Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

'Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. He used the Constitution to wipe his feet every day.

138 members of his administration were indicted/convicted of crimes while in office. Reagan lied in court about Iran/Contra and he should have been impeached and sent to prison for the rest of his life. Conservatives have been busy the last two decades trying to resurrect this losers image. Even Nixon only had 8 of his administration indicted/convicted of crimes. Reagan was infinitely worse than Nixon!!

Imagine if Obama, instead of being open and letting Congress know what was going on with the Iran atomic weapon deal, instead was secretly buying weapons from Iran and giving them to 'freedom fighters' in Syria. Republicans and conservatives would be apoplectic and near insane with rage in a demand to impeach Obama and put him in prison.

This is exactly what Reagan did with Iran/Contra.

He as a lowlife criminal who looked like con's grandpa so they liked him. History has been written though, there will be no expunging of this criminals deeds.

that is the understatement of the are overriding them with way too much logic and common sense they will have a nervous breakdown and have to check into the hospital soon.:thup:

I am obviously not a fan of criminal Obama by any means as I have stated time and time again and have said as well so many times carter was the last halfway good president we have had since JFK,our last GREAT president but that is an excellent point about Obama there.well done.:thup:

as you are also aware I am sure,a few congressmen said they regretted years later not impeaching reagan because unlike Nixon,he had charm and charisma and was such a likeable guy because of that and they did not think america could go through another scandal like that with another impeachment of another president is why some did not call for his impeachment back then like they should have.

you probably knew all that right?
Yeah, the man who tripled the National debt and gave us trickle down voodoo isn't to great.. Not the worst though.


pesky facts like that that that he tripled the National debt which made it an all time high worse than all presidents COMBINED previously,the reaganut worshippers led by their two biggest cheerleaders crusader retard and where r my keys kid,they cover their ears when you bring up that pesky little fact and back them up against the wall going into meltdown mode since the truth hurts them so much.:biggrin:

you nailed it as well as not being the worst.He started us toward the destruction of america-"carter was the last halfway good president we had since our last great president JFK."

reagan got the ball rolling and each president since then has expanded what he got started which is why our corrupt schools and the lamestream media worship him so much since he was the grandfather of them all that got the ball yeah not the worst for sure.
Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? | Consortiumnews

No shit. Sad its taken almost 30 years to realize this. The man destroyed America for normal every day Americans and set it on a path for the rich and only the rich.

Quinnipiac poll[edit]
A Quinnipiac University poll, taken June 24–30, 2014, asked 1446 registered voters in the US who they thought were the best and worst presidents since World War II.[34]

Best president since World War II

  1. Ronald Reagan (35%)
  2. Bill Clinton (18%)
  3. John F. Kennedy (15%)
  4. Barack Obama (8%)
  5. Dwight Eisenhower (5%)
  6. Harry S. Truman (4%)
  7. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (3%)
  8. George H.W. Bush (tie) (3%)
  9. Jimmy Carter (2%)
  10. Richard Nixon (tie) (1%)
  11. Gerald Ford (tie) (1%)
  12. George W. Bush (tie) (1%)
Worst president since World War II

  1. Barack Obama (33%)
  2. George W. Bush (28%)
  3. Richard Nixon (13%)
  4. Jimmy Carter (8%)
  5. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (3%)
  6. Ronald Reagan (tie) (3%)
  7. Bill Clinton (tie) (3%)
  8. Gerald Ford (tie) (2%)
  9. George H.W. Bush (tie) (2%)
  10. Dwight Eisenhower (1%)
  11. Harry S. Truman (tie) (<1%)
  12. John F. Kennedy (tie) (<1%)

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore...

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away ...

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -


'Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. He used the Constitution to wipe his feet every day.

138 members of his administration were indicted/convicted of crimes while in office. Reagan lied in court about Iran/Contra and he should have been impeached and sent to prison for the rest of his life. Conservatives have been busy the last two decades trying to resurrect this losers image. Even Nixon only had 8 of his administration indicted/convicted of crimes. Reagan was infinitely worse than Nixon!!

Imagine if Obama, instead of being open and letting Congress know what was going on with the Iran atomic weapon deal, instead was secretly buying weapons from Iran and giving them to 'freedom fighters' in Syria. Republicans and conservatives would be apoplectic and near insane with rage in a demand to impeach Obama and put him in prison.

This is exactly what Reagan did with Iran/Contra.

He as a lowlife criminal who looked like con's grandpa so they liked him. History has been written though, there will be no expunging of this criminals deeds.
MS-13 celebrates Reagan in Central America, Southern California and all the American cities where they continue to sell drugs. Reagan was the great American President that taught them how to operate like a military organization and gave them their first automatic weapons. Viva la Contra Viva Escuedrones De La Muerte !!!!
THE worst? naw... he did open up relations with Russia although everything him & Gorbachev accomplished has vaporized since Putey poot came into power... & he also was in favor f reducing nukes. But that's pretty much it as far as anything good I can think that he's done.

George W. is the worst, & it'll take Satan himself to become POTUS for that distinctive title to be taken from him.

That's what ya have now, dumb-ass.

& no one's ever gonna give you the keys for the asylum exit door no matter how long you try asking 4 'em.

Now THAT is just pitiful. My guess is that this one is a retread.

You aren't worth my grade A stuff.
Reagan DID sell arms to Iran in exchange for them continuing to hold the prisoners to make Carter look bad so he could win the election. 5 minutes after he was sworn in, they released the hostage per agreement.


Raygun did sell weapons to Iran through intermediaries, but not during that hostage crisis.
Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Federal aid to states and localities hasn't been cut under Reaganism? Everything BUT SS hasn't been cut? WRONG.

Now it's "under Reaganism" rather than "under Reagan" Why is no one surprised that you are moving the goal posts?

If the next guy wants it to stop, then it stops. When do you think it stops, 30 years later? When did "Reaganism" stop, in your view?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Aren't you turds always complaining that Reagan ruined America by cutting taxes? Which is it? Did he raise them or cut them? Also, didn't the increase in FICA taxes "save" Social Security?

What "fees" did Reagan increase?

BTW, Reagan didn't cut any social programs - none. Spending on social programs increased dramatically under his administration. That's the ransom he had to pay to Tip O'Neil to get his defense increases.
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Federal aid to states and localities hasn't been cut under Reaganism? Everything BUT SS hasn't been cut? WRONG.

Now it's "under Reaganism" rather than "under Reagan" Why is no one surprised that you are moving the goal posts?
Under both...same crappe for 33 years.
So you can keep blaming Reagan for every Democrat failure of the next 100 years, right?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
You'd have to wonder if who wrote that was even born yet during Reagan.

most of the people on that site are like a bunch of spoiled little snots

they are little slave to the Democrat party. It would be cute except they vote for our lives and who want's someone with that much hate voting for their life?
Born in 84. Old enough to remember my parents troubles thanks to that asshole.

Really? You were what? Five years old when he left office? Most likely four unless you were born in January...

I'm gonna call bullshit...

I was twenty in 1984. I remember the Reagan years well. I remember how well my folks were doing. I remember how well I was doing. I remember how well my friends and there families were doing...

Now, I'm not going to sit here a say Reagan was the "greatest President ever," he wasn't. But he is far from the worst...

Comparing to him to the presidents since then you are correct,each president since him has been more evil than he was however he was EASILY the worst ever at the TIME as my previous post proved the fact that he tripled the debt which was the worst ever for any president COMBINED.
I guess that is the only factor that a president needs to be measured against?

What do you think of Obama then?

this post from FA Q2 here is that of an adult which is why i can respect this poster.He has stayed away from childish temper tantrems that reaganut zombies such as stephanie,where r my keys and crusader retard throw when they go into meltdown mode after their hero Reagan has been exposed.

when these kind of posts are posted,it makes for a healthy debate.

Just so you know,I maintain Obama is a traiter as is every american president since Reagan but this isnt about Obama though.
And one came from the dailykos so that should tell you all you need to know

you'll find a bunch of hateful snots over there. so don't waste your time

and never heard of some consortium news or whatever it's called
the reaganut apologist hard at work as usual.:blahblah:

wonder when crusader retard will come along and start tooting Reagans horn as well.That guy takes it so personal and goes into meltdown when the truth is exposed about his idol.Much worse than stephanie does.

Here are some pesky little facts that stephanie,crusader retard and the other reaganut worshippers cant get around.actual facts being reported back then from the 1980's how reagan ruined the economy.they can only whine and cry in defeat how their hero has been exposed.:up::rofl::lmao:

and here is a real in depth viewing of the most corrupt administration ever at the time in this one hour video.the author of this book really does an excellent job of exposing this fraud president.[emoji481]

That's awful!!!! Reagan added $1.6 trillion to the debt. Awful!

Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far. No big deal, eh comrade?

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times". In fact that's how he did it, dumbass. ANOTHER fake Pub success...heard of S+L scandal bust/recession? Brainwashed functional MORONS.

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times".

Not even close. Duh. And for Reagan's spending, we won the Cold War.
All of Obama's spending and he lost the ME to ISIS.
Great job, moron.

Gorby won the Cold War, not your demented actor.

That's like saying Hitler won WW II. It's pathetic how you turds have to change the meaning of commonly understood words to win a point.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
You are a great one to accuse others of being ignorant of history.

Reagans campaign people negotiated ILLEGALLY with Iran before he was elected.

IT IS A FACT and no amount of insults by you or your fellow travelers will change that.


How the fuck did Reagan sell arms before becoming president you history ignorant moron?
Reagan DID sell arms to Iran in exchange for them continuing to hold the prisoners to make Carter look bad so he could win the election. 5 minutes after he was sworn in, they released the hostage per agreement.


yeah the idiots like stephanine that ignore how reagan had the most corrupt administration at the time.:rofl:

Oh? Did Reagan use the IRS to audit political enemies? Did the Reagan DOJ serve harassment subpoenas on banks that had financial transactions with political enemies, though no claim of criminal acts by ANYONE was ever made? Did Reagan sell guns to Mexican drug lords resulting in the Death of American federal agents?

Was that Reagan, or your god Obama?

Fucking scumbag hack.

You nailed it.:thup:
Reagan DID sell arms to Iran in exchange for them continuing to hold the prisoners to make Carter look bad so he could win the election. 5 minutes after he was sworn in, they released the hostage per agreement.


yeah the idiots like stephanine that ignore how reagan had the most corrupt administration at the time.:rofl:

Oh? Did Reagan use the IRS to audit political enemies? Did the Reagan DOJ serve harassment subpoenas on banks that had financial transactions with political enemies, though no claim of criminal acts by ANYONE was ever made? Did Reagan sell guns to Mexican drug lords resulting in the Death of American federal agents?

Was that Reagan, or your god Obama?

Fucking scumbag hack.

You are one gutless lying slut.
yes Eagle troll you are a gutless lying slut same as crusader retard and where r my keys and the other reaganut brainwashed zombies.:biggrin:
Last edited:
That's awful!!!! Reagan added $1.6 trillion to the debt. Awful!

Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far. No big deal, eh comrade?
About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times". In fact that's how he did it, dumbass. ANOTHER fake Pub success...heard of S+L scandal bust/recession? Brainwashed functional MORONS.

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times".

Not even close. Duh. And for Reagan's spending, we won the Cold War.
All of Obama's spending and he lost the ME to ISIS.
Great job, moron.
Gorby won the Cold War, not your demented actor.

Gorby won the Cold War, not your demented actor.

Yeah, when you have to pull tens of thousands of your troops back home and you lose all your conquered republics, that is a sure sign that you've won the Cold War. Shit, that's hilarious!!!
That's peristroika, glasnost, and democracy, hater dupe.
So Gorby was a traitor who defeated his own country?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Reagan DID sell arms to Iran in exchange for them continuing to hold the prisoners to make Carter look bad so he could win the election. 5 minutes after he was sworn in, they released the hostage per agreement.


Raygun did sell weapons to Iran through intermediaries, but not during that hostage crisis.
Correct, the hostages in question were the ones that were kidnapped in Lebanon. The deal began with the sale of about a hundred TOW anti tank rocket. It seemed like whenever hostages got released from the Iranian backed Hezbollah a new group would get kidnapped and Ronnie would ship a bigger batch of TOW missiles to them. The military and CIA hostages never did get out alive. They were tortured and murdered despite all the weapons. Buckley and Higgins never had a chance with Reagan as President.
the reaganut apologist hard at work as usual.:blahblah:

wonder when crusader retard will come along and start tooting Reagans horn as well.That guy takes it so personal and goes into meltdown when the truth is exposed about his idol.Much worse than stephanie does.

Here are some pesky little facts that stephanie,crusader retard and the other reaganut worshippers cant get around.actual facts being reported back then from the 1980's how reagan ruined the economy.they can only whine and cry in defeat how their hero has been exposed.:up::rofl::lmao:

and here is a real in depth viewing of the most corrupt administration ever at the time in this one hour video.the author of this book really does an excellent job of exposing this fraud president.[emoji481]

That's awful!!!! Reagan added $1.6 trillion to the debt. Awful!

Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far. No big deal, eh comrade?

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times". In fact that's how he did it, dumbass. ANOTHER fake Pub success...heard of S+L scandal bust/recession? Brainwashed functional MORONS.

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times".

Not even close. Duh. And for Reagan's spending, we won the Cold War.
All of Obama's spending and he lost the ME to ISIS.
Great job, moron.

Gorby won the Cold War, not your demented actor.

That's like saying Hitler won WW II. It's pathetic how you turds have to change the meaning of commonly understood words to win a point.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

LOL. Sounds like you guys, considering you nuts believe democrats are Marxist communist socialists.
Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? | Consortiumnews

No shit. Sad its taken almost 30 years to realize this. The man destroyed America for normal every day Americans and set it on a path for the rich and only the rich.

Quinnipiac poll[edit]
A Quinnipiac University poll, taken June 24–30, 2014, asked 1446 registered voters in the US who they thought were the best and worst presidents since World War II.[34]

Best president since World War II

  1. Ronald Reagan (35%)
  2. Bill Clinton (18%)
  3. John F. Kennedy (15%)
  4. Barack Obama (8%)
  5. Dwight Eisenhower (5%)
  6. Harry S. Truman (4%)
  7. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (3%)
  8. George H.W. Bush (tie) (3%)
  9. Jimmy Carter (2%)
  10. Richard Nixon (tie) (1%)
  11. Gerald Ford (tie) (1%)
  12. George W. Bush (tie) (1%)
Worst president since World War II

  1. Barack Obama (33%)
  2. George W. Bush (28%)
  3. Richard Nixon (13%)
  4. Jimmy Carter (8%)
  5. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (3%)
  6. Ronald Reagan (tie) (3%)
  7. Bill Clinton (tie) (3%)
  8. Gerald Ford (tie) (2%)
  9. George H.W. Bush (tie) (2%)
  10. Dwight Eisenhower (1%)
  11. Harry S. Truman (tie) (<1%)
  12. John F. Kennedy (tie) (<1%)

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore...

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away ...

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -



Which Prez was the ONLY one in recent history to win with 52% of popular vote, TWICE?

Reagan electoral record: 1045 - 62

Obama electoral record: 697 - 379

You lose chump!
  1. The Reagan Administration’s Budget Cuts
  3. poverty, inequality, urban decay, and limited access to health care and education were the focal points of a con- certed federal effort. The Reagan budget cuts
  4. Ronald Reagan on Welfare & Poverty
  5. Ronald Reagan on Welfare ... were cut back far more than programs such as Social Security. As a result of cuts in such targeted programs-including school ...
  6. Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan...
  7. The domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration was the domestic policy in the United States from 1981 to 1989 under President Ronald Reagan.
  8. Reagan's Legacy: Homelessness in America
  9. As some Americans mourn the death of Ronald Reagan, ... The only “urban” program that survived the cuts was federal ... a dozen social security cards and four ...
pesky facts like that are too scare for the reaganut worshippers to comprehend.:biggrin:

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