Ron Paul 'Rewind'(1999): 'Our Foolish Policy In Iraq Invites Terrorist Attacks Against US Territory'

Radical Muslims have been attacking the "west" since the beginning of time. Good on Paul to capitalize based on the fucking obvious.

Thank God that nut is gone. I like his son but he's a looney toon

He's an incredibly wise dude. He talked about this stuff back in the 80's and 90's. And look where we are today? Things are only getting worse. Our Government has doubled-down on endless bloody wars. They should have listened to the Good Doctor.
Lots of people are wise it doesn't make their ideology any better

Well, maybe give him more of a chance. Go back and check out what he talked about back in the 80's and 90's. It was a warning from a very wise Patriot. But no one was listening. And sadly, they still aren't.
Radical Muslims have been attacking the "west" since the beginning of time. Good on Paul to capitalize based on the fucking obvious.

Thank God that nut is gone. I like his son but he's a looney toon

He's an incredibly wise dude. He talked about this stuff back in the 80's and 90's. And look where we are today? Things are only getting worse. Our Government has doubled-down on endless bloody wars. They should have listened to the Good Doctor.
Lots of people are wise it doesn't make their ideology any better

Well, maybe give him more of a chance. Go back and check out what he talked about back in the 80's and 90's. It was a warning. But no one was listening. And sadly, they still aren't.
Ron Paul's ideology with such that he wanted America to exist in a vacuum. that's simply not possible
Radical Muslims have been attacking the "west" since the beginning of time. Good on Paul to capitalize based on the fucking obvious.

Thank God that nut is gone. I like his son but he's a looney toon

He's an incredibly wise dude. He talked about this stuff back in the 80's and 90's. And look where we are today? Things are only getting worse. Our Government has doubled-down on endless bloody wars. They should have listened to the Good Doctor.
Lots of people are wise it doesn't make their ideology any better

Well, maybe give him more of a chance. Go back and check out what he talked about back in the 80's and 90's. It was a warning. But no one was listening. And sadly, they still aren't.
Ron Paul's ideology with such that he wanted America to exist in a vacuum. that's simply not possible

That's not what he's saying. Being opposed to aggressive foreign interventionism doesn't = 'wanting America to exist in a vacuum.' He fully supports the US having friendly relationships with all, and engaging in commerce. He doesn't support the endless meddling and war.
So Spot On Dr. Paul. Thank you.

Ron Paul went to the House Floor in 1999 to blast President Clinton's claim that a 1991 UN resolution gave him authority to launch an air war against Iraq. It could have been 2017, the president could be Trump, the claim of authority could be the 2001 authorization to use military force, and the air war could be against Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc. The circumstances are identical.

Rep. Paul also predicted that, "our foolish policy in Iraq invites terrorist attacks against US territory and incites the Islamic fundamentalists against us. As a consequence, our efforts to develop long-term, peaceful relations with Russia is now ending." Administrations come and go, but US foreign policy keeps making the same mistakes over and over. As Ron Paul predicted...

Ron Paul Rewind (1999): 'Our Foolish Policy in Iraq Invites Terrorist Attacks Against US Territory'

We should leave them to fight each other. And we shouldn't have this effort to relocate them here.
Yeah, time to pull back bigtime from the Middle East.
So Spot On Dr. Paul. Thank you.

Ron Paul went to the House Floor in 1999 to blast President Clinton's claim that a 1991 UN resolution gave him authority to launch an air war against Iraq. It could have been 2017, the president could be Trump, the claim of authority could be the 2001 authorization to use military force, and the air war could be against Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc. The circumstances are identical.

Rep. Paul also predicted that, "our foolish policy in Iraq invites terrorist attacks against US territory and incites the Islamic fundamentalists against us. As a consequence, our efforts to develop long-term, peaceful relations with Russia is now ending." Administrations come and go, but US foreign policy keeps making the same mistakes over and over. As Ron Paul predicted...

Ron Paul Rewind (1999): 'Our Foolish Policy in Iraq Invites Terrorist Attacks Against US Territory'

We should leave them to fight each other. And we shouldn't have this effort to relocate them here.

Yeah, time to pull back bigtime from the Middle East. Enough is enough.

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