Roosevelt: His Bankrupt Policies

Now, now....don't feel bad, all you FDR-groupies......I'll give you another chance to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

Let's review what we have learned from less biased historians and economists, about FDR's failed policies...

1. He lied to get elected, promising to do the very opposite of what he did: ": “Let us have the courage to stop borrowing to meet continuing deficits,”Roosevelt said. “Revenues must cover expendituresby one means or another. Any government, like any family, can, for a year, spend a little more than it earns."

2. "The platform of the Democratic Party, whose ticket Roosevelt headed, called for
.... a 25 percent reduction in federal spending,

...a balanced federal budget, (Really? In the first year of the New Deal,Roosevelt proposed spending $10 billion while revenues were only $3 billion. Between 1933 and 1936, government expenditures rose by more than 83 percent. Federal debt skyrocketed by 73 percent.

...a sound gold currency “to be preserved at all hazards,”...then he went and took gold out of the hands of Americans, and left the gold standard, so inflation ate American's savings.

....the removal of government from areas that belonged more appropriately to private enterprise (then he created government-sponsored enterprises(GSEs) i.e.,Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....)

...and an end to the “extravagance” of Hoover’s farm programs. (He caused fields to be plowed under and livestock to be slaughtered.)

This is what candidate Roosevelt promised, but it bears no resemblance to what President Roosevelt actually delivered."


Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????

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Can anyone name a single President that actually kept all his campaign statements after being elected? Presidents get shots of reality after they are elected.
Can anyone name a single President that actually kept all his campaign statements after being elected? Presidents get shots of reality after they are elected. couldn't find a single error in the charges against the liar, FDR?

The best you could do is 'gee....everyone lies....'

How many go ahead and do the very opposite of what they promised....beside FDR and Obama?


One for me....

Rosie-boys, Zero.
Here's another chance to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

FDR engaged in class warfare,attacking hard working Americans who happened to be successful, and attacked the average American by the invisible taxation of inflation.

3. 'Roosevelt was sworn in on March 4, 1933. He started off on the wrong foot when, in his inaugural address,he blamed the Depression on“unscrupulous money changers.”For almost eight years, Wall Street bankers and corporate leaders had been his favorite scapegoatsfor explaining why the Great Depression was persisting.

4. In his first 100 days, he swung hard at the profit order.

Instead of clearing away the prosperity barriers erected by his predecessor, he built new ones of his own. He struck in every known way at the integrity of the U . S . d o l l a r t h r o u g h quantitative increases and qualitative deterioration.

He seized the people’s gold holdings and subsequently devalued the dollar by 40 percent."

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
PoliticalChic, to her credit, has acknowledged that her sources, Schlesinger, says FDR was a great president.
PoliticalChic, to her credit, has acknowledged that her sources, Schlesinger, says FDR was a great president.

Another one who cannot post any reference to the review I just posted, much less the ability to find even one error.

Must mean that my critique of Roosevelt as an 'economic whiz' must be 100% accurate, correct, and true.


Two for me....

Rosie-boys, Zero.

OK, 'fakey' is a half-wit.

Make it one and a half for me.
Nope, Schlesinger greatly admired FDR, as Americans overwhelming do today. You were smart to include his praise.
Nope, Schlesinger greatly admired FDR, as Americans overwhelming do today. You were smart to include his praise.

Changing the subject is sophomoric and characteristic of half-wits, i.e., you.

No points.

And stop drooling on the keyboard.
Nope, Schlesinger greatly admired FDR, as Americans overwhelming do today. You were smart to include his praise.
Changing the subject is sophomoric and characteristic of half-wits, i.e., you. No points. And stop drooling on the keyboard.
You used Schlesinger, you agreed with him, and you are trying to change the subject, not me.

This is what I agreed with:

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…”

He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .

Have a third grader explain it to you, you half-wit.
Yes, and he concluded that, despite what you are pointing out, FDR was an overwhelming success. You are not honest enough to put it in context. You never do because you always lose. Tis what is.

Schlesinger greatly admired FDR, so you must also.
Can anyone name a single President that actually kept all his campaign statements after being elected? Presidents get shots of reality after they are elected. couldn't find a single error in the charges against the liar, FDR?

The best you could do is 'gee....everyone lies....'

How many go ahead and do the very opposite of what they promised....beside FDR and Obama?


One for me....

Rosie-boys, Zero.
I didn't pay attention to them. Why should anybody. You were asked numerous questions and many of your cut and paste post were responded to. You have failed to respond but instead done your typical nonsense dance. Ignore responding, run away, come back and ask a new series of questions. Other, as well as myself, provide you with link supported answers and you simply ignore those responses and links. Why should people continue to put forth an effort to have an intellectual or academic debate with a person who shows such total respect for reality or truth let alone the efforts of others to engage in valid debate.
Now answer the questions you have been asked that refute what you have already posted. Who and what was Manly, the main source of so many of your thesis attempts? Contest and refute my rebuke of the obsolete Lebergott method of unemployment analysis that you insist on using vs. the Darby method which you ignore.
Can anyone name a single President that actually kept all his campaign statements after being elected? Presidents get shots of reality after they are elected. couldn't find a single error in the charges against the liar, FDR?

The best you could do is 'gee....everyone lies....'

How many go ahead and do the very opposite of what they promised....beside FDR and Obama?


One for me....

Rosie-boys, Zero.
I didn't pay attention to them. Why should anybody. You were asked numerous questions and many of your cut and paste post were responded to. You have failed to respond but instead done your typical nonsense dance. Ignore responding, run away, come back and ask a new series of questions. Other, as well as myself, provide you with link supported answers and you simply ignore those responses and links. Why should people continue to put forth an effort to have an intellectual or academic debate with a person who shows such total respect for reality or truth let alone the efforts of others to engage in valid debate.
Now answer the questions you have been asked that refute what you have already posted. Who and what was Manly, the main source of so many of your thesis attempts? Contest and refute my rebuke of the obsolete Lebergott method of unemployment analysis that you insist on using vs. the Darby method which you ignore.

"I didn't pay attention to them."

Amazing the simplicity of your lies.

Let me do a translation....
....'I couldn't find a single way to save Roosevelt from your blistering,....and accurate....contumely! Woe is me!" now....

Me...2 and a half points.

Rosie-boys.....still zero.
This is too easy.
You lap-dogs of Leftism have no defense for Roosevelt, huh?

I'll give you another chance
to learn, to challenge, or to give up.

5.Director of the Bureau of the Budget Lewis W. Douglas, said this about FDR's regime:"... a tyrannical, oppressive bureaucracy controlling our lives,destroying progress, depressing the standard of living..."

6. It was not capitalism that failed...but government regulation... 'Although the United States, with its unit banking laws, had thousands of bankfailures, Canada, which permitted branch banking, didn’t have a single failure ...'

7. ... the nation’sfirst comprehensive minimum wage law in 1938. .... The minimum wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. (For example, the minimum wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work)

Any errors in this post?????

Ready to admit that every single thing posted above is accurate, true, and undeniable????
"Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington are consistently ranked at the top of the lists. Often ranked just below those Presidents are Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. . . . . The 1948 poll was conducted by historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr., of Harvard University.[1] The 1962 survey was also conducted by Schlesinger, who surveyed 75 historians.[7] Schlesinger's son Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., conducted another poll in 1996.[8]" Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your silly far right mises lap dog whining is just . . . whining.
Can anyone name a single President that actually kept all his campaign statements after being elected? Presidents get shots of reality after they are elected. couldn't find a single error in the charges against the liar, FDR?

The best you could do is 'gee....everyone lies....'

How many go ahead and do the very opposite of what they promised....beside FDR and Obama?


One for me....

Rosie-boys, Zero.
I didn't pay attention to them. Why should anybody. You were asked numerous questions and many of your cut and paste post were responded to. You have failed to respond but instead done your typical nonsense dance. Ignore responding, run away, come back and ask a new series of questions. Other, as well as myself, provide you with link supported answers and you simply ignore those responses and links. Why should people continue to put forth an effort to have an intellectual or academic debate with a person who shows such total respect for reality or truth let alone the efforts of others to engage in valid debate.
Now answer the questions you have been asked that refute what you have already posted. Who and what was Manly, the main source of so many of your thesis attempts? Contest and refute my rebuke of the obsolete Lebergott method of unemployment analysis that you insist on using vs. the Darby method which you ignore.

"I didn't pay attention to them."

Amazing the simplicity of your lies.

Let me do a translation....
....'I couldn't find a single way to save Roosevelt from your blistering,....and accurate....contumely! Woe is me!" now....

Me...2 and a half points.

Rosie-boys.....still zero.
Those immature attempt at insults and calling someone a liar is meaningless coming from you. You are simply evading and running away from answering the questions you were asked yesterday by asking a new series of questions today. When those questions are answered you will ignore the answers and move on to another series of questions after you spend some time assembling a new cut and paste diversion.

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