Rope in bubba’s stall was there since last fall! Another HOAX

They have all been hoaxes. Bubba should be treated like Smollet. Prosecute him. Lifetime NASCAR ban.

It was just a misunderstanding and as usual the News Media ran with a story that fits their
social goals.
You know that the news media reports the news, right? NASCAR says they found a noose in the garage of the only black driver. Is the press supposed to not report that?
Another left-wing hoax. What else is new?
It was not a hoax it was a mistake.
But what is not a mistake or a hoax is NASCAR said F#CK YOU to those who fly the confederate flag. NASCAR has said F#CK YOU to all white supremacists. NASCAR does not want people like you.
It is the beginning of the rejection, by the majority of main stream society, of white supremacists and anyone who leans that way or makes excuses for them.
You and your buddies are being flushed down the toilet by society
Most people who fly the Confederate flag are not white supremacists
What other reason?

This dumb MOFO.. he should be kicked out for being this stupid

Millions of people who didn't know that there was a black NASCAR driver named Bubba Wallace now do.

So in actuality, it was a pretty savvy move making a literal Federal Case out of this. So, during the next NASCAR race, Mr. Wallace and his team will probably take a knee during the national anthem as everyone will be suddenly paying attention.
And now the fucking retard says it was a noose and the FBI is wrong. It was even on other garage doors.
What a race monger
15 FBI agents were put on the case!

Next time NASCAR comes to Vegas, and they have the hauler parade on the strip, I'll be there to give every racing team the finger as they pass by.
yea, i'm pretty much done with sports demonizing white people and demanding everyone toe the line.

these people dare to call others fascist or commies while they themselves are out to control every thought and what is said. i was pretty disappointed in brees caving in on what he believes and support for the police.
Here's a picture from the youtube video that is supposed to have shown the pull rope was there a year ago. Yeah, that certainly does look like a noose...

It’s not a hoax. But the OP is a retard.
Don't you believe Chuck Todd and Pete Williams from MSNBC? ASSHOLE!
The issue with this incident is how something as simple as a garage door pull was assumed to be a noose because the garage was assigned to Wallace. How on earth could people who work in racing mistake a garage door pull for a noose!!! Instead of using common sense a rush to judgement of racism was made...I'm sure NASCAR could have did their own investigation an within an hour discovered the truth, but they didn't an instead choose to sensationalize and virtual signal.

So coming in 14th place at Talidega and having that be your best run there to date is why. I'm sure Mr. Wallace is cool, but he saw an opportunity to become a story and he did that. I'm not a Nascar guy, but I know their fans. Removing the confederate flag caused belly aching. When you decide them as sister fucking racist, they tend to get annoyed. Bubba Wallace was a nobody be wise he isn't a good enough driver. This was a smaller/Kapernick move. He did it to secure his job. No other reason.
Another left-wing hoax. What else is new?
It was not a hoax it was a mistake.
But what is not a mistake or a hoax is NASCAR said F#CK YOU to those who fly the confederate flag. NASCAR has said F#CK YOU to all white supremacists. NASCAR does not want people like you.
It is the beginning of the rejection, by the majority of main stream society, of white supremacists and anyone who leans that way or makes excuses for them.
You and your buddies are being flushed down the toilet by society
Most people who fly the Confederate flag are not white supremacists
What other reason?
Pride in their ancestors

the South fought hard and honorably

I have already said that preserving the Union was the best outcome

but that doesent mean that the south had no right to secede
Here's a picture from the youtube video that is supposed to have shown the pull rope was there a year ago. Yeah, that certainly does look like a noose...


Or it’s a fucking loop to grab and pull the garage door down.

What a concept.

And if that is common in NASCAR garages, great. If it's not, however, I can certainly see how the crew member would mistake it for someone leaving a noose. :dunno:

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