Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.
Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

I'm pretty sure that some powerful men "Splained it" to Obama that if he made a crusade to prosecute the players that destroyed the economy and those that pressured Bush to go to war that Obama would have a very unfortunate accident.

Citing the daily kos does not help your claims, might want to try an non-far left blog site.

To date now Obama is the worst president ever, beating out Carter and Bush Jr..

Although Cater had to face his own party when the far left openly hijacked the Democratic party..

and YOU dont help your case with the old tiresome bs nonsense that Carter is in line with Bush jr as the worst president ever comparing someone who had morals and tried to do the right thing by getting rid of the CIA to someone who was the son of a former CIA director and was a mass murderer.:cuckoo: so you are hardly in position to be advising him on something when you are reporting BS the LAMESTREAM media has disssed out on carter over the years.:rolleyes:
Many people do not realize that even the melt down in places like Greece was precipitated by their government investing in the derivatives that caused the collapse in our country. It is convenient to blame the expensive Greek retirement program for their troubles but no one gives the fact that their system was going along just fine until the bottom fell out of their investments. Bush's stewardship of the financial crisis that nearly completely destroyed OUR country is STILL pervasive in economies that didn't have the inherent strength to recover like ours did.

Bush's incompetence still lives on in many parts of the globe.
Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

I'm pretty sure that some powerful men "Splained it" to Obama that if he made a crusade to prosecute the players that destroyed the economy and those that pressured Bush to go to war that Obama would have a very unfortunate accident.

I would go along with that to an extent.If that was Carter you were talking about I would go along with that completely but with Obama I cant because the elite knew what they getting with Obama before he became president.

He was already corrupt before getting into office.He had connections to the CIA just as Bush Jr did before getting elected.Kissinger was his mentor way before getting elected.

Carter was the last president we had before going into the white house who had intentions of trying to do the right thing to serve the people instead of the bankers.

He was the last president we had who wasnt a war criminal and actually had morals.He had his faults but he wasnt a war criminal just as every president since him has been.
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You'd have to wonder if who wrote that was even born yet during Reagan.

wait a minuet? we thought Obambam was going to swoop down and SAVE US from the Reagan and Bush's . so you're admitting he's been one big ass failure. a lot of us thinks that, so good job.

oh and I guess you're also saying Billy Boy Clinton was also a failure. so why would you keep electing Democrats to run our lives?

Let's see...president Obama inherited a total mess. The stock market had dropped about 30%, the economy was on the brink of collapse, Bush handed $780 billion to the biggest banks in the world, unemployment was at more than 7% and bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, the interest on the newly doubled national debt almost as much as the defense budget, two wars hot to trot, one totally unnecessary, etc.

Now the unemployment rate is 5.1%, we've had 66 months of consecutive job growth, the stock market has more than doubled, no U S troop is dying every day in some god-forsaken desert, etc. etc. etc. You god dammed neocons make my ass hole crave lime juice. Why don't you just go ahead and admit that you're jealous because the president's tan is better than John Boehner's?

One more thing...I'm 81 years old. In the 1980's my wife and I both worked and had good jobs. When Reagan presented his Trickle Down, tax cutting fiasco a millionaire saved enough each year to buy a new Mercedes and average Americans saved enough to buy a muffler for one.....that's the truth, there was an ad in the papers which showed examples. Since we weren't interested in a Mercedes we saved enough to buy a six pack of beer each week.

Reagan screwed up the whole deal when he slashed tax rates to 50 year lows, continued to spend like a drunk sailor and borrowed $3 trillion from foreign banks to cover the cost of the tax cuts.

Your asshole drinks lime juice?

Damn you are one weird 81 year old...

Lmao where do we get these posters from


Reagan 1.6 trillion

Obama 8 trillion plus and counting

Obama has had to borrow over $2 trillion just to pay interest on the Bushes/Reagan debts he assumed. As far as Obama's spending, you're the one who needs educating. Historical records show the truth. Everything falls on Reagan and the Bushes. They're the ones who slashed tax rates for their rich buddies and they never cut their spending a dime:


your wasting your time with this troll would have better luck talking to a brick wall.pesky facts is something she has no interest in hearing whatsoever.
Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

I'm pretty sure that some powerful men "Splained it" to Obama that if he made a crusade to prosecute the players that destroyed the economy and those that pressured Bush to go to war that Obama would have a very unfortunate accident.

I would go along with that to an extent.If that was Carter you were talking about I would go along with that completely but with Obama I cant because the elite knew what they getting with Obama before he became president.

He was already corrupt before getting into office.He had connections to the CIA just as Bush Jr did before getting elected.Kissinger was his mentor way before getting elected.

Carter was the last president we had before going into the white house who had intentions of trying to do the right thing to serve the people instead of the bankers.

He was the last president we had who wasnt a war criminal and actually had morals.He had his faults be he wasnt a war criminal just as every president since him has been.

WHAT??? You don't buy that Reagan was a sitting president for all of around 5 minutes and the Iran hostages were released??? Normally those kind of negotiations even if heading for a positive outcome takes months ..even years. Still Americans didn't think twice that Reagan HAD to have been involved with the Iranians LONG before he was elected. Nope ...Americans are incredibly naive.
Many people do not realize that even the melt down in places like Greece was precipitated by their government investing in the derivatives that caused the collapse in our country. It is convenient to blame the expensive Greek retirement program for their troubles but no one gives the fact that their system was going along just fine until the bottom fell out of their investments. Bush's stewardship of the financial crisis that nearly completely destroyed OUR country is STILL pervasive in economies that didn't have the inherent strength to recover like ours did.

Bush's incompetence still lives on in many parts of the globe.

They don't realize it because it's not true. Otherwise you make a good point
Many people do not realize that even the melt down in places like Greece was precipitated by their government investing in the derivatives that caused the collapse in our country. It is convenient to blame the expensive Greek retirement program for their troubles but no one gives the fact that their system was going along just fine until the bottom fell out of their investments. Bush's stewardship of the financial crisis that nearly completely destroyed OUR country is STILL pervasive in economies that didn't have the inherent strength to recover like ours did.

Bush's incompetence still lives on in many parts of the globe.

They don't realize it because it's not true. Otherwise you make a good point

Sorry Frankie..It is absolutely true. My girlfriend is Greek. She has a huge family and many friends still living there. She communicates with many of them daily.

I am kept abreast of the REAL news out of Greece.

You may be wrong about many things here..I'll give you THAT :lol: But you are seriously uninformed about Greece.
what still burns the people like those sheep/snots over at kos and the other sheep followers of the Democrat party. They've never had anyone who pulled off what Reagan did. and probably never will because they aren't that liked. they win mostly from their dirty politics like this ranting about Reagan, Bush, Trump, Sarah Palin and on and on.

look at their supposed historic win with Obama and then in the first midterm election they got a historic ass kicking and lost the House. doesn't that scream we LOVE YOU MAN.

and the next midterms under that thug Obama they lost the Senate in another historic ass kicking. Doesn't that scream: we love you man.

yep like I said, they aren't all that liked especially under that Obama I think they are hated. but their base still wants to act like they are THE ONE and only THE ONE people want in their lives. so out comes the claws for Reagan in between their hate about all the candidates running for President. you have to feel sorry for them in a way. reality sucks. and they should pass this around at the Kosbehive. they could learn a thing or two about our history

Besides JFK no other President was as admired as Reagan was and still is.

read it and weep.
Landslide Victory by Reagan Underscores Democratic Ills
An article from CQ Almanac 1984

Document Outline

Walter F. Mondale frequently asked during the primary season, “Where's the beef?” But many Democrats may be wondering after his lopsided loss to President Reagan Nov. 6, 1984, “Where's the base?”

Reagan's win was about as sweeping as they come, exposing again the Democrats' limited appeal in presidential voting. Reagan drew 59 percent of the popular vote — just shy of the 61 percent standard established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. He won all but one state, a feat performed previously only by Richard M. Nixon in 1972, and won a record 525 electoral votes. That left 13 electoral votes for Mondale, who carried the District of Columbia and his home state of Minnesota. (Past landslides, p. 4-B)

In spite of the magnitude of Reagan's victory, hardly anyone was surprised. The pollsters had been predicting a massive Reagan sweep since late summer, with final election-eve surveys showing him far ahead. Unlike the 1980 presidential race, which had a volatile finish that propelled Reagan to a decisive victory over President Jimmy Carter, most voters seemed to have had their minds made up in 1984 long before Election Day.

By early November, the only question was whether Reagan would become the first presidential candidate to sweep every state since the national popular vote tally was instituted in the early 1800s. He just missed achieving that distinction; despite a late campaign stop in Mondale's home state, Reagan lost Minnesota — but only by less than 35,000 votes. (Results, p. 6-B)

For the Democrats, the 1984 election was another in their growing string of presidential election drubbings. At no time in this century has a major party gone through a series of electoral debacles as one-sided as the Democrats have experienced in the last 12 years. In two of the last four contests they have carried only one state. In three of the last four races, they have carried no more than six states.

In recent years it has taken unusual circumstances for the Democratic presidential ticket to be competitive. Carter capitalized on public disfavor with the Republicans generated by the Watergate scandal to win in 1976. Yet even then his victory margin was just 2 percentage points. In the other three elections since 1968, the Democrats have lost by margins of 23, 10 and now 18 percentage points.

1984 was not a particularly auspicious year for the Democrats to break the GOP's recent White House dominance. Reagan is one of the most popular of recent presidents, and the perceived economic upswing served to underscore his themes of peace and prosperity. Adding to the Republican advantage was Mondale's relative unpopularity even within his own party. In the Democratic primaries, more than three out of every five voters cast ballots for a candidate other than the former vice president.

CQ Almanac Online Edition

I love how this troll uses an INTERNET link for her source.:lmao::haha:

Man I just put the OP of this mess on Ignore... and I gotta say, it REALLY cleaned this train-wreck up!
Many people do not realize that even the melt down in places like Greece was precipitated by their government investing in the derivatives that caused the collapse in our country. It is convenient to blame the expensive Greek retirement program for their troubles but no one gives the fact that their system was going along just fine until the bottom fell out of their investments. Bush's stewardship of the financial crisis that nearly completely destroyed OUR country is STILL pervasive in economies that didn't have the inherent strength to recover like ours did.

Bush's incompetence still lives on in many parts of the globe.

They don't realize it because it's not true. Otherwise you make a good point

Sorry Frankie..It is absolutely true. My girlfriend is Greek. She has a huge family and many friends still living there. She communicates with many of them daily.

I am kept abreast of the REAL news out of Greece.

You may be wrong about many things here..I'll give you THAT :lol: But you are seriously uninformed about Greece.

you should not be

Crusader Retard is also seriously misinformed about Reagan.He is his biggest cheerleader.He goes into meltdown mode when confronted with pesky facts he cant refute about his hero always throwing temper tantrems in defeat.:lmao:

I honestly believe that Reagan was a distant cousin of his because he takes it so personal and serious more than most people Reaganut worshippers so much only seeing what he WANTS to see "kinda like old fartstyle does with the cheatriots.":lmao: He always ignores pesky irrefutable facts about Reagans corruption and like all Reaganut worshippers,quickly changes the subject and starts talking about Obama. :rolleyes:

people like him hurt the case for Obama being a foreigner the fact he is no different than the ones who deny the facts that Obama is not a us citizen since he does the same thing with reagan ignoring his corruption.
And one came from the dailykos so that should tell you all you need to know

you'll find a bunch of hateful snots over there. so don't waste your time

and never heard of some consortium news or whatever it's called
the reaganut apologist hard at work as usual.:blahblah:

wonder when crusader retard will come along and start tooting Reagans horn as well.That guy takes it so personal and goes into meltdown when the truth is exposed about his idol.Much worse than stephanie does.

Here are some pesky little facts that stephanie,crusader retard and the other reaganut worshippers cant get around.actual facts being reported back then from the 1980's how reagan ruined the economy.they can only whine and cry in defeat how their hero has been exposed.:up::rofl::lmao:

and here is a real in depth viewing of the most corrupt administration ever at the time in this one hour video.the author of this book really does an excellent job of exposing this fraud president.:beer:

That's awful!!!! Reagan added $1.6 trillion to the debt. Awful!

Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far. No big deal, eh comrade?

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times". In fact that's how he did it, dumbass. ANOTHER fake Pub success...heard of S+L scandal bust/recession? Brainwashed functional MORONS.

About the same in 2015 dollars DUH, and Reagan did it in "Good times".

Not even close. Duh. And for Reagan's spending, we won the Cold War.
All of Obama's spending and he lost the ME to ISIS.
Great job, moron.

Gorby won the Cold War, not your demented actor.

steph is a classic case of tthe bra
Reagan closed down the crazy people hospitals and most of them ended up living on the street. He created homelessness. Before Reagan the homeless were mostly drunks who hung around the charity shelters. After Reagan they were everywhere and there were men and women of all ages wandering around the streets talking to themselves. It took decades to assimilate some of those nut jobs. Fortunately the Tea Party has given many of them motivation and purpose.

trolls like him have no interest in pesky facts of the corruption of Reagan, that backs up everything i posted here in post # 16
Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

which every single one of these idiots refuses to watch the two videos of since they dont want to hear the truth of their hero exposed.:biggrin:
Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? | Consortiumnews

No shit. Sad its taken almost 30 years to realize this. The man destroyed America for normal every day Americans and set it on a path for the rich and only the rich.

Quinnipiac poll[edit]
A Quinnipiac University poll, taken June 24–30, 2014, asked 1446 registered voters in the US who they thought were the best and worst presidents since World War II.[34]

Best president since World War II

  1. Ronald Reagan (35%)
  2. Bill Clinton (18%)
  3. John F. Kennedy (15%)
  4. Barack Obama (8%)
  5. Dwight Eisenhower (5%)
  6. Harry S. Truman (4%)
  7. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (3%)
  8. George H.W. Bush (tie) (3%)
  9. Jimmy Carter (2%)
  10. Richard Nixon (tie) (1%)
  11. Gerald Ford (tie) (1%)
  12. George W. Bush (tie) (1%)
Worst president since World War II

  1. Barack Obama (33%)
  2. George W. Bush (28%)
  3. Richard Nixon (13%)
  4. Jimmy Carter (8%)
  5. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) (3%)
  6. Ronald Reagan (tie) (3%)
  7. Bill Clinton (tie) (3%)
  8. Gerald Ford (tie) (2%)
  9. George H.W. Bush (tie) (2%)
  10. Dwight Eisenhower (1%)
  11. Harry S. Truman (tie) (<1%)
  12. John F. Kennedy (tie) (<1%)

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore...

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan

Norquist and his allies proposed that spring was virtually unheard of — an active, mapped-out, audacious campaign to spread a distorted vision of Reagan’s legacy across America.

In a sense, some of the credit for triggering this may belong to those supposedly liberal editors at the New York Times, and their decision at the end of 1996 to publish that Arthur Schlesinger Jr. survey of the presidents. The below-average rating by the historians for Reagan, coming right on the heels of Clintons’ easy reelection victory, was a wake-up call for these people who came to Washington in the 1980s as the shock troops of a revolution and now saw everything slipping away ...

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -

excellent post there.well done.:beer:

so much for stephanies fantasys she has that Reagan today is the most modern day popular president ever alongside with John Kennedy.:biggrin: You had to have actually been a popular and well liked president at the time WHILE IN OFFICE to be a well liked president today.
these nutcases like stephanie are so delusional its unreal.

You handed stephanie and the rest of the reaganut zombies their asses to them om a platter that he is one of the most modern day popular presidents ever alongside john kennedy.:biggrin:

this link here ALSO exposes her fantasys that today he is one of the most popular well regarded modern day presidents alongside john kennedy.really? from this pic in this link here to me,it looks like THOUSANDS are lined up in the street who are telling the truth about him to americans that he was a mass murderer and traiter to americans.:lmao:

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

i see thousands in that link who dont find him popular,what do you all see here everybody?:biggrin:

stephanie as always loses.she put me on her ignore list a long time ago after i posted this link about reagan since the truth hurts i exposed her idol as the traiter to america and the mass murderer he was.:lmao:

Lets see,he was very unpopular as a president at the time,americans were eager for him to leave office,many thousands as demonstrated in this pic protested him being treated like a hero on his anniversary of his death,and yet,this troll stepananie says he was popular? :beer::rolleyes:comedy gold.:rofl:
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Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

How the hell do you figure Obama is worse than W. Bush? Bush gave two tax cuts to the wealthiest people in the country, continued to spend at an even higher rate, doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion and left jobs bleeding off at 750,000 a month and an unemployment rate of 7.5%, wrecked the stock market, handed nearly a trillion dollars to the banks as he left office, sent 4500 young Americans to their death and got another 35,000 seriously wounded in a totally cooked up and unnecessary war in Iraq, etc.
The president has brought the nation back to an unemployment rate of 5.1% and we've had 66 consecutive months of job growth not to mention that the stock market has just about doubled. As far as Obama's big spending debt.....he has had to borrow over $2 trillion just to pay annual interest on the debt which was there when he took over. Check Obama's's a matter of record. I keep telling you folks to watch some news channel except Faux News:



All this while putting up with a load of Republican bullshit:

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Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

How the hell do you figure Obama is worse than W. Bush? Bush gave two tax cuts to the wealthiest people in the country, continued to spend at an even higher rate, doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion and left jobs bleeding off at 750,000 a month and an unemployment rate of 7.5%, wrecked the stock market, handed nearly a trillion dollars to the banks as he left office, sent 4500 young Americans to their death and got another 35,000 seriously wounded in a totally cooked up and unnecessary war in Iraq, etc.
The president has brought the nation back to an unemployment rate of 5.1% and we've had 66 consecutive months of job growth not to mention that the stock market has just about doubled. As far as Obama's big spending debt.....he has had to borrow over $2 trillion just to pay annual interest on the debt which was there when he took over. Check Obama's's a matter of record. I keep telling you folks to watch some news channel except Faux News:



Some people are just media puppets. What's worse is they repeat the nonsense they get fed. These lazy Americans do not do any serious vetting of what they are told by professional liars like Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Why they put their trust in pond scum like Roger and Rupert is astonishing.
Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

How the hell do you figure Obama is worse than W. Bush? Bush gave two tax cuts to the wealthiest people in the country, continued to spend at an even higher rate, doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion and left jobs bleeding off at 750,000 a month and an unemployment rate of 7.5%, wrecked the stock market, handed nearly a trillion dollars to the banks as he left office, sent 4500 young Americans to their death and got another 35,000 seriously wounded in a totally cooked up and unnecessary war in Iraq, etc.
The president has brought the nation back to an unemployment rate of 5.1% and we've had 66 consecutive months of job growth not to mention that the stock market has just about doubled. As far as Obama's big spending debt.....he has had to borrow over $2 trillion just to pay annual interest on the debt which was there when he took over. Check Obama's's a matter of record. I keep telling you folks to watch some news channel except Faux News:



Some people are just media puppets. What's worse is they repeat the nonsense they get fed. These lazy Americans do not do any serious vetting of what they are told by professional liars like Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Why they put their trust in pond scum like Roger and Rupert is astonishing.

I'm pretty sure most of Ailes/Murdoch deals have very little trust and one helluva lot of fine print. Maybe folks should get it in writing first :eusa_angel:
Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

I'm pretty sure that some powerful men "Splained it" to Obama that if he made a crusade to prosecute the players that destroyed the economy and those that pressured Bush to go to war that Obama would have a very unfortunate accident.

I would go along with that to an extent.If that was Carter you were talking about I would go along with that completely but with Obama I cant because the elite knew what they getting with Obama before he became president.

He was already corrupt before getting into office.He had connections to the CIA just as Bush Jr did before getting elected.Kissinger was his mentor way before getting elected.

Carter was the last president we had before going into the white house who had intentions of trying to do the right thing to serve the people instead of the bankers.

He was the last president we had who wasnt a war criminal and actually had morals.He had his faults be he wasnt a war criminal just as every president since him has been.

WHAT??? You don't buy that Reagan was a sitting president for all of around 5 minutes and the Iran hostages were released??? Normally those kind of negotiations even if heading for a positive outcome takes months ..even years. Still Americans didn't think twice that Reagan HAD to have been involved with the Iranians LONG before he was elected. Nope ...Americans are incredibly naive.

Then you're giving credit to Jimmy Carter for their release? I don't think so. Reagan cut a deal behind the scenes then sent them a slough of state-of-the-art ballistic missiles to pay the difference. It didn't even end there...they got caught in that three way Iran/Contra affair.....'course Ronnie boy claimed he didn't even know it was going on. Maybe his alzheimers set in about that time.

"I Did Not Send Missiles To That Country"

I'll remind you of something a lot worse than that.

October 23, 1983, in Beirut Lebanon two truck bombs struck separate buildings housing military forces and killed 299 American and allied forces...281 American marines.

What did the gipper do?? That's right sport's fans....he pulled all our forces out of the country. There's a really good chance that if we had blown their asses to kingdom come we wouldn't even be having to screw around with them now.
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Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

How the hell do you figure Obama is worse than W. Bush? Bush gave two tax cuts to the wealthiest people in the country, continued to spend at an even higher rate, doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion and left jobs bleeding off at 750,000 a month and an unemployment rate of 7.5%, wrecked the stock market, handed nearly a trillion dollars to the banks as he left office, sent 4500 young Americans to their death and got another 35,000 seriously wounded in a totally cooked up and unnecessary war in Iraq, etc.
The president has brought the nation back to an unemployment rate of 5.1% and we've had 66 consecutive months of job growth not to mention that the stock market has just about doubled. As far as Obama's big spending debt.....he has had to borrow over $2 trillion just to pay annual interest on the debt which was there when he took over. Check Obama's's a matter of record. I keep telling you folks to watch some news channel except Faux News:



All this while putting up with a load of Republican bullshit:


Bush didn't give money to the banks, moron.
Ronald Reagan: Worst president ever

Not even close.

That would be George Bush. 9/11...TWO wars .... total collapse of ours and the worlds economies

The devil himself couldn't have conjured up a more major cluster fuck.
yeah not worst president ever.Bush junior EASILY makes Reagan look like Martin Luther

Like I said earlier,each president since the gipper has been worst than the previous one so not the worst ever but for sure beyond a doubt the worst president ever AT THE TIME worse than all presidents before him up till then.

Obama is worse than Bush though because it is one thing to commit the crime but to cover up that persons crimes is even the worse crime.Not only that he has expanded what Bush got started so Obama is worst ever.

I'm pretty sure that some powerful men "Splained it" to Obama that if he made a crusade to prosecute the players that destroyed the economy and those that pressured Bush to go to war that Obama would have a very unfortunate accident.

I would go along with that to an extent.If that was Carter you were talking about I would go along with that completely but with Obama I cant because the elite knew what they getting with Obama before he became president.

He was already corrupt before getting into office.He had connections to the CIA just as Bush Jr did before getting elected.Kissinger was his mentor way before getting elected.

Carter was the last president we had before going into the white house who had intentions of trying to do the right thing to serve the people instead of the bankers.

He was the last president we had who wasnt a war criminal and actually had morals.He had his faults but he wasnt a war criminal just as every president since him has been.

Yup you are the OP sock...born in 84....

No one was trying to get rid of the CIA idiot

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