Root Cause of Most Mass Shootings in America

Can you tell us how many school shootings did Russia, India, China, Canada, Europe and other had compares to the US? All the countries I mentioned vs the US.

Can YOU tell us in which of those countries people are not subject to government persecution for speaking against the government and have managed to rise above ALL the rest in terms of standard of living and wealth....compared to the US? maybe you are arguing that ALL nations should have a 2nd amendment after all. You just don't understand what you're saying.
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

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View attachment 260546

Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960’s to start this upward trend?

I’ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you don’t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you don’t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.

Too many Participation trophies!
Not enough honest competition with recognition of the winners.
WHY can't the Left admit that the only gun problem in this country is THEM?

Where does ALL the gun violence take place, (but for a few insane maniacs occasionally)? DEMOCRAT / LIBERAL cities.

The Left is the cause of all the gun violence, so their remedy is to take away our rights, to cure their fucked up behavior?
When I taught in public schools, the parents were very vocal about the material being taught and if they didn't like something that had been covered or some material they objected to. I have never heard anyone complain about what their kids are being taught, except for the new math. Parents can't understand it so they feel stupid, and I don't blame them.

I understand what the parents are going through with "new math" because I was using "new math" strategies before it was even discussed in schools. Went round and round with teachers, my parents and a bunch of other folks, because I couldn't explain to them how I was coming up with the answer, and they weren't interested in figuring it out either.

But, mathematics is not like any other subject in school because it isn't subjective at all., and it doesn't matter whether or not you like the answer.

Otherwise, a great deal of my personal friends are teachers, and they will even tell you they don't like the crap they are instructed to teach. But, most of them value their jobs, and wouldn't say a thing about it to anyone that mattered. The Progressives locked up the classroom years ago, and there is no reason to pretend that people agree with what is being taught when "most" (as you put it), will tell you different when they aren't pigeon-holed by Progressives.

It's possible you haven't heard anyone complain about what you are teaching, because to do so they would have to complain about what you are doing. In a society that attempts to get along for whatever purpose that may serve, people generally tend to avoid conflict. They hate seeing me walking down the hall, because I will tell them that if they have spent two extra hours a day, pulling a child out of regular classes to focus on reading, for 3 fricken years, and they are still trying to teach the kid to read the same stupid way they have for all of those years, then chances are the child is smarter than they are.

I'll speak up when parents don't want to, there is nothing the school can do to me, and I don't have a child they can take it on.
Correct, Europe's problems are entirely different than ours, and there is no need to thank me for them.
You did all that to yourselves.

Once he gets acid thrown in his face, or stabbed, robbed or raped (more common in the UK than the US by far) , maybe he'll wise up. Doubtful tho.

Hence the difference in trying to better than someone else, and trying to be a better version of yourself.
As soon as someone thinks continuous improvement doesn't indicate they need to improve, well then they can embrace Progressivism and start trying to "fix" everyone else.
We used to execute murderers. Who stopped that?
Most civilized nations do not execute murderers and they do not suffer from the gun violence we do
Na, not really
They have one fifth the murder rate we do
Irrelevant, Try to say something that makes sense for once

They also have 1/5th the Black population as the USA, coincidence?

But omg more Irish and Muslims?
Wish we had more here, better educated and earn more than our zero college white rubes
Most civilized nations do not execute murderers and they do not suffer from the gun violence we do
Sweden has a mass murderer of 70 something people living in a condo and getting out soon. If it works for them, they can have it.

In America execution for taking a life.
Do you really believe euros have a bigger murder rate than the USA?

If you include the mass murder of 12 million innocent men, women and children by the socialists in Germany with the cooperation of the European governments...yes, their murder rate is higher than ours. You guys just don't count murder by government....

Boy, the blind...
So we are counting Stalin now?
Not hitlers nationalist socialists?
I'm talking Nordic, UK
Do you really think theUK is more violent than the Us?
I'm waiting for the knife crime!!
And do you know a violent crime there is bashing someone over the head with a pint glass.?
Please let us know how many years you lived in terror in the UK.
I do, every year.
They laugh at us darlin
They laugh at us while muslims stab them, throw acid on them, beat them, and the government does nothing. Thank God we beat their ass in the war.
Hate to tell you darlin, it's white boys and West Indians who stab in tiny big city areas
And you don't seem to know we wouldn't have won if it wasn't for the French.
Trump u?
Zero college?
And how many years did you live in the UK?
Such ignorance it's hilarious
Sweden has a mass murderer of 70 something people living in a condo and getting out soon. If it works for them, they can have it.

In America execution for taking a life.
Do you really believe euros have a bigger murder rate than the USA?

If you include the mass murder of 12 million innocent men, women and children by the socialists in Germany with the cooperation of the European governments...yes, their murder rate is higher than ours. You guys just don't count murder by government....

Boy, the blind...
So we are counting Stalin now?
Not hitlers nationalist socialists?
I'm talking Nordic, UK
Do you really think theUK is more violent than the Us?
I'm waiting for the knife crime!!
And do you know a violent crime there is bashing someone over the head with a pint glass.?
Please let us know how many years you lived in terror in the UK.
I do, every year.
They laugh at us darlin
They laugh at us while muslims stab them, throw acid on them, beat them, and the government does nothing. Thank God we beat their ass in the war.
Hate to tell you darlin, it's white boys and West Indians who stab in tiny big city areas
And you don't seem to know we wouldn't have won if it wasn't for the French.
Trump u?
Zero college?
And how many years did you live in the UK?
Such ignorance it's hilarious
We won. That's what matters. The UK is drowning in crime and the leaders do nothing. They deserve it.
And yet the majority of mass shooters are white males? given this fact..what relevance is your citing of Black families with no fathers? I'm sure that the dysfunctional family plays a role in psychosis...and the pathology of mass shooters..but your opening sentence smacks of a darker (pun intended) agenda.
I’m pretty sure close to 300 blacks were shot this weekend that is a mass.. you don’t have to treat them equal or consider that a problem but I do..

Really?? Nice attempt to conflate two completely different issues...again...your motives are showing..whether or not you care to own them. LOL@own them!
How many Whites, Asians, etc. were shot? What were the demographics? Mass shooters are often white, middle to upper class. There are exceptions..and I'm sure you'll find some...but do try to avoid hammering at the square peg in a vain attempt to make it fit the round hole.

The kind of endemic gun violence you are attempting to label 'mass shootings' is different--a truer picture would show the causal link between poverty and a rather classic curve.
But thank you for the laugh....
I’ve spent a lot of time in communities where the average income is $5 a month.

Never felt safer.
Spent a lot of time in Africa have you? No wait..I found a population base that fits your assertion...Prison!!!!
I’m from the inner city of Boston, I been around more cultures they you will ever be around.. and it’s not good, American culture should be taught everywhere!
"A good people ruined by booze?"
Why do I remember my time in London?
House signs
"No dogs, Irish or blacks"
Do you really believe euros have a bigger murder rate than the USA?

If you include the mass murder of 12 million innocent men, women and children by the socialists in Germany with the cooperation of the European governments...yes, their murder rate is higher than ours. You guys just don't count murder by government....

Boy, the blind...
So we are counting Stalin now?
Not hitlers nationalist socialists?
I'm talking Nordic, UK
Do you really think theUK is more violent than the Us?
I'm waiting for the knife crime!!
And do you know a violent crime there is bashing someone over the head with a pint glass.?
Please let us know how many years you lived in terror in the UK.
I do, every year.
They laugh at us darlin
They laugh at us while muslims stab them, throw acid on them, beat them, and the government does nothing. Thank God we beat their ass in the war.
Hate to tell you darlin, it's white boys and West Indians who stab in tiny big city areas
And you don't seem to know we wouldn't have won if it wasn't for the French.
Trump u?
Zero college?
And how many years did you live in the UK?
Such ignorance it's hilarious
We won. That's what matters. The UK is drowning in crime and the leaders do nothing. They deserve it.

Do you really think the uk is more dangerous than here?
You clearly haven't been anywhere.
Or read anything except knees news
A common thread in almost all the mass shootings is the kid is a nutcase

A typical reaction from those who knew him is.......he always creeped me out, he was a loner, he had discipline problems and was removed from school. They rarely surprise anyone once they start shooting

So the question is..

Why do we make it so easy for them to get the weapon of their choice?

See I wish you wouldn't do that.
I know you know it is a part of a larger problem, an access to guns has absolutely zero to do with it. If anything, kids have less access today than before.

Two Points:

1) I grew up in southern Indiana, not in the boonies, the high school I attended graduated 300-400 each year. Kids were allowed to drive to school starting their sophomore year. At that time it was very popular for people with trucks to have rifles hanging from a window rack. I never thought a single thing seeing high school kids with guns in their trucks ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. No one thought anything of it.
2) The destruction of park memorials all over the nation. There is a nice large park right next to where I grew up. In that park, there are WWI and WWII memorials. The WWI memorial was built in 1923. On it was a lifesize statue of a WWI soldier. It stood, untouched, for over 60 years. No one bothered it, no onw would have wanted to. But by the 1990's..someone knocked it's head off. They rebuilt it, knocked off again, rebuilt it again and put lights around it... then kids spray painted clown face on was cleaned, then they knocked not only the head off but broke the rifle he was holding. Same thing for the WWII memorial that stood, untouched, for 40 years. Today only the supporting block is there, most of the wording has been defaced.
I say...the reasons for that, as well as escalated violence is the same reasons.
If you include the mass murder of 12 million innocent men, women and children by the socialists in Germany with the cooperation of the European governments...yes, their murder rate is higher than ours. You guys just don't count murder by government....

Boy, the blind...
So we are counting Stalin now?
Not hitlers nationalist socialists?
I'm talking Nordic, UK
Do you really think theUK is more violent than the Us?
I'm waiting for the knife crime!!
And do you know a violent crime there is bashing someone over the head with a pint glass.?
Please let us know how many years you lived in terror in the UK.
I do, every year.
They laugh at us darlin
They laugh at us while muslims stab them, throw acid on them, beat them, and the government does nothing. Thank God we beat their ass in the war.
Hate to tell you darlin, it's white boys and West Indians who stab in tiny big city areas
And you don't seem to know we wouldn't have won if it wasn't for the French.
Trump u?
Zero college?
And how many years did you live in the UK?
Such ignorance it's hilarious
We won. That's what matters. The UK is drowning in crime and the leaders do nothing. They deserve it.

Do you really think the uk is more dangerous than here?
You clearly haven't been anywhere.
Or read anything except knees news
I know it is. Liars like you show your hate for the United States every moment.
I'd say Liberalism, and Anger Education.....I.E. Liberal Victimhood Indoctrination.

The latest shooter was a Trump hating Transgender Marxist
Do you really think the uk is more dangerous than here?
You clearly haven't been anywhere.
Or read anything except knees news

Actually, it's hard to tell....even for Brits.

Why? because like any good Fascist state, the British GOVERNMENT SUPPRESSES crime statistics.
What's that? You say Liberals would never do such a thing?

Uh...yeah, deception is their modus operandi
humans....they get pissed/jealous/hate/etc
humans have always murdered

Typical liberal knee-jerk reply.
Did you even read the OP?

The ONE most prominent trait of nearly ALL liberals is Denial.
They MUST deny, becuse to face the fact that it is THEIR policies causing the decline is just not acceptable to their humongous egos.
1. you just fked up big time--I'm far from liberal ---read my posts all over USMB
2. humans have been raping/robbing/ murdering since the beginning
the ROOT cause IS humans being human
humans....they get pissed/jealous/hate/etc
humans have always murdered

Typical liberal knee-jerk reply.
Did you even read the OP?

The ONE most prominent trait of nearly ALL liberals is Denial.
They MUST deny, becuse to face the fact that it is THEIR policies causing the decline is just not acceptable to their humongous egos.
yours is a typical dumbass reply
If you include the mass murder of 12 million innocent men, women and children by the socialists in Germany with the cooperation of the European governments...yes, their murder rate is higher than ours. You guys just don't count murder by government....

Boy, the blind...
So we are counting Stalin now?
Not hitlers nationalist socialists?
I'm talking Nordic, UK
Do you really think theUK is more violent than the Us?
I'm waiting for the knife crime!!
And do you know a violent crime there is bashing someone over the head with a pint glass.?
Please let us know how many years you lived in terror in the UK.
I do, every year.
They laugh at us darlin
They laugh at us while muslims stab them, throw acid on them, beat them, and the government does nothing. Thank God we beat their ass in the war.
Hate to tell you darlin, it's white boys and West Indians who stab in tiny big city areas
And you don't seem to know we wouldn't have won if it wasn't for the French.
Trump u?
Zero college?
And how many years did you live in the UK?
Such ignorance it's hilarious
We won. That's what matters. The UK is drowning in crime and the leaders do nothing. They deserve it.

Do you really think the uk is more dangerous than here?
You clearly haven't been anywhere.
Or read anything except knees news
There is no danger in rural America you fucking moron
The whole fucked liberal culture stuff was always there but effectively media changed that. Liberals embrace confusion and anxiety in the formative years.....its mental health for them to foster a world with no absolutes. Moral relativism....such a fucked up thinking. If course it is going to generate more psychopaths.
And yet "liberal" Europe doesnt have a fraction of the problems you have in the US. You failed again mate.

Your social problems are just now coming on line.....World War 2 set your societies back about 50 years....and now you are catching up....
There is no standard definition of what a 'mass shooting' is.
I believe most sentient people would accept that when more than one person is shot a 'mass shooting' has occurred.
By that standard there are 'mass shootings' in virtually every inner city almost every day.
Why hasn't this fact been addressed?
Don't bother answering. Everyone knows the subject is NEVER to be truthfully addressed.
And we all know why.

Wrong, a mass shooting is an event where 3 or more people are killed not related to any other crime. So gang shootings at a party are not considered mass public shootings, they are gang violence......the motivations are completely different which is why they are not in the same category.

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