Root Cause of Most Mass Shootings in America

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.

IMHO, religion has little to do with it, otherwise the theocracies that exist would be self exterminating.

If anything, religion (enter belief system) has been catalytic for the mentally challenged w/ firearms

But you wany MY take.....fine....

We're a failed society

There, have at it

Nobody gives a shit about religion

You are just as likely to kill someone because of religion as in spite of religion
Nobody gives a shit about religion
Got that right.
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

View attachment 260547
View attachment 260546

Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960ā€™s to start this upward trend?

Iā€™ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you donā€™t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.

Which Dem policies?

Most inner city gun violence happens because of Drug policies
Those zero tolerance drug policies were pushed by Republicans
If we only legalized heroin and Meth inner city gangs would stop shooting each other.
Seems right

Other countries donā€™t freak out over drugs and donā€™t have all the drug killings
People with families are less likely to do drugs and shoot lol .. thatā€™s the problem
That contributes somewhat

But many drug users have perfectly respectable families
It is our reaction to drug use that is the problem
Some do most dont, studies show most drug charges and violent crimes come from kids with no father.
Who cares?

Why are we filling our prisons with drug offenses?
Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.

IMHO, religion has little to do with it, otherwise the theocracies that exist would be self exterminating.

If anything, religion (enter belief system) has been catalytic for the mentally challenged w/ firearms

But you wany MY take.....fine....

We're a failed society

There, have at it

Nobody gives a shit about religion

You are just as likely to kill someone because of religion as in spite of religion
Nobody gives a shit about religion
Got that right.
View attachment 260616
CorrƩlation to religion?

Iā€™ll wait
Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.

IMHO, religion has little to do with it, otherwise the theocracies that exist would be self exterminating.

If anything, religion (enter belief system) has been catalytic for the mentally challenged w/ firearms

But you wany MY take.....fine....

We're a failed society

There, have at it

Nobody gives a shit about religion

You are just as likely to kill someone because of religion as in spite of religion
Nobody gives a shit about religion
Got that right.
View attachment 260616
CorrƩlation to religion?

Iā€™ll wait
Wait? I just posted it. Read the OP
Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.

IMHO, religion has little to do with it, otherwise the theocracies that exist would be self exterminating.

If anything, religion (enter belief system) has been catalytic for the mentally challenged w/ firearms

But you wany MY take.....fine....

We're a failed society

There, have at it

Nobody gives a shit about religion

You are just as likely to kill someone because of religion as in spite of religion
Nobody gives a shit about religion
Got that right.
View attachment 260616
CorrƩlation to religion?

Iā€™ll wait
Wait? I just posted it. Read the OP
Still waiting
IMHO, religion has little to do with it, otherwise the theocracies that exist would be self exterminating.

If anything, religion (enter belief system) has been catalytic for the mentally challenged w/ firearms

But you wany MY take.....fine....

We're a failed society

There, have at it

Nobody gives a shit about religion

You are just as likely to kill someone because of religion as in spite of religion
Nobody gives a shit about religion
Got that right.
View attachment 260616
CorrƩlation to religion?

Iā€™ll wait
Wait? I just posted it. Read the OP
Still waiting
Like I said, if you donā€™t agree offer your own theory.
You are factually wrong on every level.. The poorest town in America is in Kentucky and 100% of the population owns guns and there hasnā€™t been a murder in years .

2nd there are mass shootings of blacks every weekend in towns run by democrats.. are you saying Chicago, Baltimore, Boston, Camden, St. Louis, Detroit, Oakland, arenā€™t run. By democrats!?
Why donā€™t you consider their lives worthy of mass deaths EVERY WEEK.?? cherry pick some small town in Kentucky..probably with a 40% of the residents on disability..and use this to support your argument?

Do you really believe...that a political party..either one..runs a large city? Our culture does not depend on either party for its issues. Political parties just attempt to ride the wave..twist whatever is happening to fit an they can obtain or perpetuate some semblance of power. Most adults know this. A 400m+ member society has weight and inertia of its own.

This is a national you have to use national statistics..or you are just pounding your pud. Look at all violence in America..take out race..***ouch*** I know it hurts..but humor me--then use a x/y graph..x=amount of annual income y=shooters. If you really want to get fancy throw in Z=age.

Where do you think the median ends up?

BTW..none of this has jack to do with mass shooting..remember..the topic?
90% of all daily gun violence happens in towns run by democrats in cities with huge revenue and blacks continue to struggle, Because of democrat policy.
Mass blacks shootings are happening every week by black shooters.. not whites.. call me every few years when whites shoot up a place .. MASS SHOOTINGS ARE DONE BY BLACKS FAR MORE THEN WHITES.
Which Dem policies?

Most inner city gun violence happens because of Drug policies
Those zero tolerance drug policies were pushed by Republicans
If we only legalized heroin and Meth inner city gangs would stop shooting each other.
Seems right

Other countries donā€™t freak out over drugs and donā€™t have all the drug killings

Wrong....drug gangs are taking control of Britain...
Look at the political affiliation of the shooters. Not one was a NRA member. They were all left wingers or the children of democrats or they were complete maniacs protected by democrats like the Va. Tech shooter. The victims of the Vegas shooter were Country/Western fans attending a concert. Some media spokesperson slipped and referred to the concert as "nothing but a Trump rally" but the freaking FBI couldn't figure out the motive. Yeah right.Nobody recognizes the name James Hodgkinson because the media was desperate to bury the story faster than they buried Hodgkinson. If he was a right winger and opened fire on a democrat baseball team we would still be talking about it. Did Hodgkinson meet with his idol Sen. Sanders during the month he was living in D.C. and planning to assassinate every conservative congressman? Nobody in the media seems interested.
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

View attachment 260547
View attachment 260546

Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960ā€™s to start this upward trend?

Iā€™ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you donā€™t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.
Gun free zones.
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

View attachment 260547
View attachment 260546

Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960ā€™s to start this upward trend?

Iā€™ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you donā€™t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.
The fatherless rate in the black community went from 17% to 77% current day..
Almost all the mass shooters came from a broken home .. fix the family
And yet the majority of mass shooters are white males? given this fact..what relevance is your citing of Black families with no fathers? I'm sure that the dysfunctional family plays a role in psychosis...and the pathology of mass shooters..but your opening sentence smacks of a darker (pun intended) agenda.
Iā€™m pretty sure close to 300 blacks were shot this weekend that is a mass.. you donā€™t have to treat them equal or consider that a problem but I do..
So you are "pretty sure" now. Got a link you lying bastard ?
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

View attachment 260547
View attachment 260546

Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960ā€™s to start this upward trend?

Iā€™ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you donā€™t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.
The fatherless rate in the black community went from 17% to 77% current day..
Almost all the mass shooters came from a broken home .. fix the family
And yet the majority of mass shooters are white males? given this fact..what relevance is your citing of Black families with no fathers? I'm sure that the dysfunctional family plays a role in psychosis...and the pathology of mass shooters..but your opening sentence smacks of a darker (pun intended) agenda.
Iā€™m pretty sure close to 300 blacks were shot this weekend that is a mass.. you donā€™t have to treat them equal or consider that a problem but I do..
So you are "pretty sure" now. Got a link you lying bastard ?
It was already posted
Wait? I just posted it. Read the OP

We read it

there;s no connection


Whatā€™s the catalyst then?

a failed system w/broken people

A failed system with broken people?

So prior to 1962 everything was wonderful and the world has never seen suffering in history?

there was plenty of trouble then as well

since then the fabric of society unraveled, moral turpitude wrapped in cognitive dissonance metastasized


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