Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

Neocons and Communists/Progressives are Interventionist lunatics. War with Russia over Ukraine? Yikes! The fluck's wrong with those imbeciles?

Any war with Russia ends up nuclear. Russia hasn't got the Navy or the resources to fight a hot ground war against the U.S. and it's allies. War=We're all dead. 7 C drop in global temps. Billions dead, billions to starve. Obama and his crew sitting in a bunker eating ice cream.

We almost went to war over Syria, and no one thought a conflict with Russia there would go nuclear. The trend thanks to the U.S. is to fight smaller wars over local territory, and whoever gets into these wars either know they will win easily or have an exit strategy. That is probably why China is now also doing this over those Japanese islands. Express yourself militarily or become irrelevant.
Shitbag....I didn't realize Russia had a say in Ukraine's politics. :cuckoo: So if Russia doesn't like who is Governor of Alaska, I guess they can invade it too....afterall, Russia used to own Alaska....that is your logic.

The US invades and occupies other countries??? Uh, we gave Germany, Japan, Iraq, etc back to their citizens. I didn't realize Germany was one of Obama's 57 must be fucking stupid like him.

It was pointed out to some European trash like you that claim the US is a bunch of "invaders," the response by the General was that we only asked countries like France for land to bury the dead Americans that died for their freedom.

Uh...when does Russia have the right to invade their neighbor if they don't like who takes control of that country????

I didn't realize Ukraine was a military threat to Russia, please tell. Russia got Ukraine to hand back Russia's nukes all in the name of some "peace and protection" Treaty that Putin ripped to shreds.

Oh, but you wonder why Ukraine was looking to the EU and NATO for an alliance...uh, it was because of Russia, you know the country that has stolen Crimea from Ukraine and now threatening to take 1/2 of Ukraine in the next 1-2 weeks.

As for your rambling about the US and're just insane....dementia comes to mind.

Uh huh, you whine about an 'illegal' Referendum, while cheering the illegal coup in Kiev. Great Britain and the U.S. have no credibility left. How many Nations have they invaded? How many innocents have they brutally slaughtered in recent years? Think about that a bit before rushing into confrontation with Russia over Ukraine.

Now you're just coming off as an unhinged hypocrite. The U.S. and Great Britain have been invading and butchering for years. They just aren't in a position to preach high & mighty to anyone. Just give us our $Billion back and call it a day. This is not our War.
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Shitbag....we are not going to war with Russia unless they start invading NATO countries.

People like me don't believe Russia invading weaker neighbors is good for the planet, unlike you. We believe bringing Russia to their knees with economic sanctions should work fine, asswipe.

Losertarians wonder why they are outkasts among conservatives.....when you talk about Russia being a saint compared to the US and claim Russia has the legal right to invade their neighbors.

Ukraine has been a military and economic slave to Russia for centuries, so they start to look for new friends in the west and Russia responds by invading them...with their military yet again.

Oh, but that is gooooooooood to losertarians, the same dumbfucks that don't like the GOV peeping in their bedroom believe Russia should be able to invade weaker countries. Demented fucking logic comes to mind....but of course you people are evil and insane.

Well then suit up and head over to fight. And donate your own money. Give us our $Billion back.

Uh huh, cause Great Britain and the U.S. would never invade a weaker Nation. Nope, could never happen. :cuckoo:
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We understand you have an inferior brain....but also being insane too is over the top here.

Get back to eating your shit.

Shitbag....I didn't realize Russia had a say in Ukraine's politics. :cuckoo: So if Russia doesn't like who is Governor of Alaska, I guess they can invade it too....afterall, Russia used to own Alaska....that is your logic.

The US invades and occupies other countries??? Uh, we gave Germany, Japan, Iraq, etc back to their citizens. I didn't realize Germany was one of Obama's 57 must be fucking stupid like him.

It was pointed out to some European trash like you that claim the US is a bunch of "invaders," the response by the General was that we only asked countries like France for land to bury the dead Americans that died for their freedom.

Uh huh, you whine about an 'illegal' Referendum, while cheering the illegal coup in Kiev. Great Britain and the U.S. have no credibility left. How many Nations have they invaded? How many innocents have they brutally slaughtered in recent years? Think about that a bit before rushing into confrontation with Russia over Ukraine.

Now you're just coming off as an unhinged hypocrite. The U.S. and Great Britain have been invading and butchering for years. They just aren't in a position to preach high & mighty to anyone. Give us our $Billion back and call it a day. This is not our War.
Again....tell us when we invaded a country like Putin is doing with Ukraine.

I don't recall us adding another state, please tell. Maybe the voices in your head can come up with a name....

Shitbag....we are not going to war with Russia unless they start invading NATO countries.

People like me don't believe Russia invading weaker neighbors is good for the planet, unlike you. We believe bringing Russia to their knees with economic sanctions should work fine, asswipe.

Well then suit up and head over to fight. And donate your own money. Give us our $Billion back.

Uh huh, cause Great Britain and the U.S. would never invade a weaker Nation. Nope, never happened. :cuckoo:
Again....tell us when we invaded a country like Putin is doing with Ukraine.

I don't recall us adding another state, please tell. Maybe the voices in your head can come up with a name....

Shitbag....we are not going to war with Russia unless they start invading NATO countries.

People like me don't believe Russia invading weaker neighbors is good for the planet, unlike you. We believe bringing Russia to their knees with economic sanctions should work fine, asswipe.

Uh huh, cause Great Britain and the U.S. would never invade a weaker Nation. Nope, never happened. :cuckoo:

Brush up on History. Great Britain and the U.S. have been invading and butchering for years. Russia can't even come close.
Losertarians believe Russia meddling in other countries with their military is ok...this is coming from the same paranoid kooks that believe the NSA is peeking under their bed at night.
You should rethink your position on this one. You shouldn't support being forced to fund illegal coups in Egypt and Ukraine. It's a gross misappropriation of Foreign Aid Tax Dollars. It should be challenged legally.
There was no illegal coup in the Ukraine. More conspiracy crap from the fringe wookie suiters. Ron Paul has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for 30 years.

You would call the overthrow of the Kiev Government, legal? How so? Was it legal in Egypt as well? And the Laws on Foreign Aid allocation are pretty clear. We do not fund illegal coups. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to fund these in Egypt and Ukraine.

If the Operation Valkyrie plot against Hitler had succeeded Ron Paul would be calling it an illegal coup.
Of course you can't tell us about that Crimea that became our 51st or 57th state......

Again....tell us when we invaded a country like Putin is doing with Ukraine.

I don't recall us adding another state, please tell. Maybe the voices in your head can come up with a name....

Uh huh, cause Great Britain and the U.S. would never invade a weaker Nation. Nope, never happened. :cuckoo:

Brush up on History. Great Britain and the U.S. have been invading and butchering for years. Russia can't even come close.
Again....tell us when we invaded a country like Putin is doing with Ukraine.

I don't recall us adding another state, please tell. Maybe the voices in your head can come up with a name....

Uh huh, cause Great Britain and the U.S. would never invade a weaker Nation. Nope, never happened. :cuckoo:

Brush up on History. Great Britain and the U.S. have been invading and butchering for years. Russia can't even come close.
So we'll give them a few invasions to make up?
Losertarians believe Russia meddling in other countries with their military is ok...this is coming from the same paranoid kooks that believe the NSA is peeking under their bed at night.

You drank too much of Big Brother's Kool-Aid. You should be cut off. The NSA has done more damage to my Country than Putin or Russia will ever do. Fuck em.
Losertarians believe Russia meddling in other countries with their military is ok...this is coming from the same paranoid kooks that believe the NSA is peeking under their bed at night.

You drank too much of Big Brother's Kool-Aid. You should be cut off. The NSA has done more damage to my Country than Putin or Russia will ever do. Fuck em.

Remind me what damage the NSA has done.
Right left, left right. You dumb shits don't have the slightest clue about the strategic importance of the Ukraine and Crimea. Here's a hint morons: read some Brzezinski.

Losertarians believe Russia meddling in other countries with their military is ok...this is coming from the same paranoid kooks that believe the NSA is peeking under their bed at night.

You drank too much of Big Brother's Kool-Aid. You should be cut off. The NSA has done more damage to my Country than Putin or Russia will ever do. Fuck em.
Oh...the NSA put a listening device in his blow up dolls.

Losertarians believe Russia meddling in other countries with their military is ok...this is coming from the same paranoid kooks that believe the NSA is peeking under their bed at night.

You drank too much of Big Brother's Kool-Aid. You should be cut off. The NSA has done more damage to my Country than Putin or Russia will ever do. Fuck em.

Remind me what damage the NSA has done.
Again....tell us when we invaded a country like Putin is doing with Ukraine.

I don't recall us adding another state, please tell. Maybe the voices in your head can come up with a name....

Brush up on History. Great Britain and the U.S. have been invading and butchering for years. Russia can't even come close.
So we'll give them a few invasions to make up?

They allowed us many of ours. But this incident started with the illegal coup in Kiev. It was not 'Democracy.' This just isn't our business. Let's get our $Billion back and call it a day.
Brush up on History. Great Britain and the U.S. have been invading and butchering for years. Russia can't even come close.
So we'll give them a few invasions to make up?

They allowed us many of ours. But this incident started with the illegal coup in Kiev. It was not 'Democracy.' This just isn't our business. Let's get our $Billion back and call it a day.

So that's a Yes, we should allow Russia to invade a few countries just to even the score.
Fuck you and your moral equivalence. Quit sucking Ron Paul's crusty old ass.
Very strange that Putin and the losertarian kooks share the same belief that illegal people took over Kiev.....and that military force by Russia (an outsider) is justified.
Oh...the NSA put a listening device in his blow up dolls.

You drank too much of Big Brother's Kool-Aid. You should be cut off. The NSA has done more damage to my Country than Putin or Russia will ever do. Fuck em.

Remind me what damage the NSA has done.

The NSA is a criminal organization. You wanna talk about Evil? Start with them. They've been far more harmful to American Citizens than Putin and Russia will ever be. You should support a War against them instead.

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