Roosevelt: His Bankrupt Policies

"Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington are consistently ranked at the top of the lists. Often ranked just below those Presidents are Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. . . . . The 1948 poll was conducted by historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr., of Harvard University.[1] The 1962 survey was also conducted by Schlesinger, who surveyed 75 historians.[7] Schlesinger's son Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., conducted another poll in 1996.[8]" Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your silly far right mises lap dog whining is just . . . whining.
They named an island next to Manhattan after him. Built a big Memorial to him and his Four Freedoms. It was all over the news yesterday and their still talking about it today.
PC's anti FDR revisionism is nothing more than a mirror and copy of a movement started by conservative think tanks in the 90's. It was an effort to demonize FDR and his policies. Most who were involved have moved on and the effort was clearly a failure. The fact that the leading Presidential candidate is willing to hang her name on his mantle is proof that history and the American people have rejected that effort.
PoliticalChic is pissing into the wind and not realizing it is blowing back all over her and creating a very foul smell.
Now, now....don't feel bad, all you FDR-groupies......I'll give you another chance to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

Let's review what we have learned from less biased historians and economists, about FDR's failed policies...

1. He lied to get elected, promising to do the very opposite of what he did: ": “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,”Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expendituresby one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns."

2. "The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget, (Really? In the first year of the New Deal,Roosevelt proposed spending $10 billion while revenues were only $3 billion. Between 1933 and 1936, government expenditures rose by more than 83 percent. Federal debt skyrocketed by 73 percent.

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”...then he went and took gold out of the hands of Americans, and left the gold standard, so inflation ate American's savings.

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise (then he created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e.,Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....)

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs. (He caused fields to be plowed under and livestock to be slaughtered.)

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."


Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
To respond to the first charge the balanced budget. The first bill FDR asked of Congress was the banking bill to stabilize the banks, the second was for a beginning to balance the budget. The problem with a president making laws is he doesn't have that power, seems Congress was given that task. In any case FDR appointed a strong, "balance the budget" director, Lewis Douglas. Douglas put together a budget, The Economy Act, that cut VA pensions, Congress's salary, and on and on. Congress was not having any of that malarkey and restored the cuts. Douglas left shortly after. In the meantime, people were hungry and the nation was in an economic shambles, FDR next turned to helping people.
This stuff is all in history books if Chic would only read a tad now and then, but she starts out with such simplistic attempts to defame FDR that it has become a joke.
OK, a little name calling is now in order.
I will stand in for PC with the disclaimer she has nothing to disprove your points.

You are a lefty, a dumb dumb a poo poo commie, so forth and so on. I say all this because I can't answer you honestly on the merits.

Is that OK, PC?
Can anyone name a single President that actually kept all his campaign statements after being elected? Presidents get shots of reality after they are elected. couldn't find a single error in the charges against the liar, FDR?

The best you could do is 'gee....everyone lies....'

How many go ahead and do the very opposite of what they promised....beside FDR and Obama?


One for me....

Rosie-boys, Zero.
I didn't pay attention to them. Why should anybody. You were asked numerous questions and many of your cut and paste post were responded to. You have failed to respond but instead done your typical nonsense dance. Ignore responding, run away, come back and ask a new series of questions. Other, as well as myself, provide you with link supported answers and you simply ignore those responses and links. Why should people continue to put forth an effort to have an intellectual or academic debate with a person who shows such total respect for reality or truth let alone the efforts of others to engage in valid debate.
Now answer the questions you have been asked that refute what you have already posted. Who and what was Manly, the main source of so many of your thesis attempts? Contest and refute my rebuke of the obsolete Lebergott method of unemployment analysis that you insist on using vs. the Darby method which you ignore.

"I didn't pay attention to them."

Amazing the simplicity of your lies.

Let me do a translation....
....'I couldn't find a single way to save Roosevelt from your blistering,....and accurate....contumely! Woe is me!" now....

Me...2 and a half points.

Rosie-boys.....still zero.
Those immature attempt at insults and calling someone a liar is meaningless coming from you. You are simply evading and running away from answering the questions you were asked yesterday by asking a new series of questions today. When those questions are answered you will ignore the answers and move on to another series of questions after you spend some time assembling a new cut and paste diversion. don't know what 'evading' means?

I post the claims against Roosevelt....and you change the subject.
Now, now....don't feel bad, all you FDR-groupies......I'll give you another chance to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

Let's review what we have learned from less biased historians and economists, about FDR's failed policies...

1. He lied to get elected, promising to do the very opposite of what he did: ": “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,”Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expendituresby one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns."

2. "The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget, (Really? In the first year of the New Deal,Roosevelt proposed spending $10 billion while revenues were only $3 billion. Between 1933 and 1936, government expenditures rose by more than 83 percent. Federal debt skyrocketed by 73 percent.

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”...then he went and took gold out of the hands of Americans, and left the gold standard, so inflation ate American's savings.

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise (then he created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e.,Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....)

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs. (He caused fields to be plowed under and livestock to be slaughtered.)

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."


Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
To respond to the first charge the balanced budget. The first bill FDR asked of Congress was the banking bill to stabilize the banks, the second was for a beginning to balance the budget. The problem with a president making laws is he doesn't have that power, seems Congress was given that task. In any case FDR appointed a strong, "balance the budget" director, Lewis Douglas. Douglas put together a budget, The Economy Act, that cut VA pensions, Congress's salary, and on and on. Congress was not having any of that malarkey and restored the cuts. Douglas left shortly after. In the meantime, people were hungry and the nation was in an economic shambles, FDR next turned to helping people.
This stuff is all in history books if Chic would only read a tad now and then, but she starts out with such simplistic attempts to defame FDR that it has become a joke.
OK, a little name calling is now in order.

So you want to ignore this:
In the first year of the New Deal,Roosevelt proposed spending $10 billion while revenues were only $3 billion. Between 1933 and 1936, government expenditures rose by more than 83 percent. Federal debt skyrocketed by 73 percent.

You fail, Rosie-boy.
All the Rosie-boys want to do is evade, and obfuscate.....I'don't know if I want to give 'em another change to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

What the ya' go boys:

Does Roosevelt's National Recovery Act sound fascist? Should sound fascist...

8. "Roosevelt's economic guru, Rex Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government.

General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins,U.S. Secretary of Laborfrom 1933 to 1945, the longest serving in that position, and the first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet, the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship....

." Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution."

Here's Roosevelt's fascism in action:

9. "...Only the most violent police methods could procure enforcement. In Sidney Hillman’s garment industry the code authority employed enforcement police. They roamed through the garment district like storm troopers.

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
PC, you post something that does not apply about FDR, and we correct you.

That is how it is done with you. The Brits call folks like you a simple.

For instance, above, she states the truth that the budget went up, but she does not tell you the country crumbled. Hint: it did not.

Her love affair with Hitler is strange, too.
Hmmm.....time to consider all the responses by the Rosie-boys, pointing out all the errors in the charges that Roosevelt advanced policies and methods that reflect fascism.

Go ahead, boys....I'm ready.


Not a single one??? Nary a one???? can only conclude that what I posted is factual, accurate, and true.


Me....three and a half....

Is this fun, or what????
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PC, you post something that does not apply about FDR, and we correct you.

That is how it is done with you. The Brits call folks like you a simple.

For instance, above, she states the truth that the budget went up, but she does not tell you the country crumbled. Hint: it did not.

Her love affair with Hitler is strange, too.

You lying sack of haven't 'corrected' anything yet.

Ask nicely and I may......may.....give you another chance.

"Her love affair with Hitler..."
How better to prove you are simply garbage than to make up lies such as this.

"For instance, above, she states the truth that the budget went up, but she does not tell you the country crumbled. Hint: it did not."

But I proved that FDR was a liar....he swore to the nation that he would end deficits and balance the budget.....and you just admitted that I am correct.

"the country crumble.."
I never said such...but did say Roosevelt's poor management prolonged the economic torture Americans faced.
It did.
PC finds bits of history and changes them to fit her agenda. She uses quotes as no self respecting historian would do making the quote sound
All the Rosie-boys want to do is evade, and obfuscate.....I'don't know if I want to give 'em another change to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

What the ya' go boys:

Does Roosevelt's National Recovery Act sound fascist? Should sound fascist...

8. "Roosevelt's economic guru, Rex Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government.

General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins,U.S. Secretary of Laborfrom 1933 to 1945, the longest serving in that position, and the first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet, the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship....

." Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution."

Here's Roosevelt's fascism in action:

9. "...Only the most violent police methods could procure enforcement. In Sidney Hillman’s garment industry the code authority employed enforcement police. They roamed through the garment district like storm troopers.

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????

Does PC have any idea of what she is talking about? I can find quotes that declare Jesus to be an evil person, does that mean Jesus was evil? If you want to make a charge that the NRA was evil do so and back it up with some facts. The NRA was formed using business men to try and figure out how their industries could make a profit, when so many businesses were not making a profit. It didn't work but there were no storm troopers involved. Where is that quote from, who made it and was the purpose of using the storm trooper bit?
At long last, PC, have you no shame?
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Can anyone name a single President that actually kept all his campaign statements after being elected? Presidents get shots of reality after they are elected. couldn't find a single error in the charges against the liar, FDR?

The best you could do is 'gee....everyone lies....'

How many go ahead and do the very opposite of what they promised....beside FDR and Obama?


One for me....

Rosie-boys, Zero.
I didn't pay attention to them. Why should anybody. You were asked numerous questions and many of your cut and paste post were responded to. You have failed to respond but instead done your typical nonsense dance. Ignore responding, run away, come back and ask a new series of questions. Other, as well as myself, provide you with link supported answers and you simply ignore those responses and links. Why should people continue to put forth an effort to have an intellectual or academic debate with a person who shows such total respect for reality or truth let alone the efforts of others to engage in valid debate.
Now answer the questions you have been asked that refute what you have already posted. Who and what was Manly, the main source of so many of your thesis attempts? Contest and refute my rebuke of the obsolete Lebergott method of unemployment analysis that you insist on using vs. the Darby method which you ignore.

"I didn't pay attention to them."

Amazing the simplicity of your lies.

Let me do a translation....
....'I couldn't find a single way to save Roosevelt from your blistering,....and accurate....contumely! Woe is me!" now....

Me...2 and a half points.

Rosie-boys.....still zero.
Those immature attempt at insults and calling someone a liar is meaningless coming from you. You are simply evading and running away from answering the questions you were asked yesterday by asking a new series of questions today. When those questions are answered you will ignore the answers and move on to another series of questions after you spend some time assembling a new cut and paste diversion. don't know what 'evading' means?

I post the claims against Roosevelt....and you change the subject.
What part of start answering the questions you have been asked repeated for two days before asking new ones don't you understand? Respond to at least some of the points your opponents in this debate have addressed to you before expecting to be taken seriously when asking new ones.
I never said such...but did say Roosevelt's poor management prolonged the economic torture Americans faced.
It did.

Here is an example of you making a statement without responding to a refute made about your claim. I even gave a link to a review of the Lebergott vs. Darby methods of unemployment evaluations and the direct impact it has on analysis of your claim of "torture Americans faced".

Here is a humorous minute long clip about what FDR has to say about Republicans telling lies. It is as accurate today as it was 75 years ago.

BTW, what the hell is a Rosie Boy? Where did you get that name?
Here's a tidbit for you all, Roosevelt Island, where Hilary held her first rally, was called Welfare Island before the name was changed. Befitting, methinks.
PC finds bits of history and changes them to fit her agenda. She uses quotes as no self respecting historian would do making the quote sound
All the Rosie-boys want to do is evade, and obfuscate.....I'don't know if I want to give 'em another change to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

What the ya' go boys:

Does Roosevelt's National Recovery Act sound fascist? Should sound fascist...

8. "Roosevelt's economic guru, Rex Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government.

General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins,U.S. Secretary of Laborfrom 1933 to 1945, the longest serving in that position, and the first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet, the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship....

." Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution."

Here's Roosevelt's fascism in action:

9. "...Only the most violent police methods could procure enforcement. In Sidney Hillman’s garment industry the code authority employed enforcement police. They roamed through the garment district like storm troopers.

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????

Does PC have any idea of what she is talking about? I can find quotes that declare Jesus to be an evil person, does that mean Jesus was evil? If you want to make a charge that the NRA was evil do so and back it up with some facts. The NRA was formed using business men to try and figure out how their industries could make a profit, when so many businesses were not making a profit. It didn't work but there were no storm troopers involved. Where is that quote from, who made it and was the purpose of using the storm trooper bit?
At long last, PC, have you no shame?

He said he wouldn't have deficits and then went for deficits on steroids.

No clear to you that I proved he was a liar.

Well....then how about I prove you are, too.

By pretending not to get the lie.
I never said such...but did say Roosevelt's poor management prolonged the economic torture Americans faced.
It did.

Here is an example of you making a statement without responding to a refute made about your claim. I even gave a link to a review of the Lebergott vs. Darby methods of unemployment evaluations and the direct impact it has on analysis of your claim of "torture Americans faced".

Here is a humorous minute long clip about what FDR has to say about Republicans telling lies. It is as accurate today as it was 75 years ago.

BTW, what the hell is a Rosie Boy? Where did you get that name?

Let's do the dance again....

Here are facts I've posted.....see if you can find any error:

.... another chance to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

10. Roosevelt's economic policies were meant not for a nation birthed in freedom and liberty, but for dictatorships.

This explains why Roosevelt's were copied from those of Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler.

11. .... the National Industrial Recovery Act, passed in June 1933, whichcreated a massive new bureaucracy... manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels.

Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,
.... the NRA boosted the cost of doing business by an average of 40 percent — not something a depressed economy needed for recovery." In the six months after the law took effect,industrial production dropped25 percent.
Through the whole of the NRA period industrial production did not rise as high as it had been in July 1933, before NRA came in.”

a. A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged wasarrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents.

Seig Heil, Rosie-boys?

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
I never said such...but did say Roosevelt's poor management prolonged the economic torture Americans faced.
It did.

Here is an example of you making a statement without responding to a refute made about your claim. I even gave a link to a review of the Lebergott vs. Darby methods of unemployment evaluations and the direct impact it has on analysis of your claim of "torture Americans faced".

Here is a humorous minute long clip about what FDR has to say about Republicans telling lies. It is as accurate today as it was 75 years ago.

BTW, what the hell is a Rosie Boy? Where did you get that name?

Let's do the dance again....

Here are facts I've posted.....see if you can find any error:

.... another chance to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

10. Roosevelt's economic policies were meant not for a nation birthed in freedom and liberty, but for dictatorships.

This explains why Roosevelt's were copied from those of Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler.

11. .... the National Industrial Recovery Act, passed in June 1933, whichcreated a massive new bureaucracy... manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels.

Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,
.... the NRA boosted the cost of doing business by an average of 40 percent — not something a depressed economy needed for recovery." In the six months after the law took effect,industrial production dropped25 percent.
Through the whole of the NRA period industrial production did not rise as high as it had been in July 1933, before NRA came in.”

a. A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged wasarrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents.

Seig Heil, Rosie-boys?

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
Camp can't dance. He's flat-footed and no amount of his mommy and daddy's money could help him. Seen him fail numerous times...
Still unable to find even a single error in my annihilation of Roosevelt's reputation of domestic policy?

Poor Rosie-boys.....I'm pitchin' a shut-out here!

No one who is not brain-dead could read example after example of failure and mistake by FDR and not agree that he mismanaged a recession into our worst depression.

I'll give you another chance to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

12. "Roosevelt next signed into law steep income tax increases on the higher brackets and introduced a 5 percent withholding tax on corporate dividends. He secured another tax increase in 1934. In fact,tax hikesbecame a favorite policy of Roosevelt for the next 10 years, culminating ina top income tax rate of 90 percent."

Roosevelt’s massive tax increases.A sound economy would not be restored... by following the socialist notionthat America could “lift the lower one-third up” by pulling “the upper two-thirds down.”

Pretty smart guy, Roosevelt, huh?

So....why popular with academics?

13. "Liberals have their pantheon of presidents, established by the New Deal historians."Great presidents," in their view, are those who expand the size and scope of the federal government in the interest of the masses against the interests of the classes."

Jackson believed in an extreme form of economic laissez-faire, and would have been aghast at FDR's public-works projects.
Lincoln was a Republican and, had he lived, this former railroad lawyer would surely have favored economic policies the New Dealers abhorred.

Bet you Rosie-boys still wont be able to find a single error.

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
"consider all the responses by the Rosie-boys, pointing out all the errors in the charges that Roosevelt advanced policies and methods that reflect fascism" is an opinion with no factual support.

PC simply attacks personality, never the rebuttal.

Why? Because she's wrong, as usual. Several of her blog readers have moved to the center because of her brainlessness. Her love affair with Hitler continues.
I never said such...but did say Roosevelt's poor management prolonged the economic torture Americans faced.
It did.

Here is an example of you making a statement without responding to a refute made about your claim. I even gave a link to a review of the Lebergott vs. Darby methods of unemployment evaluations and the direct impact it has on analysis of your claim of "torture Americans faced".

Here is a humorous minute long clip about what FDR has to say about Republicans telling lies. It is as accurate today as it was 75 years ago.

BTW, what the hell is a Rosie Boy? Where did you get that name?

Let's do the dance again....

Here are facts I've posted.....see if you can find any error:

.... another chance to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

10. Roosevelt's economic policies were meant not for a nation birthed in freedom and liberty, but for dictatorships.

This explains why Roosevelt's were copied from those of Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler.

11. .... the National Industrial Recovery Act, passed in June 1933, whichcreated a massive new bureaucracy... manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels.

Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,
.... the NRA boosted the cost of doing business by an average of 40 percent — not something a depressed economy needed for recovery." In the six months after the law took effect,industrial production dropped25 percent.
Through the whole of the NRA period industrial production did not rise as high as it had been in July 1933, before NRA came in.”

a. A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged wasarrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents.

Seig Heil, Rosie-boys?

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
Camp can't dance. He's flat-footed and no amount of his mommy and daddy's money could help him. Seen him fail numerous times...
You have a vivid imagination, and a delusional one. PC's questions are easy to refute. She gets destroyed on all of her FDR threads and I do my share of destroying. I am looking at her crap about Jacob Maged and his arrest for breaking the Tailor code as I am typing this. I know more about that case off the top of my head than she will probably ever know. Just the idea that she would use it as an example shows how misinformed she is. Other tailors complained that Maged was not adhering to the minimum prices the tailors had agreed were fair. So, yes, he was arrested after refusing to comply with notice and sent to jail. Three days later the judge brought him back into court and explained to the Polish immigrant that in America you must follow the laws even when you disagree with them. The judge then canceled his arrest, further jail time and the fine before sending him back to his and shop and a booming business created by the local publicity. The NRA was an idea that did not work the way some hoped it would. One of the hit and miss programs used to find resolutions to the symptoms of the depression. Merchants were being forced to sell product and services for below cost and desperation prices. Over all there was a concern about regulating inflation/deflation.

Nixon tried a comparative price and wage control in 1971 that were generally supported by the public. So when FDR tried it it was a horrible act of communism but when Nixon did it it was ok OK and excepted. So a half century lets forget Nixon doing it and just attack FDR doing a three fourths of a century ago with a lame anecdotal example of an immigrant tailor.

With you it is Reagan. Whenever you go on your Reagan kick you get your ass handed to you too. Only thing you got going for you is you have regular access to my favorite Praha eatery in Andel.
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