Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

He called the Progressive home team an "Evil Empire", vowed to defeat them and toss them on the "ash heap of history" and he did precisely that. They you wonder why they froth at the mouth at the mention of his name
He called the Progressive home team an "Evil Empire", vowed to defeat them and toss them on the "ash heap of history" and he did precisely that. They you wonder why they froth at the mouth at the mention of his name

So NO you will NOT back up your earlier posit. Shocking :dance:


Back up what? You think I have nothing better to do in life than to follow your fucking nonsense?
'Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. He used the Constitution to wipe his feet every day.

138 members of his administration were indicted/convicted of crimes while in office. Reagan lied in court about Iran/Contra and he should have been impeached and sent to prison for the rest of his life. Conservatives have been busy the last two decades trying to resurrect this losers image. Even Nixon only had 8 of his administration indicted/convicted of crimes. Reagan was infinitely worse than Nixon!!

Imagine if Obama, instead of being open and letting Congress know what was going on with the Iran atomic weapon deal, instead was secretly buying weapons from Iran and giving them to 'freedom fighters' in Syria. Republicans and conservatives would be apoplectic and near insane with rage in a demand to impeach Obama and put him in prison.

This is exactly what Reagan did with Iran/Contra.

He as a lowlife criminal who looked like con's grandpa so they liked him. History has been written though, there will be no expunging of this criminals deeds.

that is the understatement of the are overriding them with way too much logic and common sense they will have a nervous breakdown and have to check into the hospital soon.:thup:

I am obviously not a fan of criminal Obama by any means as I have stated time and time again and have said as well so many times carter was the last halfway good president we have had since JFK,our last GREAT president but that is an excellent point about Obama there.well done.:thup:

as you are also aware I am sure,a few congressmen said they regretted years later not impeaching reagan because unlike Nixon,he had charm and charisma and was such a likeable guy because of that and they did not think america could go through another scandal like that with another impeachment of another president is why some did not call for his impeachment back then like they should have.

you probably knew all that right?

LOL, first describe Obama's 'crimes', there are none or the Republicans would have been on that shite like hyenas on a carcass that haven't eaten in a week.

Reagan was a high-crimes criminal. Period.
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Ronald Reagan “Performed Well” in World War II

Reagan worked in the film industry while in uniform, appearing in patriotic films like Jap Zero and For God and Country, both produced in 1943. He left the service at war’s end as a captain.

Ronald Reagan, whose veneration by Republicans was never diminished by his bizarre utterances. In November 1983, he told Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir during a White House visit that while serving in the U. S. Army film corps, his unit had shot footage of the Nazi concentration camps as they were liberated. He repeated the same tale to Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and other witnesses. Reagan had indeed served in the Army and worked on morale-boosting movies for the War Department. But he had done so without ever leaving Hollywood for the entire duration of the war.

Bush lied about his military service, and so did Reagan -


He called the Progressive home team an "Evil Empire", vowed to defeat them and toss them on the "ash heap of history" and he did precisely that. They you wonder why they froth at the mouth at the mention of his name

So NO you will NOT back up your earlier posit. Shocking :dance:


Back up what? You think I have nothing better to do in life than to follow your fucking nonsense?

Sorry dumfuk, i thought you MIGHT want to back up your posit the Dems lied to Ronnie? lol
'Reagan was the most criminal person to ever hold high office in the US. He used the Constitution to wipe his feet every day.

138 members of his administration were indicted/convicted of crimes while in office. Reagan lied in court about Iran/Contra and he should have been impeached and sent to prison for the rest of his life. Conservatives have been busy the last two decades trying to resurrect this losers image. Even Nixon only had 8 of his administration indicted/convicted of crimes. Reagan was infinitely worse than Nixon!!

Imagine if Obama, instead of being open and letting Congress know what was going on with the Iran atomic weapon deal, instead was secretly buying weapons from Iran and giving them to 'freedom fighters' in Syria. Republicans and conservatives would be apoplectic and near insane with rage in a demand to impeach Obama and put him in prison.

This is exactly what Reagan did with Iran/Contra.

He as a lowlife criminal who looked like con's grandpa so they liked him. History has been written though, there will be no expunging of this criminals deeds.

that is the understatement of the are overriding them with way too much logic and common sense they will have a nervous breakdown and have to check into the hospital soon.:thup:

I am obviously not a fan of criminal Obama by any means as I have stated time and time again and have said as well so many times carter was the last halfway good president we have had since JFK,our last GREAT president but that is an excellent point about Obama there.well done.:thup:

as you are also aware I am sure,a few congressmen said they regretted years later not impeaching reagan because unlike Nixon,he had charm and charisma and was such a likeable guy because of that and they did not think america could go through another scandal like that with another impeachment of another president is why some did not call for his impeachment back then like they should have.

you probably knew all that right?

LOL, first describe Obama's 'crimes'. You are either ignorant or purposely trying to tie criminal activity to this president where there is none. Nice try but no go. I in fact cannot stand such obtuse lying while trying to cover up the lying in a ham-handed and not very clever way.

Reagan was a high-crimes criminal. Period.

Holy shit, you've been a member here for three lousy fucking months and you've already got over 11,000 posts ?!!!!!

Wow, that is fucking bizarre !
Holy shit, you've been a member here for three lousy fucking months and you've already got over 11,000 posts ?!!!!!

Wow, that is fucking bizarre !

CONservative "math"?

I get it though, when you can't refute facts


I at least have the intelligence to not spend every free moment I have here.

Christ dude, GET A FUCKING LIFE !

So NO, you can't refute a damn thing. Thanks anyways Bubba

Reagan had a Democrat Congress that lied to him, a Republican Establishment that tried to kill him, yet he still managed to revitalize the US Economy and collapse the USSR.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all

The lie from the Dems PLEASE?

How could Ronnie do that when the top rate he had was a SOCIALIST sized 50% the first 6 years? How could Corps OR "job creators" EVER work under such harsh conditions?

BTW, The US went into the Reagan recession WHEN he cut taxes from 70% to 50% , lol

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

In fact, historical budget data show that Congress did reduce spending. From 1982 to 1983, nondefense discretionary spending fell from 4.3 percent to 4.2 percent of the overall economy (gross domestic product) — and then kept falling until it reached 3.4 percent of GDP in 1989. Defense spending kept going up until 1986.

The Pinocchio Test

It is time to abandon this myth. Reagan may have convinced himself he had been snookered, but that belief is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the deal he had reached.

Congress was never expected to match the tax increases with spending cuts on a 3-to-1 basis. Reagan appeared to acknowledge this in his speech when he referred to outlays (which would include interest expenses), rather than spending cuts. In the end, lawmakers apparently did a better job of living up to the bargain than the administration did.

If people want to cite the lessons of history, they need to get the history right in the first place.

Four Pinocchios


The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

BTW, The US went into the Reagan recession WHEN he cut taxes from 70% to 50% , lol

You have to be some special kinda moron to believe that a recession happened because Reagan cut taxes from 70% to 50%.

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