against Russia. However, the West’s seemingly random policy on other referendums hints at a double standard in their governments’ rhetoric.

Crimea will vote Sunday whether to remain an autonomous region in Ukraine or to join with Russia. Western leaders have claimed the referendum is a farce and that Russian forces have occupied the region. Moscow, however, maintains there has been no such invasion and the referendum represents the Crimeans’ right to self-determination.

In the past the West has not batted an eyelid when countries sought to hold referendums and in some cases actively supported them.

Illegal coups are "Democracy" and Referendums are "illegal and illegitimate." Hmm, when did that become the deal? Just another case of Great Britain and the U.S. deciding what's legal/illegal and what is or isn't 'Democracy.' Their positions on that change year to year. They have no credibility left. Check out Western Media, hardly a mention of the illegal coup in Kiev that started this whole thing. It's all just propaganda. But they better be very careful. A confrontation with Russia is unwise and unnecessary.
Your loyal support of the NSA is very sad and unfortunate. The NSA does not have your best interests in mind. It's no wonder you guys are becoming an endangered species. You're rapidly becoming outdated ole fossils. Remind me why Big Brother Neocons are superior to Communists/Progressives.

Quit trying to deflect from your failed post. NSA, whatever else they are, have not done more harm to the US than Russia.

Well i believe they have. I believe it's an Un-American criminal organization. I don't have any worries about Putin and Russia. But i do have many worries about my own Government. I'm much more concerned with the Dictator asshole in power here at home. He's doing far more damage to my country than Putin and Russia could ever dream of doing.

Russia's no threat to me. But my own Government is. The only way Russia can be a threat, is if the Warmongers here make them a threat. This confrontation is unwise and unnecessary. It's not our War.

People believe Elvis is alive. I dont know what you base your belief on. Probably voices in your head.
We can make Russia not a threat by surrendering to them avoiding all that bloodshed. Narco libtards would be happy, as long as they're free to smoke dope.
While we didn't invade, we certainly had a war as to whether a state had the right to leave the Union at all. Once the South declared its independence, according to the obama theory of government, they should have had a right to do just that.

The oama theory of government is wholly based in hypocrisy,

The West has condemned the upcoming referendum in Crimea as “illegitimate” and is preparing sanctions against Russia. However, the West’s seemingly random policy on other referendums hints at a double standard in their governments’ rhetoric.

Crimea will vote Sunday whether to remain an autonomous region in Ukraine or to join with Russia. Western leaders have claimed the referendum is a farce and that Russian forces have occupied the region. Moscow, however, maintains there has been no such invasion and the referendum represents the Crimeans’ right to self-determination.

In the past the West has not batted an eyelid when countries sought to hold referendums and in some cases actively supported them.

Apparently Kosovo had the right of referendum according the the US, and they are a narco Islamic terrorist state for Al Qaeda and the Albanian mob, so that is cool. But Crimea, not cool.
Quit trying to deflect from your failed post. NSA, whatever else they are, have not done more harm to the US than Russia.

Well i believe they have. I believe it's an Un-American criminal organization. I don't have any worries about Putin and Russia. But i do have many worries about my own Government. I'm much more concerned with the Dictator asshole in power here at home. He's doing far more damage to my country than Putin and Russia could ever dream of doing.

Russia's no threat to me. But my own Government is. The only way Russia can be a threat, is if the Warmongers here make them a threat. This confrontation is unwise and unnecessary. It's not our War.

People believe Elvis is alive. I dont know what you base your belief on. Probably voices in your head.
We can make Russia not a threat by surrendering to them avoiding all that bloodshed. Narco libtards would be happy, as long as they're free to smoke dope.

Well, then you go on worshipping Big Brother's NSA. That's your call i guess. I can't help you. And while you're at it, you're welcome to suit up and head off to Ukraine to fight. No one's stopping you. And you can also fork over your own bank account to em. That's your business. But don't force others to join your misguided crusade. You wanna to get that mean ole Putin and Russia? Then head on over and get to fighting. Give us our $Billion back and good luck to ya. Bon voyage.
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I wouldn't bother with Rabbi, with a name like that we know where his loyalty really lies. It would also explain his love for the NSA.

NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel | World news | The Guardian

You needn't worry much about Rabbit, he's the rdean of the right.
Oh, and he's a scalawag big yankee government lover to boot.

I also think he fears that southern patriots are taking notes on what is going on in Crimea, and may use Crimean tactics against the tyranny in D.C.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.
The meddling Brits only like some Referendums. They're pretty nervous about Scotland getting ready to dump em. I think it's humorously ironic. That one's gonna get very interesting. Stay tuned.
Fag....don't equate us conservatives with the losertarian kooks, they are just loons like you liberals.

Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

Ron Paul: U.S. State Dept. Conspired To Overthrow Ukraine - YouTube

That senile fuckwad traitor would say The Pootin would have the law on his side if he invaded America. Unfortunately, a large number of republicans and all the teabaggers would agree.

Paul isn't a Libertarian, ummm...BREEDER?

You mean the US Media is clearly misrepresenting the situation on the ground? I am shocked. It isn't like our media ever pushes the foreign policy agenda of the administration in power.

But thank you for exposing the cognitive dissonance of the NY Times and the lies and thus lack of credibility on the part of the MSM. You deserve some kind of award.

Not all those links were from the U.S. media, dope.

You lose again.
Cocksucker....Ron paul is a losertarian kook.

You are a liberal kook, that likes cocks.

Fag....don't equate us conservatives with the losertarian kooks, they are just loons like you liberals.

That senile fuckwad traitor would say The Pootin would have the law on his side if he invaded America. Unfortunately, a large number of republicans and all the teabaggers would agree.

Paul isn't a Libertarian, ummm...BREEDER?

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