Rosanna Arquette: ‘I’m Sorry I Was Born White and Privileged. It Disgusts Me’

So let’s dig in a bit. From your link the first city on your list Lafayette (pop 125k) has a rating of 6 out of 10... click on the list of best cities and the number one top rated city is Sunnyvale CA (pop 150k) with a rating of 9.5 out of 10 and a dem leader. Thoughts?
Clearly it's important to know who is doing this rating and what their standards are. Sunnyvale is in the Silicon Valley so right away we know it is very very expensive to live there and it's a leftist enclave.
Yahoo and Google are the main employers. I lived in the Bay Area for decades.

I don't consider it all that desirable. It's a mono-cultural desert as single minded as living
in Orange County or Selma, Alabama in the '50s.

If you loved the Simpsons for their "sharp" societal critiques you should love Sunnyvale.

Oh yeah, and Rosanna Arquette is consumed by white guilt. She deserves whatever misery
she derives from that, assuming there is any at all. Eff her.
Hey, I’m just going off the link that he provided. Which Republican run major city would you like to use as a model? Feel free to describe which elements you are using to qualify
If you don't like whites running things, then you are a black or Mexican supremist. Someone has to run things. If you open the flood gates to replace whites with mex, you are a mex supremist.

The replacement theory is real. Just look at the data. It is not some fantasy.

Demographics of California - Wikipedia

Look at the dem run sanctuary cities in the USA

Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States

50% of the pop is trying to bring down America.

View attachment 273386
Which major city would you consider Republican run and a good example for us to model?

Pick one.

And these are the most conservative cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Lafayette, LA (Photos)
  2. Tyler, TX (Photos)
  3. The Woodlands, TX
  4. Knoxville, TN (Photos)
  5. Frisco, TX (Photos)
  6. Carrollton, TX (Photos)
  7. Murfreesboro, TN (Photos)
  8. Chattanooga, TN (Photos)
  9. Scottsdale, AZ (Photos)
  10. Huntsville, AL (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Berkeley, CA is the most liberal city of all in America.

Informative article to read

These Are The 10 Most Conservative Cities In America
Thank you for answering... now when you start dogging on liberal cities pick ones with similar populations for a fair comparison.

So let’s dig in a bit. From your link the first city on your list Lafayette (pop 125k) has a rating of 6 out of 10... click on the list of best cities and the number one top rated city is Sunnyvale CA (pop 150k) with a rating of 9.5 out of 10 and a dem leader. Thoughts?

And these are the most Liberal cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Berkeley, CA (Photos)
  2. San Francisco, CA (Photos)
  3. Oakland, CA (Photos)
  4. Arlington, VA (Photos)
  5. Pasadena, CA (Photos)
  6. Boulder, CO (Photos)
  7. Sunnyvale, CA (Photos)
  8. Durham, NC (Photos)
  9. Alexandria, VA (Photos)
  10. Bellevue, WA (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Lafayette, LA is the most conservative city of all in America.

These Are The 10 Most Liberal Cities In America
Hey, I’m just going off the link that he provided. Which Republican run major city would you like to use as a model? Feel free to describe which elements you are using to qualify
Off the top of my head I would choose Boise, Idaho. A clean, efficient city. Low crime. Very red state.
No poop or homeless people clogging up the sidewalks. There really are no major cities on the order of Los Angeles or Baltimore being run by republicans.

They don't espouse the sort of collectivist welfare state philosophy that seems to be popular in mega cities. Rudy Giuliani was the last one I can think of off the top of my head. But if Sunnyvale is a "major city" than Boise certainly is too.
Spokane would be a good choice too but these are my personal preferences.
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If you don't like whites running things, then you are a black or Mexican supremist. Someone has to run things. If you open the flood gates to replace whites with mex, you are a mex supremist.

The replacement theory is real. Just look at the data. It is not some fantasy.

Demographics of California - Wikipedia

Look at the dem run sanctuary cities in the USA

Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States

50% of the pop is trying to bring down America.

View attachment 273386
Which major city would you consider Republican run and a good example for us to model?

Pick one.

And these are the most conservative cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Lafayette, LA (Photos)
  2. Tyler, TX (Photos)
  3. The Woodlands, TX
  4. Knoxville, TN (Photos)
  5. Frisco, TX (Photos)
  6. Carrollton, TX (Photos)
  7. Murfreesboro, TN (Photos)
  8. Chattanooga, TN (Photos)
  9. Scottsdale, AZ (Photos)
  10. Huntsville, AL (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Berkeley, CA is the most liberal city of all in America.

Informative article to read

These Are The 10 Most Conservative Cities In America
Thank you for answering... now when you start dogging on liberal cities pick ones with similar populations for a fair comparison.

So let’s dig in a bit. From your link the first city on your list Lafayette (pop 125k) has a rating of 6 out of 10... click on the list of best cities and the number one top rated city is Sunnyvale CA (pop 150k) with a rating of 9.5 out of 10 and a dem leader. Thoughts?

And these are the most Liberal cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Berkeley, CA (Photos)
  2. San Francisco, CA (Photos)
  3. Oakland, CA (Photos)
  4. Arlington, VA (Photos)
  5. Pasadena, CA (Photos)
  6. Boulder, CO (Photos)
  7. Sunnyvale, CA (Photos)
  8. Durham, NC (Photos)
  9. Alexandria, VA (Photos)
  10. Bellevue, WA (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Lafayette, LA is the most conservative city of all in America.

These Are The 10 Most Liberal Cities In America
Ok thanks, so what do you think this is showing? Let’s compare the most liberal city, Berkeley and the most conservative Lafayette both with similar population. Berkeley has an 8.5 out of 10 and Lafayette has a 6 out of 10
If you don't like whites running things, then you are a black or Mexican supremist. Someone has to run things. If you open the flood gates to replace whites with mex, you are a mex supremist.

The replacement theory is real. Just look at the data. It is not some fantasy.

Demographics of California - Wikipedia

Look at the dem run sanctuary cities in the USA

Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States

50% of the pop is trying to bring down America.

View attachment 273386
Which major city would you consider Republican run and a good example for us to model?

Pick one.

And these are the most conservative cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Lafayette, LA (Photos)
  2. Tyler, TX (Photos)
  3. The Woodlands, TX
  4. Knoxville, TN (Photos)
  5. Frisco, TX (Photos)
  6. Carrollton, TX (Photos)
  7. Murfreesboro, TN (Photos)
  8. Chattanooga, TN (Photos)
  9. Scottsdale, AZ (Photos)
  10. Huntsville, AL (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Berkeley, CA is the most liberal city of all in America.

Informative article to read

These Are The 10 Most Conservative Cities In America
Thank you for answering... now when you start dogging on liberal cities pick ones with similar populations for a fair comparison.

So let’s dig in a bit. From your link the first city on your list Lafayette (pop 125k) has a rating of 6 out of 10... click on the list of best cities and the number one top rated city is Sunnyvale CA (pop 150k) with a rating of 9.5 out of 10 and a dem leader. Thoughts?

And these are the most Liberal cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Berkeley, CA (Photos)
  2. San Francisco, CA (Photos)
  3. Oakland, CA (Photos)
  4. Arlington, VA (Photos)
  5. Pasadena, CA (Photos)
  6. Boulder, CO (Photos)
  7. Sunnyvale, CA (Photos)
  8. Durham, NC (Photos)
  9. Alexandria, VA (Photos)
  10. Bellevue, WA (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Lafayette, LA is the most conservative city of all in America.

These Are The 10 Most Liberal Cities In America
Ok thanks, so what do you think this is showing? Let’s compare the most liberal city, Berkeley and the most conservative Lafayette both with similar population. Berkeley has an 8.5 out of 10 and Lafayette has a 6 out of 10
It shows the top 10 cities for each persuasion . Whether the city is large or small is of no consequence. That is all.
Hey, I’m just going off the link that he provided. Which Republican run major city would you like to use as a model? Feel free to describe which elements you are using to qualify
Off the top of my head I would choose Boise, Idaho. A clean, efficient city. Low crime. Very red state.
No poop or homeless people clogging up the sidewalks. There really are no major cities on the order of Los Angeles or Baltimore being run by republicans.

They don't espouse the sort of collectivist welfare state philosophy that seems to be popular in mega cities. Rudy Giuliani was the last one I can think of off the top of my head. But if Sunnyvale is a "major city" than Boise certainly is too.
Spokane would be a good choice too but these are my personal preferences.
Well you bring up the key point which is that mega city’s that are highly populated have different needs than rural and small populated areas. You can’t compare a small town to a big city and think that is apples to apples.

I personally dont think it is a fair argument to blame the state of cities on partisan politics. Highly populated and poor areas are going to have higher crime rates and other variables just because of the fact they are highly populated and poor.

There is a reason why small wealthy towns don’t need huge welfare programs and many liberal policies and it isn’t because they are conservative it is because they are small wealthy towns. I think that is pretty obvious
Which major city would you consider Republican run and a good example for us to model?

Pick one.

And these are the most conservative cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Lafayette, LA (Photos)
  2. Tyler, TX (Photos)
  3. The Woodlands, TX
  4. Knoxville, TN (Photos)
  5. Frisco, TX (Photos)
  6. Carrollton, TX (Photos)
  7. Murfreesboro, TN (Photos)
  8. Chattanooga, TN (Photos)
  9. Scottsdale, AZ (Photos)
  10. Huntsville, AL (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Berkeley, CA is the most liberal city of all in America.

Informative article to read

These Are The 10 Most Conservative Cities In America
Thank you for answering... now when you start dogging on liberal cities pick ones with similar populations for a fair comparison.

So let’s dig in a bit. From your link the first city on your list Lafayette (pop 125k) has a rating of 6 out of 10... click on the list of best cities and the number one top rated city is Sunnyvale CA (pop 150k) with a rating of 9.5 out of 10 and a dem leader. Thoughts?

And these are the most Liberal cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Berkeley, CA (Photos)
  2. San Francisco, CA (Photos)
  3. Oakland, CA (Photos)
  4. Arlington, VA (Photos)
  5. Pasadena, CA (Photos)
  6. Boulder, CO (Photos)
  7. Sunnyvale, CA (Photos)
  8. Durham, NC (Photos)
  9. Alexandria, VA (Photos)
  10. Bellevue, WA (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Lafayette, LA is the most conservative city of all in America.

These Are The 10 Most Liberal Cities In America
Ok thanks, so what do you think this is showing? Let’s compare the most liberal city, Berkeley and the most conservative Lafayette both with similar population. Berkeley has an 8.5 out of 10 and Lafayette has a 6 out of 10
It shows the top 10 cities for each persuasion . Whether the city is large or small is of no consequence. That is all.
Ok great and per your liink the liberal cities are rated higher than the conservative cities so what point are you trying to make?
Thank you for answering... now when you start dogging on liberal cities pick ones with similar populations for a fair comparison.

So let’s dig in a bit. From your link the first city on your list Lafayette (pop 125k) has a rating of 6 out of 10... click on the list of best cities and the number one top rated city is Sunnyvale CA (pop 150k) with a rating of 9.5 out of 10 and a dem leader. Thoughts?

And these are the most Liberal cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Berkeley, CA (Photos)
  2. San Francisco, CA (Photos)
  3. Oakland, CA (Photos)
  4. Arlington, VA (Photos)
  5. Pasadena, CA (Photos)
  6. Boulder, CO (Photos)
  7. Sunnyvale, CA (Photos)
  8. Durham, NC (Photos)
  9. Alexandria, VA (Photos)
  10. Bellevue, WA (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Lafayette, LA is the most conservative city of all in America.

These Are The 10 Most Liberal Cities In America
Ok thanks, so what do you think this is showing? Let’s compare the most liberal city, Berkeley and the most conservative Lafayette both with similar population. Berkeley has an 8.5 out of 10 and Lafayette has a 6 out of 10
It shows the top 10 cities for each persuasion . Whether the city is large or small is of no consequence. That is all.
Ok great and per your liink the liberal cities are rated higher than the conservative cities so what point are you trying to make?

Christ on a bloody crutch! Some numskull asked for an example of a Republican run city and I provided a list of the 10 top Republican cities and a list of the top 10 shit hole cities. Other than that, the point is it's almost suppertime and I'm hungry.
Thank you for answering... now when you start dogging on liberal cities pick ones with similar populations for a fair comparison.

So let’s dig in a bit. From your link the first city on your list Lafayette (pop 125k) has a rating of 6 out of 10... click on the list of best cities and the number one top rated city is Sunnyvale CA (pop 150k) with a rating of 9.5 out of 10 and a dem leader. Thoughts?

And these are the most Liberal cities to in America for 2019:
  1. Berkeley, CA (Photos)
  2. San Francisco, CA (Photos)
  3. Oakland, CA (Photos)
  4. Arlington, VA (Photos)
  5. Pasadena, CA (Photos)
  6. Boulder, CO (Photos)
  7. Sunnyvale, CA (Photos)
  8. Durham, NC (Photos)
  9. Alexandria, VA (Photos)
  10. Bellevue, WA (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Lafayette, LA is the most conservative city of all in America.

These Are The 10 Most Liberal Cities In America
Ok thanks, so what do you think this is showing? Let’s compare the most liberal city, Berkeley and the most conservative Lafayette both with similar population. Berkeley has an 8.5 out of 10 and Lafayette has a 6 out of 10
It shows the top 10 cities for each persuasion . Whether the city is large or small is of no consequence. That is all.
Ok great and per your liink the liberal cities are rated higher than the conservative cities so what point are you trying to make?

Christ on a bloody crutch! Some numskull asked for an example of a Republican run city and I provided a list of the 10 top Republican cities and a list of the top 10 shit hole cities. Other than that, the point is it's almost suppertime and I'm hungry.
True, somebody was trying to make a point that liberalism destroys cities so I asked which conservative cities he would model things after. You provided a list of the most conservative cities and the most liberal and based on your link the liberal cities outranked the conservative. Happy eating
Well you bring up the key point which is that mega city’s that are highly populated have different needs than rural and small populated areas. You can’t compare a small town to a big city and think that is apples to apples.

I personally dont think it is a fair argument to blame the state of cities on partisan politics. Highly populated and poor areas are going to have higher crime rates and other variables just because of the fact they are highly populated and poor.

There is a reason why small wealthy towns don’t need huge welfare programs and many liberal policies and it isn’t because they are conservative it is because they are small wealthy towns. I think that is pretty obvious
Yes and no. There are no excuses that can be made for LA, San Francisco, Baltimore, Detroit. A certain amount of crime and filth is to be expected. These cities, in particular, have taken that to the extreme.

Again, look at Rudolph Giuliani, someone I'm sure you probably detest, when he cleaned up New York.
It can be done, if the will is there.
I see no will in LA or Baltimore or God forbid, Chicago. They are like
the former beauty queen who just let themselves go to a horrendous degree. Imagine a four hundred pound
Angelina Jolie.That's Los Angeles.

There are some metropolitan cities like Honolulu, San Diego or Tampa that keep a lid on crime and disorder.
Ok thanks, so what do you think this is showing? Let’s compare the most liberal city, Berkeley and the most conservative Lafayette both with similar population. Berkeley has an 8.5 out of 10 and Lafayette has a 6 out of 10
It shows the top 10 cities for each persuasion . Whether the city is large or small is of no consequence. That is all.
Ok great and per your liink the liberal cities are rated higher than the conservative cities so what point are you trying to make?

Christ on a bloody crutch! Some numskull asked for an example of a Republican run city and I provided a list of the 10 top Republican cities and a list of the top 10 shit hole cities. Other than that, the point is it's almost suppertime and I'm hungry.
True, somebody was trying to make a point that liberalism destroys cities so I asked which conservative cities he would model things after. You provided a list of the most conservative cities and the most liberal and based on your link the liberal cities outranked the conservative. Happy eating

.I would live in any of those conservative cities
Ok thanks, so what do you think this is showing? Let’s compare the most liberal city, Berkeley and the most conservative Lafayette both with similar population. Berkeley has an 8.5 out of 10 and Lafayette has a 6 out of 10
It shows the top 10 cities for each persuasion . Whether the city is large or small is of no consequence. That is all.
Ok great and per your liink the liberal cities are rated higher than the conservative cities so what point are you trying to make?

Christ on a bloody crutch! Some numskull asked for an example of a Republican run city and I provided a list of the 10 top Republican cities and a list of the top 10 shit hole cities. Other than that, the point is it's almost suppertime and I'm hungry.
True, somebody was trying to make a point that liberalism destroys cities so I asked which conservative cities he would model things after. You provided a list of the most conservative cities and the most liberal and based on your link the liberal cities outranked the conservative. Happy eating

To each his own.
Well you bring up the key point which is that mega city’s that are highly populated have different needs than rural and small populated areas. You can’t compare a small town to a big city and think that is apples to apples.

I personally dont think it is a fair argument to blame the state of cities on partisan politics. Highly populated and poor areas are going to have higher crime rates and other variables just because of the fact they are highly populated and poor.

There is a reason why small wealthy towns don’t need huge welfare programs and many liberal policies and it isn’t because they are conservative it is because they are small wealthy towns. I think that is pretty obvious
Yes and no. There are no excuses that can be made for LA, San Francisco, Baltimore, Detroit. A certain amount of crime and filth is to be expected. These cities, in particular, have taken that to the extreme.

Again, look at Rudolph Giuliani, someone I'm sure you probably detest, when he cleaned up New York.
It can be done, if the will is there.
I see no will in LA or Baltimore or God forbid, Chicago. They are like
the former beauty queen who just let themselves go to a horrendous degree. Imagine a four hundred pound
Angelina Jolie.That's Los Angeles.

There are some metropolitan cities like Honolulu, San Diego or Tampa that keep a lid on crime and disorder.
I used to like Rudy until he got his head stuck up Trumps ass and embarrassed himself time and time again trying to spin and cover for the guy.

But what exactly are you crediting him for with NY? The crime drop?
Hollywood Actress Rosanna Arquette is apologizing for being born white, saying she’s ashamed of the privilege she believes her skin brings. “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame,” the Pulp Fiction actor said on Wednesday.

I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.

— Rosanna Arquette (@RoArquette) August 7, 2019

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Well baby...get off the pill, fuck 5 or 6 big black dudes every night and sooner or later you should be pregnant with a black child and that SHOULD make your disgust ease a little!..... But don't abort it!!!!

BUT when you look like this today, only illegal invaders would be horny enough to fuck you..... and perhaps some left wing guys on USMB!


You think that's NOT her.

But it's HER!
I think that her biological clock has already stopped years ago. The only things that will be coming out of that womb of her's, that it will be a bad fishy order.
All people age. But white women seem to age faster at a higher percentage then other cultures. So beautiful when young. Then for that percentage it is all over. And the politics of insanity while being lazy feminist pigs of those affected, ends up affecting everyone else. She is another princess who is first among equals. Never giving up what she has but open to giving up the peons meager wealth. Fellas I keep warning you. These evil shrews are going to get us to kill each other at some point or our nation is going to look economically like the ones others come from to get here.
But what exactly are you crediting him for with NY? The crime drop?
Bringing a sense of law and order to a city that had lost that mentality.
For one small example that I had personal experience with was the squeegee guys, who for years had gotten away with small daily acts of extortion as a regular way of New York life.

He put an end to that and many other acts of criminality and lawlessness. How New York Became Safe: The Full Story

Your question leads me to think you want to believe crime just spontaneously disappeared when Rudy was the mayor. Not so.
Last edited:
But what exactly are you crediting him for with NY? The crime drop?
Bringing a sense of law and order to a city that had lost that mentality.
For one small example that I had personal experience with was the squeegee guys, who for years had gotten away with small daily acts of extortion as a regular way of New York life.

He put an end to that and many other acts of criminality and lawlessness. How New York Became Safe: The Full Story

Your question leads me to think you want to believe crime just spontaneously disappeared when Rudy was the mayor. Not so.
No I don’t think crime spontaneously stopped. Rudy deserves some credit but so does Dinkins who hired 6000 more cops and Bratton who managed them. Rudy did hire Bratton to come back from Boston to run the crew which was one of his best moves

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