Rope in bubba’s stall was there since last fall! Another HOAX

They have all been hoaxes. Bubba should be treated like Smollet. Prosecute him. Lifetime NASCAR ban.
He did not report it and never even saw it. I blame NASCAR's overreaction, not Bubba Wallace.
Do you really believe it was an overreaction rather than a publicity stunt?

As a seasoned troll, in my expert opinion, I am very impressed. This is troll of the year material.
That's the tough call part. Overreaction, everyone needs to calm down.

A stunt, prosecute false claim.
People make false claims every day. Watch any CNN report on any random event that is even tangentially political and you'll probably hear several false claims.

That's not illegal, and therefore not prosecutable.
Another left-wing hoax. What else is new?
Another left-wing hoax. What else is new?
It was not a hoax it was a mistake.
But what is not a mistake or a hoax is NASCAR said F#CK YOU to those who fly the confederate flag. NASCAR has said F#CK YOU to all white supremacists. NASCAR does not want people like you.
It is the beginning of the rejection, by the majority of main stream society, of white supremacists and anyone who leans that way or makes excuses for them.
You and your buddies are being flushed down the toilet by society
Everyone who is not a brain dead moronic loser lef5wing nazi to you people are white supremacists .

Youre an idiot

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