Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

We have no valid reason to get involved.

do you believe America should or should NOT honor it's treaties ?
Sorry there is no "treaty" with the Ukraine, Treaty means it was ratified by Congress.
What we have here is a non-binding " Memorandum"

The idea of intervention centered on the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances signed on Dec. 5, 1994, by the United States, Britain, Russia and Ukraine. It promises to recognize Ukraine’s borders in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons at the time.

The memorandum signed by President Bill Clinton, Russian Prime Minister Boris Yeltsin and Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma came about following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, of which Ukraine was part.

Read more at Is U.S. committed to action in Ukraine?

On top of that here are six reasons the use Of Military Forces Is Unthinkable

Washington 3/13/2014 @ 9:26AM 30,124 views
Ukraine Crisis: Six Reasons Why U.S. Use Of Military Forces Is Unthinkable
Ukraine Crisis: Six Reasons Why U.S. Use Of Military Forces Is Unthinkable - Forbes

Spot On. Thanks.
Neocons and Communists/Progressives are Interventionist lunatics. War with Russia over Ukraine? Yikes! The fluck's wrong with those imbeciles?
By the western standard of hypocrisy Ron Paul is correct. We engineered this coup. We're doing the same thing in Venezuela and elsewhere. High stakes game and Putin is playing hardball in his sphere of influence like they've been doing since Catherine the II. I don't agree with it, but the U.S Empire made this bed and now they deserve to lie in it. Same shit, different century.
“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none”

― Thomas Jefferson

For everyone that is advocating we bomb Russia or start a war over Ukraine with them. Especially you that proclaim to love the constitution.
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.


We are supporting AlQaeda in Syria, so we must support the Nazis in Ukraine. Its only fair,


Yes, and our Government is supporting & funding illegal coups in both Egypt and Ukraine. I truly believe forcing Taxpayers to fund these coups by way of 'Foreign Aid', is illegal. It should be vigorously challenged.
Neocons and Communists/Progressives are Interventionist lunatics. War with Russia over Ukraine? Yikes! The fluck's wrong with those imbeciles?

Any war with Russia ends up nuclear. Russia hasn't got the Navy or the resources to fight a hot ground war against the U.S. and it's allies. War=We're all dead. 7 C drop in global temps. Billions dead, billions to starve. Obama and his crew sitting in a bunker eating ice cream.
Neocons and Communists/Progressives are Interventionist lunatics. War with Russia over Ukraine? Yikes! The fluck's wrong with those imbeciles?

Any war with Russia ends up nuclear. Russia hasn't got the Navy or the resources to fight a hot ground war against the U.S. and it's allies. War=We're all dead. 7 C drop in global temps. Billions dead, billions to starve. Obama and his crew sitting in a bunker eating ice cream.

Well, i don't think it will come to all that. But even considering going to War with Russia over Ukraine is completely ludicrous. We desperately need to change our aggressive Interventionist ways. It's time for big change.
Seriously though Communists/Progressives, why such a rush to confrontation with Russia over Ukraine? I really am curious. You all ridiculed McCain and Neocons for wanting us to intervene on Georgia's behalf back in the day. But now you're all such bloodthirsty Warmongers over Ukraine. So what's so special about Ukraine? Why are they better than Georgians? Why are they more worthy of our intervention?
[ame=]Ron Paul On U.S. Sending Billions To Governments In Crisis Ukraine, Syria, Egypt & Libya C - YouTube[/ame]
According to our Government, illegal coups now = 'Democracy.' Seriously? Wow, what a farce. The current Kiev Government is actually an illegal and illegitimate Government. However, most Americans are too busy gobbling up State-Run Media Propaganda to comprehend that reality.
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The Crimean government that is heavily corrupted with Putin cronies.

Pretty good deal for Putin, head he wins and tails the Crimeans lose.
Well, to be fair, Crimea has long ties with Russia, and basically is Russian. And Russia has national security concerns in Crimea. So I have no problems with this.

Ukraine is a different story.

Cuba had long ties with the US and was basically American. The US still has national security concerns in Cuba. :)

I'm not sure you'd support a war to annex Cuba and then put it up for a vote just because we can would you?

(I might, but I'm sorta weird that way)

Meh. Our only security concerns re: Cuba are due to it not being a friendly country any longer, so we obviously have to keep a close eye on it, being only 90 miles away.

Crimea's naval base is the Russian Navy's only access to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, I do believe. That's something that we would not be willing to give up, if it were us.
I answered your question, they already had a base there, agreed upon with the elected government of Ukraine, why should they have to leave?

It is a non-sequitur.

Bottom line is, you are an idiot, with no knowledge of the situation in Ukraine at all.

Seriously, go talk about an issue more at your IQ level, like how evil and homophobic those bakers are for not making a cake for a gay wedding.
I didn't say they should have to leave.

I said the Crimean people have no choice in the matter.

And you accuse me of not reading. :lol:

Uh, yes they do. You are just making up shit as you go along. First you said they had no choice in the referendum, when I showed that they did, you complained about Russian troops, when I show they have always had a presence there, now you claim they will intimidate people into voting for annexation, with no proof.

In fact to the contrary, Russia has pushed for outside neutral observers from the OSCE to monitor the elections, who will be present for the vote.
Russia urges OSCE to send observers to Crimea referendum

You are just making yourself look dumber and dumber son.
So, the NY Times is wrong with that headline? RunGoTell! I'm sure they will issue a retraction.
I gotta say that I'm really enjoying all these folks on the left having an appreciation for global military strategy and pursuit of our national interests now that they've got there guy in charge.

Sorta like how President Bill Clinton actually passed a law calling for regime change in Iraq and his wife voted to send our military to make that so.

We had it with your guy, too. In fact, we were more in tune with the national interest than The Right, and we were correct from the beginning.
I gotta say that I'm really enjoying all these folks on the left having an appreciation for global military strategy and pursuit of our national interests now that they've got there guy in charge.

Sorta like how President Bill Clinton actually passed a law calling for regime change in Iraq and his wife voted to send our military to make that so.

You make a very valid point. There's definitely a lot of dishonesty & hypocrisy coming from the Left these days.

Lot of commie-loving overt admiration, praise and support for your Comrade Putin from the right these days also.

The Right admires a strong leader who goes it on his own, making decisions and then acting upon them, while ignoring his political enemies.

Unless it's an American Democrat.
I didn't say they should have to leave.

I said the Crimean people have no choice in the matter.

And you accuse me of not reading. :lol:

Uh, yes they do. You are just making up shit as you go along. First you said they had no choice in the referendum, when I showed that they did, you complained about Russian troops, when I show they have always had a presence there, now you claim they will intimidate people into voting for annexation, with no proof.

In fact to the contrary, Russia has pushed for outside neutral observers from the OSCE to monitor the elections, who will be present for the vote.
Russia urges OSCE to send observers to Crimea referendum

You are just making yourself look dumber and dumber son.
So, the NY Times is wrong with that headline? RunGoTell! I'm sure they will issue a retraction.

They appear to be experiencing cognitive dissonance. The title says one thing, the article another. Wouldn't be the first time a newspaper got it wrong.

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Still not hearing any coherent logical arguments from Communists/Progressives for confrontation with Russia over Ukraine. They screeched outrage and scorn at McCain for wanting to intervene on Georgia's behalf back in the day. They continuously ridiculed his "We are all Georgians" comment. So why the rush to confrontation with Russia over Ukraine? What's so special about Ukraine? Why are they better than Georgians? I really am curious. Because so far, their arguments have been incoherent and weak. But hey, i have an open mind. I'm willing to listen.
Why is Ukraine different from Kosovo? Clinton supported the split of muslim Kosovo from Christian Serbia. He sent bombers in to help them.

Was it because they were muslims?
Why is Ukraine different from Kosovo? Clinton supported the split of muslim Kosovo from Christian Serbia. He sent bombers in to help them.

Was it because they were muslims?

Another Interventionist blunder. But hey, i am still waiting for their arguments for confrontation with Russia over this. I suspect most of the Obamabots don't even know why they're supporting it. They just know their Dear Leader told them to.
The U.S. and Great Britain just don't have a moral high ground. They don't have room to preach on these issues. They're currently whining about an 'illegal' Referendum, while at the same time supporting an illegal coup in Kiev. So what is legal/illegal? What is 'Democracy' anymore? Doesn't look like the U.S. and Great Britain know. Do you?

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