Root Cause of Most Mass Shootings in America

Mass shooters are clearly people with obvious mental problems. They will get arms however they can, you cannot stop them.......Unless YOU are armed. The rise of liberalism in America is the reason. We need to stamp it out.
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

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View attachment 260546

Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960ā€™s to start this upward trend?

Iā€™ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you donā€™t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you donā€™t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.
The fatherless rate in the black community went from 17% to 77% current day..
Almost all the mass shooters came from a broken home .. fix the family
And yet the majority of mass shooters are white males? given this fact..what relevance is your citing of Black families with no fathers? I'm sure that the dysfunctional family plays a role in psychosis...and the pathology of mass shooters..but your opening sentence smacks of a darker (pun intended) agenda.
Iā€™m pretty sure close to 300 blacks were shot this weekend that is a mass.. you donā€™t have to treat them equal or consider that a problem but I do..
So you are "pretty sure" now. Got a link you lying bastard ?
It was already posted
No it wasnt.
The fatherless rate in the black community went from 17% to 77% current day..
Almost all the mass shooters came from a broken home .. fix the family
And yet the majority of mass shooters are white males? given this fact..what relevance is your citing of Black families with no fathers? I'm sure that the dysfunctional family plays a role in psychosis...and the pathology of mass shooters..but your opening sentence smacks of a darker (pun intended) agenda.
Iā€™m pretty sure close to 300 blacks were shot this weekend that is a mass.. you donā€™t have to treat them equal or consider that a problem but I do..
So you are "pretty sure" now. Got a link you lying bastard ?
It was already posted
No it wasnt.
Youbare allergic to facts lol
More people--more violence...mass shootings roughly follow the population curve. Also, the desensitization of the populace to violence and the covert advocacy of violence to solve issues. Movies, video games and the media all play their parts. School shootings have become the "thing" for whack jobs...they find a certain affirmation in the media coverage that makes them an attractive option.We get hung up on gun violence..but we are, and have always been, a violent culture. Mass murders, genocides and the like are part of the human gestalt.

Your point seems to be the Religion inhibits violence. History would disagree with your general. In America/ I dunno..I went to school in the 50's and 60's--in a small town. We were taught that men fought..and that church was something you went to on Sundays. I was never told in school anything about religion, God or being special.
Can you tell us how many school shootings did Russia, India, China, Canada, Europe and other had compares to the US? All the countries I mentioned vs the US.
More people--more violence...mass shootings roughly follow the population curve. Also, the desensitization of the populace to violence and the covert advocacy of violence to solve issues. Movies, video games and the media all play their parts. School shootings have become the "thing" for whack jobs...they find a certain affirmation in the media coverage that makes them an attractive option.We get hung up on gun violence..but we are, and have always been, a violent culture. Mass murders, genocides and the like are part of the human gestalt.

Your point seems to be the Religion inhibits violence. History would disagree with your general. In America/ I dunno..I went to school in the 50's and 60's--in a small town. We were taught that men fought..and that church was something you went to on Sundays. I was never told in school anything about religion, God or being special.
Can you tell us how many school shootings did Russia, India, China, Canada, Europe and other had compares to the US? All the countries I mentioned vs the US.
More people--more violence...mass shootings roughly follow the population curve. Also, the desensitization of the populace to violence and the covert advocacy of violence to solve issues. Movies, video games and the media all play their parts. School shootings have become the "thing" for whack jobs...they find a certain affirmation in the media coverage that makes them an attractive option.We get hung up on gun violence..but we are, and have always been, a violent culture. Mass murders, genocides and the like are part of the human gestalt.

Your point seems to be the Religion inhibits violence. History would disagree with your general. In America/ I dunno..I went to school in the 50's and 60's--in a small town. We were taught that men fought..and that church was something you went to on Sundays. I was never told in school anything about religion, God or being special.
Can you tell us how many school shootings did Russia, India, China, Canada, Europe and other had compares to the US? All the countries I mentioned vs the US.

Not sure or your point/ We were talking about US, right? Our unique culture. How would comparing us to other cultures matter? Do you think the other nations you mentioned have less mass shootings because they are more religious? More moral? I would think a comparison bolsters my point. Or are you trying to make the point that it's all about the guns? Pretty simplistic, if so.
There is no standard definition of what a 'mass shooting' is.
I believe most sentient people would accept that when more than one person is shot a 'mass shooting' has occurred.
By that standard there are 'mass shootings' in virtually every inner city almost every day.
Why hasn't this fact been addressed?
Don't bother answering. Everyone knows the subject is NEVER to be truthfully addressed.
And we all know why.
More people--more violence...mass shootings roughly follow the population curve. Also, the desensitization of the populace to violence and the covert advocacy of violence to solve issues. Movies, video games and the media all play their parts. School shootings have become the "thing" for whack jobs...they find a certain affirmation in the media coverage that makes them an attractive option.We get hung up on gun violence..but we are, and have always been, a violent culture. Mass murders, genocides and the like are part of the human gestalt.

Your point seems to be the Religion inhibits violence. History would disagree with your general. In America/ I dunno..I went to school in the 50's and 60's--in a small town. We were taught that men fought..and that church was something you went to on Sundays. I was never told in school anything about religion, God or being special.
Can you tell us how many school shootings did Russia, India, China, Canada, Europe and other had compares to the US? All the countries I mentioned vs the US.

Not sure or your point/ We were talking about US, right? Our unique culture. How would comparing us to other cultures matter? Do you think the other nations you mentioned have less mass shootings because they are more religious? More moral? I would think a comparison bolsters my point. Or are you trying to make the point that it's all about the guns? Pretty simplistic, if so.

I am saying I don't care about other countries or what they do.
The whole fucked liberal culture stuff was always there but effectively media changed that. Liberals embrace confusion and anxiety in the formative years.....its mental health for them to foster a world with no absolutes. Moral relativism....such a fucked up thinking. If course it is going to generate more psychopaths.
The whole fucked liberal culture stuff was always there but effectively media changed that. Liberals embrace confusion and anxiety in the formative years.....its mental health for them to foster a world with no absolutes. Moral relativism....such a fucked up thinking. If course it is going to generate more psychopaths.
Interesting....replace Lib with Con in your statement..and it is also true. Social media has empowered all the loonies on both sides. Moral Absolutism is just as fucked up. I doubt that psychopaths are 'generated' by moral philosophy or political point of view. Physical and sexual abuse--play their roles..but I lean to the view that some are just born that way..something missing in them. Call it evil..or call it inevitable psychopathology--the result is the same.
What is taught in schools is what the majority of parents WANT taught.

That's a lie ... Parents don't set the curriculum standards in schools and are seldom asked for the their opinion in these matters.

Of course teachers often express how often parents express their appreciation, and sometimes in regards to the subject matter, but often fail to recognize most people are too polite to tell the teachers they think the material sucks and would appreciate more meat and less potatoes in the curriculum.

I have yet to meet a parent that doesn't object to something their child is being taught in school.
The whole fucked liberal culture stuff was always there but effectively media changed that. Liberals embrace confusion and anxiety in the formative years.....its mental health for them to foster a world with no absolutes. Moral relativism....such a fucked up thinking. If course it is going to generate more psychopaths.
And yet "liberal" Europe doesnt have a fraction of the problems you have in the US. You failed again mate.
And yet "liberal" Europe doesnt have a fraction of the problems you have in the US. You failed again mate.

And vice versa for that matter. If you are attempting to whip it out and get into a pissing contest, it would behoove you remember who saved your sorry asses on many occasions when you couldn't handle the grit. We even kicked British ass more than once or twice. In the Battle of New Orleans when you outnumbered us 7:1 our militia kicked your regular army asses so bad in 45 minutes 5000 British troops fled.

This ain't Australia skippy, and it damn sure ain't Europe.

Back to what they teach in school, when recently visiting an upper elementary school (5th Grade to be exact), I noticed classwork displayed in the hall way. It was an exercise in Social Studies where students were supplied with the materials where they were supposed to research and investigate the Boston Massacre.

The materials and information provided were presented in a CSI Investigation format and the children were supposed to determine whether or not the Boston Massacre was an "Accident". Everything provided supported the idea that the British were simply following orders, and nothing was discussed regarding the reasons why the people were there protesting to start with.

That's what they are teaching your children in school now, Obey the government, ignore their attempts to oppress you or "Accidents" will happen and you'll get killed.
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And yet "liberal" Europe doesnt have a fraction of the problems you have in the US. You failed again mate.

And vice versa for that matter. If you are attempting to whip it out and get into a pissing contest, it would behoove you remember who saved your sorry asses on many occasions when you couldn't handle the grit. We even kicked British ass more than once or twice. In the Battle of New Orleans when you outnumbered us 7:1 our militia kicked your regular army asses so bad in 45 minutes 5000 British troops fled.

This ain't Australia skippy, and it damn sure ain't Europe.

Back to what they teach in school, when recently visiting an upper elementary school (5th Grade to be exact), I noticed classwork displayed in the hall way. It was an exercise in Social Studies where students were supplied with the materials where they were supposed to research and investigate the Boston Massacre.

The materials and information provided were presented in a CSI Investigation format and the children were supposed to determine whether or not the Boston Massacre was an "Accident". Everything provided supported the idea that the British were simply following orders, and nothing was discussed regarding the reasons why the people were there protesting to start with.

That's what they are teaching your children in school now, Obey the government, ignore their attempts to oppress you or "Accidents" will happen and you'll get killed.
You are an internet warrior old fellow. You havent done anything for me to thank you for. And Europe still doesnt have the problems you have.
You are an internet warrior old fellow. You havent done anything for me to thank you for. And Europe still doesnt have the problems you have.

Correct, Europe's problems are entirely different than ours, and there is no need to thank me for them.
You did all that to yourselves.
humans....they get pissed/jealous/hate/etc
humans have always murdered

Typical liberal knee-jerk reply.
Did you even read the OP?

The ONE most prominent trait of nearly ALL liberals is Denial.
They MUST deny, becuse to face the fact that it is THEIR policies causing the decline is just not acceptable to their humongous egos.
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What is taught in schools is what the majority of parents WANT taught.

That's a lie ... Parents don't set the curriculum standards in schools and are seldom asked for the their opinion in these matters.

Of course teachers often express how often parents express their appreciation, and sometimes in regards to the subject matter, but often fail to recognize most people are too polite to tell the teachers they think the material sucks and would appreciate more meat and less potatoes in the curriculum.

I have yet to meet a parent that doesn't object to something their child is being taught in school.
When I taught in public schools, the parents were very vocal about the material being taught and if they didn't like something that had been covered or some material they objected to. I have never heard anyone complain about what their kids are being taught, except for the new math. Parents can't understand it so they feel stupid, and I don't blame them.

The overwhelming, hands down vast majority of gun violence takes place in LIBERAL / DEMOCRAT infested cities

Why IS that?

Leftist Moonbats here never admit that fact.
Correct, Europe's problems are entirely different than ours, and there is no need to thank me for them.
You did all that to yourselves.

Once he gets acid thrown in his face, or stabbed, robbed or raped (more common in the UK than the US by far) , maybe he'll wise up. Doubtful tho.

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