Ron Paul: Putin Has "Law On His Side" With Crimea Invasion...

When it gets down to it....losertarians show their true colors liking Hitler and Putin while constantly going on rants about the "Jews" and the US military......Hitler was buddy-buddy with Stalin until he wanted Russia's oil fields.

Narco-libertarians are really liberals in wookie suits.
Fag....don't equate us conservatives with the losertarian kooks, they are just loons like you liberals.

Basically, Great Britain and the U.S. are stirring up shite again. Both have no room to preach high & mighty to anyone.

Ron Paul: Putin has "Law on His Side" with Crimea Invasion - YouTube

Ron Paul: U.S. State Dept. Conspired To Overthrow Ukraine - YouTube

That senile fuckwad traitor would say The Pootin would have the law on his side if he invaded America. Unfortunately, a large number of republicans and all the teabaggers would agree.

It's time you took a nap junior. Permanent would be fine by me but that's up to you boy. Nothing that comes out of your mouth is real except the sperm you just spat out.
Remind me what damage the NSA has done. Be specific.

Yes we know..."ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER!!!"

The NSA does Putin proud everyday. It's actually the model for what he's currently using in Russia. Him and Obama have a lot in common. You guys should be far more angrier with Obama and his NSA Gestapo, than with Putin and Russia.

Can't answer the question? What damage has NSA done? You claimed they did more damage than Russia. Russia spies on the US and undermines it at every turn. What has NSA done that is worse?

Silly question. I think you know what damage they've done, and continue to do. It's an Un-American criminal organization. You really should reconsider cheerleading for them.
When it gets down to it....losertarians show their true colors liking Hitler and Putin while constantly going on rants about the "Jews" and the US military......Hitler was buddy-buddy with Stalin until he wanted Russia's oil fields.

Narco-libertarians are really liberals in wookie suits.

Neocons are just Progressives/Democrats in Republican's clothing. They're all cheerleading for War with Russia alongside their Democrat comrades. Shame on em.
Yes we know..."ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER!!!"

The NSA does Putin proud everyday. It's actually the model for what he's currently using in Russia. Him and Obama have a lot in common. You guys should be far more angrier with Obama and his NSA Gestapo, than with Putin and Russia.

Can't answer the question? What damage has NSA done? You claimed they did more damage than Russia. Russia spies on the US and undermines it at every turn. What has NSA done that is worse?

Silly question. I think you know what damage they've done, and continue to do. It's an Un-American criminal organization. You really should reconsider cheerleading for them.

If I knew I wouldnt be asking. Go ahead and tell us. You made the claim, support it.
When it gets down to it....losertarians show their true colors liking Hitler and Putin while constantly going on rants about the "Jews" and the US military......Hitler was buddy-buddy with Stalin until he wanted Russia's oil fields.

Oh well, i tried. But ok, i'll try again. Why all the vicious hate for Putin? Just chill for a sec and think about it. Then give us some logical reasons why you hate him so much. I'm willing to listen.

You mean because Putin has jailed dissidents, assassinated enemies of the state, suppressed freedom of speech, usurped the law, violated international agreements, and stolen money? Nothing at all.

Has nothing to do with our Country. Putin and Russia have not wronged you personally. And that stuff goes on here too. You should be angry with your own Government wronging you instead.
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Can't answer the question? What damage has NSA done? You claimed they did more damage than Russia. Russia spies on the US and undermines it at every turn. What has NSA done that is worse?

Silly question. I think you know what damage they've done, and continue to do. It's an Un-American criminal organization. You really should reconsider cheerleading for them.

If I knew I wouldnt be asking. Go ahead and tell us. You made the claim, support it.

Like i said, you really should reconsider your cheerleading for them. It's not a just American organization.
Silly question. I think you know what damage they've done, and continue to do. It's an Un-American criminal organization. You really should reconsider cheerleading for them.

If I knew I wouldnt be asking. Go ahead and tell us. You made the claim, support it.

Like i said, you really should reconsider your cheerleading for them. It's not a just American organization.

OK so you cannot support your claim. But Lew Rockwell said they damaged the country and by golly that's good enuf for you.
Remind me why narco-libertarians are superior to liberals.
If I knew I wouldnt be asking. Go ahead and tell us. You made the claim, support it.

Like i said, you really should reconsider your cheerleading for them. It's not a just American organization.

OK so you cannot support your claim. But Lew Rockwell said they damaged the country and by golly that's good enuf for you.
Remind me why narco-libertarians are superior to liberals.

Your loyal support of the NSA is very sad and unfortunate. The NSA does not have your best interests in mind. It's no wonder you guys are becoming an endangered species. You're rapidly becoming outdated ole fossils. Remind me why Big Brother Neocons are superior to Communists/Progressives.
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The people of Crimea reject IMF and EU debt slavery. They know a better economic future lies with Russia than the failing EU Superstate.

In Crimea breakaway vote, pro-Russians tout IMF data, better wages

"Patriotic extracts from the Russian national anthem jostle for space with emotional condemnations of the new Ukrainian government in Kiev, the capital, highlighting what many ethnic Russians here say are its fascist tendencies.

But look carefully and you'll find more practical appeals for people's votes. One, entitled "Ten demands from the International Monetary Fund that will put Ukraine on its knees", says the IMF will cause Ukrainian living standards, already lower than Russia's, to plummet.

Next to it, another sheet of A4, entitled "Our home is Russia", reprints what it says is glowing praise from the IMF of Russia's key economic indicators, telling voters how much higher average wages and pensions in Russia are than in Ukraine."

"Not all of the information being given to voters is accurate. The "Our Home is Russia" flyer tells voters Russia is the fifth largest economy in the world. It is in fact the eighth. Russia is the sixth/fifth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP)

But the gap between the two countries' economies is nonetheless yawning. Ukraine's economy, according to the IMF, is only the world's 54th biggest, and with a size of $176 billion is dwarfed by Russia's, which is over $2 trillion."

"Trundling towards Crimea on a train from Kiev, Svetlana Dzubenko, an employee on Ukraine's rail network in her 20s, says the attraction of earning Russian-level wages is a powerful one.

"In Russia I can earn over three times what I do in Ukraine," she said. "My pay now is 3,000 hryvnias a month, but in Russia I would earn 45,000 rubles, or about 12,000 hryvnias doing the same thing. Right now I have nothing left once I've paid for housing, heating and food. What if I want to save up? What if I get sick?"'

In Crimea breakaway vote, pro-Russians tout IMF data, better wages | Reuters
Remind me what damage the NSA has done. Be specific.

Yes we know..."ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER!!!"

The NSA does Putin proud everyday. It's actually the model for what he's currently using in Russia. Him and Obama have a lot in common. You guys should be far more angrier with Obama and his NSA Gestapo, than with Putin and Russia.

Can't answer the question? What damage has NSA done? You claimed they did more damage than Russia. Russia spies on the US and undermines it at every turn. What has NSA done that is worse?

It all depends on your perspective.

If you are a government supremacist then having the government spy on its people is honky dory.

Tell me a again , what is the difference between "conservatives" and communists?

Let's hope the Crimean people vote to reject the decadent, degenerate, homosexual, feminist, multicultural empire of the EU and NATO and join with Mother Russia.
Yes we know..."ALL HAIL BIG BROTHER!!!"

The NSA does Putin proud everyday. It's actually the model for what he's currently using in Russia. Him and Obama have a lot in common. You guys should be far more angrier with Obama and his NSA Gestapo, than with Putin and Russia.

Can't answer the question? What damage has NSA done? You claimed they did more damage than Russia. Russia spies on the US and undermines it at every turn. What has NSA done that is worse?

It all depends on your perspective.

If you are a government supremacist then having the government spy on its people is honky dory.

Tell me a again , what is the difference between "conservatives" and communists?


Yeah, Neocons and Communists/Progressives have a lot more in common than they'll ever admit. It took me several years to finally figure that out. This explains it pretty well...

[ame=]John Stossel - Progressives And War - YouTube[/ame]

You mean the US Media is clearly misrepresenting the situation on the ground? I am shocked. It isn't like our media ever pushes the foreign policy agenda of the administration in power.

But thank you for exposing the cognitive dissonance of the NY Times and the lies and thus lack of credibility on the part of the MSM. You deserve some kind of award.
Very strange that Putin and the losertarian kooks share the same belief that illegal people took over Kiev.....and that military force by Russia (an outsider) is justified.

I would love for the day when that ragtag piece of shit mob in Kiev paid for by the State Department and EU to do their dirty work pisses their pants when Putin and the Russian Army moves through.

I would like to see those scum try to pull the same shit they did at Maidan again. They could share the same cell with those feminist pro-homo degenerates from Pussy Riot in some prison in Siberia.

You mean the US Media is clearly misrepresenting the situation on the ground? I am shocked. It isn't like our media ever pushes the foreign policy agenda of the administration in power.

But thank you for exposing the cognitive dissonance of the NY Times and the lies and thus lack of credibility on the part of the MSM. You deserve some kind of award.

Ha, perfectly stated. The American Government/Media Complex lying? No way, ya kiddin?
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I hope the Mexicans never invade the US to protect the rights of its ethnic cohorts. Obabble will fold like a over ripe banana.
Crimea Today:


Who is spreading Democracy again?
Like i said, you really should reconsider your cheerleading for them. It's not a just American organization.

OK so you cannot support your claim. But Lew Rockwell said they damaged the country and by golly that's good enuf for you.
Remind me why narco-libertarians are superior to liberals.

Your loyal support of the NSA is very sad and unfortunate. The NSA does not have your best interests in mind. It's no wonder you guys are becoming an endangered species. You're rapidly becoming outdated ole fossils. Remind me why Big Brother Neocons are superior to Communists/Progressives.

Quit trying to deflect from your failed post. NSA, whatever else they are, have not done more harm to the US than Russia.

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