Ron Paul says tornado victims should not get aid

Dumbfuck, if an ice storm damages Chicago to the point where the power goes out and people starting dying....then the Feds will help out.

They could care less about your car in the ditch unless it is a danger to many people, but they will help if hospitals can't keep patients alive with no power, no water, no heat, etc.
Why, doesn't Illinois have a disaster plan in place? No National Guard, no emergency services?

I think they do... Welcome to IEMA

Every day Illinois residents face natural, technological, chemical and manmade hazards that can potentially become disasters. Even though the probability of you or your family being injured or killed in a disaster is very low, it is extremely probable that your lives will be impacted. Utilities may be interrupted for hours or even days; your home, workplace, or school may be damaged or destroyed; roads and highways may be closed; and stores may be closed due to damage or have shortages of the items you need. For these reasons, it is extremely important for you to prepare in advance for disasters. The following links provide valuable information on how to ensure you and your family are ready for any disaster or emergency you may face.

General Preparedness
Severe Weather Preparedness
Earthquake Information
Terrorism Preparedness
Ready Illinois

Public Assistance
Initial Damage Assessment Forms
Disaster Plans
Local Preparedness Resources

Wanna try again?
Kook, insurance companies will rebuild a home, but they cannot turn on the electricity, shelter people, keep law and order, when a town has been destroyed.

You are so fucking stupid.

Obamacare is not the same as the Feds propping a city back on its feet. :cuckoo: You kooks think any help by the Feds is illegal.

I hope you lose your home....that would be justice.

I wish there was a way for kooks like you to be tagged so that we could quit protecting you from terrorists and not help you during natural disasters.

When you whine about the US military killing terrorists overseas, we could just single you out here for terrorists to find you while leaving us alone, because "you don't like your tax dollars killing terrorists overseas."

Also, we can just tag you and your personal goods for not being supported when a natural disaster hits your trailer. The Feds will just say, he didn't want us to find him a place to sleep after the tornado sent his trailer airborn.

What's the difference between wanting you to be taxed more in order to pay someone else's home insurance costs and wanting you to be taxed more in order to pay for Obamacare?

If millions have a disastrous medical issue, like cancer, or hundreds or thousands have a natural disaster issue, what's the difference? Shouldn't your "principles" lead you to support Obamacare?

If people need help, just assume charity and local gov'ts aren't enough and just tax everyone else to pay for it, what's the difference?

The idea of Obamacare is taxing people in order to pay for other people's healthcare, your on here advocating taxing people in order to pay for other people's insurance. No difference. I bet if the republicans had a man in their ranks who invented Obamacare, you'd happily vote for him sometime in November. Oh wait that's what's actually going on!

Those local issues, like law and order, should be handled, well, locally.

All this name-calling and ill-wishing, SOP for partisans who think emotionally, rather than intellectually.
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IMO we (Americans) are all in this together. As individuals we cannot do enough to mitigate the misery of our fellow countrymen when disaster strikes. This ideology, Libertarianism, seems little different than the ideas expressed by Utopian Socialists more than a century ago. They are nice in theory, but reality will always get in the way.

Let my tax dollars be used to help other Americans in need, and anyone - business or individuals - who hope to profit from the misery of others are no different than looters and should be treated as such.
IMO we (Americans) are all in this together. As individuals we cannot do enough to mitigate the misery of our fellow countrymen when disaster strikes. This ideology, Libertarianism, seems little different than the ideas expressed by Utopian Socialists more than a century ago. They are nice in theory, but reality will always get in the way.

Let my tax dollars be used to help other Americans in need, and anyone - business or individuals - who hope to profit from the misery of others are no different than looters and should be treated as such.

are you joking? Libertarians are not utopians...we just want limited government...its not realy that complicated. if tax dollars at the federal level should be spent on natural disaster relief then according to original intent, there should be a constitutional amendment granting that authority to the congress. if that happened then it would be legit. but its its not legit. stop playing the appeal to emotion and think about it rationally. I mean...shit...why even HAVE a 10th amendment? Does the constitution mean NOTHING?
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Dr Kook...if you get individual cancer from smoking or not even your own fault, that is your personal healthcare to take care of and most likely your costs will be pased on to me.

Now, if you get some infection that is widespread and harming thousands of people, then the Feds will step in to help you and stop it.

You are stuck on stupid.

Kook, insurance companies will rebuild a home, but they cannot turn on the electricity, shelter people, keep law and order, when a town has been destroyed.

You are so fucking stupid.

Obamacare is not the same as the Feds propping a city back on its feet. :cuckoo: You kooks think any help by the Feds is illegal.

I hope you lose your home....that would be justice.

What's the difference between wanting you to be taxed more in order to pay someone else's home insurance costs and wanting you to be taxed more in order to pay for Obamacare?

If millions have a disastrous medical issue, like cancer, or hundreds or thousands have a natural disaster issue, what's the difference? Shouldn't your "principles" lead you to support Obamacare?

If people need help, just assume charity and local gov'ts aren't enough and just tax everyone else to pay for it, what's the difference?

The idea of Obamacare is taxing people in order to pay for other people's healthcare, your on here advocating taxing people in order to pay for other people's insurance. No difference. I bet if the republicans had a man in their ranks who invented Obamacare, you'd happily vote for him sometime in November. Oh wait that's what's actually going on!

Those local issues, like law and order, should be handled, well, locally.

All this name-calling and ill-wishing, SOP for partisans who think emotionally, rather than intellectually.
IMO we (Americans) are all in this together. As individuals we cannot do enough to mitigate the misery of our fellow countrymen when disaster strikes. This ideology, Libertarianism, seems little different than the ideas expressed by Utopian Socialists more than a century ago. They are nice in theory, but reality will always get in the way.

Let my tax dollars be used to help other Americans in need, and anyone - business or individuals - who hope to profit from the misery of others are no different than looters and should be treated as such.

are you joking? Libertarians are not utopians...we just want limited government...its not realy that complicated. if tax dollars at the federal level should be spent on natural disaster relief then according to original intent, there should be a constitutional amendment granting that authority to the congress. if that happened then it would be legit. but its its not legit. stop playing the appeal to emotion and think about it rationally.

I'd be all for an amendment for this.

If it's to be considered under the general welfare clause, then adopt an amendment stating so and get it ratified.

I have no problem with that.
IMO we (Americans) are all in this together. As individuals we cannot do enough to mitigate the misery of our fellow countrymen when disaster strikes. This ideology, Libertarianism, seems little different than the ideas expressed by Utopian Socialists more than a century ago. They are nice in theory, but reality will always get in the way.

Let my tax dollars be used to help other Americans in need, and anyone - business or individuals - who hope to profit from the misery of others are no different than looters and should be treated as such.

But we're the people that go help these unfortunate folks on our own dime, while you're the people that insist everyone be TAXED to do it.

Kook....when a STATE asks for help then the Feds step in to help.

Have the states of IN, KY, etc asked for Federal help? I'm sure Obamination has stuck FEMA out there for them, but the states will ask for help or not.

Who pays the National Guard during a disaster idiot? Uh, sometimes they go on Title 10 orders.....

Dumbfuck, if an ice storm damages Chicago to the point where the power goes out and people starting dying....then the Feds will help out.

They could care less about your car in the ditch unless it is a danger to many people, but they will help if hospitals can't keep patients alive with no power, no water, no heat, etc.
Why, doesn't Illinois have a disaster plan in place? No National Guard, no emergency services?

I think they do... Welcome to IEMA

Every day Illinois residents face natural, technological, chemical and manmade hazards that can potentially become disasters. Even though the probability of you or your family being injured or killed in a disaster is very low, it is extremely probable that your lives will be impacted. Utilities may be interrupted for hours or even days; your home, workplace, or school may be damaged or destroyed; roads and highways may be closed; and stores may be closed due to damage or have shortages of the items you need. For these reasons, it is extremely important for you to prepare in advance for disasters. The following links provide valuable information on how to ensure you and your family are ready for any disaster or emergency you may face.

General Preparedness
Severe Weather Preparedness
Earthquake Information
Terrorism Preparedness
Ready Illinois

Public Assistance
Initial Damage Assessment Forms
Disaster Plans
Local Preparedness Resources

Wanna try again?
The point of the whole argument is constitutionality. I have no problem with the government seeking to utilize tax dollars for something like this, as long as they provide the constitutional justification. If that requires an amendment, so be it. It would be a worthwhile amendment.

Otherwise we're simply giving them YET ANOTHER vague general welfare clause convenience to spend more of our tax dollars on something they deem necessary, without representation.
Dr Kook...if you get individual cancer from smoking or not even your own fault, that is your personal healthcare to take care of and most likely your costs will be pased on to me.

Now, if you get some infection that is widespread and harming thousands of people, then the Feds will step in to help you and stop it.

You are stuck on stupid.

Kook, insurance companies will rebuild a home, but they cannot turn on the electricity, shelter people, keep law and order, when a town has been destroyed.

You are so fucking stupid.

Obamacare is not the same as the Feds propping a city back on its feet. :cuckoo: You kooks think any help by the Feds is illegal.

I hope you lose your home....that would be justice.

The idea of Obamacare is taxing people in order to pay for other people's healthcare, your on here advocating taxing people in order to pay for other people's insurance. No difference. I bet if the republicans had a man in their ranks who invented Obamacare, you'd happily vote for him sometime in November. Oh wait that's what's actually going on!

Those local issues, like law and order, should be handled, well, locally.

All this name-calling and ill-wishing, SOP for partisans who think emotionally, rather than intellectually.

LOL cancer is a widespread infection!

You can't make this stuff up folks, please don't change GB. You're very entertaining.

So since it is a widespread infection, you support Obamacare, that is at least if you had consistent principles.

At least the libs on this thread like Wry and Rightwinger think taxing people and spending the country into oblivion is a great thing across the board in terms of social programs, they dont' pretend to think otherwise like you do.
I didn't realize the CDC was worried about someone passing cancer to someone else sitting on a bus with them. :cuckoo:

You have such a simpleton mind that I'm amazed you haven't been run over by a lawn mower yet. Hopefully you are sterile.

The internet exposes you kooks hiding in your trailers.

Dr Kook...if you get individual cancer from smoking or not even your own fault, that is your personal healthcare to take care of and most likely your costs will be pased on to me.

Now, if you get some infection that is widespread and harming thousands of people, then the Feds will step in to help you and stop it.

You are stuck on stupid.

The idea of Obamacare is taxing people in order to pay for other people's healthcare, your on here advocating taxing people in order to pay for other people's insurance. No difference. I bet if the republicans had a man in their ranks who invented Obamacare, you'd happily vote for him sometime in November. Oh wait that's what's actually going on!

Those local issues, like law and order, should be handled, well, locally.

All this name-calling and ill-wishing, SOP for partisans who think emotionally, rather than intellectually.

LOL cancer is a widespread infection!

You can't make this stuff up folks, please don't change GB. You're very entertaining.

So since it is a widespread infection, you support Obamacare, that is at least if you had consistent principles.

At least the libs on this thread like Wry and Rightwinger think taxing people and spending the country into oblivion is a great thing across the board in terms of social programs, they dont' pretend to think otherwise like you do.
Kook....when a STATE asks for help then the Feds step in to help.

Have the states of IN, KY, etc asked for Federal help? I'm sure Obamination has stuck FEMA out there for them, but the states will ask for help or not.

Who pays the National Guard during a disaster idiot? Uh, sometimes they go on Title 10 orders.....

GB, you've really become unhinged on this.

The National guard is a STATE organization, why do you think so many governors have issues with them being Federalized?
National Guard can work on Title 10 orders, you are really, really, really stupid.

The Feds train and equip the Army National Guard and Air Guard, the states do not have the money to purchase and operate F-16s, M1s, etc under their so-called "Guard."

I'm done educating you on this.

Kook....when a STATE asks for help then the Feds step in to help.

Have the states of IN, KY, etc asked for Federal help? I'm sure Obamination has stuck FEMA out there for them, but the states will ask for help or not.

Who pays the National Guard during a disaster idiot? Uh, sometimes they go on Title 10 orders.....

GB, you've really become unhinged on this.

The National guard is a STATE organization, why do you think so many governors have issues with them being Federalized?
IMO we (Americans) are all in this together. As individuals we cannot do enough to mitigate the misery of our fellow countrymen when disaster strikes. This ideology, Libertarianism, seems little different than the ideas expressed by Utopian Socialists more than a century ago. They are nice in theory, but reality will always get in the way.

Let my tax dollars be used to help other Americans in need, and anyone - business or individuals - who hope to profit from the misery of others are no different than looters and should be treated as such.

are you joking? Libertarians are not utopians...we just want limited government...its not realy that complicated. if tax dollars at the federal level should be spent on natural disaster relief then according to original intent, there should be a constitutional amendment granting that authority to the congress. if that happened then it would be legit. but its its not legit. stop playing the appeal to emotion and think about it rationally. I mean...shit...why even HAVE a 10th amendment? Does the constitution mean NOTHING?

Of course I'm not joking. I'm a pragmatist, not an ideologue as are both Utopian Socialists and Libertarians. It's fine, don't get defensive. If you lost everything - were cold, hungry, thirsty and homeless - you too would accept largess from the Federal Government.

If one of your kids - if you have any - suffered from an illness which would take his or her life and you didn't have health insurance, you too would accept medical treatment from a county hospital, a hospital funded by taxes.
Reality gets in the way of ideology.
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It was a drought, not a flood, and if there was no constitutional authority then, there is no Constitutional authority NOW.

I am afraid there is Constitutional authority to help Americans in times of need. Again, the General Welfare clause allows Congrees to do what they determine is in the best interests of the General Welfare of the people. It has been used for a hundred years and upheld by the courts

Libertarians who only look out for themselves may not like it....but it is the law of the land

FEMA is an authorized federal agency. If you disagree with it's Constitutionality, you are welcome to challenge it in court

The General Welfare clause doesn't mean what you think it does, you should read what Madison wrote about it, after all, he wrote the fucking thing.

No he didn't write the fucking thing. He participated in writing it. The Constitution was a compromise of various opinions, Madison being one of them. What matters from Madison is what he managed to get into the Constitution not what his personal opinions were
I didn't realize the CDC was worried about someone passing cancer to someone else sitting on a bus with them. :cuckoo:

You have such a simpleton mind that I'm amazed you haven't been run over by a lawn mower yet. Hopefully you are sterile.

The internet exposes you kooks hiding in your trailers.

Dr Kook...if you get individual cancer from smoking or not even your own fault, that is your personal healthcare to take care of and most likely your costs will be pased on to me.

Now, if you get some infection that is widespread and harming thousands of people, then the Feds will step in to help you and stop it.

You are stuck on stupid.

LOL cancer is a widespread infection!

You can't make this stuff up folks, please don't change GB. You're very entertaining.

So since it is a widespread infection, you support Obamacare, that is at least if you had consistent principles.

At least the libs on this thread like Wry and Rightwinger think taxing people and spending the country into oblivion is a great thing across the board in terms of social programs, they dont' pretend to think otherwise like you do.

Enjoy voting for the founding father of Obamacare and still holding a straight face while you tell everyone how conservative you are.

Thanks again, have a great day :razz:
The losertarian kooks are just like liberal kooks, just nuts.

So if a tornado, hurricane, flood, earthquake takes out a city in the US....the Federal Govt doesn't have a role in helping out in the minds of losertarians. That about sums it up and why Ron Paul is running last in the GOP race with a so-called RINO, an old lobbyist, and washed up US Senator that can't win his own state.....
IMO we (Americans) are all in this together. As individuals we cannot do enough to mitigate the misery of our fellow countrymen when disaster strikes. This ideology, Libertarianism, seems little different than the ideas expressed by Utopian Socialists more than a century ago. They are nice in theory, but reality will always get in the way.

Let my tax dollars be used to help other Americans in need, and anyone - business or individuals - who hope to profit from the misery of others are no different than looters and should be treated as such.

are you joking? Libertarians are not utopians...we just want limited government...its not realy that complicated. if tax dollars at the federal level should be spent on natural disaster relief then according to original intent, there should be a constitutional amendment granting that authority to the congress. if that happened then it would be legit. but its its not legit. stop playing the appeal to emotion and think about it rationally. I mean...shit...why even HAVE a 10th amendment? Does the constitution mean NOTHING?

Of course I'm not joking. I'm a pragmatist, not an ideologue as are both Utopian Socialists and Libertarians. It's fine, don't get defensive. If you lost everything - were cold, hungry, thirsty and homeless - you too would accept largess from the Federal Government.

If one of your kids - if you have any - suffered from an illness which would take his or her life and you didn't have health insurance, you too would accept medical treatment from a county hospital, a hospital funded by taxes.
Reality gets in the way of ideology.

Reality was only that way once big gov't liberals took over. Charitable hospitals, charities to help the poor, it's not like those things didn't exist before gov't took over the industries.

I prefer to rely on the charitable will of americans, rather than the efficiency and morality of gov't.

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