Root Cause of Most Mass Shootings in America

people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.
The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

Where do you get off telling anyone to respond "without the personal attacks?"

Go stick your rabbit hunting rifle up your rear end. Blaming schools for every goddamned thing wrong in this country is all you're good for. And you are wrong. What is taught in schools is what the majority of parents WANT taught. You are on the small but troublesome fringe that keeps harping for a society from 70 years ago. Well, sorry, but time marches on. You have been left behind and we are sick of listening to you whine about it.
You lose.
How do you determine that?
More imaginary claptrap from Weatherman.
Was it also public education that told you that schools decided God must be removed from public schools?
You never ever answer a direct question, do you?
You’re the one saying schools are to blame for God being removed from public schools, I simply inquired as to your source for this.

No, she's not, you fucking liar.
The whole fucked liberal culture stuff was always there but effectively media changed that. Liberals embrace confusion and anxiety in the formative years.....its mental health for them to foster a world with no absolutes. Moral relativism....such a fucked up thinking. If course it is going to generate more psychopaths.
And yet "liberal" Europe doesnt have a fraction of the problems you have in the US. You failed again mate.

Your social problems are just now coming on line.....World War 2 set your societies back about 50 years....and now you are catching up....
You know nothing about the UK. It has become a far better place to live since the war.

Wow.....that is some of the biggest crap I have seen posted on U.S.messageboard.......
A common thread in almost all the mass shootings is the kid is a nutcase

A typical reaction from those who knew him is.......he always creeped me out, he was a loner, he had discipline problems and was removed from school. They rarely surprise anyone once they start shooting

So the question is..

Why do we make it so easy for them to get the weapon of their choice?

See I wish you wouldn't do that.
I know you know it is a part of a larger problem, an access to guns has absolutely zero to do with it. If anything, kids have less access today than before.

Two Points:

1) I grew up in southern Indiana, not in the boonies, the high school I attended graduated 300-400 each year. Kids were allowed to drive to school starting their sophomore year. At that time it was very popular for people with trucks to have rifles hanging from a window rack. I never thought a single thing seeing high school kids with guns in their trucks ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. No one thought anything of it.
2) The destruction of park memorials all over the nation. There is a nice large park right next to where I grew up. In that park, there are WWI and WWII memorials. The WWI memorial was built in 1923. On it was a lifesize statue of a WWI soldier. It stood, untouched, for over 60 years. No one bothered it, no onw would have wanted to. But by the 1990's..someone knocked it's head off. They rebuilt it, knocked off again, rebuilt it again and put lights around it... then kids spray painted clown face on was cleaned, then they knocked not only the head off but broke the rifle he was holding. Same thing for the WWII memorial that stood, untouched, for 40 years. Today only the supporting block is there, most of the wording has been defaced.
I say...the reasons for that, as well as escalated violence is the same reasons.
Which are the reasons again?

Interesting, so why do you think we are so much worse than countries such as the uk and Australia and Europe where there are way less guns?
Do they knock down less statues?

They have tiny populations, Europe and Britain went through World War 2 with it's societal disruption and they are now catching up as their welfare state can no longer keep nuclear families intact and single, teenage mothers are raising children from multiple males without fathers.....that's why.

We didn't experience the disruption of World War 2 the way Europe did, so our "Big Society" program by the democrats was able to destroy Black families to the point we now have 75% of Black children born to single, teenage mothers.....which is why they are committing murder at rates beyond their population rate...
There is no standard definition of what a 'mass shooting' is.
I believe most sentient people would accept that when more than one person is shot a 'mass shooting' has occurred.
By that standard there are 'mass shootings' in virtually every inner city almost every day.
Why hasn't this fact been addressed?
Don't bother answering. Everyone knows the subject is NEVER to be truthfully addressed.
And we all know why.

Wrong, a mass shooting is an event where 3 or more people are killed not related to any other crime. So gang shootings at a party are not considered mass public shootings, they are gang violence......the motivations are completely different which is why they are not in the same category.
C&P the 'legal definition'.
You can't because it does not exist.
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

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Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960’s to start this upward trend?

I’ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you don’t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you don’t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.
people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.
The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

Where do you get off telling anyone to respond "without the personal attacks?"

Go stick your rabbit hunting rifle up your rear end. Blaming schools for every goddamned thing wrong in this country is all you're good for. And you are wrong. What is taught in schools is what the majority of parents WANT taught. You are on the small but troublesome fringe that keeps harping for a society from 70 years ago. Well, sorry, but time marches on. You have been left behind and we are sick of listening to you whine about it.
You lose.
How do you determine that?
More imaginary claptrap from Weatherman.
Was it also public education that told you that schools decided God must be removed from public schools?

No. that would be the court system. God has no business in schools, unless it is a private school and that is how it operates. You cannot force religion on people.
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

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View attachment 260546

Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960’s to start this upward trend?

I’ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you don’t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you don’t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.
people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.
The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

Where do you get off telling anyone to respond "without the personal attacks?"

Go stick your rabbit hunting rifle up your rear end. Blaming schools for every goddamned thing wrong in this country is all you're good for. And you are wrong. What is taught in schools is what the majority of parents WANT taught. You are on the small but troublesome fringe that keeps harping for a society from 70 years ago. Well, sorry, but time marches on. You have been left behind and we are sick of listening to you whine about it.
You lose.
How do you determine that?
More imaginary claptrap from Weatherman.
Was it also public education that told you that schools decided God must be removed from public schools?

No. that would be the court system. God has no business in schools, unless it is a private school and that is how it operates. You cannot force religion on people.
No one is forcing religion on anyone except muslims.
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

View attachment 260547
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Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960’s to start this upward trend?

I’ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you don’t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you don’t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.
Total BS. When I was in school, people didn't have automatic weapons. That is the route of the problem. Kids all over the world are raised like ours and don't go on shooting rampages. Those kids don't have access to automatic weapons.
No one has automatic weapons except the government now. So what’s your point again?
You are an idiot. Everyone either has one or can get one.

He is? Name the last time an automatic weapon was used in a mass shooting, dumbass!
people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.
The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

Where do you get off telling anyone to respond "without the personal attacks?"

Go stick your rabbit hunting rifle up your rear end. Blaming schools for every goddamned thing wrong in this country is all you're good for. And you are wrong. What is taught in schools is what the majority of parents WANT taught. You are on the small but troublesome fringe that keeps harping for a society from 70 years ago. Well, sorry, but time marches on. You have been left behind and we are sick of listening to you whine about it.
You lose.
How do you determine that?
More imaginary claptrap from Weatherman.
Was it also public education that told you that schools decided God must be removed from public schools?

No. that would be the court system. God has no business in schools, unless it is a private school and that is how it operates. You cannot force religion on people.
No one is forcing religion on anyone except muslims.

So I would not be forcing religion on my students who were Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Muslim, and who knows how many atheists and other religions by promoting my own view of religion in the classroom?
And yet "liberal" Europe doesnt have a fraction of the problems you have in the US. You failed again mate.

And vice versa for that matter. If you are attempting to whip it out and get into a pissing contest, it would behoove you remember who saved your sorry asses on many occasions when you couldn't handle the grit. We even kicked British ass more than once or twice. In the Battle of New Orleans when you outnumbered us 7:1 our militia kicked your regular army asses so bad in 45 minutes 5000 British troops fled.

This ain't Australia skippy, and it damn sure ain't Europe.

Back to what they teach in school, when recently visiting an upper elementary school (5th Grade to be exact), I noticed classwork displayed in the hall way. It was an exercise in Social Studies where students were supplied with the materials where they were supposed to research and investigate the Boston Massacre.

The materials and information provided were presented in a CSI Investigation format and the children were supposed to determine whether or not the Boston Massacre was an "Accident". Everything provided supported the idea that the British were simply following orders, and nothing was discussed regarding the reasons why the people were there protesting to start with.

That's what they are teaching your children in school now, Obey the government, ignore their attempts to oppress you or "Accidents" will happen and you'll get killed.

You do realize that John Adams defended the British, right?
You lose.
How do you determine that?
More imaginary claptrap from Weatherman.
Was it also public education that told you that schools decided God must be removed from public schools?

No. that would be the court system. God has no business in schools, unless it is a private school and that is how it operates. You cannot force religion on people.
No one is forcing religion on anyone except muslims.

So I would not be forcing religion on my students who were Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Muslim, and who knows how many atheists and other religions by promoting my own view of religion in the classroom?
Early America you were required by law to attend specific State approved churches.

Yet Jews, Quakers etc flourished.

Was it right? I don’t like the idea. I oppose Christianity being taught in school more than every atheist. I know how you teachers screw everything up.

But there’s nothing wrong with a teacher telling his/her students they are all special and created in the image of God and should act like it. There’s nothing wrong with a 5 minute period for students to pray for their teacher and parents which occurred for decades.
You lose.
How do you determine that?
More imaginary claptrap from Weatherman.
Was it also public education that told you that schools decided God must be removed from public schools?

No. that would be the court system. God has no business in schools, unless it is a private school and that is how it operates. You cannot force religion on people.
No one is forcing religion on anyone except muslims.

So I would not be forcing religion on my students who were Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Muslim, and who knows how many atheists and other religions by promoting my own view of religion in the classroom?
No. "Piresenting" is not "forcing"

I present my views here all the time. Who have I "forced" to accept my views?
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

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Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960’s to start this upward trend?

I’ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you don’t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you don’t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.

1962 really, white Christians in the South were fighting against black folks having equal rights. So how in the hell could they be teaching their children ALL men are created equal.
I love it when people try to say that lack of religion and out of wedlock children is the cause.

European countries have much higher rates of atheism and out of wedlock children, yet they have lower gun deaths and mass shootings.

One huge difference between Europe and America is that Europe has accessible and affordable healthcare for all. So those who suffer mental illness are able to get the care they need.

Gun ownership is illegal or severely restricted in those countries, dumbass!
I love it when people try to say that lack of religion and out of wedlock children is the cause.

European countries have much higher rates of atheism and out of wedlock children, yet they have lower gun deaths and mass shootings.

One huge difference between Europe and America is that Europe has accessible and affordable healthcare for all. So those who suffer mental illness are able to get the care they need.

Gun ownership is illegal or severely restricted in those countries, dumbass!
Its not complicated is it ?
Two graphs because the first only goes to 2015 and the second starts in 1982.

View attachment 260547
View attachment 260546

Americans have always owned guns. My father and his friends took rifles to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. Machine guns and even cannons were owned by citizens through much of American history.

So what changed during the 1960’s to start this upward trend?

I’ll offer a theory as to what occurred. If you don’t like it, fine. But offer your own theory as to the catalyst that started this.

Since 1962 school children have no longer been told they are special and we are all created equal in the image of God. This was replaced by teaching children they are no more significant than a tree in a forest. Since then the number of Christians in America has been on the decline, replaced by people who now feel no embarrassment about wanting to murder babies after they are born.

The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he does not exist.

If you don’t like the theory, fine. Then offer your own without the personal attacks.

1962 really, white Christians in the South were fighting against black folks having equal rights. So how in the hell could they be teaching their children ALL men are created equal.
There’s a long history of hypocrisy within the Democratic Party.
How do you determine that?
More imaginary claptrap from Weatherman.
Was it also public education that told you that schools decided God must be removed from public schools?

No. that would be the court system. God has no business in schools, unless it is a private school and that is how it operates. You cannot force religion on people.
No one is forcing religion on anyone except muslims.

So I would not be forcing religion on my students who were Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Muslim, and who knows how many atheists and other religions by promoting my own view of religion in the classroom?
Early America you were required by law to attend specific State approved churches.

Yet Jews, Quakers etc flourished.

Was it right? I don’t like the idea. I oppose Christianity being taught in school more than every atheist. I know how you teachers screw everything up.

But there’s nothing wrong with a teacher telling his/her students they are all special and created in the image of God and should act like it. There’s nothing wrong with a 5 minute period for students to pray for their teacher and parents which occurred for decades.

OK, dumbass! I know you have this overarching desire to prove your ignorance in every post, but you need to give it a f-ing rest!

Why do you think teachers have any part of the decision making process?

You said "early America". That stopped with the ratification of the Constitution you imbecile! Why don't you enroll in a local community college and study a little American history instead of spouting your bullshit?

Whose God are we talking here? As I said, I once taught in a school where I was the only American in the classroom. My students were Protestant, Catholic, atheist, Muslim, and who knows how many other fringe religious groups!

You would the first one howling when someone gored your ox!
How do you determine that?
More imaginary claptrap from Weatherman.
Was it also public education that told you that schools decided God must be removed from public schools?

No. that would be the court system. God has no business in schools, unless it is a private school and that is how it operates. You cannot force religion on people.
No one is forcing religion on anyone except muslims.

So I would not be forcing religion on my students who were Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Muslim, and who knows how many atheists and other religions by promoting my own view of religion in the classroom?
No. "Piresenting" is not "forcing"

I present my views here all the time. Who have I "forced" to accept my views?

WTF is "Piresenting"?

I taught a world history class to those students. We discussed Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim, Confucianism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism and a host of other religious influences on world history. I would never lead a prayer "in Jesus name", as I do as a lay leader in my church, for those who did not believe it.

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