Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Holy shit, you've been a member here for three lousy fucking months and you've already got over 11,000 posts ?!!!!!

Wow, that is fucking bizarre !

CONservative "math"?

I get it though, when you can't refute facts


I at least have the intelligence to not spend every free moment I have here.

Christ dude, GET A FUCKING LIFE !

So NO, you can't refute a damn thing. Thanks anyways Bubba


If you have three kids make sure you find time for them.
Consider this, there are statues of Ronald Reagan throughout the Former Soviet Empire by people expressing their gratitude and admiration for the man who dedicated his Presidency to freeing them.

The only people who will build statues of Obama are ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad for throwing the ME over to Jihad
You are 100% wrong on this.

Reagan's campaign people made an illegal deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages to make Carter look bad.

They were released, per agreement, shortly after Reagan was sworn in.

This is a plain historical FACT and NOT open to debate.

The fact arms sales, authorized by the U.S. government occurred after that is irrelevant.
The deal Reagan's people made with Iran was illegal and traitorous, but they got away with it.


Nope, The arms were sold during his second term with the purpose of getting Iran's help in the release of hostages held in Lebanon. Profits from those sales were diverted to the Contra's in Central America.

About time girl you read a history book and what's with you and all these socks?
Consider this, there are statues of Ronald Reagan throughout the Former Soviet Empire by people expressing their gratitude and admiration for the man who dedicated his Presidency to freeing them.

The only people who will build statues of Obama are ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad for throwing the ME over to Jihad
The biggest statue of all is torn down

The Berlin wall.....
Consider this, there are statues of Ronald Reagan throughout the Former Soviet Empire by people expressing their gratitude and admiration for the man who dedicated his Presidency to freeing them.

The only people who will build statues of Obama are ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad for throwing the ME over to Jihad
The biggest statue of all is torn down

The Berlin wall.....

There is a nice chunk of it at Eureka College, his alma mater.
Holy shit, you've been a member here for three lousy fucking months and you've already got over 11,000 posts ?!!!!!

Wow, that is fucking bizarre !

CONservative "math"?

I get it though, when you can't refute facts


I at least have the intelligence to not spend every free moment I have here.

Christ dude, GET A FUCKING LIFE !

So NO, you can't refute a damn thing. Thanks anyways Bubba


If you have three kids make sure you find time for them.

Kids are grown dumbass, thanks for your "concern" however
Consider this, there are statues of Ronald Reagan throughout the Former Soviet Empire by people expressing their gratitude and admiration for the man who dedicated his Presidency to freeing them.

The only people who will build statues of Obama are ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad for throwing the ME over to Jihad

The hundreds of millions the right wing has spent creating the mythology of Reagan HAS paid off, I'm not debating that Bubba
Consider this, there are statues of Ronald Reagan throughout the Former Soviet Empire by people expressing their gratitude and admiration for the man who dedicated his Presidency to freeing them.

The only people who will build statues of Obama are ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad for throwing the ME over to Jihad
The biggest statue of all is torn down

The Berlin wall.....

Thanks to the failure of that communism thing right? You know the policy like libertarianism that has NEVER worked?
Consider this, there are statues of Ronald Reagan throughout the Former Soviet Empire by people expressing their gratitude and admiration for the man who dedicated his Presidency to freeing them.

The only people who will build statues of Obama are ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad for throwing the ME over to Jihad

YOUR posit the Dems in Congress lied to St Ronnie?

Consider this, there are statues of Ronald Reagan throughout the Former Soviet Empire by people expressing their gratitude and admiration for the man who dedicated his Presidency to freeing them.

The only people who will build statues of Obama are ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad for throwing the ME over to Jihad
The biggest statue of all is torn down

The Berlin wall.....

Thanks to the failure of that communism thing right? You know the policy like libertarianism that has NEVER worked?

Word salad.....
You are 100% wrong on this.

Reagan's campaign people made an illegal deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages to make Carter look bad.

They were released, per agreement, shortly after Reagan was sworn in.

This is a plain historical FACT and NOT open to debate.

The fact arms sales, authorized by the U.S. government occurred after that is irrelevant.
The deal Reagan's people made with Iran was illegal and traitorous, but they got away with it.


Nope, The arms were sold during his second term with the purpose of getting Iran's help in the release of hostages held in Lebanon. Profits from those sales were diverted to the Contra's in Central America.
pesky facts that the reaganuts cover their ears and close their eyes
Holy shit, you've been a member here for three lousy fucking months and you've already got over 11,000 posts ?!!!!!

Wow, that is fucking bizarre !

CONservative "math"?

I get it though, when you can't refute facts


I at least have the intelligence to not spend every free moment I have here.

Christ dude, GET A FUCKING LIFE !

So NO, you can't refute a damn thing. Thanks anyways Bubba


If you have three kids make sure you find time for them.

Kids are grown dumbass, thanks for your "concern" however

They ran away from your dumb ass @ two months old...

They couldn't handle the talking points from what ever crazy revisionist Mary Hartman Mary Hartman or Benson show you watched.....

Fruit loop..
That's awful!!!! Reagan added $1.6 trillion to the debt. Awful!

Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far. No big deal, eh comrade?
About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times". In fact that's how he did it, dumbass. ANOTHER fake Pub success...heard of S+L scandal bust/recession? Brainwashed functional MORONS.

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times".

Not even close. Duh. And for Reagan's spending, we won the Cold War.
All of Obama's spending and he lost the ME to ISIS.
Great job, moron.
Gorby won the Cold War, not your demented actor.
That's like saying Hitler won WW II. It's pathetic how you turds have to change the meaning of commonly understood words to win a point.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Ironically, it was those historian rankings that inspired Norquist, the Heritage Foundation, and others to begin what became the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project–the group that aims to name schools, roads, etc., for the Gipper in every U.S. county–and related activities. A key part of that myth-building was the notion that Reagan was largely responsible for “winning the Cold War”–a premise that was rejected, according to a USA Today poll in 1989, when it was actually happening, by Americans crediting Mikhail Gorbachev for the reforms instead.
Tear Down This Myth: Six Questions for Will Bunch | Harper's Magazine
these trolls will never read bunchs book since it indeed DOES tear down the myth of RAYgun.In their desperation,they try to use INTERNET links in their desperate attempts to try and debunk it ignoring the fact that Bunchs book quotes actual sources from the 80's.

where do these deluded losers that worship reagan come from?:rolleyes::uhoh3::uhoh3:

Yeah, the man who tripled the National debt and gave us trickle down voodoo isn't to great.. Not the worst though.

After the four dank dark god awful years of Carter, Reagan was a ray of sunshine that the country desperately needed.
comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::uhoh3:
Not sure Carter would have had Marines guarding a barracks in Beirut with unloaded weapons and no barricades to make the Marines appear to be peaceful and friendly. Certainly not so recently after a terrorist attack on the Embassy in Beirut. That seemed to have been a clue that the terrorist were behaving like terrorist.

NOTHING on Ronnie's "economic assumptions known as the "Rosy Scenario."-"


The triumph of politics

By David Stockman, 27 August 1996

[The supply side economic theory and Rosy Scenario, of 1981, called for a $400 billion tax cut benefitting wealthy Americans, which fueled the so-called Reagan Revolution. The chief architects of this strategy, were (among others) David Stockman, then director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Rep. Jack Kemp, and Conservative Publisher, Irving Kristal. The latter two are now on the Dole for President team, responsible for Robert Dole’s economic plan, which calls for a $500 billion tax cut. Ironically, Dole was one of the most outspoken critics of supply side theory in 1982, when he served as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. An excerpt from Stockman’s book, which describes the fiscal catastrophe that resulted from the political machinations of the supply side cabal, is included below.]

The Reagan Revolution was radical, imprudent, and arrogant.
It defied the settled consensus of professional politicians and economists on its two central assumptions. It mistakenly presumed that a handful of ideologue were right and all the politicians were wrong about what the American people wanted from government. And it erroneously assumed that the damaged, disabled, inflation- swollen US economy inherited from the Carter Administration could be instantly healed when history and most professional economist said it couldn’t be.

By the time of the White House debate of early November 1981, it had become overwhelmingly clear that the Reagan Revolution’s original political and economic assumptions were wrong by a country mile

....The final reckoning is seen in the below table disclosing the $2 trillion error between the Rosy Scenario and the actual economy!

Rosy Scenario and Money GNP: The $2 Trillion Error (Money GNP in Billions)

David Stockman, The triumph of politics
You are 100% wrong on this.

Reagan's campaign people made an illegal deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages to make Carter look bad.

They were released, per agreement, shortly after Reagan was sworn in.

This is a plain historical FACT and NOT open to debate.

The fact arms sales, authorized by the U.S. government occurred after that is irrelevant.
The deal Reagan's people made with Iran was illegal and traitorous, but they got away with it.


Nope, The arms were sold during his second term with the purpose of getting Iran's help in the release of hostages held in Lebanon. Profits from those sales were diverted to the Contra's in Central America.
pesky facts that the reaganuts cover their ears and close their eyes[/QUOTE]

We don't and again how many socks you going to use in this thread?
'Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. He used the Constitution to wipe his feet every day.

138 members of his administration were indicted/convicted of crimes while in office. Reagan lied in court about Iran/Contra and he should have been impeached and sent to prison for the rest of his life. Conservatives have been busy the last two decades trying to resurrect this losers image. Even Nixon only had 8 of his administration indicted/convicted of crimes. Reagan was infinitely worse than Nixon!!

Imagine if Obama, instead of being open and letting Congress know what was going on with the Iran atomic weapon deal, instead was secretly buying weapons from Iran and giving them to 'freedom fighters' in Syria. Republicans and conservatives would be apoplectic and near insane with rage in a demand to impeach Obama and put him in prison.

This is exactly what Reagan did with Iran/Contra.

He as a lowlife criminal who looked like con's grandpa so they liked him. History has been written though, there will be no expunging of this criminals deeds.

that is the understatement of the are overriding them with way too much logic and common sense they will have a nervous breakdown and have to check into the hospital soon.:thup:

I am obviously not a fan of criminal Obama by any means as I have stated time and time again and have said as well so many times carter was the last halfway good president we have had since JFK,our last GREAT president but that is an excellent point about Obama there.well done.:thup:

as you are also aware I am sure,a few congressmen said they regretted years later not impeaching reagan because unlike Nixon,he had charm and charisma and was such a likeable guy because of that and they did not think america could go through another scandal like that with another impeachment of another president is why some did not call for his impeachment back then like they should have.

you probably knew all that right?

LOL, first describe Obama's 'crimes', there are none or the Republicans would have been on that shite like hyenas on a carcass that haven't eaten in a week.

Reagan was a high-crimes criminal. Period.
dude its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets

Lets see,Obama has only expanded the war that buchwacker got started and is a war criminal like him.Oh I dont know what his crimes would

Carter was the last president we had who was not a war criminal.
Consider this, there are statues of Ronald Reagan throughout the Former Soviet Empire by people expressing their gratitude and admiration for the man who dedicated his Presidency to freeing them.

The only people who will build statues of Obama are ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islamic Jihad for throwing the ME over to Jihad
The biggest statue of all is torn down

The Berlin wall.....

Thanks to the failure of that communism thing right? You know the policy like libertarianism that has NEVER worked?

Word salad.....

Your inability to grasp simple English understood Bubba
CONservative "math"?

I get it though, when you can't refute facts


I at least have the intelligence to not spend every free moment I have here.

Christ dude, GET A FUCKING LIFE !

So NO, you can't refute a damn thing. Thanks anyways Bubba


If you have three kids make sure you find time for them.

Kids are grown dumbass, thanks for your "concern" however

They ran away from your dumb ass @ two months old...

They couldn't handle the talking points from what ever crazy revisionist Mary Hartman Mary Hartman or Benson show you watched.....

Fruit loop..


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