Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

I can see these kooks standing outside the NSA, well the highway turn off to Ft Meade, only wearing their stained underwear protesting the NSA and praising Putin invading Eastern Europe......that would really get them more winning elections, not.
Ron Paul is a shit-eating kook.

Rand Paul should come out claiming his father has dementia to save the family name.

As for Putin/Russia having the legal right to invade a sovereign country over internal politics.....uh Russia signed a Treaty to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion, thus they are violating the Treaty they signed along with international laws using their military without proper identification as an occupation force.

Go to hell Ron Paul.

You're such a bad ass. You're as useful as a 25 pound bag of smashed assholes. You're an 18 year old nerd on his daddies puter making up for all the times his big mouth got his ass kicked at the bus stop. The short bus stop that is. Your nonsense makes my day.
Oh...the NSA put a listening device in his blow up dolls.

The NSA is a criminal organization. You wanna talk about Evil? Start with them. They've been far more harmful to American Citizens than Putin and Russia will ever be. You should support a War against them instead.

Remind me what damage the NSA has done. Be specific.

Yes we know..."ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER!!!"

The NSA does Putin proud everyday. It's actually the model for what he's currently using in Russia. Him and Obama have a lot in common. You guys should be far more angrier with Obama and his NSA Gestapo, than with Putin and Russia.
Typical trash from you, shit eater.

You don't say anything here except for random ad hominem attacks on people that own your ass.


Ron Paul is a shit-eating kook.

Rand Paul should come out claiming his father has dementia to save the family name.

As for Putin/Russia having the legal right to invade a sovereign country over internal politics.....uh Russia signed a Treaty to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion, thus they are violating the Treaty they signed along with international laws using their military without proper identification as an occupation force.

Go to hell Ron Paul.

You're such a bad ass. You're as useful as a 25 pound bag of smashed assholes. You're an 18 year old nerd on his daddies puter making up for all the times his big mouth got his ass kicked at the bus stop. The short bus stop that is. Your nonsense makes my day.
Uh...when does Russia have the right to invade their neighbor if they don't like who takes control of that country????

This is what Superpowers do. When Iran's wildly popular, Democratically elected Mosaddegh refused to "play ball" with Western energy needs (choosing instead to use oil resources to benefit his own country), the USA teamed with Britain to remove him, replacing him with the brutal Shaw, who gave us the lion's share of their oil contracts (until the 1979 revolution). FYI: the quickest way for a Superpower to cause rebellion (see homegrown terror networks like Hezbollah) is to forcibly intervene in a nation's destiny and replace a well liked leader with an animal. Rather than lie about it (and raise a generation of republican voters who don't understand geopolitics) we should demand that our news outlets teach real history. We need to ask why 90% of Talk Radio Republicans don't know that Reagan removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that he could pour weapons and money into their regime. If Rush Limbaugh & FOX News aren't educating you about history, why give them your brain?

It's time for us to grow-up (and man-up) and realize that Superpowers accumulate global assets by a number of different means. Sometimes they do so by supporting violent coups (research the number of rebel factions Reagan supported across different continents); other times Superpowers impose their will through the application of financial pressure. For instance, the USA under Reagan strategically captured the resources of many 3rd world nations by finding a corruptible dictator inside a given nation who agreed to receive a massive "Structural Improvement" loan only to default on it, thus putting the country in technical receivership so that the lion's share of its resources could go to the large corporations that own Washington. It may bother you that we routinely use unethical means to capture resources for our economy, but I like the lifestyle I live as an American citizen and I accept that life is unfair.

We live in a country that has less than 5% of the world's population but consumes over 25% of its resources. You don't achieve this kind of imbalance without the exercise of muscle; indeed, you don't bend and shape regions filled with Husseins or Pinochets through the application of rational market principals.

At some point, we need to understand that Superpowers don't rule a dangerous world with feel-good bumper stickers like "Freedom is on the march". Geopolitics is a contact sport and big nations like the USA sometimes have to forcibly control other regions and spill innocent blood to achieve their goals. Life is unfair. Man up. Own it.
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Ron Paul is a shit-eating kook.

Rand Paul should come out claiming his father has dementia to save the family name.

As for Putin/Russia having the legal right to invade a sovereign country over internal politics.....uh Russia signed a Treaty to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion, thus they are violating the Treaty they signed along with international laws using their military without proper identification as an occupation force.

Go to hell Ron Paul.

You're such a bad ass. You're as useful as a 25 pound bag of smashed assholes. You're an 18 year old nerd on his daddies puter making up for all the times his big mouth got his ass kicked at the bus stop. The short bus stop that is. Your nonsense makes my day.

Can't he just suit up and head over to Ukraine to fight? And then fork his own bank account over to em? Man, think of the $Billions that would be saved in Tax Dollars. And of course we'd be minus one unhinged wingnut too. The bonus. ;)
The NSA is a criminal organization. You wanna talk about Evil? Start with them. They've been far more harmful to American Citizens than Putin and Russia will ever be. You should support a War against them instead.

Remind me what damage the NSA has done. Be specific.

Yes we know..."ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER!!!"

The NSA does Putin proud everyday. It's actually the model for what he's currently using in Russia. Him and Obama have a lot in common. You guys should be far more angrier with Obama and his NSA Gestapo, than with Putin and Russia.

See what I mean????

Here's more right wing love for The Pootin

Ex-Army - Libertarian Nationalist: August 2011

Putin does make our current crop of Republican candidates look pretty feeble. Rick Perry is inviting more illegal aliens in to work at under minimum wage for his contributors, Michele Bachmann is a nice, smart lady, but she is a lady at a time when we need an Alpha Male running things. Ron Paul is being ignored by all the media except John Stewart. Mitt Romney still looks like a guy modeling shirts in the Sears catalog. And Huntsman and Cain and the rest probably couldn't whip Putin in the ring working as a team. I'm beginning to agree with Baloo's idea here.

Well, the neocons and their puppets in Congress are revealing that they never really disliked communism, they just disliked Russia.

Here's a new avatar for y'all!

The misguided Warmongers here are conveniently forgetting one crucial point in this. This whole thing started with an illegal coup in Kiev. I mean, we have big problems here in our own country. We have a corrupt Government that routinely spies on and oppresses its citizens. So would an illegal coup be acceptable here? The Warmongers need to think this stuff through a bit more before rushing to conflict with Russia.
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Look at the limp dick leftist European trash trying to equate political games between the CIA and KGB during the Cold War to a military invasion in 2014.

I bet you think Russia wasn't involved with Iran back then, eh shitstain?

Oh, when Iran gets nukes to blow up Israel and the US.....Russian fingerprints will be on the bombs.

Uh...when does Russia have the right to invade their neighbor if they don't like who takes control of that country????

This is what Superpowers do. When Iran's wildly popular, Democratically elected Mosaddegh refused to "play ball" with Western energy needs (choosing instead to use oil resources to benefit his own country), the USA teamed with Britain to remove him, replacing him with the brutal Shaw, who gave us the lion's share of their oil contracts (until the 1979 revolution). FYI: the quickest way for a Superpower to cause rebellion (see homegrown terror networks like Hezbollah) is to forcibly intervene in a nation's destiny and replace a well liked leader with an animal. Rather than lie about it (and raise a generation of republican voters who don't understand geopolitics) we should demand that our news outlets teach real history. We need to ask why 90% of Talk Radio Republicans don't know that Reagan removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that he could pour weapons and money into their regime. If Rush Limbaugh & FOX News aren't educating you about history, why give them your brain?

It's time for us to grow-up (and man-up) and realize that Superpowers accumulate global assets by a number of different means. Sometimes they do so by supporting violent coups (research the number of rebel factions Reagan supported across different continents); other times Superpowers impose their will through the application of financial pressure. For instance, the USA under Reagan captured the resources of many strategic 3rd world nations by finding a corruptible dictator inside a given nation who agreed to receive a massive "Structural Improvement" loan only to default on it, thus putting the country in technical receivership so that the lion's share of its resources could go to the large corporations that own Washington.

We live in a country that has less than 5% of the world's population but consumes over 25% of its resources. You don't achieve this kind of imbalance without the exercise of muscle; indeed, you don't bend and shape regions filled with Husseins or Pinochets through the application of rational market principals.

At some point, we need to understand that Superpowers don't rule a dangerous world with feel-good bumper stickers like "Freedom is on the march". Geopolitics is a contact sport and big nations like the USA sometimes have to forcibly control other regions and spill innocent blood to achieve their goals. Life is unfair. Man up. Own it.
Fag....don't equate us conservatives with the losertarian kooks, they are just loons like you liberals.

Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

Ron Paul: U.S. State Dept. Conspired To Overthrow Ukraine - YouTube

That senile fuckwad traitor would say The Pootin would have the law on his side if he invaded America. Unfortunately, a large number of republicans and all the teabaggers would agree.
Look at the limp dick leftist European trash trying to equate political games between the CIA and KGB during the Cold War to a military invasion in 2014.

I bet you think Russia wasn't involved with Iran back then, eh shitstain?

Oh, when Iran gets nukes to blow up Israel and the US.....Russian fingerprints will be on the bombs.

Uh...when does Russia have the right to invade their neighbor if they don't like who takes control of that country????

This is what Superpowers do. When Iran's wildly popular, Democratically elected Mosaddegh refused to "play ball" with Western energy needs (choosing instead to use oil resources to benefit his own country), the USA teamed with Britain to remove him, replacing him with the brutal Shaw, who gave us the lion's share of their oil contracts (until the 1979 revolution). FYI: the quickest way for a Superpower to cause rebellion (see homegrown terror networks like Hezbollah) is to forcibly intervene in a nation's destiny and replace a well liked leader with an animal. Rather than lie about it (and raise a generation of republican voters who don't understand geopolitics) we should demand that our news outlets teach real history. We need to ask why 90% of Talk Radio Republicans don't know that Reagan removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that he could pour weapons and money into their regime. If Rush Limbaugh & FOX News aren't educating you about history, why give them your brain?

It's time for us to grow-up (and man-up) and realize that Superpowers accumulate global assets by a number of different means. Sometimes they do so by supporting violent coups (research the number of rebel factions Reagan supported across different continents); other times Superpowers impose their will through the application of financial pressure. For instance, the USA under Reagan captured the resources of many strategic 3rd world nations by finding a corruptible dictator inside a given nation who agreed to receive a massive "Structural Improvement" loan only to default on it, thus putting the country in technical receivership so that the lion's share of its resources could go to the large corporations that own Washington.

We live in a country that has less than 5% of the world's population but consumes over 25% of its resources. You don't achieve this kind of imbalance without the exercise of muscle; indeed, you don't bend and shape regions filled with Husseins or Pinochets through the application of rational market principals.

At some point, we need to understand that Superpowers don't rule a dangerous world with feel-good bumper stickers like "Freedom is on the march". Geopolitics is a contact sport and big nations like the USA sometimes have to forcibly control other regions and spill innocent blood to achieve their goals. Life is unfair. Man up. Own it.

Why all the vicious hate for Putin? What's up with that? Try to calm down and give us some logical reasons you hate Putin so much. I'm serious. I'm willing to listen.
When it gets down to it....losertarians show their true colors liking Hitler and Putin while constantly going on rants about the "Jews" and the US military......Hitler was buddy-buddy with Stalin until he wanted Russia's oil fields.
When it gets down to it....losertarians show their true colors liking Hitler and Putin while constantly going on rants about the "Jews" and the US military......Hitler was buddy-buddy with Stalin until he wanted Russia's oil fields.

Oh well, i tried. But ok, i'll try again. Why all the vicious hate for Putin? Just chill for a sec and think about it. Then give us some logical reasons why you hate him so much. I'm willing to listen.
I still haven't heard a valid argument from the Communists and Neocons for us having a confrontation with Russia over Ukraine.
The NSA is a criminal organization. You wanna talk about Evil? Start with them. They've been far more harmful to American Citizens than Putin and Russia will ever be. You should support a War against them instead.

Remind me what damage the NSA has done. Be specific.

Yes we know..."ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER!!!"

The NSA does Putin proud everyday. It's actually the model for what he's currently using in Russia. Him and Obama have a lot in common. You guys should be far more angrier with Obama and his NSA Gestapo, than with Putin and Russia.

Can't answer the question? What damage has NSA done? You claimed they did more damage than Russia. Russia spies on the US and undermines it at every turn. What has NSA done that is worse?
When it gets down to it....losertarians show their true colors liking Hitler and Putin while constantly going on rants about the "Jews" and the US military......Hitler was buddy-buddy with Stalin until he wanted Russia's oil fields.

Oh well, i tried. But ok, i'll try again. Why all the vicious hate for Putin? Just chill for a sec and think about it. Then give us some logical reasons why you hate him so much. I'm willing to listen.

You mean because Putin has jailed dissidents, assassinated enemies of the state, suppressed freedom of speech, usurped the law, violated international agreements, and stolen money? Nothing at all.

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