Rosanne Barr.....Trumps new speaking piece or is she just a opportunistic troll?

I think making her character Rosanne is genius. It represents a lot of households who are split between Trump supporters and rational people.

But I will not watch this reboot because the real Rosanns Bar is a Trump supporter. I watched her interview with Jimmy Kimmel the other day and I was really turned off her by stance on Trump.

A support for Trump is support for bigotry and ignorance.

I was a fan of Rosanne back in the day but I cannot bring myself to watch the reboot or support Rosanne anymore.

I'll never forget that.......................she is toast in my opinion of her.
Too bad she didn't look like Melania, she would've gotten a pass. Then and NOW!
There's something really creepy about with most who loves to cash in on the American stupid......her comeback clearly is triumphant.....I mean, 39 million white trash voters at your complete disposal....but here's the back lash.....Sooner or later, Ms. Barr, this country, your president all will come to a complete and utter dismal conclusion, how then will you and this show address this? Your character will harp on all the promises he's made, will your character then somehow acknowledge as will most, that the guy is just clown in a suit, or will you continue to play dumb and be dumb...since off camera you are a Trump supporter and go with the denial.....all to keep relevant on the screen?

You say you want to be this era's Archie Bunker??? In the real world, Carroll O'conner got with reality and loathed Richard Nixon!!

Millions of American Voters are very aware that they are hated by the dumb liberal crackpots.
This is why Americans need to permanently flush the Democrats.
bad schools
high taxes
perennial traitors
anti-civil rights in education
anti-civil rights in employement
anti-right to vote (blocking Voter ID laws)
bankrupt government
anti-freedom of speech
anti-freedom of religion
anti-right to bear arms (basic right to self defense)
anti-free press
terrorist sympathizers
open borders
nation of islam
la raza
black panthers
muslim brotherhood
Most of those are central to GOP ideology.
The program is setting up Trump for a big fall.

The issues of healthcare and senior drugs came up. We know what Republicans positions are on those. Die m..therf..kers, die.

And the mention of jobs, only no one seemed to have one. And the ones that did have a job were paid squat.

Those issues will come back to bite Trump in the A$$. Just like they will in November.
I think making her character Rosanne is genius. It represents a lot of households who are split between Trump supporters and rational people.

But I will not watch this reboot because the real Rosanns Bar is a Trump supporter. I watched her interview with Jimmy Kimmel the other day and I was really turned off her by stance on Trump.

A support for Trump is support for bigotry and ignorance.

I was a fan of Rosanne back in the day but I cannot bring myself to watch the reboot or support Rosanne anymore.
I wouldn't be too quick to judge. She is simply mistaken and they haven't yet caught up to her awareness. She is still pro human rights and pro choice. Right now, she is like millions of brainwashed Republicans. She is hoping Trump will do right. He isn't and he won't. They just don't want to give up on him yet. I thought the show was almost as good as the new/old Will and Grace.
You left out foot odor...But if the dems were not around who would the GOP lose to?

You do know the Democrat Party has been in steady decline don't you?
Yea, that's why they got most of the votes in the last election. Why they have won recent elections in districts Trump won by 20 or more points. Why all those kids won't be voting GOP. Why the GOP will be losing the seniors once they become aware of how the GOP is working to screw them over. And minorities are flocking to the GOP. Yea, sure they are.

To me, it's a mystery why a party that's 90% white thinks they are attractive to minorities they hate. It's unbelievable and Republicans are in denial.
There's something really creepy about with most who loves to cash in on the American stupid......her comeback clearly is triumphant.....I mean, 39 million white trash voters at your complete disposal....but here's the back lash.....Sooner or later, Ms. Barr, this country, your president all will come to a complete and utter dismal conclusion, how then will you and this show address this? Your character will harp on all the promises he's made, will your character then somehow acknowledge as will most, that the guy is just clown in a suit, or will you continue to play dumb and be dumb...since off camera you are a Trump supporter and go with the denial.....all to keep relevant on the screen?

You say you want to be this era's Archie Bunker??? In the real world, Carroll O'conner got with reality and loathed Richard Nixon!!
^ bitter and frustrated. Sitting in a dark corner with his autographed copy of "Dreams of my real father, Frank Marshall Davis"
i bet she watched it and laughed her chunky ass off too....

She's thin now.
So TV has one Trump supporter on it. The horror.

The reason why Trump won is because most Trump supporters are too smart to go around TELLING you they are Trump supporters! They just show up and vote. Only the idiot Left makes a show and fanfare out of being far Left, then when all they hear are other people making the same bleating sounds, they conclude that everyone agrees with them and that Trump supporters are some insignificant, confused, pathetic minority to be ignored. Just like Obuma and his "JV team" of ISIS.
I think making her character Rosanne is genius. It represents a lot of households who are split between Trump supporters and rational people.

But I will not watch this reboot because the real Rosanns Bar is a Trump supporter. I watched her interview with Jimmy Kimmel the other day and I was really turned off her by stance on Trump.

A support for Trump is support for bigotry and ignorance.

I was a fan of Rosanne back in the day but I cannot bring myself to watch the reboot or support Rosanne anymore.
I wouldn't be too quick to judge. She is simply mistaken and they haven't yet caught up to her awareness. She is still pro human rights and pro choice. Right now, she is like millions of brainwashed Republicans. She is hoping Trump will do right. He isn't and he won't. They just don't want to give up on him yet. I thought the show was almost as good as the new/old Will and Grace.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. Rosanne is a wealthy and smart woman. She's not that ignorant and gullible to think Trump will evidently do right. She knows what kind of person Trump is and is OK with it.

I do think there are some ignorant Republicans who just don't know any better. But Rosanne isn't one of them.

Rosanne is complicit.
This is an interesting little sideshow. I wouldn't put it past her to at some point have a show where she changes her mind and goes after Trump like the rest of 'em.

We are one goofy species.
I think making her character Rosanne is genius. It represents a lot of households who are split between Trump supporters and rational people.

But I will not watch this reboot because the real Rosanns Bar is a Trump supporter. I watched her interview with Jimmy Kimmel the other day and I was really turned off her by stance on Trump.

A support for Trump is support for bigotry and ignorance.

I was a fan of Rosanne back in the day but I cannot bring myself to watch the reboot or support Rosanne anymore.
and that kinda makes you as ignorant as you say trump supporters not watch a fucking comedy on TV because the actress is a supporter of trump?....geezus....
I think making her character Rosanne is genius. It represents a lot of households who are split between Trump supporters and rational people.

But I will not watch this reboot because the real Rosanns Bar is a Trump supporter. I watched her interview with Jimmy Kimmel the other day and I was really turned off her by stance on Trump.

A support for Trump is support for bigotry and ignorance.

I was a fan of Rosanne back in the day but I cannot bring myself to watch the reboot or support Rosanne anymore.
I wouldn't be too quick to judge. She is simply mistaken and they haven't yet caught up to her awareness. She is still pro human rights and pro choice. Right now, she is like millions of brainwashed Republicans. She is hoping Trump will do right. He isn't and he won't. They just don't want to give up on him yet. I thought the show was almost as good as the new/old Will and Grace.
dean calling somebody brainwashed.....unfucking believable....
There's something really creepy about with most who loves to cash in on the American stupid......her comeback clearly is triumphant.....I mean, 39 million white trash voters at your complete disposal....but here's the back lash.....Sooner or later, Ms. Barr, this country, your president all will come to a complete and utter dismal conclusion, how then will you and this show address this? Your character will harp on all the promises he's made, will your character then somehow acknowledge as will most, that the guy is just clown in a suit, or will you continue to play dumb and be dumb...since off camera you are a Trump supporter and go with the denial.....all to keep relevant on the screen?

You say you want to be this era's Archie Bunker??? In the real world, Carroll O'conner got with reality and loathed Richard Nixon!!
^ bitter and frustrated. Sitting in a dark corner with his autographed copy of "Dreams of my real father, Frank Marshall Davis"
i bet she watched it and laughed her chunky ass off too....

She's thin now.
you seen her picture?....
I watched Roseann, awesome show! Funniest part was the pussy hat

What I find interesting is that you can have a hundred TV shows on espousing the usual snobbish, elitist liberal views, but ONE PERSON comes out with an ostensibly conservative, Trump-supporter POV, and it makes major headlines---- and within an hour, you have 30 assholes lining up here, the usual suspects all taking shots criticizing her and the show------ and I bet most of them didn't even watch it. Funny how easily the snowflakes feel threatened.
After much soul-searching, I’ve come to the conclusion that this show could save America.
The political parts of her show are hard to take no matter what party you support, she seems to make fun of both sides, overall the show still has that working class base, & she is still funny.
There's something really creepy about with most who loves to cash in on the American stupid......her comeback clearly is triumphant.....I mean, 39 million white trash voters at your complete disposal....but here's the back lash.....Sooner or later, Ms. Barr, this country, your president all will come to a complete and utter dismal conclusion, how then will you and this show address this? Your character will harp on all the promises he's made, will your character then somehow acknowledge as will most, that the guy is just clown in a suit, or will you continue to play dumb and be dumb...since off camera you are a Trump supporter and go with the denial.....all to keep relevant on the screen?

You say you want to be this era's Archie Bunker??? In the real world, Carroll O'conner got with reality and loathed Richard Nixon!!
^ bitter and frustrated. Sitting in a dark corner with his autographed copy of "Dreams of my real father, Frank Marshall Davis"
i bet she watched it and laughed her chunky ass off too....
Sorry, didn't watch it....I will never support anything that supports Donald Trump....she's got enough gullable rednecks to keep her show on, she don't need me.

What country are you living in?

Why am I asking?

Simple, if you live here then your tax dollars are supporting Trump, so when will you boycott yourself!?!
There's something really creepy about with most who loves to cash in on the American stupid......her comeback clearly is triumphant.....I mean, 39 million white trash voters at your complete disposal....but here's the back lash.....Sooner or later, Ms. Barr, this country, your president all will come to a complete and utter dismal conclusion, how then will you and this show address this? Your character will harp on all the promises he's made, will your character then somehow acknowledge as will most, that the guy is just clown in a suit, or will you continue to play dumb and be dumb...since off camera you are a Trump supporter and go with the denial.....all to keep relevant on the screen?

You say you want to be this era's Archie Bunker??? In the real world, Carroll O'conner got with reality and loathed Richard Nixon!!

Trump likes fat women. He doesn't grab them by the puddy tat though. He says he just rolls them in flour til he finds the wet spot. And then he slaps them on the thigh and rides in on the waves . Neat.

Ahhhh, the Navy days!
OMG!! An actress making a living on a show that appeals to much of America. How dare Roseanne!

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