Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

Yes, they have a choice to remain in Ukraine, that's another lie.

"1. “Are you in favor of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?”

2. “Are you in favor of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”"

You are a fake American

Sorry, dope.

2 Choices in Crimea Referendum, but Neither Is ‘No’

Crimea will vote on Sunday in a ballot referendum that leaders of the regional Parliament expect will ratify their decision to break away from Ukraine and become part of Russia. The referendum will offer two choices, neither one of them “No”:

1. “Are you in favor of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?”

2. “Are you in favor of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”

Voters will have to mark one option affirmatively, but they cannot vote for the status quo.

A return to the 1992 Constitution — adopted after the Soviet collapse but quickly thrown out by the post-Soviet Ukraine — would effectively provide for Crimea’s independence, while remaining part of Ukraine. The Crimean government would have broad powers to chart its own course, including its relations with other nations such as Russia.

Retaining Crimea’s current status, which provides for more limited autonomy from the central government in Kiev, is not an option, which may help explain why the Crimean Tatars have refused to take part in the voting. No matter what voters choose, the regional Parliament seems intent on changing its relationship with Kiev. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s new leadership and its Western allies insist that the referendum is illegal.
Jesus Christ, no wonder you are a fucking democrat, you can't even read or remember your last post, shit. You are so far up that homosexual kenyan's ass you have no way out.

You said, "not being annexed by Russia is not a choice". My post, and your re-pasting of my post shows option two, which lets Crimea stay in Ukraine, disproves your point.

Fucking moron.

Shoot yourself in the head and do us all a favor.
So, you are so naive as to believe that if everyone votes #2, Putin will withdraw all his troops out of Crimea, and wish them a nice life?

Of course you are.
Yes, they have a choice to remain in Ukraine, that's another lie.

"1. “Are you in favor of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?”

2. “Are you in favor of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”"

You are a fake American

Sorry, dope.

2 Choices in Crimea Referendum, but Neither Is ‘No’

Crimea will vote on Sunday in a ballot referendum that leaders of the regional Parliament expect will ratify their decision to break away from Ukraine and become part of Russia. The referendum will offer two choices, neither one of them “No”:

1. “Are you in favor of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?”

2. “Are you in favor of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”

Voters will have to mark one option affirmatively, but they cannot vote for the status quo.

A return to the 1992 Constitution — adopted after the Soviet collapse but quickly thrown out by the post-Soviet Ukraine — would effectively provide for Crimea’s independence, while remaining part of Ukraine. The Crimean government would have broad powers to chart its own course, including its relations with other nations such as Russia.

Retaining Crimea’s current status, which provides for more limited autonomy from the central government in Kiev, is not an option, which may help explain why the Crimean Tatars have refused to take part in the voting. No matter what voters choose, the regional Parliament seems intent on changing its relationship with Kiev. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s new leadership and its Western allies insist that the referendum is illegal.

The Crimean government that is heavily corrupted with Putin cronies.

Pretty good deal for Putin, head he wins and tails the Crimeans lose.
Well, to be fair, Crimea has long ties with Russia, and basically is Russian. And Russia has national security concerns in Crimea. So I have no problems with this.

Ukraine is a different story.
That's the funny part about military coups, they aren't illegal. Might makes right as long as the collateral damage doesn't rise to a level unacceptable to the big guys on the block. It's cruel and brutal sometime, but it beats the shit out of Neville Chamberlain's version of strategy.

We're not supposed to support illegal Military Coups. We're supposed to stand for Democracy. And we definitely shouldn't be funding these coups with American Tax Dollars. $1 Billion to Ukraine? That's just wrong.

I think you should follow your logic and look at the War of 1812.

It takes a whole lot of intervention and back room strategy to foster a "laissez faire" environment. Do you really want another Soviet Union with Putin looking at Alaska? After all, it's just a small part of our population that we can get out and all he wants to do is get the oil in ANWR that we refuse to drill for ourselves.

Dr. Paul's problem in this is that he doesn't have much of an appreciation for military strategy, the very same strategy that allows his version of freedom to even have a voice.

Sarah Palin figured that out while lounging in her bedroom looking out her window that they want all that land between her and them.
[ame=]Ron Paul: U.S. State Dept. Conspired To Overthrow Ukraine - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry, dope.

2 Choices in Crimea Referendum, but Neither Is ‘No’

Crimea will vote on Sunday in a ballot referendum that leaders of the regional Parliament expect will ratify their decision to break away from Ukraine and become part of Russia. The referendum will offer two choices, neither one of them “No”:

1. “Are you in favor of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?”

2. “Are you in favor of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”

Voters will have to mark one option affirmatively, but they cannot vote for the status quo.

A return to the 1992 Constitution — adopted after the Soviet collapse but quickly thrown out by the post-Soviet Ukraine — would effectively provide for Crimea’s independence, while remaining part of Ukraine. The Crimean government would have broad powers to chart its own course, including its relations with other nations such as Russia.

Retaining Crimea’s current status, which provides for more limited autonomy from the central government in Kiev, is not an option, which may help explain why the Crimean Tatars have refused to take part in the voting. No matter what voters choose, the regional Parliament seems intent on changing its relationship with Kiev. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s new leadership and its Western allies insist that the referendum is illegal.
Jesus Christ, no wonder you are a fucking democrat, you can't even read or remember your last post, shit. You are so far up that homosexual kenyan's ass you have no way out.

You said, "not being annexed by Russia is not a choice". My post, and your re-pasting of my post shows option two, which lets Crimea stay in Ukraine, disproves your point.

Fucking moron.

Shoot yourself in the head and do us all a favor.
So, you are so naive as to believe that if everyone votes #2, Putin will withdraw all his troops out of Crimea, and wish them a nice life?

Of course you are.
They had troops there on their naval base prior to the US coup, idiot.

You are just digging a deeper hole for yourself. You won't even admit your wrong in your first statement there is no choice to remain in Ukraine, and by denying it, you dug yourself a deeper whole by exposing your lack of any knowledge on Crimea.

Seriously, go post on the Obama fan page on Facebook, where the IQs of posters are at just above room temperature.
Exactly what law does Putin have on his side? Crimea can vote... why can't Ukraine vote as well?
Jesus Christ, no wonder you are a fucking democrat, you can't even read or remember your last post, shit. You are so far up that homosexual kenyan's ass you have no way out.

You said, "not being annexed by Russia is not a choice". My post, and your re-pasting of my post shows option two, which lets Crimea stay in Ukraine, disproves your point.

Fucking moron.

Shoot yourself in the head and do us all a favor.
So, you are so naive as to believe that if everyone votes #2, Putin will withdraw all his troops out of Crimea, and wish them a nice life?

Of course you are.
They had troops there on their naval base prior to the US coup, idiot.

You are just digging a deeper hole for yourself. You won't even admit your wrong in your first statement there is no choice to remain in Ukraine, and by denying it, you dug yourself a deeper whole by exposing your lack of any knowledge on Crimea.

Seriously, go post on the Obama fan page on Facebook, where the IQs of posters are at just above room temperature.
If you can't answer my question, just say so.
Exactly what law does Putin have on his side? Crimea can vote... why can't Ukraine vote as well?

The Ukrainian Government was illegally overthrown. And we supported that. We even just handed them a $Billion in Tax Dollars. We're supposed to be supporting Democracy, not illegal coups. We have no room to preach.
So, you are so naive as to believe that if everyone votes #2, Putin will withdraw all his troops out of Crimea, and wish them a nice life?

Of course you are.
They had troops there on their naval base prior to the US coup, idiot.

You are just digging a deeper hole for yourself. You won't even admit your wrong in your first statement there is no choice to remain in Ukraine, and by denying it, you dug yourself a deeper whole by exposing your lack of any knowledge on Crimea.

Seriously, go post on the Obama fan page on Facebook, where the IQs of posters are at just above room temperature.
If you can't answer my question, just say so.
I answered your question, they already had a base there, agreed upon with the elected government of Ukraine, why should they have to leave?

It is a non-sequitur.

Bottom line is, you are an idiot, with no knowledge of the situation in Ukraine at all.

Seriously, go talk about an issue more at your IQ level, like how evil and homophobic those bakers are for not making a cake for a gay wedding.
[ame=]Ron Paul: The Farther We Stay Away From Ukraine 'The Better' - YouTube[/ame]
Exactly what law does Putin have on his side? Crimea can vote... why can't Ukraine vote as well?

The law might be that the democratically elected leader of the Ukraine went to Putin and said "help me".

The US is helping those who aren't democratically elected.

The US goes around the world bleating about democracy, and yet help the coup d'etat in Venezuela in 2002 to oust democratically elected leader Chavez, yet supports the Saudi rulers who wouldn't know what rights, democracy or freedom were if they hit them in the face.

Go figure.
Exactly what law does Putin have on his side? Crimea can vote... why can't Ukraine vote as well?

The Ukrainian Government was illegally overthrown. And we supported that. We even just handed them a $Billion in Tax Dollars. We're supposed to be supporting Democracy, not illegal coups. We have no room to preach.

Non answer. I ask again, exactly WHAT law does Putin have on his side to justify his aggression?
They had troops there on their naval base prior to the US coup, idiot.

You are just digging a deeper hole for yourself. You won't even admit your wrong in your first statement there is no choice to remain in Ukraine, and by denying it, you dug yourself a deeper whole by exposing your lack of any knowledge on Crimea.

Seriously, go post on the Obama fan page on Facebook, where the IQs of posters are at just above room temperature.
If you can't answer my question, just say so.
I answered your question, they already had a base there, agreed upon with the elected government of Ukraine, why should they have to leave?

It is a non-sequitur.

Bottom line is, you are an idiot, with no knowledge of the situation in Ukraine at all.

Seriously, go talk about an issue more at your IQ level, like how evil and homophobic those bakers are for not making a cake for a gay wedding.
I didn't say they should have to leave.

I said the Crimean people have no choice in the matter.

And you accuse me of not reading. :lol:
We had little to do with the overthrow. He was a total a-hole- worse than Rush or Cruz fcs...
Exactly what law does Putin have on his side? Crimea can vote... why can't Ukraine vote as well?

The law might be that the democratically elected leader of the Ukraine went to Putin and said "help me".

The US is helping those who aren't democratically elected.

The US goes around the world bleating about democracy, and yet help the coup d'etat in Venezuela in 2002 to oust democratically elected leader Chavez, yet supports the Saudi rulers who wouldn't know what rights, democracy or freedom were if they hit them in the face.

Go figure.

Bullshit! Exactly what law does Putin have to justify his attack on the Ukraine? Is it in the Buddapest Memorandum Treaty signed by Russia, the United States and Great Britian?
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Exactly what law does Putin have on his side? Crimea can vote... why can't Ukraine vote as well?

The law might be that the democratically elected leader of the Ukraine went to Putin and said "help me".

The US is helping those who aren't democratically elected.

The US goes around the world bleating about democracy, and yet help the coup d'etat in Venezuela in 2002 to oust democratically elected leader Chavez, yet supports the Saudi rulers who wouldn't know what rights, democracy or freedom were if they hit them in the face.

Go figure.

Bullshit! Exactly what law does Putin have to justify his attack on the Ukraine? Is it the Buddapest Memorandum?

What law? Why does he need a law?

If Obama goes and asks the Canadian PM to send in troops to help out, what law does Obama need?

The Ukrainian president would clearly have the power to protect the Ukraine from invasion, insurrection, coups and other such disasters, right?

So that's the power he needs, the power he was elected to carry out, and what he appears to be trying to do.

The problem is, the US is willing to ignore the democratic issue here.
Sorry, dope.

2 Choices in Crimea Referendum, but Neither Is ‘No’

Crimea will vote on Sunday in a ballot referendum that leaders of the regional Parliament expect will ratify their decision to break away from Ukraine and become part of Russia. The referendum will offer two choices, neither one of them “No”:

1. “Are you in favor of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?”

2. “Are you in favor of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”

Voters will have to mark one option affirmatively, but they cannot vote for the status quo.

A return to the 1992 Constitution — adopted after the Soviet collapse but quickly thrown out by the post-Soviet Ukraine — would effectively provide for Crimea’s independence, while remaining part of Ukraine. The Crimean government would have broad powers to chart its own course, including its relations with other nations such as Russia.

Retaining Crimea’s current status, which provides for more limited autonomy from the central government in Kiev, is not an option, which may help explain why the Crimean Tatars have refused to take part in the voting. No matter what voters choose, the regional Parliament seems intent on changing its relationship with Kiev. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s new leadership and its Western allies insist that the referendum is illegal.

The Crimean government that is heavily corrupted with Putin cronies.

Pretty good deal for Putin, head he wins and tails the Crimeans lose.
Well, to be fair, Crimea has long ties with Russia, and basically is Russian. And Russia has national security concerns in Crimea. So I have no problems with this.

Ukraine is a different story.

Cuba had long ties with the US and was basically American. The US still has national security concerns in Cuba. :)

I'm not sure you'd support a war to annex Cuba and then put it up for a vote just because we can would you?

(I might, but I'm sorta weird that way)
Exactly what law does Putin have on his side? Crimea can vote... why can't Ukraine vote as well?

The Ukrainian Government was illegally overthrown. And we supported that. We even just handed them a $Billion in Tax Dollars. We're supposed to be supporting Democracy, not illegal coups. We have no room to preach.

Non answer. I ask again, exactly WHAT law does Putin have on his side to justify his aggression?

Russia has been fighting a war on terrorism the same as we have.

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