Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

Democracy is honoring the vote when the vote turns out the way they like. If it's not what they wanted it's an illegal vote. Democrats do the same thing in this country.
Democracy is honoring the vote when the vote turns out the way they like. If it's not what they wanted it's an illegal vote. Democrats do the same thing in this country.

I have to say you're Spot On. When did illegal coups become 'Democracy?' Let's get our $Billion back and call it a day. This is not our fight.
Yet another intervention by the power elite, in an effort to start yet another war the American people do not want...but the power elite would love another war.

When will the American people realize that the power elite are nothing more then scammers and racketeers?
I would go as far as saying Putin has been very calm and understated while NATO expands closer and closer to Russia's border. This whole episode is a big blunder by the EU & US who's actions have resulted in nothing but creating a dodgy government in Kiev and losing Crimea. bunch of Muppets
I would go as far as saying Putin has been very calm and understated while NATO expands closer and closer to Russia's border. This whole episode is a big blunder by the EU & US who's actions have resulted in nothing but creating a dodgy government in Kiev and losing Crimea. bunch of Muppets

The U.S. and Great Britain are the most meddlesome nations on the Planet. They're everywhere stirring up trouble. They support and fund an illegal coup in Kiev, and then have the nerve to preach high & mighty to Russia. What is legal/illegal? What is 'Democracy' to these people. They've lost all credibility on the issue. You can't support illegal actions and condemn illegal actions at the same time. Their credibililty is shot for sure.
I thought America supported Freedom & Democracy? Guess that's out the window now. Egypt, now Ukraine? Looks like we have no problem with illegal Military Coups these days. In my opinion, forcing American Taxpayers to finance such coups is illegal. I believe our Government is violating Law in funding these coups with Foreign Aid dollars. It should be challenged.

Ron Paul, proving why he should never be anywhere near power. Ron Paul? No. RuPaul, YES! Join the RuVolution!
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

Except, the people of Crimea have no choice to determine their own political destiny.

Declining being annexed by Russia is not a choice in Sunday's voting.

He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

Who is a fake American?

The duly elected President in Kiev was overthrown by a coup by the opposition parties.
One more instance of "street protest" being used as cover.

Is it your position that all coups overthrowing duly elected leaders are illegal/bad/unnecessary?

I have some Turks I'd like you to speak with, along with some Egyptians.
I thought America supported Freedom & Democracy? Guess that's out the window now. Egypt, now Ukraine? Looks like we have no problem with illegal Military Coups these days. In my opinion, forcing American Taxpayers to finance such coups is illegal. I believe our Government is violating Law in funding these coups with Foreign Aid dollars. It should be challenged.

Ron Paul, proving why he should never be anywhere near power. Ron Paul? No. RuPaul, YES! Join the RuVolution!

You should rethink your position on this one. You shouldn't support being forced to fund illegal coups in Egypt and Ukraine. It's a gross misappropriation of Foreign Aid Tax Dollars. It should be challenged legally.
Ron Paul is a shit-eating kook.

Rand Paul should come out claiming his father has dementia to save the family name.

As for Putin/Russia having the legal right to invade a sovereign country over internal politics.....uh Russia signed a Treaty to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion, thus they are violating the Treaty they signed along with international laws using their military without proper identification as an occupation force.

Go to hell Ron Paul.
I thought America supported Freedom & Democracy? Guess that's out the window now. Egypt, now Ukraine? Looks like we have no problem with illegal Military Coups these days. In my opinion, forcing American Taxpayers to finance such coups is illegal. I believe our Government is violating Law in funding these coups with Foreign Aid dollars. It should be challenged.

Ron Paul, proving why he should never be anywhere near power. Ron Paul? No. RuPaul, YES! Join the RuVolution!

You should rethink your position on this one. You shouldn't support being forced to fund illegal coups in Egypt and Ukraine. It's a gross misappropriation of Foreign Aid Tax Dollars. It should be challenged legally.
There was no illegal coup in the Ukraine. More conspiracy crap from the fringe wookie suiters. Ron Paul has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for 30 years.
Ron Paul is a shit-eating kook.

Rand Paul should come out claiming his father has dementia to save the family name.

As for Putin/Russia having the legal right to invade a sovereign country over internal politics.....uh Russia signed a Treaty to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion, thus they are violating the Treaty they signed along with international laws using their military without proper identification as an occupation force.

Go to hell Ron Paul.

What is a 'legal right' exactly? Is it only what the U.S. and Great Britain say it is? There was an illegal coup in Kiev. It certainly wasn't Democracy. The U.S. and Great Britain have no credibility on this issue. Who are they to preach high & mighty to anyone? They have more blood on their hands than Russia could ever possibly imagine having. They are in no position to preach. There is no valid justification for us intervening in this conflict. It's not our War.
Uh, yes they do. You are just making up shit as you go along. First you said they had no choice in the referendum, when I showed that they did, you complained about Russian troops, when I show they have always had a presence there, now you claim they will intimidate people into voting for annexation, with no proof.

In fact to the contrary, Russia has pushed for outside neutral observers from the OSCE to monitor the elections, who will be present for the vote.
Russia urges OSCE to send observers to Crimea referendum

You are just making yourself look dumber and dumber son.
So, the NY Times is wrong with that headline? RunGoTell! I'm sure they will issue a retraction.

They appear to be experiencing cognitive dissonance. The title says one thing, the article another. Wouldn't be the first time a newspaper got it wrong.

It must be contagious:

Op-Ed: The No-Choice view of the Crimean Referendum

No room for 'Nyet' in Ukraine's Crimea vote to join Russia | Reuters

Crimea Vote Doesn't Offer 'No' Option For Joining Russia

Crimea's Referendum Choices Are No Choice at All | Chatham House: Independent thinking on international affairs

Crimean referendum offers only two choices: Secede or Join Russia

Crimean parliament offers two options on referendum voting slips: Join Russia now, or join later | Mail Online

Please continue in your quest for Idiotic Bliss.
Ron Paul, proving why he should never be anywhere near power. Ron Paul? No. RuPaul, YES! Join the RuVolution!

You should rethink your position on this one. You shouldn't support being forced to fund illegal coups in Egypt and Ukraine. It's a gross misappropriation of Foreign Aid Tax Dollars. It should be challenged legally.
There was no illegal coup in the Ukraine. More conspiracy crap from the fringe wookie suiters. Ron Paul has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for 30 years.

You would call the overthrow of the Kiev Government, legal? How so? Was it legal in Egypt as well? And the Laws on Foreign Aid allocation are pretty clear. We do not fund illegal coups. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to fund these in Egypt and Ukraine.
Uh...when does Russia have the right to invade their neighbor if they don't like who takes control of that country????

I didn't realize Ukraine was a military threat to Russia, please tell. Russia got Ukraine to hand back Russia's nukes all in the name of some "peace and protection" Treaty that Putin ripped to shreds.

Oh, but you wonder why Ukraine was looking to the EU and NATO for an alliance...uh, it was because of Russia, you know the country that has stolen Crimea from Ukraine and now threatening to take 1/2 of Ukraine in the next 1-2 weeks.

As for your rambling about the US and're just insane....dementia comes to mind.

Ron Paul is a shit-eating kook.

Rand Paul should come out claiming his father has dementia to save the family name.

As for Putin/Russia having the legal right to invade a sovereign country over internal politics.....uh Russia signed a Treaty to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion, thus they are violating the Treaty they signed along with international laws using their military without proper identification as an occupation force.

Go to hell Ron Paul.

What is a 'legal right' exactly? Is it only what the U.S. and Great Britain say it is? There was an illegal coup in Kiev. It certainly wasn't Democracy. The U.S. and Great Britain have no credibility on this issue. Who are they to preach high & mighty to anyone? They have more blood on their hands than Russia could ever possibly imagine having. They are in no position to preach. There is no valid justification for us intervening in this conflict. It's not our War.
Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...
Just think of all the morons that want to vote for Paul for president. Scary how many buffoons are voting these days.
Uh...when does Russia have the right to invade their neighbor if they don't like who takes control of that country????

I didn't realize Ukraine was a military threat to Russia, please tell. Russia got Ukraine to hand back Russia's nukes all in the name of some "peace and protection" Treaty that Putin ripped to shreds.

Oh, but you wonder why Ukraine was looking to the EU and NATO for an alliance...uh, it was because of Russia, you know the country that has stolen Crimea from Ukraine and now threatening to take 1/2 of Ukraine in the next 1-2 weeks.

As for your rambling about the US and're just insane....dementia comes to mind.

Ron Paul is a shit-eating kook.

Rand Paul should come out claiming his father has dementia to save the family name.

As for Putin/Russia having the legal right to invade a sovereign country over internal politics.....uh Russia signed a Treaty to protect Ukraine from foreign invasion, thus they are violating the Treaty they signed along with international laws using their military without proper identification as an occupation force.

Go to hell Ron Paul.

What is a 'legal right' exactly? Is it only what the U.S. and Great Britain say it is? There was an illegal coup in Kiev. It certainly wasn't Democracy. The U.S. and Great Britain have no credibility on this issue. Who are they to preach high & mighty to anyone? They have more blood on their hands than Russia could ever possibly imagine having. They are in no position to preach. There is no valid justification for us intervening in this conflict. It's not our War.

Uh huh, you whine about an 'illegal' Referendum, while cheering the illegal coup in Kiev. Go figure? Great Britain and the U.S. have no credibility left. How many Nations have they invaded? How many innocents have they brutally slaughtered in recent years? Think about that a bit before rushing into confrontation with Russia over Ukraine.
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Losertarians wonder why they are outkasts among conservatives.....when you talk about Russia being a saint compared to the US and claim Russia has the legal right to invade their neighbors.

Ukraine has been a military and economic slave to Russia for centuries, so they start to look for new friends in the west and Russia responds by invading them...with their military yet again.

Oh, but that is gooooooooood to losertarians, the same dumbfucks that don't like the GOV peeping in their bedroom believe Russia should be able to invade weaker countries. Demented fucking logic comes to mind....but of course you people are evil and insane.
Losertarians wonder why they are outkasts among conservatives.....when you talk about Russia being a saint compared to the US and claim Russia has the legal right to invade their neighbors.

Ukraine has been a military and economic slave to Russia for centuries, so they start to look for new friends in the west and Russia responds by invading them...with their military yet again.

Oh, but that is gooooooooood to losertarians, the same dumbfucks that don't like the GOV peeping in their bedroom believe Russia should be able to invade weaker countries. Demented fucking logic comes to mind....but of course you people are evil and insane.

Well then suit up and head over to fight. And donate your own money. Give us our $Billion back.
Shitbag....I didn't realize Russia had a say in Ukraine's politics. :cuckoo: So if Russia doesn't like who is Governor of Alaska, I guess they can invade it too....afterall, Russia used to own Alaska....that is your logic.

The US invades and occupies other countries??? Uh, we gave Germany, Japan, Iraq, etc back to their citizens. I didn't realize Germany was one of Obama's 57 must be fucking stupid like him.

It was pointed out to some European trash like you that claim the US is a bunch of "invaders," the response by the General was that we only asked countries like France for land to bury the dead Americans that died for their freedom.

Uh...when does Russia have the right to invade their neighbor if they don't like who takes control of that country????

I didn't realize Ukraine was a military threat to Russia, please tell. Russia got Ukraine to hand back Russia's nukes all in the name of some "peace and protection" Treaty that Putin ripped to shreds.

Oh, but you wonder why Ukraine was looking to the EU and NATO for an alliance...uh, it was because of Russia, you know the country that has stolen Crimea from Ukraine and now threatening to take 1/2 of Ukraine in the next 1-2 weeks.

As for your rambling about the US and're just insane....dementia comes to mind.

What is a 'legal right' exactly? Is it only what the U.S. and Great Britain say it is? There was an illegal coup in Kiev. It certainly wasn't Democracy. The U.S. and Great Britain have no credibility on this issue. Who are they to preach high & mighty to anyone? They have more blood on their hands than Russia could ever possibly imagine having. They are in no position to preach. There is no valid justification for us intervening in this conflict. It's not our War.

Uh huh, you whine about an 'illegal' Referendum, while cheering the illegal coup in Kiev. Great Britain and the U.S. have no credibility left. How many Nations have they invaded? How many innocents have they brutally slaughtered in recent years? Think about that a bit before rushing into confrontation with Russia over Ukraine.
Shitbag....we are not going to war with Russia unless they start invading NATO countries.

People like me don't believe Russia invading weaker neighbors is good for the planet, unlike you. We believe bringing Russia to their knees with economic sanctions should work fine, asswipe.

Losertarians wonder why they are outkasts among conservatives.....when you talk about Russia being a saint compared to the US and claim Russia has the legal right to invade their neighbors.

Ukraine has been a military and economic slave to Russia for centuries, so they start to look for new friends in the west and Russia responds by invading them...with their military yet again.

Oh, but that is gooooooooood to losertarians, the same dumbfucks that don't like the GOV peeping in their bedroom believe Russia should be able to invade weaker countries. Demented fucking logic comes to mind....but of course you people are evil and insane.

Well then suit up and head over to fight. And donate your own money. Give us our $Billion back.

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