Ronald Reagan, socialist...

OMG ok what about him growing the federal workforce from 324,000 to almost 5.3 million people?

Total Federal personnel increased from 4.982 million to 5.292 million.

It didn't increase FROM 324,000. It increased BY 310,000.

Try again.



Total Government Employment Since 1962

The real interesting number isn't in that chart. Today, the federal government only employs around 4.3 million. Under Obama, the government has been shrinking, at least when it comes to the number it employs. least according to USMB standards:

Conservatives took what Reagan supported and doubled down on it two to three times over. That is why Reagan supported a top tax rate of 28% including capital gains while today's conservatives believe we should have a flat tax rate of 10% to 15%. Reagan was an intelligent pragmatist with a conservative ideology. Today's conservatives are just insane. This is why all the moderates are leaving the party, and this is why Republicans are going to have a very difficult time winning the White House again.

Bet you said the same shit about the 2010 and 2014 midterms when Republicans beat the shit out of the DemocRATS....only to the chargrin of many patriots when this shit happened!


THIS is why we need a NON-POLITICIAN, or one with MORALS, ETHICS and PRINCIPLES (Cruz is the only one, with perhaps 1 or 2 others) to step up to the challenge!
OMG ok what about him growing the federal workforce from 324,000 to almost 5.3 million people?

Total Federal personnel increased from 4.982 million to 5.292 million.

It didn't increase FROM 324,000. It increased BY 310,000.

Try again.



Total Government Employment Since 1962

The real interesting number isn't in that chart. Today, the federal government only employs around 4.3 million. Under Obama, the government has been shrinking, at least when it comes to the number it employs.
True. It is ironic there are at least 245,000 less Federal personnel than when Obama took office. least according to USMB standards:

Conservatives took what Reagan supported and doubled down on it two to three times over. That is why Reagan supported a top tax rate of 28% including capital gains while today's conservatives believe we should have a flat tax rate of 10% to 15%. Reagan was an intelligent pragmatist with a conservative ideology. Today's conservatives are just insane. This is why all the moderates are leaving the party, and this is why Republicans are going to have a very difficult time winning the White House again.

Bet you said the same shit about the 2010 and 2014 midterms when Republicans beat the shit out of the DemocRATS....only to the chargrin of many patriots when this shit happened!


THIS is why we need a NON-POLITICIAN, or one with MORALS, ETHICS and PRINCIPLES (Cruz is the only one, with perhaps 1 or 2 others) to step up to the challenge!

Unfortunately, many Dems only vote presidential elections. This has been the biggest failure of the Democratic Party, not being able to get out the vote in midterm years. The problem Republicans have is that in presidential election years, the Dems do get out the vote, and it makes it nearly impossible for Republicans to win. That is why Republicans are very likely to lose again in 2016, both the White House and Senate. least according to USMB standards:

Conservatives took what Reagan supported and doubled down on it two to three times over. That is why Reagan supported a top tax rate of 28% including capital gains while today's conservatives believe we should have a flat tax rate of 10% to 15%. Reagan was an intelligent pragmatist with a conservative ideology. Today's conservatives are just insane. This is why all the moderates are leaving the party, and this is why Republicans are going to have a very difficult time winning the White House again.

Bet you said the same shit about the 2010 and 2014 midterms when Republicans beat the shit out of the DemocRATS....only to the chargrin of many patriots when this shit happened!


THIS is why we need a NON-POLITICIAN, or one with MORALS, ETHICS and PRINCIPLES (Cruz is the only one, with perhaps 1 or 2 others) to step up to the challenge!

Unfortunately, many Dems only vote presidential elections. This has been the biggest failure of the Democratic Party, not being able to get out the vote in midterm years. The problem Republicans have is that in presidential election years, the Dems do get out the vote, and it makes it nearly impossible for Republicans to win. That is why Republicans are very likely to lose again in 2016, both the White House and Senate.

As long as Trump, and Carson are the 2 big players, the DemocRATS have to be shitting in their draws...especially after seeing the RATING the Republican Debates have been pulling....even this last one gave CNBC 14 million viewers, MORE than they have ever had.... The Socialist/NeoCommie will be TOAST this election cycle, IMHO, of course, but using logic it would seem so! least according to USMB standards:

Conservatives took what Reagan supported and doubled down on it two to three times over. That is why Reagan supported a top tax rate of 28% including capital gains while today's conservatives believe we should have a flat tax rate of 10% to 15%. Reagan was an intelligent pragmatist with a conservative ideology. Today's conservatives are just insane. This is why all the moderates are leaving the party, and this is why Republicans are going to have a very difficult time winning the White House again.

In terms of tax structures, amnesty for the people who harvest our produce, domestic policies in general, I'd agree.

However, I'd also argue that his foreign policy is something we're still cleaning up after today.

I'd also agree that today's "conservatives" are insane.
As long as Trump, and Carson are the 2 big players, the DemocRATS have to be shitting in their draws...

I seriously doubt Clinton is afraid of Trump or Carson. In fact, she'd probably prefer either one of them to be the nominee and would consider it a gift with a bow on it.


Thank you, Lord, for this meal we are about to receive.
You quoted Lenin saying "The goal of socialism is communism."

You haven't disagreed with the premise that Reagan was a socialist, so if you believe Lenin, the natural progression is to communism.

Honestly, do you ever pay attention to what you post, or are you just so impressed with your ability to cut and paste that you get confused?

Now, make sure you go straight to the insults instead of attempting to clarify your position. Include something about how I'm "not worth the time"...while you respond to my posts for the rest of the day.


I haven't taken a position except that socialism is a failure.....

Which is why you won't deny that, based on the video in the OP, Reagan is a socialist by USMB Rightist standards.

By quoting Lenin's progression from socialism to communism, you're labeling Reagan a communist.

Let's try again...

If you're attempting to convince me that you didn't mean to quote Lenin to label Reagan a communist, you haven't tried at all. Posting a quote from your idol claiming he isn't a socialist is not helping you at all. In addition:

Vigilante said:
although I know this is worthless with something like you!

Is exactly what I predicted you'd say in Post 24.

I had said it to you a day or 2 ago, so why wouldn't I say it to you again?

Because you think being so predictable is an asset?

And you're still not denying your support of Lenin = "Ronnie was a Commie."

As I say, I'm not his biggest fan, but even I wouldn't go that far. Still, he's your idol; I guess you'd know him better than I would.
As long as Trump, and Carson are the 2 big players, the DemocRATS have to be shitting in their draws...

I seriously doubt Clinton is afraid of Trump or Carson. In fact, she'd probably prefer either one of them to be the nominee and would consider it a gift with a bow on it.


Thank you, Lord, for this meal we are about to receive.
Hildabeast is what's for dinner, wait a minute.............. That's really nasty.

Sorry for the mental picture
As long as Trump, and Carson are the 2 big players, the DemocRATS have to be shitting in their draws...

I seriously doubt Clinton is afraid of Trump or Carson. In fact, she'd probably prefer either one of them to be the nominee and would consider it a gift with a bow on it.


Thank you, Lord, for this meal we are about to receive.

Trump would eat her up, spit her out and could simply start with.....

I did?...Where in my post did I say that, or picturede him with our three current Socialists, wanna be Communists?
You quoted Lenin saying "The goal of socialism is communism."

You haven't disagreed with the premise that Reagan was a socialist, so if you believe Lenin, the natural progression is to communism.

Honestly, do you ever pay attention to what you post, or are you just so impressed with your ability to cut and paste that you get confused?

Now, make sure you go straight to the insults instead of attempting to clarify your position. Include something about how I'm "not worth the time"...while you respond to my posts for the rest of the day.


I haven't taken a position except that socialism is a failure.....

Which is why you won't deny that, based on the video in the OP, Reagan is a socialist by USMB Rightist standards.

By quoting Lenin's progression from socialism to communism, you're labeling Reagan a communist.

Let's try again...

If you're attempting to convince me that you didn't mean to quote Lenin to label Reagan a communist, you haven't tried at all. Posting a quote from your idol claiming he isn't a socialist is not helping you at all. In addition:

Vigilante said:
although I know this is worthless with something like you!

Is exactly what I predicted you'd say in Post 24.

Please, let him off the mat. He's barely breathing at this point.
I haven't taken a position except that socialism is a failure.....

Which is why you won't deny that, based on the video in the OP, Reagan is a socialist by USMB Rightist standards.

By quoting Lenin's progression from socialism to communism, you're labeling Reagan a communist.

Let's try again...

If you're attempting to convince me that you didn't mean to quote Lenin to label Reagan a communist, you haven't tried at all. Posting a quote from your idol claiming he isn't a socialist is not helping you at all. In addition:

Vigilante said:
although I know this is worthless with something like you!

Is exactly what I predicted you'd say in Post 24.

I had said it to you a day or 2 ago, so why wouldn't I say it to you again?

Because you think being so predictable is an asset?

And you're still not denying your support of Lenin = "Ronnie was a Commie."

As I say, I'm not his biggest fan, but even I wouldn't go that far. Still, he's your idol; I guess you'd know him better than I would.

I do...Ethics, moral and principles, things you, and your fellow travelers know nothing about!

You quoted Lenin saying "The goal of socialism is communism."

You haven't disagreed with the premise that Reagan was a socialist, so if you believe Lenin, the natural progression is to communism.

Honestly, do you ever pay attention to what you post, or are you just so impressed with your ability to cut and paste that you get confused?

Now, make sure you go straight to the insults instead of attempting to clarify your position. Include something about how I'm "not worth the time"...while you respond to my posts for the rest of the day.


I haven't taken a position except that socialism is a failure.....

Which is why you won't deny that, based on the video in the OP, Reagan is a socialist by USMB Rightist standards.

By quoting Lenin's progression from socialism to communism, you're labeling Reagan a communist.

Let's try again...

If you're attempting to convince me that you didn't mean to quote Lenin to label Reagan a communist, you haven't tried at all. Posting a quote from your idol claiming he isn't a socialist is not helping you at all. In addition:

Vigilante said:
although I know this is worthless with something like you!

Is exactly what I predicted you'd say in Post 24.

Please, let him off the mat. He's barely breathing at this point.

Oh look, another stupid atheists that thinks the religious believe in Jesus and Dino's living together! :ahole-1: least according to USMB standards:

Progressives come in all shapes and sizes, they are the reason the country is broke.

Embrace the suck

I agree, the entrepreneurs who dictate our legislation are Progressive when it comes to lining their own pockets.

If you see that way, it's all good.

Oh, I do.
Have you perused Immigration Reform Bill S744?
Of course not; that would burst you bubble. least according to USMB standards:

Progressives come in all shapes and sizes, they are the reason the country is broke.

Embrace the suck

I agree, the entrepreneurs who dictate our legislation are Progressive when it comes to lining their own pockets.

If you see that way, it's all good.

Oh, I do.
Have you perused Immigration Reform Bill S744?
Of course not; that would burst you bubble.

Did it tickle your fancy?? least according to USMB standards:

Progressives come in all shapes and sizes, they are the reason the country is broke.

Embrace the suck

I agree, the entrepreneurs who dictate our legislation are Progressive when it comes to lining their own pockets.

If you see that way, it's all good.

Oh, I do.
Have you perused Immigration Reform Bill S744?
Of course not; that would burst you bubble.

Did it tickle your fancy??

Sure, why go to Medical School if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why go to Law School if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why study Accounting if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why study Electrical Engineering if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why study Mechanical Engineering if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why study ANYTHING from 10 Industrial Categories if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year per Category to take your job?

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