Roosevelt: His Bankrupt Policies

FDR with the New Deal
The GOP with the raw deal
too stupid, how is capitalism a raw deal when it just eliminated 40% of the world's poverty in China??

Our worst industry is health care because it is most govt controlled. If we switched to Republican capitalism prices would be 20% of what they are now and 10-20 years would be added to our life expectancies.
Just vote Republican. Your medical insurance will be reduced to a fraction of the cost you pay today and they will add 20 years onto you life. Anyone believe Edward or he insane?

dear, when libs ruled China 60 million slowly starved to death. Today under Republican capitalism they are getting rich. Can you grasp the lesson?
There are still many who have not been brainwashed to the point that they do not no the difference between totalitarian communism, communist controlled capitalism and good old fashioned American Founding Fathers Liberalism. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes slave and prisoner labor, wage and price controls, selective labor law enforcement, government subsidies, military intervention into private industry and a whole long list of human rights violations. Is that the kind of Republican capitalism you are trying to sell us? Will we be permitted to put plant managers and business owners in front of firing squads with quick unappealable kangeroo court trials.
. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes .

dear, Republican capitalism here is contaminated by many things too like Obamacommiecare, crippling welfare entitlements, huge incarceration rates among blacks., highest taxes in world etcetc but both countries now compete on price and quality in vast international markets for goods and services with huge percentages
of their populations participating. Once China absorbed the lessons of Smith and Friedman they instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty thus proving once again why West Germany did far better than East Germany and why we should switch to more and more capitalism as China is doing.

Do you get it now?
. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes .

dear, Republican capitalism here is contaminated by many things too like Obamacommiecare, crippling welfare entitlements, huge incarceration rates among blacks., highest taxes in world etcetc but both countries now compete on price and quality in vast international markets for goods and services with huge percentages
of their populations participating. Once China absorbed the lessons of Smith and Friedman they instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty thus proving once again why West Germany did far better than East Germany and why we should switch to more and more capitalism as China is doing. Do you get it now?
The Chinese certainly did not do any such thing. That is an outright lie. You just flap your lips and give absolutely no evidence.
. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes .

dear, Republican capitalism here is contaminated by many things too like Obamacommiecare, crippling welfare entitlements, huge incarceration rates among blacks., highest taxes in world etcetc but both countries now compete on price and quality in vast international markets for goods and services with huge percentages
of their populations participating. Once China absorbed the lessons of Smith and Friedman they instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty thus proving once again why West Germany did far better than East Germany and why we should switch to more and more capitalism as China is doing.

Do you get it now?
Now if you could only back up some portions of your quackery you could perhaps shed that insane asshole label you have so deservingly earned.
. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes .

dear, Republican capitalism here is contaminated by many things too like Obamacommiecare, crippling welfare entitlements, huge incarceration rates among blacks., highest taxes in world etcetc but both countries now compete on price and quality in vast international markets for goods and services with huge percentages
of their populations participating. Once China absorbed the lessons of Smith and Friedman they instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty thus proving once again why West Germany did far better than East Germany and why we should switch to more and more capitalism as China is doing.

Do you get it now?
Now if you could only back up some portions of your quackery you could perhaps shed that insane asshole label you have so deservingly earned.
. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes .

dear, Republican capitalism here is contaminated by many things too like Obamacommiecare, crippling welfare entitlements, huge incarceration rates among blacks., highest taxes in world etcetc but both countries now compete on price and quality in vast international markets for goods and services with huge percentages
of their populations participating. Once China absorbed the lessons of Smith and Friedman they instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty thus proving once again why West Germany did far better than East Germany and why we should switch to more and more capitalism as China is doing.

Do you get it now?
Now if you could only back up some portions of your quackery you could perhaps shed that insane asshole label you have so deservingly earned.
Dear if you disagree you must develop the iq to state your disagreement. A child can say he disagrees and proudly call names.
Do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance??
FDR with the New Deal
The GOP with the raw deal
too stupid, how is capitalism a raw deal when it just eliminated 40% of the world's poverty in China??

Our worst industry is health care because it is most govt controlled. If we switched to Republican capitalism prices would be 20% of what they are now and 10-20 years would be added to our life expectancies.
Just vote Republican. Your medical insurance will be reduced to a fraction of the cost you pay today and they will add 20 years onto you life. Anyone believe Edward or he insane?

dear, when libs ruled China 60 million slowly starved to death. Today under Republican capitalism they are getting rich. Can you grasp the lesson?
There are still many who have not been brainwashed to the point that they do not no the difference between totalitarian communism, communist controlled capitalism and good old fashioned American Founding Fathers Liberalism. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes slave and prisoner labor, wage and price controls, selective labor law enforcement, government subsidies, military intervention into private industry and a whole long list of human rights violations. Is that the kind of Republican capitalism you are trying to sell us? Will we be permitted to put plant managers and business owners in front of firing squads with quick unappealable kangeroo court trials.

"....they do not no the difference between..."

FDR with the New Deal
The GOP with the raw deal
too stupid, how is capitalism a raw deal when it just eliminated 40% of the world's poverty in China??

Our worst industry is health care because it is most govt controlled. If we switched to Republican capitalism prices would be 20% of what they are now and 10-20 years would be added to our life expectancies.
Just vote Republican. Your medical insurance will be reduced to a fraction of the cost you pay today and they will add 20 years onto you life. Anyone believe Edward or he insane?

dear, when libs ruled China 60 million slowly starved to death. Today under Republican capitalism they are getting rich. Can you grasp the lesson?
There are still many who have not been brainwashed to the point that they do not know the difference between totalitarian communism, communist controlled capitalism and good old fashioned American Founding Fathers Liberalism. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes slave and prisoner labor, wage and price controls, selective labor law enforcement, government subsidies, military intervention into private industry and a whole long list of human rights violations. Is that the kind of Republican capitalism you are trying to sell us? Will we be permitted to put plant managers and business owners in front of firing squads with quick unappealable kangeroo court trials.

Very good teacher. Now answer or refute one of the questions or responses that have rebuked your nonsense over the weekend that you have been running away from and ignoring. In reality, you have been rebuked on many of your concepts and comments on multiple threads. You repeatedly get challenged and repeatedly refuse to respond on specific responses.
I have explained on numerous occasions how you use an old and outdated method of calculating unemployment figures during the 30's. These explanations have been given to you with links to reliable academic sources. It is not hard to understand the Legergotte method that is now viewed as obsolete. It counted people employed in government programs as being on a relief program and hence unemployed. Later, in 1974 the Darby method was used. The Darby method counted the government workers as employed. It changes your analysis of the GD and neutralizes a large portion of your thesis. You consistently refuse to respond and instead continue to use the outdated obsolete data as if you had never heard of Lebergotte vs Darby.
There is also the question that you refuse to answer about one of your key and main sources for data. You are continuously asked about who and what Manly was and why you continue to use this source. Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?
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too stupid, how is capitalism a raw deal when it just eliminated 40% of the world's poverty in China??

Our worst industry is health care because it is most govt controlled. If we switched to Republican capitalism prices would be 20% of what they are now and 10-20 years would be added to our life expectancies.
Just vote Republican. Your medical insurance will be reduced to a fraction of the cost you pay today and they will add 20 years onto you life. Anyone believe Edward or he insane?

dear, when libs ruled China 60 million slowly starved to death. Today under Republican capitalism they are getting rich. Can you grasp the lesson?
There are still many who have not been brainwashed to the point that they do not know the difference between totalitarian communism, communist controlled capitalism and good old fashioned American Founding Fathers Liberalism. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes slave and prisoner labor, wage and price controls, selective labor law enforcement, government subsidies, military intervention into private industry and a whole long list of human rights violations. Is that the kind of Republican capitalism you are trying to sell us? Will we be permitted to put plant managers and business owners in front of firing squads with quick unappealable kangeroo court trials.

Very good teacher. Now answer or refute one of the questions or responses that have rebuked your nonsense over the weekend that you have been running away from and ignoring. In reality, you have been rebuked on many of your concepts and comments on multiple threads. You repeatedly get challenged and repeatedly refuse to respond on specific responses.
I have explained on numerous occasions how you use an old and outdated method of calculating unemployment figures during the 30's. These explanations have been given to you with links to reliable academic sources. It is not hard to understand the Legergotte method that is now viewed as obsolete. It counted people employed in government programs as being on a relief program and hence unemployed. Later, in 1974 the Darby method was used. The Darby method counted the government workers as employed. It changes your analysis of the GD and neutralizes a large portion of your thesis. You consistently refuse to respond and instead continue to use the outdated obsolete data as if you had never heard of Lebergotte vs Darby.
There is also the question that you refuse to answer about one of your key and main sources for data. You are continuously asked about who and what Manly was and why you continue to use this source. Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?

1. "...they do not no the difference between..."
You're a dope.

2."Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?"

a. I posted a dozen anti-recovery programs and polices of the fraud, Franklin Roosevelt....and it was your obligation to attempt to explain why you find him an exemplar in the face of those mistakes....mistakes that extended the economic woes of America.
Instead you did everything you could to change the subject and ignore the charges.

b. Progressivism and Liberalism are both based on Hegel, and the view that government must be obeyed.
That is as anti-American as can be.

That makes you, a devotee of same, a fascist.
Just vote Republican. Your medical insurance will be reduced to a fraction of the cost you pay today and they will add 20 years onto you life. Anyone believe Edward or he insane?

dear, when libs ruled China 60 million slowly starved to death. Today under Republican capitalism they are getting rich. Can you grasp the lesson?
There are still many who have not been brainwashed to the point that they do not know the difference between totalitarian communism, communist controlled capitalism and good old fashioned American Founding Fathers Liberalism. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes slave and prisoner labor, wage and price controls, selective labor law enforcement, government subsidies, military intervention into private industry and a whole long list of human rights violations. Is that the kind of Republican capitalism you are trying to sell us? Will we be permitted to put plant managers and business owners in front of firing squads with quick unappealable kangeroo court trials.

Very good teacher. Now answer or refute one of the questions or responses that have rebuked your nonsense over the weekend that you have been running away from and ignoring. In reality, you have been rebuked on many of your concepts and comments on multiple threads. You repeatedly get challenged and repeatedly refuse to respond on specific responses.
I have explained on numerous occasions how you use an old and outdated method of calculating unemployment figures during the 30's. These explanations have been given to you with links to reliable academic sources. It is not hard to understand the Legergotte method that is now viewed as obsolete. It counted people employed in government programs as being on a relief program and hence unemployed. Later, in 1974 the Darby method was used. The Darby method counted the government workers as employed. It changes your analysis of the GD and neutralizes a large portion of your thesis. You consistently refuse to respond and instead continue to use the outdated obsolete data as if you had never heard of Lebergotte vs Darby.
There is also the question that you refuse to answer about one of your key and main sources for data. You are continuously asked about who and what Manly was and why you continue to use this source. Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?

1. "...they do not no the difference between..."
You're a dope.

2."Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?"

a. I posted a dozen anti-recovery programs and polices of the fraud, Franklin Roosevelt....and it was your obligation to attempt to explain why you find him an exemplar in the face of those mistakes....mistakes that extended the economic woes of America.
Instead you did everything you could to change the subject and ignore the charges.

b. Progressivism and Liberalism are both based on Hegel, and the view that government must be obeyed.
That is as anti-American as can be.

That makes you, a devotee of same, a fascist.
Other than finding a loss of concentration inspired typo, your post is bullshit.

You posted a anti recovery policies and used them to claim they prolonged the prolonged the depression. You make that claim as if it is an accepted fact. It is not. Far from it, it is part of the misinformation campaign to discredit FDR.
Many of the "Alphabet" programs were experiments that everyone knew may or may not work. Some worked great and some failed miserably. You simply pick out the ones that failed and totally ignore the ones that worked and jump up and down offering the failed ones as proof that the overall effort was a failure that prolonged the depression.
When discussing the topic to folks who don't understand you are omitting data that completely neutralizes and voids your conclusions, thus, you are able to portray a dishonest analysis and evaluation. You are using fraudulent data to represent a failure when if accurate data is used it represents success. The basis for you thesis becomes literally a lie. That is why you will not discuss Lebergotte/Darby. It leads to revelations that much of your source data is obsolete and inaccurate.

The sources that are shown to be fraudulent can usually be shown to be used for distortions. Look at how you use Hegel. That is a perfect example of your distortion. He was a philosopher that was a small child when the founding fathers were introducing liberalism and progressive ideology. He wasn't even born when these concepts were introduced. John Locke died before Hegel was born. Who the hell claims Hegel preceded John Locke as the definer of liberalism? Hegel didn't even originate progressivism. It was in play before he could read a book.
Giving credit to Hegel as the basis for liberalism and progressive theory make you the dope. Stick to red pencil checking spelling and grammar. You fail in political science 101.
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dear, when libs ruled China 60 million slowly starved to death. Today under Republican capitalism they are getting rich. Can you grasp the lesson?
There are still many who have not been brainwashed to the point that they do not know the difference between totalitarian communism, communist controlled capitalism and good old fashioned American Founding Fathers Liberalism. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes slave and prisoner labor, wage and price controls, selective labor law enforcement, government subsidies, military intervention into private industry and a whole long list of human rights violations. Is that the kind of Republican capitalism you are trying to sell us? Will we be permitted to put plant managers and business owners in front of firing squads with quick unappealable kangeroo court trials.

Very good teacher. Now answer or refute one of the questions or responses that have rebuked your nonsense over the weekend that you have been running away from and ignoring. In reality, you have been rebuked on many of your concepts and comments on multiple threads. You repeatedly get challenged and repeatedly refuse to respond on specific responses.
I have explained on numerous occasions how you use an old and outdated method of calculating unemployment figures during the 30's. These explanations have been given to you with links to reliable academic sources. It is not hard to understand the Legergotte method that is now viewed as obsolete. It counted people employed in government programs as being on a relief program and hence unemployed. Later, in 1974 the Darby method was used. The Darby method counted the government workers as employed. It changes your analysis of the GD and neutralizes a large portion of your thesis. You consistently refuse to respond and instead continue to use the outdated obsolete data as if you had never heard of Lebergotte vs Darby.
There is also the question that you refuse to answer about one of your key and main sources for data. You are continuously asked about who and what Manly was and why you continue to use this source. Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?

1. "...they do not no the difference between..."
You're a dope.

2."Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?"

a. I posted a dozen anti-recovery programs and polices of the fraud, Franklin Roosevelt....and it was your obligation to attempt to explain why you find him an exemplar in the face of those mistakes....mistakes that extended the economic woes of America.
Instead you did everything you could to change the subject and ignore the charges.

b. Progressivism and Liberalism are both based on Hegel, and the view that government must be obeyed.
That is as anti-American as can be.

That makes you, a devotee of same, a fascist.
Other than finding a loss of concentration inspired typo, your post is bullshit.

You posted a anti recovery policies and used them to claim they prolonged the prolonged the depression. You make that claim as if it is an accepted fact. It is not. Far from it, it is part of the misinformation campaign to discredit FDR.
Many of the "Alphabet" programs were experiments that everyone knew may or may not work. Some worked great and some failed miserably. You simply pick out the ones that failed and totally ignore the ones that worked and jump up and down offering the failed ones as proof that the overall effort was a failure that prolonged the depression.
When discussing the topic to folks who don't understand you are omitting data that completely neutralizes and voids your conclusions, thus, you are able to portray a dishonest analysis and evaluation. You are using fraudulent data to represent a failure when if accurate data is used it represents success. The basis for you thesis becomes literally a lie. That is why you will not discuss Lebergotte/Darby. It leads to revelations that much of your source data is obsolete and inaccurate.

The sources that are shown to fraudulent can usually be shown to be distortions. Look at how you use Hegel. That is a perfect example of your distortion. He was a philosopher that was a small child when the founding fathers were introducing liberalism and progressive ideology. He wasn't even born when these concepts were introduced. John Locke died before Hegel was born. Who the hell claims Hegel preceded John Locke as the definer of liberalism? Hegel didn't even originate progressivism. It was in play before he could read a book.
Giving credit to Hegel as the basis for liberalism and progressive theory make you the dope. Stick to red pencil checking spelling and grammar. You fail in political science 101.

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.
There are still many who have not been brainwashed to the point that they do not know the difference between totalitarian communism, communist controlled capitalism and good old fashioned American Founding Fathers Liberalism. What you call Republican capitalism in today's China includes slave and prisoner labor, wage and price controls, selective labor law enforcement, government subsidies, military intervention into private industry and a whole long list of human rights violations. Is that the kind of Republican capitalism you are trying to sell us? Will we be permitted to put plant managers and business owners in front of firing squads with quick unappealable kangeroo court trials.

Very good teacher. Now answer or refute one of the questions or responses that have rebuked your nonsense over the weekend that you have been running away from and ignoring. In reality, you have been rebuked on many of your concepts and comments on multiple threads. You repeatedly get challenged and repeatedly refuse to respond on specific responses.
I have explained on numerous occasions how you use an old and outdated method of calculating unemployment figures during the 30's. These explanations have been given to you with links to reliable academic sources. It is not hard to understand the Legergotte method that is now viewed as obsolete. It counted people employed in government programs as being on a relief program and hence unemployed. Later, in 1974 the Darby method was used. The Darby method counted the government workers as employed. It changes your analysis of the GD and neutralizes a large portion of your thesis. You consistently refuse to respond and instead continue to use the outdated obsolete data as if you had never heard of Lebergotte vs Darby.
There is also the question that you refuse to answer about one of your key and main sources for data. You are continuously asked about who and what Manly was and why you continue to use this source. Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?

1. "...they do not no the difference between..."
You're a dope.

2."Why do you refuse to respond to the challenges that your conspiracy anti FDR theories are based on the writings and distortions of what is thought and considered to be a fanatical anti FDR hater of the 1930's and supporter of German fascism?"

a. I posted a dozen anti-recovery programs and polices of the fraud, Franklin Roosevelt....and it was your obligation to attempt to explain why you find him an exemplar in the face of those mistakes....mistakes that extended the economic woes of America.
Instead you did everything you could to change the subject and ignore the charges.

b. Progressivism and Liberalism are both based on Hegel, and the view that government must be obeyed.
That is as anti-American as can be.

That makes you, a devotee of same, a fascist.
Other than finding a loss of concentration inspired typo, your post is bullshit.

You posted a anti recovery policies and used them to claim they prolonged the prolonged the depression. You make that claim as if it is an accepted fact. It is not. Far from it, it is part of the misinformation campaign to discredit FDR.
Many of the "Alphabet" programs were experiments that everyone knew may or may not work. Some worked great and some failed miserably. You simply pick out the ones that failed and totally ignore the ones that worked and jump up and down offering the failed ones as proof that the overall effort was a failure that prolonged the depression.
When discussing the topic to folks who don't understand you are omitting data that completely neutralizes and voids your conclusions, thus, you are able to portray a dishonest analysis and evaluation. You are using fraudulent data to represent a failure when if accurate data is used it represents success. The basis for you thesis becomes literally a lie. That is why you will not discuss Lebergotte/Darby. It leads to revelations that much of your source data is obsolete and inaccurate.

The sources that are shown to fraudulent can usually be shown to be distortions. Look at how you use Hegel. That is a perfect example of your distortion. He was a philosopher that was a small child when the founding fathers were introducing liberalism and progressive ideology. He wasn't even born when these concepts were introduced. John Locke died before Hegel was born. Who the hell claims Hegel preceded John Locke as the definer of liberalism? Hegel didn't even originate progressivism. It was in play before he could read a book.
Giving credit to Hegel as the basis for liberalism and progressive theory make you the dope. Stick to red pencil checking spelling and grammar. You fail in political science 101.

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.
Please show where in my response I resorted to vulgar language. Perhaps responding to being skewered with a lie the way you may be doing is a psychological tell. I await your showing the vulgar portion of my post.
Ow! Oh! Ouch! Hey! sooner do I post an informed, factual, supported critique of the Roosevelt hagiography, than the Rooseveltian running dog lackeys start nipping at my heels!

It's been said before: "Truth is the mother of hatred." Ausonius

Seems that an admission of Roosevelt's failures would be, to his devotees, an admission of their own.

Never one to knuckle under....I'm left with but one path: another undeniable exposé of the bankrupt, failed, counter-intuitive economic policies of the anti-American fraud, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The man was elected based on the basis of a national crisis...and on a web of lies. He proved to be a terrible manager of the economy.

Terrible.....he extended the Depression by years!

1. "At the Democratic national convention in June 1932, where FDR was nominated for president of the United States, the Democratic Party issued a platform promising a way out of the Great Depression. The party stated: “We believe that a party platform is a covenant with the people to be faithfully kept by the party entrusted with power.”"
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

At the time, America was a more faith-based nation...and the word 'covenant' had a religious tone to it....

a. Covenant: A binding agreement; a compact.; In the Bible, a divine promise establishing or modifying God's relationship to humanity or to a particular group.
covenant - definition of covenant by The Free Dictionary

"...[a] month after accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for the office of president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a campaign radio address to the nation. He focused on the extravagant spending policies of Herbert Hoover’s administration and the federal budget deficits it had created: “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,” Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expenditures by one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns. But you know and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poorhouse.”
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

Of course, this was hardly the first lie that Roosevelt told.

Let's go over the platform just to prove that my OPs are undeniable:

"The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget,

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs.

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."
"Great Myths of the Great Depression," Lawrence W Reed

Focus on this one:" ....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise..."

Had the Democrats actually fulfilled this promise.....and not created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e., FannieMae andFreddieMac....

Get ready....

There would not have been a mortgage meltdown!
The mortgage meltdown, the 2008 recession: thanks to Franklin Roosevelt

Nice copy and paste job!!!

Hardly informed, however, and fallacious to the core. Just like you!!!

FDR still number one PC, top of the heap, the best we've ever had. That doesn't mean FDR always will be our greatest president, new presidents come along and some might be better, but none will probably be elected by the American people four times in a row.
On the bright side for Republicans is the chance that as new presidents come along one will be worse than Bush and capture that fifth worst American president title. Might even have some in the bull pen now warming up.
Keep em flying

"FDR still number one PC, top of the heap, the best we've ever had."

If he were, you'd have been able to show that the dozen or so charges that I've provided....linked, sourced, documented....
...weren't so.

Perhaps it boils down, as does much history, as to the sources being used as evidence. I am using America's most noted historians from 1948 to the present day. The last rating in 2010 used 238 of America's best historians to rate the presidents. How many historians have been involved in these ratings since 1948 I have no idea, but it certainly in the hundreds maybe thousands and they seem to be in agreement as to FDR's standing, always one of the top three. Your evidence seems sort of Mickey Mouse next to the historian's evidence.
Keep em flying
Ow! Oh! Ouch! Hey! sooner do I post an informed, factual, supported critique of the Roosevelt hagiography, than the Rooseveltian running dog lackeys start nipping at my heels!

It's been said before: "Truth is the mother of hatred." Ausonius

Seems that an admission of Roosevelt's failures would be, to his devotees, an admission of their own.

Never one to knuckle under....I'm left with but one path: another undeniable exposé of the bankrupt, failed, counter-intuitive economic policies of the anti-American fraud, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The man was elected based on the basis of a national crisis...and on a web of lies. He proved to be a terrible manager of the economy.

Terrible.....he extended the Depression by years!

1. "At the Democratic national convention in June 1932, where FDR was nominated for president of the United States, the Democratic Party issued a platform promising a way out of the Great Depression. The party stated: “We believe that a party platform is a covenant with the people to be faithfully kept by the party entrusted with power.”"
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

At the time, America was a more faith-based nation...and the word 'covenant' had a religious tone to it....

a. Covenant: A binding agreement; a compact.; In the Bible, a divine promise establishing or modifying God's relationship to humanity or to a particular group.
covenant - definition of covenant by The Free Dictionary

"...[a] month after accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for the office of president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a campaign radio address to the nation. He focused on the extravagant spending policies of Herbert Hoover’s administration and the federal budget deficits it had created: “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,” Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expenditures by one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns. But you know and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poorhouse.”
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

Of course, this was hardly the first lie that Roosevelt told.

Let's go over the platform just to prove that my OPs are undeniable:

"The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget,

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs.

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."
"Great Myths of the Great Depression," Lawrence W Reed

Focus on this one:" ....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise..."

Had the Democrats actually fulfilled this promise.....and not created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e., FannieMae andFreddieMac....

Get ready....

There would not have been a mortgage meltdown!
The mortgage meltdown, the 2008 recession: thanks to Franklin Roosevelt

Nice copy and paste job!!!

Hardly informed, however, and fallacious to the core. Just like you!!!


I notice like all the other cowards,you were afraid to specify anything that was untrue.

In effect, you validated everything I posted.

Now, back under your rock.
Ow! Oh! Ouch! Hey! sooner do I post an informed, factual, supported critique of the Roosevelt hagiography, than the Rooseveltian running dog lackeys start nipping at my heels!

It's been said before: "Truth is the mother of hatred." Ausonius

Seems that an admission of Roosevelt's failures would be, to his devotees, an admission of their own.

Never one to knuckle under....I'm left with but one path: another undeniable exposé of the bankrupt, failed, counter-intuitive economic policies of the anti-American fraud, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The man was elected based on the basis of a national crisis...and on a web of lies. He proved to be a terrible manager of the economy.

Terrible.....he extended the Depression by years!

1. "At the Democratic national convention in June 1932, where FDR was nominated for president of the United States, the Democratic Party issued a platform promising a way out of the Great Depression. The party stated: “We believe that a party platform is a covenant with the people to be faithfully kept by the party entrusted with power.”"
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

At the time, America was a more faith-based nation...and the word 'covenant' had a religious tone to it....

a. Covenant: A binding agreement; a compact.; In the Bible, a divine promise establishing or modifying God's relationship to humanity or to a particular group.
covenant - definition of covenant by The Free Dictionary

"...[a] month after accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for the office of president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a campaign radio address to the nation. He focused on the extravagant spending policies of Herbert Hoover’s administration and the federal budget deficits it had created: “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,” Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expenditures by one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns. But you know and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poorhouse.”
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

Of course, this was hardly the first lie that Roosevelt told.

Let's go over the platform just to prove that my OPs are undeniable:

"The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget,

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs.

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."
"Great Myths of the Great Depression," Lawrence W Reed

Focus on this one:" ....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise..."

Had the Democrats actually fulfilled this promise.....and not created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e., FannieMae andFreddieMac....

Get ready....

There would not have been a mortgage meltdown!
The mortgage meltdown, the 2008 recession: thanks to Franklin Roosevelt

Nice copy and paste job!!!

Hardly informed, however, and fallacious to the core. Just like you!!!


I notice like all the other cowards,you were afraid to specify anything that was untrue.

In effect, you validated everything I posted.

Now, back under your rock.

All kinds of stuff you claim have been contested. Some of the stuff you claim is just absolutely ridiculous. You are blaming FDR for the 2008 recession. Much of what you claim has not been refuted has in fact been refuted with links and responses you are not able to respond to. I challenged you within the last few hours with specifics. You called my challenge vulgar. I challenged you to show where it was vulgar. You can't even answer that. You are just a liar and fake. You fail at basic concepts and knowledge about political science and history. The coward is you. You are the one hiding. Everyone challenging you is out in the open and providing refutes to your claims. You are just one of those cowards who give robot denials and ignore challenges like you are deaf and you never heard them.

Who and what was Manly, the foundation of most of your conspiracy theories. Who and what were Lebergott and Darby, the foundation of your FDR prolonging the Great Depression claim and key to your anti FDR tantrums.

You keep coming back and challenging people on your facts and the people keep telling you that you are distorting facts. This is not an unknown method of deceit. You think you have latched on to some kind of secret method of writing a conspiracy theory and making it look like a legitimate academically researched thesis. You have not discovered anything new. College professors would have failed you a half a century ago for using these methods. Even the best of today, some of your heroes like West get clobbered by legitimate scholars and historians for using sophisticated versions of this method. It sells books and placates the brainwashed, but doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

Normal intelligent adults answer questions with answers. The non intelligent, liars and small children answer questions with questions. See if you can show which one of the aforementioned you are.
Ow! Oh! Ouch! Hey! sooner do I post an informed, factual, supported critique of the Roosevelt hagiography, than the Rooseveltian running dog lackeys start nipping at my heels!

It's been said before: "Truth is the mother of hatred." Ausonius

Seems that an admission of Roosevelt's failures would be, to his devotees, an admission of their own.

Never one to knuckle under....I'm left with but one path: another undeniable exposé of the bankrupt, failed, counter-intuitive economic policies of the anti-American fraud, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The man was elected based on the basis of a national crisis...and on a web of lies. He proved to be a terrible manager of the economy.

Terrible.....he extended the Depression by years!

1. "At the Democratic national convention in June 1932, where FDR was nominated for president of the United States, the Democratic Party issued a platform promising a way out of the Great Depression. The party stated: “We believe that a party platform is a covenant with the people to be faithfully kept by the party entrusted with power.”"
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

At the time, America was a more faith-based nation...and the word 'covenant' had a religious tone to it....

a. Covenant: A binding agreement; a compact.; In the Bible, a divine promise establishing or modifying God's relationship to humanity or to a particular group.
covenant - definition of covenant by The Free Dictionary

"...[a] month after accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for the office of president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a campaign radio address to the nation. He focused on the extravagant spending policies of Herbert Hoover’s administration and the federal budget deficits it had created: “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,” Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expenditures by one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns. But you know and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poorhouse.”
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

Of course, this was hardly the first lie that Roosevelt told.

Let's go over the platform just to prove that my OPs are undeniable:

"The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget,

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs.

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."
"Great Myths of the Great Depression," Lawrence W Reed

Focus on this one:" ....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise..."

Had the Democrats actually fulfilled this promise.....and not created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e., FannieMae andFreddieMac....

Get ready....

There would not have been a mortgage meltdown!
The mortgage meltdown, the 2008 recession: thanks to Franklin Roosevelt

Nice copy and paste job!!!

Hardly informed, however, and fallacious to the core. Just like you!!!


I notice like all the other cowards,you were afraid to specify anything that was untrue.

In effect, you validated everything I posted.

Now, back under your rock.

All kinds of stuff you claim have been contested. Some of the stuff you claim is just absolutely ridiculous. You are blaming FDR for the 2008 recession. Much of what you claim has not been refuted has in fact been refuted with links and responses you are not able to respond to. I challenged you within the last few hours with specifics. You called my challenge vulgar. I challenged you to show where it was vulgar. You can't even answer that. You are just a liar and fake. You fail at basic concepts and knowledge about political science and history. The coward is you. You are the one hiding. Everyone challenging you is out in the open and providing refutes to your claims. You are just one of those cowards who give robot denials and ignore challenges like you are deaf and you never heard them.

Who and what was Manly, the foundation of most of your conspiracy theories. Who and what were Lebergott and Darby, the foundation of your FDR prolonging the Great Depression claim and key to your anti FDR tantrums.

You keep coming back and challenging people on your facts and the people keep telling you that you are distorting facts. This is not an unknown method of deceit. You think you have latched on to some kind of secret method of writing a conspiracy theory and making it look like a legitimate academically researched thesis. You have not discovered anything new. College professors would have failed you a half a century ago for using these methods. Even the best of today, some of your heroes like West get clobbered by legitimate scholars and historians for using sophisticated versions of this method. It sells books and placates the brainwashed, but doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

Normal intelligent adults answer questions with answers. The non intelligent, liars and small children answer questions with questions. See if you can show which one of the aforementioned you are.

1. Not one single thing has been refuted.
Not one.

2. Let's begin at the beginning....America was based on the primacy of the individual over the central government.....the Founders made that very clear by demanding a Bill of Rights.
Franklin Roosevelt believed in the primacy of the government as representative of the collective, and it is one reason for his excellent relations with Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.

You, as well, believe in the collective over the rights of the individual

True or not?
Ow! Oh! Ouch! Hey! sooner do I post an informed, factual, supported critique of the Roosevelt hagiography, than the Rooseveltian running dog lackeys start nipping at my heels!

It's been said before: "Truth is the mother of hatred." Ausonius

Seems that an admission of Roosevelt's failures would be, to his devotees, an admission of their own.

Never one to knuckle under....I'm left with but one path: another undeniable exposé of the bankrupt, failed, counter-intuitive economic policies of the anti-American fraud, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The man was elected based on the basis of a national crisis...and on a web of lies. He proved to be a terrible manager of the economy.

Terrible.....he extended the Depression by years!

1. "At the Democratic national convention in June 1932, where FDR was nominated for president of the United States, the Democratic Party issued a platform promising a way out of the Great Depression. The party stated: “We believe that a party platform is a covenant with the people to be faithfully kept by the party entrusted with power.”"
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

At the time, America was a more faith-based nation...and the word 'covenant' had a religious tone to it....

a. Covenant: A binding agreement; a compact.; In the Bible, a divine promise establishing or modifying God's relationship to humanity or to a particular group.
covenant - definition of covenant by The Free Dictionary

"...[a] month after accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for the office of president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a campaign radio address to the nation. He focused on the extravagant spending policies of Herbert Hoover’s administration and the federal budget deficits it had created: “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,” Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expenditures by one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns. But you know and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poorhouse.”
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

Of course, this was hardly the first lie that Roosevelt told.

Let's go over the platform just to prove that my OPs are undeniable:

"The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget,

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs.

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."
"Great Myths of the Great Depression," Lawrence W Reed

Focus on this one:" ....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise..."

Had the Democrats actually fulfilled this promise.....and not created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e., FannieMae andFreddieMac....

Get ready....

There would not have been a mortgage meltdown!
The mortgage meltdown, the 2008 recession: thanks to Franklin Roosevelt

Nice copy and paste job!!!

Hardly informed, however, and fallacious to the core. Just like you!!!


I notice like all the other cowards,you were afraid to specify anything that was untrue.

In effect, you validated everything I posted.

Now, back under your rock.

All kinds of stuff you claim have been contested. Some of the stuff you claim is just absolutely ridiculous. You are blaming FDR for the 2008 recession. Much of what you claim has not been refuted has in fact been refuted with links and responses you are not able to respond to. I challenged you within the last few hours with specifics. You called my challenge vulgar. I challenged you to show where it was vulgar. You can't even answer that. You are just a liar and fake. You fail at basic concepts and knowledge about political science and history. The coward is you. You are the one hiding. Everyone challenging you is out in the open and providing refutes to your claims. You are just one of those cowards who give robot denials and ignore challenges like you are deaf and you never heard them.

Who and what was Manly, the foundation of most of your conspiracy theories. Who and what were Lebergott and Darby, the foundation of your FDR prolonging the Great Depression claim and key to your anti FDR tantrums.

You keep coming back and challenging people on your facts and the people keep telling you that you are distorting facts. This is not an unknown method of deceit. You think you have latched on to some kind of secret method of writing a conspiracy theory and making it look like a legitimate academically researched thesis. You have not discovered anything new. College professors would have failed you a half a century ago for using these methods. Even the best of today, some of your heroes like West get clobbered by legitimate scholars and historians for using sophisticated versions of this method. It sells books and placates the brainwashed, but doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

Normal intelligent adults answer questions with answers. The non intelligent, liars and small children answer questions with questions. See if you can show which one of the aforementioned you are.

1. " You called my challenge vulgar. I challenged you to show where it was vulgar.You can't even answer that."
You used a barnyard term not appropriate for a family gathering. That makes it vulgar.

2. "You are just a liar and fake."
I never fact, I just proved that you are the liar.

3. "You are blaming FDR for the 2008 recession."
Of course he was.
Answer this: had he not created Fannie Mae, and, ultimately been responsible for Freddie Mac.....

....would there have been a mortgage meltdown.
Yes or no.

4. "I challenged you within the last few hours with specifics."
Here's where I prove you are a fraud.
In the thread that I started, I gave a dozen specific examples of failed policies of FDR.
You brought up things not in the thread in order to alter the focus.
I wouldn't fall for it.
Inadvertently you admitted that I was 100% correct.

5. "Everyone challenging you is out in the open and providing refutes to your claims."
Show liar.
The very beginning of the OP begins with the claim that FDR prolonged the Great Depression. It is the conclusive ending to her opening statement. The conclusion of an opening statement defines the purpose of the thesis and the subject that is meant to be proven with the containing material in the thesis.

The academically accepted way to refute a thesis is to attack it at the beginning. This is preferred rather than a system of cherry picking factoids and quotes that can lead to endless back and forth disjointed debates over context and how those various factoids are even facts and whether quotes are or are not connected.

PC's claim that FDR prolonged the Great Depression is a claim that was debated and lost decades ago. It gets revived by the anti New Deal and FDR folks like the OP, but they never bring forward new data. They simply omit the data that caused their side of the debate to loose the debate decades ago and continuously ever since.

No matter how much the OP says her facts are not refuted, not one, the reader can easily look at the original post opening statement and see where she presents as a fact that FDR prolonged the depression. I refuted her statement as being non factual and offered as evidence the faulty data she was basing her statement on. That is what refuting a fact is. You claim it is wrong and offer evidence to prove why it is wrong. The OP becomes obligated to disprove the case made against her claim. She can not just shrug it off and move on to some other point. Whether other facts are true, false, embellished, exaggerated, etc. becomes irrelevant once the original claim of the thesis is refuted.

The OP has been challenged on some of her other claims. It was pointed out she misunderstood the relationship and differing priorities of FDR and Mogenthau, but while I briefly began that debate with the OP, I doubt that a person who can not comprehend the Legergott/Darby differences and distinctions would be able to discuss the more complicated one of FDR and Morgenthau.

Finally, I have continued to pester the OP over her often used source, Chesly Manly. It is impossible to check background and legitimacy of a non person author. Publications, especially newspapers promoting agenda's, use pen names so that background checks can't be made and questions can't be asked and demanded directly to the writer or alleged author of a story. The author takes on the credibility of an anonymous poster on a message board or blogger with an untraceable and unknown name and address. A person presenting a legitimate thesis must be able to present evidence of credibility for sources presented. Manly has no more credibility than a Archie and Jughead comic book.

One more thing, does anyone have a clue what I posted that was vulgar? What was the alleged barn yard thing?
Ow! Oh! Ouch! Hey! sooner do I post an informed, factual, supported critique of the Roosevelt hagiography, than the Rooseveltian running dog lackeys start nipping at my heels!

It's been said before: "Truth is the mother of hatred." Ausonius

Seems that an admission of Roosevelt's failures would be, to his devotees, an admission of their own.

Never one to knuckle under....I'm left with but one path: another undeniable exposé of the bankrupt, failed, counter-intuitive economic policies of the anti-American fraud, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The man was elected based on the basis of a national crisis...and on a web of lies. He proved to be a terrible manager of the economy.

Terrible.....he extended the Depression by years!

1. "At the Democratic national convention in June 1932, where FDR was nominated for president of the United States, the Democratic Party issued a platform promising a way out of the Great Depression. The party stated: “We believe that a party platform is a covenant with the people to be faithfully kept by the party entrusted with power.”"
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

At the time, America was a more faith-based nation...and the word 'covenant' had a religious tone to it....

a. Covenant: A binding agreement; a compact.; In the Bible, a divine promise establishing or modifying God's relationship to humanity or to a particular group.
covenant - definition of covenant by The Free Dictionary

"...[a] month after accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for the office of president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a campaign radio address to the nation. He focused on the extravagant spending policies of Herbert Hoover’s administration and the federal budget deficits it had created: “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,” Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expenditures by one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns. But you know and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poorhouse.”
Monetary Central Planning and the State Part 13 FDR s New Deal - The Future of Freedom Foundation

Of course, this was hardly the first lie that Roosevelt told.

Let's go over the platform just to prove that my OPs are undeniable:

"The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget,

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs.

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."
"Great Myths of the Great Depression," Lawrence W Reed

Focus on this one:" ....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise..."

Had the Democrats actually fulfilled this promise.....and not created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e., FannieMae andFreddieMac....

Get ready....

There would not have been a mortgage meltdown!
The mortgage meltdown, the 2008 recession: thanks to Franklin Roosevelt

Nice copy and paste job!!!

Hardly informed, however, and fallacious to the core. Just like you!!!


I notice like all the other cowards,you were afraid to specify anything that was untrue.

In effect, you validated everything I posted.

Now, back under your rock.

All kinds of stuff you claim have been contested. Some of the stuff you claim is just absolutely ridiculous. You are blaming FDR for the 2008 recession. Much of what you claim has not been refuted has in fact been refuted with links and responses you are not able to respond to. I challenged you within the last few hours with specifics. You called my challenge vulgar. I challenged you to show where it was vulgar. You can't even answer that. You are just a liar and fake. You fail at basic concepts and knowledge about political science and history. The coward is you. You are the one hiding. Everyone challenging you is out in the open and providing refutes to your claims. You are just one of those cowards who give robot denials and ignore challenges like you are deaf and you never heard them.

Who and what was Manly, the foundation of most of your conspiracy theories. Who and what were Lebergott and Darby, the foundation of your FDR prolonging the Great Depression claim and key to your anti FDR tantrums.

You keep coming back and challenging people on your facts and the people keep telling you that you are distorting facts. This is not an unknown method of deceit. You think you have latched on to some kind of secret method of writing a conspiracy theory and making it look like a legitimate academically researched thesis. You have not discovered anything new. College professors would have failed you a half a century ago for using these methods. Even the best of today, some of your heroes like West get clobbered by legitimate scholars and historians for using sophisticated versions of this method. It sells books and placates the brainwashed, but doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

Normal intelligent adults answer questions with answers. The non intelligent, liars and small children answer questions with questions. See if you can show which one of the aforementioned you are.

This thread has developed like every other PC thread. PC is a troll. Please stop feeding the trolls. It's the only solution. If these threads got no response, they would sink like a rock. Answering just keeps the game going.

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