Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.

Kapernick took a knee. That is not a stunt. It's actually being respectful. Now some fat ass white redneck, going to the concession stand for a beer during the anthem is being disrespectful. The anthem being played at games is a fairly new event. It never used to happen. But like everything else, along comes some holier-than-thou-asshole-politician. Like Donald Trump.

What Barr did was blatant, in your face racism. As ugly, and disrespectful as it gets.

Both ABC, and the NFL, will still be around long after Roseanne Barr, and Donald Trump are long forgotten.

Depending on which part of the timeline Gracie refers to --- at first Kaepernick literally did nothing. He was on the bench, the anthem started to play --- and he continued to sit. In other words declined to take the action of getting up. There can be no 'stunt" in declining to take any action at all. A "stunt" would be an initiative action --- DOING something.

He did that for several games, quietly and personally, saying nothing. The same thing I do at a baseball game. Then one day some reporter --- who according to the behavior-dicktators should have been standing agape at the cloth god --- snapped his picture sitting, went to ask him about it, and the fake story was born.

In other words some hack reporter, not Colin Kaepernick, milked a "story" out of nothing. Literally out of nothing. The literal action of nonaction. The absence of kinetic energy. The completely passive two minutes.

After that a teammate suggested if he adopted a genuflect pose he could demonstrate respect for the exercise while still defying the "should stand" puppet show, so he did.

Then the fake-story milkers tried to sell this bullshit snake oil that somehow "kneeling means disrespect" in a blatant explosion of Doublethink. Kneeling, like a supplicant in prayer, like a commoner approaching the King, like a mourner visiting the dead, like a lad with a ring proposing marriage ---- a universally practiced gesture of supplicance, humility and respect ---- suddenly is supposed to mean its own opposite.

They must count on people swallowing whole without question to sell that shit. Same thing the hack reporter that milked the original fake "story" counted on. And of course the same thing Rump counted on in frothing the collective mouth of the Gullibles (not for nothing did he note "I love the poorly educated") in Alabama.
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How stupid can you get?
I mean, this Namesake/Jewel of the family, and a person with an ostensible semblance of common sense and PR, takes a Voluntary Racist Ride.

I am for great latitude on Free Speech. I really am.
But this is Lunacy.
Wild allegations that are completely False, and without basis.

Donald Trump Jr. retweeted Roseanne Barr’s racist tweets
By Ruth Brown - May 29, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. retweeted some of the offensive tweets posted by Roseanne Barr before her show was canceled Tuesday — calling billionaire George Soros a Nazi “who turned in his fellow Jews.”

After falsely claiming that Chelsea Clinton is married to Soros’ nephew, Barr responded with an “apology” that included a bizarre conspiracy-mongering rant about the Democratic donor — which the president’s son then relayed to his 2.84 million followers.

“Sorry to have tweeted incorrect info about you!I Please forgive me! By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth-were you aware of that? But, we all make mistakes, right Chelsea?” Barr wrote in the tweet.

The disgraced comedian then followed up with a second tweet, which was also retweeted by Trump Jr., saying: “Soros’ goal; the overthrow of us constitutional republic by buying/backing candidates 4 local district attorney races who will ignore US law & favor ‘feelings’ instead-and call everyone who is alarmed by that ‘racist’.”

Soros, a Jew, was 13 when the Nazis occupied his homeland Hungary...
Lil Donnie is a Douchebag
He retweeted comments about LWNJ George Soros- nothing racist.

Fake News, is Fake.
Fox will pick it up.

They might and then they will have to go out and find some racist as supporting cast. Several have already left and the rest don't want to be associated with the Queen of Mean....

Oh, the current incarnation is gone. Forget it. It’s over. Laurie Metcalf is a Tony award nominee (if not winner). Johnny Galeki (sp?) is on a very highly rated comedy on CBS. John Goodman is a much desired actor in the movies. None of them need Roseanne more than Roseanne (the actress in both cases) needs them. The show Roseanne is no-mas in my opinion. Of course I’m the one who said Trump was dead like 20 times….lol.

I will make a prediction that based only on this tweet and the outrage it spawned….Fox (one of their platforms-Fox, FX, FXX or whatever) will extend her an offer for a show that will be loosely the same type of show. This will happen around Summer 2019 if not sooner.
I imagine all of Roseann's co-stars and the show's crewmembers are pretty pissed she just put all of them out of a job.

Sleep with swine don’t complain if you come out stinking
Meanwhile, ABC proved where their priorities are. anti-Semitism is okay, but hands off the black wards of our far left.
When does the book burning begin?
Already happened under Obammy


The Pentagon under the Obama Administration has just acknowledged seizing and burning the privately owned Bibles of American soldiers serving in Afghanistan. The Bibles had been printed in the local Pashto and Dari languages, and sent by private donors to American Christian soldiers and chaplains, for distribution to American troops on overseas military bases during optionally-attended Christian worship services.

Burned Bibles? -
ABC may have fired Racist Roseanne - but they do not have clean hands. They knew what a racist bitch she was. Just look at the attack on Susan Rice below from 2013:


"Susan rice is a man with big swinging ape balls." -- Roseanne Barr
In other news, Liberals love George Soros.
In yet other news, George Soros doesn't give a shit about anyone but George Soros.
True. The young George Soros worked with nazis to kill Jews. He is really proud of that too.
Yep. He justified it. If not him, somebody else would have helped the Nazis. IN HIS OWN WORDS:

Hmm..he was..what....13? But hey...judge on..twist it all up..the great thing is that no one believes you ..except all the other wing nutz.
Kathy head chopper did and visually displayed something-aTrump severed head being held by her .
Roseanne made a crack about someone looking like an offspring of
Renegade Muslims and a movie

Not even in the same universe as to grotesqueness and unacceptability
Who's putting the two in the same realm?
Hollywood is full of racist Jews who loves them some Farrakhan and all those rapper racist thuggz, so why would we care about Roseanne's tame stuff? It at least was funny, unlike those racist punks on shows like TMZ and The View and all the rest of the daytime trash aimed especially at a black audience of obese, loud, and stupid women in the Hoodz.
Right now, it looks like there will be a backlash. Not against ABC but against the black thumb suckers.

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