Ron Paul qualifies for RNC ballot and is going to Tampa

What you are not seeing is that the youth is what makes the future base of that party. In the Primaries Paul won about 40-50% of the youth vote in near all states. That is the youth vote that actually votes, as you asked for. In 4 years these people will talk to people around their age, that mindset will grow while older Republicans 60+ years old talk to no one. The Republican party of old is literally going to die off, there is a bigger picture here.

Paul's actual vote count from 4 years ago has near tripled. Romney's has shrunk... Think about that for a second. While yes, Mitt gets more votes in the primaries overall he is pulling from a shrinking poll of voters as the Republican party is splintered. When I say splintered I don’t mean like by preference, I mean like civil war. The Republican party seemed to learn nothing from McCain.

It Mitt can not beat a President as bad as Obama the Republican party might in fact never win a GE for many elections to come.
Seriously. People keep talking about Paul's youth appeal as though somehow it's a negative. What are you going to do when all the old white men on viagra eventually die off and these youth become the next generation of potential republican voters? Accept them or continue to alienate them?

The GOP has a demographic problem. Paul supporters make up the demographics the GOP is lacking. Why you guys don't want them is beyond me.

I never said the youth group were a negative. But let's be serious here, they aren't exactly a dependable voting block and they are easily swayed with group think as displayed with ows, obwmwbots and college game rioting.

Like I said, Paul won 40-50% of the youth vote in the primaries and caucuses... That's not the GE where people are way more likely to vote. I'm not saying Paul would win the youth vote by that kind of margin in the GE, but as for the primaries of the youth willing to vote he owned the youth vote that IS willing to show up and vote. THAT will translate to votes in the future of the party. Also Paul does very well in the non youth vote, but as it climbs in age he does very poor. Again, the Republicans base where Paul does so poor is like 65+ years old... What, 2 more elections and Republicans lose 20-30% of that base vote?
Seriously. People keep talking about Paul's youth appeal as though somehow it's a negative. What are you going to do when all the old white men on viagra eventually die off and these youth become the next generation of potential republican voters? Accept them or continue to alienate them?

The GOP has a demographic problem. Paul supporters make up the demographics the GOP is lacking. Why you guys don't want them is beyond me.

I never said the youth group were a negative. But let's be serious here, they aren't exactly a dependable voting block and they are easily swayed with group think as displayed with ows, obwmwbots and college game rioting.

Like I said, Paul won 40-50% of the youth vote in the primaries and caucuses... That's not the GE where people are way more likely to vote. I'm not saying Paul would win the youth vote by that kind of margin in the GE, but as for the primaries of the youth willing to vote he owned the youth vote that IS willing to show up and vote. THAT will translate to votes in the future of the party. Also Paul does very well in the non youth vote, but as it climbs in age he does very poor. Again, the Republicans base where Paul does so poor is like 65+ years old... What, 2 more elections and Republicans lose 20-30% of that base vote?

Where else is the GOP going to make up ground on their retiree demographic? Eventually the old guard is going to be dead and the only one's left are going to be the few who could still stand to stay in a party that seemed to do everything it could to IGNORE new potential voting blocs.
All it's going to take is a compromise. Accept some libertarian, or at the very least non-authoritarian ideals into the platform and actually put them to work, not just pay lip service to them. If the GOP can prove that they're capable of that, they're going to be a formidable opponent to the Democrats who right now are taking all the other demographics except your grandparents.
We need Pauls fiscal ideas. And dems do target my grandparents as voters. They're dead after all. :)

Paul's fiscal ideas are the same thing the GOP pays lip service to. The only difference is he actually walks the walk.

It's simple. If you're going to say you want to eliminate the dept. of Education, then when you have a fucking gop president and gop majority in both houses, DO IT. Same thing with SS, and a whole host of other issues the GOP only talks about.
We need Pauls fiscal ideas. And dems do target my grandparents as voters. They're dead after all. :)

Paul's fiscal ideas are the same thing the GOP pays lip service to. The only difference is he actually walks the walk.

It's simple. If you're going to say you want to eliminate the dept. of Education, then when you have a fucking gop president and gop majority in both houses, DO IT. Same thing with SS, and a whole host of other issues the GOP only talks about.

You'll get no argument out of me. Sadly the only power I have is one vote and without viable candidates on the ballot It's pointless.
So is it going to be a wild conspiracy when Romney gets there with all the delegates he needs in hand and Ron Paul loses as expected?

No one said Paul's going to have 1144 delegates instead of Romney.

But remember how we've been saying for the last month or so that Paul was winning several states delegate wise? This means he won at LEAST 5.

Why don't you just give the fucking guy some credit for pulling off a pretty nice campaign in the face of so much media reporting that he wasn't.

No question Ron Paul proved to be capable of stealing delegates......he just can't get people to vote for him
So is it going to be a wild conspiracy when Romney gets there with all the delegates he needs in hand and Ron Paul loses as expected?

No one said Paul's going to have 1144 delegates instead of Romney.

But remember how we've been saying for the last month or so that Paul was winning several states delegate wise? This means he won at LEAST 5.

Why don't you just give the fucking guy some credit for pulling off a pretty nice campaign in the face of so much media reporting that he wasn't.

No question Ron Paul proved to be capable of stealing delegates......he just can't get people to vote for him

Ron Paul got lots of votes.... Do you have a link to Paul not getting any people to vote for him?
No one said Paul's going to have 1144 delegates instead of Romney.

But remember how we've been saying for the last month or so that Paul was winning several states delegate wise? This means he won at LEAST 5.

Why don't you just give the fucking guy some credit for pulling off a pretty nice campaign in the face of so much media reporting that he wasn't.

No question Ron Paul proved to be capable of stealing delegates......he just can't get people to vote for him

Ron Paul got lots of votes.... Do you have a link to Paul not getting any people to vote for him?

Not enough to actually WIN any states through the primary process

Stealing delegates in back room deals does not make you a man of the people
No question Ron Paul proved to be capable of stealing delegates......he just can't get people to vote for him

Ron Paul got lots of votes.... Do you have a link to Paul not getting any people to vote for him?

Not enough to actually WIN any states through the primary process

Stealing delegates in back room deals does not make you a man of the people
It's not a back room deal you fucking moron. It's called a convention. When the plurality of delegates is for a certain candidate, that candidate's delegate slate gets elected.

You don't know SHIT about politics.
How come Obama comes in and he and the super majority go ahead and accomplish most if not all of their liberal agendas, but when the republicans have the White House and a majority in congress they don't do SHIT to accomplish their conservative agendas?

I know the answer.
No question Ron Paul proved to be capable of stealing delegates......he just can't get people to vote for him

Ron Paul got lots of votes.... Do you have a link to Paul not getting any people to vote for him?

Not enough to actually WIN any states through the primary process

Stealing delegates in back room deals does not make you a man of the people

I have to agree with Paulie, youre a fucking moron.

The caucusing states are nothing more then a straw poll, its all about the delegates and Ron Paul has them.

But coming from the self proclaimed "rightwinger" I see why your confused.

Washington Times blog: Ron Paul Delegate Strategy is Perfectly Legitimate

TAMPA, May 3, 2012 – For at least a month, the media have been ignoring compelling evidence that Ron Paul is doing much better in the Republican nomination race than he did in the primary/caucus popular votes. In their hurry to write the general election narrative, the media have forgotten to perform their primary function: to report the facts. The facts are that Ron Paul has won at least two states and will likely win more.

Now that Paul’s success is impossible to ignore, the media are writing a new narrative. Headlines like “Ron Paul’s stealth state convention takeover” and “Ron Paul People Playing Mischief with Delegates” indicate that instead of ignoring Paul’s victories, they now seek to imply that there is something sneaky or unfair about them. Some even suggest that his delegate success in states where he did not win the popular vote may even (gasp!) “undermine democracy.”

Undermining democracy would be a good thing. If there is anything we have too much of in 21st century America; it’s democracy. The United States flourished as a free and prosperous society largely because it was founded as a republic. The reason for the bicameral legislature, the separation of powers, and the other so-called “checks and balances” was to protect us from democracy, which James Madison called “the most vile form of government.”

Based upon the belief that government “even in its best state, is but a necessary evil,” the American republic was built to check the will of the majority whenever it wished to confer more power on the government. That’s why there are two houses in Congress. In a democracy, there would be only one. Even after the House passes a law, it then has to pass the Senate, which originally represented the state governments, not the people. The 17th Amendment removed this important check on the power of the federal government.

Even after passing both houses of Congress, a law has to represent exercise of one of the few powers granted to the legislature in the Constitution. If it does not, it can be struck down regardless of the wishes of the majority. If the people want to give the government a new power, they have to complete an even more difficult constitutional amendment process.

That’s how it is supposed to work. That we ignore the Constitution and instead function virtually as a pure democracy is why we have a bankrupt government that spends almost $4 trillion a year and regulates everything from the food we eat to the amount of water in our toilets.

In our republic, passing laws, levying taxes, and conferring power are supposed to be difficult. So is the electoral process. It’s not supposed to be easy to elect someone. It’s supposed to be very hard. In a pure democracy, it’s easy and the individual is at the mercy of the demagogue and the mob, which can trample his liberty and loot his wealth at its whim. Republican government attempts to protect us from this.

It also attempts to protect us from voter ignorance. Anthony Gregory reports that polls have shown 71% of Americans believe that Iran already has nuclear weapons, “just as 70 percent of Americans polled once thought Saddam was behind 9/11, though Bush never made this claim.” These Americans vote for presidents and congresses that will take us to war based upon these misconceptions.

Often, voter ignorance of the candidates and issues is even worse.

Ron Paul’s strategy takes advantage of the republican nature of the nomination process. That process does not rely purely on a popular vote to determine who will be the nominee. Instead, voters must go through a multi-tiered vetting process of successive elections in order to become a delegate to the RNC.

This does not remove all of the dangers inherent in a pure democracy, but it helps. At least a delegate has been forced to hear the arguments of other candidates before blindly casting a vote. He also must have the commitment necessary to endure the long delegate selection process.

That the process is republican rather than democratic does not disenfranchise anyone. Everyone has an equal opportunity to become a delegate. Everyone has an equal opportunity to read the rules. That supporters of some candidates choose not to go through the process does not “nullify their wishes.” That they choose not to become informed on how candidates are actually nominated does not represent a deception. On the contrary, the whole process is intentionally designed to ensure that uninformed or uncommitted people do not directly choose the nominee.

Neither is Paul’s strategy underhanded or “sneaky.” He has made it clear since the beginning of his campaign that he was going to concentrate on the caucus states where he believed that his strong grassroots organization and more devoted following would win him delegates. He predicted his delegate victories in states where he did not win the popular vote months in advance and now those predictions are coming true. How can anyone say that they didn’t know what was going on?

Early in this election cycle, the media repeated ad nauseum that Ron Paul could not win the nomination. That affected his performance in popular votes. They never suggested this about any of the other nine candidates, eight of which are now out. Then, they repeated ad nauseum that Ron Paul had not won any states, even though he had. Now, they attempt to cast aspersions on those wins with spurious arguments about their legitimacy.

Methinks the media doth protest too much. What about Ron Paul are they so afraid of?
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No question Ron Paul proved to be capable of stealing delegates......he just can't get people to vote for him

Ron Paul got lots of votes.... Do you have a link to Paul not getting any people to vote for him?

Not enough to actually WIN any states through the primary process

Stealing delegates in back room deals does not make you a man of the people

Ok, so past the fact that you lied do you understand that Paul didn't steal a single vote from a Primary state but won delegates in caucus states where the straw poll is nothing more than a straw poll? Maybe you shouldn’t be on a political message board as it seems you’re new to it.
Why are the Libertariantards so interested in the Republican convention?

Is it because the Liberatarian candidate can be expected to get about one-half-of-one percent of the popular vote once again, proving their irrelevancy?

Must be why they leg hump.

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Ron Paul got lots of votes.... Do you have a link to Paul not getting any people to vote for him?

Not enough to actually WIN any states through the primary process

Stealing delegates in back room deals does not make you a man of the people
It's not a back room deal you fucking moron. It's called a convention. When the plurality of delegates is for a certain candidate, that candidate's delegate slate gets elected.

You don't know SHIT about politics.

I do know a SHIT candidate when I see one

Ron Paul has run for president three times and has never done SHIT. He has a loyal Internet following but never gets anyone to actually pull the lever for him

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