Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Reagan DID sell arms to Iran in exchange for them continuing to hold the prisoners to make Carter look bad so he could win the election. 5 minutes after he was sworn in, they released the hostage per agreement.


yeah the idiots like stephanine that ignore how reagan had the most corrupt administration at the time.:rofl:

Oh? Did Reagan use the IRS to audit political enemies? Did the Reagan DOJ serve harassment subpoenas on banks that had financial transactions with political enemies, though no claim of criminal acts by ANYONE was ever made? Did Reagan sell guns to Mexican drug lords resulting in the Death of American federal agents?

Was that Reagan, or your god Obama?

Fucking scumbag hack.

My goodness... the idiocy of this batch of hacks is astounding! This goes well beyond the ignorance typical of the average Leftist. These cranks are absolutely wrong on absolutely everything.
It's possible...Talk about blocking investigations, and of course Casey died (I just read Reagan)...BTW, your phony scandals (IRS, selling guns, harassment subpoenas) are total bs.

Casey was campaign manager of the successful presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan in 1980, and served on the transition team following the election. After Reagan took office, Reagan named Casey to the post of Director of Central Intelligence.[6] Stansfield Turner dubbed it the "Resurrection of Wild Bill", referring to Bill Donovan, the brilliant and eccentric head of OSS in World War II whom Casey greatly admired.[7]
During his tenure at the CIA, Casey played a large part in the shaping of Reagan's foreign policy, particularly Reagan's approach to Soviet international activity. Based on the book, The Terror Network, Casey believed that the Soviet Union was the source of most worldwide terrorist activity in spite of CIA analysts providing evidence that this was in fact black propaganda by the CIA itself. Casey obtained a report from a professor who agreed with his view. Casey also turned to Defense Intelligence Agency for a competing analysis, that was ultimately reconciled with the CIA analysts to produce the estimate circulated within the government as "The Soviet Role in Revolutionary Violence."[8] This, in turn, convinced Reagan that there was a threat.[9] After records from the collapsed Communist governments became available in the 1990s it became clear that the disputed report overestimated Communist involvement in terrorist activity.[10]
Ronald Reagan used other prominent Catholics in his government to brief the pope during the Cold War. Casey would fly secretly to Rome in a windowless C-141 black jet and "be taken undercover to the Vatican.[11]
Casey oversaw the re-expansion of the Intelligence Community to funding and human resource levels greater than those existing before the preceding Carter Administration; in particular, he increased levels within the CIA. During his tenure, restrictions were lifted on the use of the CIA to directly and covertly influence the internal and foreign affairs of countries relevant to American policy. Notably, Casey articulated before Congress in December 1981 that covert operations in Nicaragua were in the interest of national security.[12][better source needed]
This period of the Cold War saw an increase in the Agency's global, anti-Soviet activities, which is started under the Carter Doctrine in late 1980.
Hours before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress related to his knowledge of Iran-Contra, he was reported to have been rendered incapable of speech during an operation to remove a brain tumor. In a 1987 book, Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987, Washington Post reporter and biographer Bob Woodward, who had interviewed Casey on a number of occasions for the biography, said that he had gained entry into Casey's hospital room for a final, four-minute encounter—a claim which was met with disbelief in many quarters as well as an adamant denial from Casey's wife, Sofia. According to Woodward, when Casey was asked if he knew about the diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan Contras, "His head jerked up hard. He stared, and finally nodded yes."[13]

excellent stuff there.thanks for posting it.:thup:

the reaganut worshippers of courese wont read it since they only see what they want to see.

carter like JFK,also tried to do the right thing and get rid of the CIA as well.

you probably already know that when carter-"the last halfway decent president we have had since JFK,our last great president" that when carter got in,he replaced the evil George Bush when that bastard Ford had running the CIA,that he replaced Bush with Turner who then got in and cleaned up the CIA cleaning house getting rid of the CIA covert operaters firing them and was in the process of reforming the CIA under carter.

Carter was in the process of cleaning up the CIA but since he only got to serve one term he did not have enough time to do so to implement it.Once Reagan got in,the he fired Turner and got the CIA back to its covert operations again and the CIA as today is still contiuning their murderous actions around the country.

another example of another good president who also tried to do the right thing and as a result only got to serve in office one term.



somehow the troll reaganut zombies such as stephanine,crusader retard,and where r my keys consider this traiter a great president.:cuckoo::haha::lmao::lmao:
Reagans campaign people negotiated ILLEGALLY with Iran before he was elected.

IT IS A FACT and no amount of insults by you or your fellow travelers will change that.


How the fuck did Reagan sell arms before becoming president you history ignorant moron?

Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Federal aid to states and localities hasn't been cut under Reaganism? Everything BUT SS hasn't been cut? WRONG.

Now it's "under Reaganism" rather than "under Reagan" Why is no one surprised that you are moving the goal posts?

If the next guy wants it to stop, then it stops. When do you think it stops, 30 years later? When did "Reaganism" stop, in your view?

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When the rich and giant corps pay their fair share, the Gov't invests enough in infrastructure and regular Americans, and the Fairness Doctrine comes back. All blocked to the death by the New BS GOP.
Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? | Consortiumnews

No shit. Sad its taken almost 30 years to realize this. The man destroyed America for normal every day Americans and set it on a path for the rich and only the rich.
Considering the fact that Obama and Jimmy Carter were presidents as well.....this statement holds no weight at all.

If your idea of a good president is somebody who has turned friendly countries into enemies....then I guess Reagan wasn't that good at it. Jimmy Carter gave us Iran. Obama is helping Iran as much as he possibly can. Jimmy Carter turned the Panama Canal over to China. Obama is destroying our military and the Chinese are building theirs up.

If being a laughingstock in the world and having a weak military is the prerequisite for being a great president....then Reagan sucked.

The best recommendation one can have for presidential greatness is......did he make it possible for me to marry my boyfriend? Reagan failed miserably.

Our support for the Shah led to the Iranian revolution. The destruction of Iraq gave Iran much greater influence in the ME than anything President Obama has done. In 1977 the Panama Canal was in need of massive upgrades that the US simply wasn't willing to pay for,

We spend more on warmongering than the rest of the world combined, and we crush the world in arms sales. Seventy-eight percent of arms sales are from the good old USA (in second place is Russia with 5.6%). Not surprisingly, we're the perennial and virtually unchallenged No. 1 in gun violence. And, not entirely coincidently, we lead the world in the number of people we throw in jail (though tens of thousands are incarcerated for non-violent petty drug offenses). We're No. 1
Reagan had a Democrat Congress that lied to him, a Republican Establishment that tried to kill him, yet he still managed to revitalize the US Economy and collapse the USSR.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all
Reagan DID sell arms to Iran in exchange for them continuing to hold the prisoners to make Carter look bad so he could win the election. 5 minutes after he was sworn in, they released the hostage per agreement.


yeah the idiots like stephanine that ignore how reagan had the most corrupt administration at the time.:rofl:

Oh? Did Reagan use the IRS to audit political enemies? Did the Reagan DOJ serve harassment subpoenas on banks that had financial transactions with political enemies, though no claim of criminal acts by ANYONE was ever made? Did Reagan sell guns to Mexican drug lords resulting in the Death of American federal agents?

Was that Reagan, or your god Obama?

Fucking scumbag hack.

You nailed it.:thup:

Nope, The arms were sold during his second term with the purpose of getting Iran's help in the release of hostages held in Lebanon. Profits from those sales were diverted to the Contra's in Central America.
You are 100% wrong on this.

Reagan's campaign people made an illegal deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages to make Carter look bad.

They were released, per agreement, shortly after Reagan was sworn in.

This is a plain historical FACT and NOT open to debate.

The fact arms sales, authorized by the U.S. government occurred after that is irrelevant.
The deal Reagan's people made with Iran was illegal and traitorous, but they got away with it.


Nope, The arms were sold during his second term with the purpose of getting Iran's help in the release of hostages held in Lebanon. Profits from those sales were diverted to the Contra's in Central America.[/QUOTE]
So, the arms were used to fight Saddam's Iraq and release US hostages and the profits went to fight the communists?

No wonder Reagan succeeded in just about everything he did!
So, the arms were used to fight Saddam's Iraq and release US hostages and the profits went to fight the communists?

No wonder Reagan succeeded in just about everything he did!

You realize of course that selling weapons to Iran was illegal right? As soon as one hostage was released a new one was taken. Also, Iraq was our ally at the time as well. Then there was the flooding of American streets of Cocaine the Rebels were peddling (with the help of the CIA and Ollie) he was supporting that caused the free base, um, crack epidemic. Raygun, the gift that keeps on giving.
So, the arms were used to fight Saddam's Iraq and release US hostages and the profits went to fight the communists?

No wonder Reagan succeeded in just about everything he did!

Fighting Communism is why our Useful Idiots Hate him
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Federal aid to states and localities hasn't been cut under Reaganism? Everything BUT SS hasn't been cut? WRONG.

Now it's "under Reaganism" rather than "under Reagan" Why is no one surprised that you are moving the goal posts?

If the next guy wants it to stop, then it stops. When do you think it stops, 30 years later? When did "Reaganism" stop, in your view?

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Cool so this BS about CONservatives/GOPers bitichn FDR and LBJ is just bunk then right? The GOP could've just stopped SS/Medicare etc? lol
Nobody said anything about fees, but state and local fees have gotten ridiculous to make up for federal cuts in aid.

And BS. google Reagan social program cuts.

Allow me to quote you:

"See sig paragraph 1, like I said. By raising taxes and fees."

Federal aid hasn't been cut, so that claim it bullshit as well.
Federal aid to states and localities hasn't been cut under Reaganism? Everything BUT SS hasn't been cut? WRONG.

Now it's "under Reaganism" rather than "under Reagan" Why is no one surprised that you are moving the goal posts?
Under both...same crappe for 33 years.
So you can keep blaming Reagan for every Democrat failure of the next 100 years, right?

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Sounds like the CONservative SOUTHERN CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa and their beef with Abe
the reaganut apologist hard at work as usual.:blahblah:

wonder when crusader retard will come along and start tooting Reagans horn as well.That guy takes it so personal and goes into meltdown when the truth is exposed about his idol.Much worse than stephanie does.

Here are some pesky little facts that stephanie,crusader retard and the other reaganut worshippers cant get around.actual facts being reported back then from the 1980's how reagan ruined the economy.they can only whine and cry in defeat how their hero has been exposed.:up::rofl::lmao:

and here is a real in depth viewing of the most corrupt administration ever at the time in this one hour video.the author of this book really does an excellent job of exposing this fraud president.[emoji481]

That's awful!!!! Reagan added $1.6 trillion to the debt. Awful!

Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far. No big deal, eh comrade?

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times". In fact that's how he did it, dumbass. ANOTHER fake Pub success...heard of S+L scandal bust/recession? Brainwashed functional MORONS.

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times".

Not even close. Duh. And for Reagan's spending, we won the Cold War.
All of Obama's spending and he lost the ME to ISIS.
Great job, moron.

Gorby won the Cold War, not your demented actor.

That's like saying Hitler won WW II. It's pathetic how you turds have to change the meaning of commonly understood words to win a point.

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Ironically, it was those historian rankings that inspired Norquist, the Heritage Foundation, and others to begin what became the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project–the group that aims to name schools, roads, etc., for the Gipper in every U.S. county–and related activities. A key part of that myth-building was the notion that Reagan was largely responsible for “winning the Cold War”–a premise that was rejected, according to a USA Today poll in 1989, when it was actually happening, by Americans crediting Mikhail Gorbachev for the reforms instead.
Tear Down This Myth: Six Questions for Will Bunch | Harper's Magazine
Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? | Consortiumnews

No shit. Sad its taken almost 30 years to realize this. The man destroyed America for normal every day Americans and set it on a path for the rich and only the rich.

Quinnipiac poll[edit]
A Quinnipiac University poll, taken June 24–30, 2014, asked 1446 registered voters in the US who they thought were the best and worst presidents since World War II.[34]

Best president since World War II

  1. Ronald Reagan (35%)
  2. Bill Clinton (18%)
  3. John F. Kennedy (15%)
  4. Barack Obama (8%)
  5. Dwight Eisenhower (5%)
  6. Harry S. Truman (4%)
  7. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (3%)
  8. George H.W. Bush (tie) (3%)
  9. Jimmy Carter (2%)
  10. Richard Nixon (tie) (1%)
  11. Gerald Ford (tie) (1%)
  12. George W. Bush (tie) (1%)
Worst president since World War II

  1. Barack Obama (33%)
  2. George W. Bush (28%)
  3. Richard Nixon (13%)
  4. Jimmy Carter (8%)
  5. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (3%)
  6. Ronald Reagan (tie) (3%)
  7. Bill Clinton (tie) (3%)
  8. Gerald Ford (tie) (2%)
  9. George H.W. Bush (tie) (2%)
  10. Dwight Eisenhower (1%)
  11. Harry S. Truman (tie) (<1%)
  12. John F. Kennedy (tie) (<1%)

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore...

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away ...

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -



Which Prez was the ONLY one in recent history to win with 52% of popular vote, TWICE?

Reagan electoral record: 1045 - 62

Obama electoral record: 697 - 379

You lose chump!


Reagan had a Democrat Congress that lied to him, a Republican Establishment that tried to kill him, yet he still managed to revitalize the US Economy and collapse the USSR.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all

The lie from the Dems PLEASE?

How could Ronnie do that when the top rate he had was a SOCIALIST sized 50% the first 6 years? How could Corps OR "job creators" EVER work under such harsh conditions?

BTW, The US went into the Reagan recession WHEN he cut taxes from 70% to 50% , lol

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

In fact, historical budget data show that Congress did reduce spending. From 1982 to 1983, nondefense discretionary spending fell from 4.3 percent to 4.2 percent of the overall economy (gross domestic product) — and then kept falling until it reached 3.4 percent of GDP in 1989. Defense spending kept going up until 1986.

The Pinocchio Test

It is time to abandon this myth
. Reagan may have convinced himself he had been snookered, but that belief is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the deal he had reached.

Congress was never expected to match the tax increases with spending cuts on a 3-to-1 basis. Reagan appeared to acknowledge this in his speech when he referred to outlays (which would include interest expenses), rather than spending cuts. In the end, lawmakers apparently did a better job of living up to the bargain than the administration did.

If people want to cite the lessons of history, they need to get the history right in the first place.

Four Pinocchios

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

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