Ronald Reagan, socialist...

Progressives come in all shapes and sizes, they are the reason the country is broke.

Embrace the suck

I agree, the entrepreneurs who dictate our legislation are Progressive when it comes to lining their own pockets.
If you see that way, it's all good.

Oh, I do.
Have you perused Immigration Reform Bill S744?
Of course not; that would burst you bubble.
Did it tickle your fancy??

Sure, why go to Medical School if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why go to Law School if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why study Accounting if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why study Electrical Engineering if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why study Mechanical Engineering if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year to take your job?
Sure, why study ANYTHING from 10 Industrial Categories if we bring in 160,000+ Indians a year per Category to take your job?
I am really impressed... least according to USMB standards:

Progressives come in all shapes and sizes, they are the reason the country is broke.

Embrace the suck

The country is broke because Republicans start wars they refuse to pay for.

That is pocket change compared to the money wasted on socialist entitlement programs like SS and Medicare/Medicaid... Like a drop in the ocean.

The game is already lost...

Embrace the suck
Ethics, moral and principles...

Communist ethics, morals, and principles, according to you.

Making up shit again, you'd think that once exposed, you'd learn, but then I forget you're one of those knuckledraggers that have a hard time grunting, and writing at the same time!

So you need to grunt while you write? That explains why you're unable to understand that you're the one who quoted Lenin in connection with Reagan. It's in your best interest to figure that out before going forward.

Or just post more Photoshops. You're really good at that.
You still having trouble understanding English, I see... would Spanish help your sorry ass. perhaps Arabic?

Were you under the impression that your Lenin quote was in either of these languages? No wonder you're confused.

P.S. Remember where I predicted you'd keep this line of "reasoning" going all day?
we have nothing to fear but socialism itself.

tax dollars used to pave our roads
nws, nhc, cdc, usgs, fda...Warning us of the storms, bad food and making sure our air is clean.

Yeah, let's just do away with it all and go back to the 18th century. Stupid moron.
you forgot the defense fund, no one wants to fight but someone needs to know how. denmark isn't going to cut it.
Ever hear a socialist say "God Bless America"? Presidents like Reagan used to end a speech with the phrase but it takes a Sumo wrestler to get Barry Hussein to even put his hand over his heard during the National Anthem. Yeah, go ahead and call Reagan a socialist if it makes y'all hate-America folks feel better.
Ever hear a socialist say "God Bless America"?

Is it your perception that these three words have some magical powers? Can you describe them? Do you have to click your heels three times before they take effect?

Presidents like Reagan used to end a speech with the phrase but it takes a Sumo wrestler to get Barry Hussein to even put his hand over his heard during the National Anthem.

Why should some imaginary character have the same affect on you as a long-dead President?

Yeah, go ahead and call Reagan a socialist if it makes y'all hate-America folks feel better.

It's not those of us whom you're describing in that post, but you and your fellow travelers. Here, let me repost the part you missed:

That's how you people define socialism, isn't it?

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