Ron Paulbarians Are At GOP's Gate...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Interesting article by Chuck Muth.

The Nevada Republican Party convention this month was pretty much like every other GOP convention: Floor arguments over obscure Robert's Rules of Order, bylaws and credentials. Lots of proverbial sound and fury signifying nothing. Only this year, on steroids.

The convention was fairly evenly split between Mitt Romney supporters and party loyalists vs. Ron Paul supporters and many Tea Party activists — with the insurgents enjoying a sufficient majority not only to elect 22 out of 25 of their own to go to the GOP national convention in Tampa, but to oust the party's sitting National Committeeman and Committeewoman, as well.

The rabble's success has many establishment Republicans gnashing their teeth, with one sour grapes GOP blogger referring to the Paul supporters as a bunch of “liars, cheats and thieves.”

But the reality is, the Paul folks played by the rules and more of them attended the convention than the other team. As the saying goes, the world belongs to those who show up.

In the meantime, many in the media are scratching their heads wondering, “What was this all about? What do the Paul people want? Don't they know that they've lost; that Romney's going to get the nomination?”

While true that some Paul supporters still hold out hope for a Tampa miracle, the more realistic are already looking well beyond November's election.

They know that in politics you often lose a number of early fights in order to gain experience and grow your movement for the long term.

Indeed, should Ron Paul “fail” in his presidential effort, he will have nonetheless successfully planted the seeds for an emerging “liberty” movement (not quite the same as the “conservative” movement) that will (hopefully) enjoy far greater political victories in the years to come.

Call it Barry Goldwater 2.0.

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Ron Paulbarians are at GOP's gate |
Awesome Article: Ron Paulbarians are at GOP's gate | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012
The rabble's success has many establishment Republicans gnashing their teeth, with one sour grapes GOP blogger referring to the Paul supporters as a bunch of “liars, cheats and thieves.”

But the reality is, the Paul folks played by the rules and more of them attended the convention than the other team. As the saying goes, the world belongs to those who show up.
This is why Ron Paul was screwed out of the nomination this time. Ron Paul won Iowa but Teh Rove gathered the party leaders together and conspired (excuse me, they had a gentleman's agreement) to award the Caucus to Romney then Santorum.

I'm writing in Ron Paul in november no matter what happens.
So Paul-bots took a page from their internet exploits and packed a poll. Wow. That's new. Not.

The GOP doesnt give a shit about RonPaul. And the sooner those nutters go back to the Democrats where they belong the better we'll all be.
Yes, the 8% of Republican delegates are at the gate.

I'm sympathetic to Ron Paul but there isn't a group who have greater political delusion than his followers.
So Paul-bots took a page from their internet exploits and packed a poll. Wow. That's new. Not.
The GOP doesnt give a shit about RonPaul. And the sooner those nutters go back to the Democrats where they belong the better we'll all be.
Yes, the 8% of Republican delegates are at the gate.
I'm sympathetic to Ron Paul but there isn't a group who have greater political delusion than his followers.
Right, because returning to Constitutional Governance is "delusional".

Delusional = Thinking Romney is ANY different than Obama. The same donors that backed Bush then Obama are now lining up behind Romney.

This is like cheering for the American League over the National League. It doesn't matter who wins because they're basically playing the exact same game.
The convention was fairly evenly split between Mitt Rom-ney supporters and party loyalists vs. Ron Paul supporters and many Tea Party activists — with the insurgents enjoying a sufficient majority not only to elect 22 out of 25 of their own to go to the GOP national convention in Tampa, but to oust the party's sitting National Committeeman and Committeewoman, as well.

The rabble's success has many establishment Republicans gnashing their teeth, with one sour grapes GOP blogger referring to the Paul supporters as a bunch of “liars, cheats and thieves.”

The democrats must be loving this…
Right, because returning to Constitutional Governance is "delusional".

We are currently practicing Constitutional governance, there is nothing to ‘return to.’ Hence the accurate perception of Paul and his supporters as delusional.
I mean delusional in your political influence, not in your adherence to the Constitution.
So Paul-bots took a page from their internet exploits and packed a poll. Wow. That's new. Not.
The GOP doesnt give a shit about RonPaul. And the sooner those nutters go back to the Democrats where they belong the better we'll all be.
Yes, the 8% of Republican delegates are at the gate.
I'm sympathetic to Ron Paul but there isn't a group who have greater political delusion than his followers.
Right, because returning to Constitutional Governance is "delusional".

Delusional = Thinking Romney is ANY different than Obama. The same donors that backed Bush then Obama are now lining up behind Romney.

This is like cheering for the American League over the National League. It doesn't matter who wins because they're basically playing the exact same game.
Delusional-The idea that Paul-bots represent "constitutional governance."
Delusional-The idea that Paul is relevant to the GOP.
So Paul-bots took a page from their internet exploits and packed a poll. Wow. That's new. Not.
The GOP doesnt give a shit about RonPaul. And the sooner those nutters go back to the Democrats where they belong the better we'll all be.
Yes, the 8% of Republican delegates are at the gate.
I'm sympathetic to Ron Paul but there isn't a group who have greater political delusion than his followers.
Right, because returning to Constitutional Governance is "delusional".

Delusional = Thinking Romney is ANY different than Obama. The same donors that backed Bush then Obama are now lining up behind Romney.

This is like cheering for the American League over the National League. It doesn't matter who wins because they're basically playing the exact same game.

Perfectly stated. Thanks.
The idea that there is absolutely no difference between the Dems and GOP is part of the delusion.
The idea that Ron Paul will singlehandedly turn this country back to 1789 is also a delusion.

You guys considered Haldol?
The idea that there is absolutely no difference between the Dems and GOP is part of the delusion.
The idea that Ron Paul will singlehandedly turn this country back to 1789 is also a delusion.

You guys considered Haldol?

So Romney's your answer? lol! Good luck with that. He's gonna get thrashed. Maybe after that happens, you old-guard Neocon dopes will wake up. I hope so anyway.
The idea that there is absolutely no difference between the Dems and GOP is part of the delusion.
The idea that Ron Paul will singlehandedly turn this country back to 1789 is also a delusion.

You guys considered Haldol?

So Romney's your answer? lol! Good luck with that. He's gonna get thrashed. Maybe after that happens, you old-guard Neocon dopes will wake up. I hope so anyway.

The idea that Romney is going to get thrashed or that he is a bad candidate is delusional.
The idea that there is absolutely no difference between the Dems and GOP is part of the delusion.
The idea that Ron Paul will singlehandedly turn this country back to 1789 is also a delusion.

You guys considered Haldol?

So Romney's your answer? lol! Good luck with that. He's gonna get thrashed. Maybe after that happens, you old-guard Neocon dopes will wake up. I hope so anyway.

The idea that Romney is going to get thrashed or that he is a bad candidate is delusional.

Do you really believe what you just typed? A Big Government Liberal Mormon is a great candidate? Say Whaaa? You guys are the delusional ones. Obama in a Landslide. WTG dopes. :mad:
So Romney's your answer? lol! Good luck with that. He's gonna get thrashed. Maybe after that happens, you old-guard Neocon dopes will wake up. I hope so anyway.

The idea that Romney is going to get thrashed or that he is a bad candidate is delusional.

Do you really believe what you just typed? A Big Government Liberal Mormon is a great candidate? Say Whaaa? You guys are the delusional ones. Obama in a Landslide. WTG dopes. :mad:

A better candidate than Paul. How do we know? People actually voted for Romney.
The idea that Romney is going to get thrashed or that he is a bad candidate is delusional.

Do you really believe what you just typed? A Big Government Liberal Mormon is a great candidate? Say Whaaa? You guys are the delusional ones. Obama in a Landslide. WTG dopes. :mad:

A better candidate than Paul. How do we know? People actually voted for Romney.

You old-guard Neocon dopes have proven you're no longer worthy of picking GOP Candidates. Your time has passed. So give it up. A Big Government Liberal Mormon? Yeah, great choice idiots. Like i said, Obama in a Landslide.
Perry = Gone.

Ron Paul = Still in the Game.

Get over being butthurt about Dick Perry. Libertarians aren't the enemy.
Perry = Gone.

Ron Paul = Still in the Game.

Get over being butthurt about Dick Perry. Libertarians aren't the enemy.

Perry-Sensibly left when there clearly was no way for him to get elected. Staying on merely detracted from the eventual nominee and cost time and money, better spent on his day job.
ROn Paul. Doesn't get it.
Perry = Gone.

Ron Paul = Still in the Game.

Get over being butthurt about Dick Perry. Libertarians aren't the enemy.

ron paul has no campaign apparatus. he is not spending any money. he isn't campaigning. he goes around making some speeches... no staff, no infrastructure.

he has no campaign. he just has a bunch of zealots who have failed totally to make rational assessments about where their "candidate" is.

i have never read more nonsense about any candidate than i have from paulians. its funny how the rightwingnuts do the whole "the left sees the president as the 'messiah'" thing, which is wholly and totally a lie, but paulians really do think their knowledgeless, hypocritical little candidate is the messiah.

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