Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

Uh, yes they do. You are just making up shit as you go along. First you said they had no choice in the referendum, when I showed that they did, you complained about Russian troops, when I show they have always had a presence there, now you claim they will intimidate people into voting for annexation, with no proof.

In fact to the contrary, Russia has pushed for outside neutral observers from the OSCE to monitor the elections, who will be present for the vote.
Russia urges OSCE to send observers to Crimea referendum

You are just making yourself look dumber and dumber son.

Unfortunately, most Americans are uninformed and easily swayed by State-Run Media propaganda. Most don't even realize their Government is supporting and funding illegal coups in Egypt and Ukraine. $1 Billion in Tax Dollars to Ukraine is ludicrous.

And the funny thing is these libs and neo-cons think they will get a nice liberal government in Ukraine, with pretty EU flags and that nice Ukrainian girl from the psyop "I am a Ukrainian" video. In reality, Crimea will go to Russia, with eastern areas like Donetsk and Kharkiv to follow. With it's industrial centers in the East gone, what remains of Ukraine will be dragged into further depression due to IMF and EU loans, and nationalist and fascist groups like Right Sector and Svoboda will have an opportunity to fill the power vacuum left by the depression and weak government in Kiev.

That's what Blowback is all about. Unintended consequences.
I gotta say that I'm really enjoying all these folks on the left having an appreciation for global military strategy and pursuit of our national interests now that they've got there guy in charge.

Sorta like how President Bill Clinton actually passed a law calling for regime change in Iraq and his wife voted to send our military to make that so.

You make a very valid point. There's definitely a lot of dishonesty & hypocrisy coming from the Left these days.

Lot of commie-loving overt admiration, praise and support for your Comrade Putin from the right these days also.
They've been instigating turmoil in Ukraine for many years. That's certainly no secret. The U.S. and Great Britain instigate turmoil all over the World.

Why do you think they did this one in particular?

Why do they always do it? The reasons are the same in all their cases of incitement and interference. I'll let you decide for yourself what those reasons are.

Is that your way of saying you don't know?

I asked a direct question and I thought we were having an honest and civil discussion. Am I wrong?
Ron Paul a real American and true patriot, shame he never won.

He is right, this isn't our business. We should have never incited unrest in Ukraine to begin with and should let the people of Crimea determine their own political destiny.

He is a real American and he is a true patriot. He's just wrong about foreign policy and the gold standard.

I'll agree he is wrong about the Gold Standard. He, like many politicians, are there to make money and that was his way.

On Foreign Policy.........NO ONE has a better Foreign Policy view than Ron Paul. His entire Libertarian army is wrong including his son, but Ron Paul KNOWS foreign policy. He knew the Military Industrial Complex was an issue for America.

If Ron Paul wasn't obsessed with turning our monetary status into a shiny limited thing from the earth he would have won. "I have gold"........."I have lot's of food"........"let's swap"......"I dont' need your gold, I need to eat or have a tradeded good that is going to benefit my family"

This isn't the TIME OF KINGS anymore where we de-ink sea urchants 1 drop at a time to please the king's taste of the color "purple", the less used color in the land..........

In short, gold is superficial..
Ron Paul said Putin has the "law" on his side. What law?

The law of the Ukraine!

I don't know Ukrainian law, however I do know that most, if not all, leaders of countries how the power to stop insurrection, coups, invasions and the like.

Do you agree with this statement or not?
I gotta say that I'm really enjoying all these folks on the left having an appreciation for global military strategy and pursuit of our national interests now that they've got there guy in charge.

Sorta like how President Bill Clinton actually passed a law calling for regime change in Iraq and his wife voted to send our military to make that so.

So, you're saying those on the left are the same as those on the right?

I'd say in many cases this is so. Watching that Bush v. Obama smackdown topic yesterday which was merely. "obama bombed someone" "well Bush bombed someone" "yeah, well obama bombed someone, he's bad" "Bush is bad......"

You get the feeling that most people don't look objectively, and they're fighting for their "team".

It's sad, because the people who are really in charge, the people with the money to flash around congress and the presidential candidates, get away with their nonsense.

The US shouldn't be in the Ukraine, it's nothing to do with the US.
That would have been funny if Synth had said it because it's a bit of an inside joke. You?

I often try to elicit as much fun out of it as possible for different types of folks. Your approach is myopic and slanted.

It just shows that you aren't interested in actually discussing this. Feel free to enjoy your verbal diarrhea. It's a free country.

Feel free to limit the discussion to only those who have read every line of the thread. :lol:

This is (ONLY) serious business folks! :badgrin:

Ok, I'll rephrase.

You tried to be funny and failed because you are ignorant. Nice try though.

No, the first person to bring up jokes in this matter was you. I said it was Ok to take anything I posted as funny, but that does not automatically mean my original intent was to be funny, unless it is an obviously funny line. To be honest, I wasn't trying to be cute about Sarah Palin and her view of Alaska and all that virgin land which anyone would want. It was more of an analogy to get you to think of how anyone, not just Putin and Russia would want that land. To fault them for that is silly.

And he's wrong.

The US has every right to lecture on Ukraine and actually has a treaty obligating us to support the Ukraine against a Russian invasion.

Dr. Paul is a great man but he's too isolationist and that didn't work out so well in the late 1930s.

Then sign up and go fight the war when it happens. If you're too old, enlist your children and/or grand children. Tell them the glory they'll achieve fighting for the Ukraine on the other side the world.

You claims "Isolation didn't' work well in the 1930's" since Hitler came to power and kill 6 million Jews (my people). Let em ask you something: How well did "non-isolationism" work out after World War II when Stlain murdered 24 million people and Mao murdered over 80,000,000? How about Pol Pot? How about Cuba?

What did intervening in Vietnam and Korea achieve? What has intervening in Iraq, Afghanistan and Egypt and supporting and funding and training Al Qaeda (Al Nusra) in Syria done for us?

You're a mouthpiece of the military industrial complex and for the military industrial complex.
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I gotta say that I'm really enjoying all these folks on the left having an appreciation for global military strategy and pursuit of our national interests now that they've got there guy in charge.

Sorta like how President Bill Clinton actually passed a law calling for regime change in Iraq and his wife voted to send our military to make that so.

You make a very valid point. There's definitely a lot of dishonesty & hypocrisy coming from the Left these days.

Lot of commie-loving overt admiration, praise and support for your Comrade Putin from the right these days also.

Oh the Left adored Putin when their BOOOOSH Boogeyman was in there. In fact, they adored anyone who hated America and the BOOOOSH. I seem to remember them ridiculing a certain someone for saying "We are all Georgians." But now that their guy's in there it's ..."We are all Ukrainians." I have to say at least the Neocon Republicans have been honest & consistent. They supported intervening then and they support intervening now. By contrast, the Left/Democrats have come off as dishonest hypocrites on this and other recent interventions.

Fact is, we are neither Georgians or Ukrainians. We should stay out of it. Rescind the $Billion and mind our own business. This is not our War.
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Ron Paul is a schmuck.

The sooner he leaves congress the better.

He should join Snowden in Russia.
Why do you think they did this one in particular?

Why do they always do it? The reasons are the same in all their cases of incitement and interference. I'll let you decide for yourself what those reasons are.

Is that your way of saying you don't know?

I asked a direct question and I thought we were having an honest and civil discussion. Am I wrong?

I'm pretty sure you can come up with some reasons. I have faith in you.
Ron Paul is a schmuck.

The sooner he leaves congress the better.

He should join Snowden in Russia.

He's retired now. And we are neither Georgians or Ukrainians. You Obamabots are being big ole dishonest hypocrites on this one. You rightfully ridiculed McCain for saying "We are all Georgians." Yet now you're suddenly "We are all Ukrainians!" Hey, at least the Neocon Republicans have been honest & consistent. They wanted to intervene then and they want to intervene now. But you guys, well you're just disingenuous people.
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And he's wrong.

The US has every right to lecture on Ukraine and actually has a treaty obligating us to support the Ukraine against a Russian invasion.

Dr. Paul is a great man but he's too isolationist and that didn't work out so well in the late 1930s.

The U.S. has supported an illegal coup there. Since when do we support illegal Military Coups? No, we don't have a right to preach to Putin and Russia. It's very disingenuous and hypocritical. It's not our fight. We shouldn't be involved.

Putin must flip us the bird every day. We the people that decided it would be a good idea to invade and destroy a country that didn't attack us are now acting like we have some sort of moral right and obligation to criticize Russia? And they (Russia) didn't even use shock and awe.

We gave that up (being able to offer legit criticism) when we invaded Iraq.

If I were Putin I would tell us to fuck off and mind our own damn business. Maybe we should look for another weak country to invade and destroy. Russia ain't it.
Too bad we didn't listen to the French on Iraq- impatience and lying jingoism gave us hundreds of thousands of jihadists now...Support for democray with peaceful pressure is one hell of an improvement...And nothing like a corrupt Pub world economic meltdown for violent chaos..thank god the DEMS GOT IN FAST TO AVERT A TRUE DEPRESSION this time- only cost 5 trillion...the only Pub dupe consistency is destructive obstruction no matter what Obama is for...
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And he's wrong.

The US has every right to lecture on Ukraine and actually has a treaty obligating us to support the Ukraine against a Russian invasion.

Dr. Paul is a great man but he's too isolationist and that didn't work out so well in the late 1930s.

Learn the difference between isolationist and non-interventionism. Makes a big difference.
I thought America supported Freedom & Democracy? Guess that's out the window now. Egypt, now Ukraine? Looks like we have no problem with illegal Military Coups these days. In my opinion, forcing American Taxpayers to finance such coups is illegal. I believe our Government is violating Law in funding these coups with Foreign Aid dollars. It should be challenged.

America did.., before this current regime took over. :up:
Ron Paul is a schmuck.

The sooner he leaves congress the better.

He should join Snowden in Russia.

He's retired now. And we are neither Georgians or Ukrainians. You Obamabots are being big ole dishonest hypocrites on this one. You rightfully ridiculed McCain for saying "We are all Georgians." Yet now you're suddenly "We are all Ukrainians!" Hey, at least the Neocon Republicans have been honest & consistent. They wanted to intervene then and they want to intervene now. But you guys, well you're just disingenuous people.

Who said we are "all Ukrainians"?

And your point about Neocons is laughable at best.

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