Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.

ZACKLY, thank you. Did you know that just yesterday the most important issue facing the world was finding out whether some obscure football player in some game nobody could see was standing for the national anthem or not? It's a fast-changing world. Sometimes it's half-fast.

As for Twitter, I always say, if a "wrecker" is for wrecks --- what's Twitter for?

Answer: same thing.

Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

Hoe McCarthy used to do the same thing. Eventually people saw through it. Took way too long though.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.

ZACKLY, thank you. Did you know that just yesterday the most important issue facing the world was finding out whether some obscure football player in some game nobody could see was standing for the national anthem or not? It's a fast-changing world. Sometimes it's half-fast.

And don't forget that some Kardashian or other posted something vulgar on InstaFaceTwit!

As far as I know or care the Kardashians are an alien race on Star Trek. :dunno:
Hello? Should you be fired for it and your family thrown out in the streets?
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.

Your reading comprehension isn't that great, is it? I only used Kaepernick as an example of Trump using him as a political talking point to stir up his base. I also said that if Trump comes out in support of Roseanne and uses her as a political talking point for free speech, it could stay in the news for a while.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.

Nope, not "at work" --- during a national anthem. That's not part of a football game, which was his work.

Besides which he did no "stunt" --- he simply did nothing. Literally did nothing.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.

ZACKLY, thank you. Did you know that just yesterday the most important issue facing the world was finding out whether some obscure football player in some game nobody could see was standing for the national anthem or not? It's a fast-changing world. Sometimes it's half-fast.

And don't forget that some Kardashian or other posted something vulgar on InstaFaceTwit!

As far as I know or care the Kardashians are an alien race on Star Trek. :dunno:

You are a fortunate man. I actually know that they are some subspecies of humans due to reading People Magazine at the hair salon. Every six weeks I get caught up on the back issues about people I've never heard of before.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.

Your reading comprehension isn't that great, is it? I only used Kaepernick as an example of Trump using him as a political talking point to stir up his base. I also said that if Trump comes out in support of Roseanne and uses her as a political talking point for free speech, it could stay in the news for a while.
Pish tosh. My reading comprehension is fine. Are you afraid to answer my question?
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.

Nope, not "at work" --- during a national anthem. That's not part of a football game, which was his work.

Besides which he did no "stunt" --- he simply did nothing. Literally did nothing.
Oh bullshit. He was AT WORK. ON THE FIELD. But nice try. Not.
Wanda Sykes called Trump an Orangutan.

If Clyde the Orangutan had sex with Eva Braun (Hitler's girlfriend), the result would be Trump.

See? I can do it too...................................
Should you be fired for it?

Depends. Currently I am on a message board under a screen name and nobody really knows who I am, so in this case, no.

However..................if I used my real name, and posted it under an avatar of me in uniform, yes, I should be held to account for it.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.

Nope, not "at work" --- during a national anthem. That's not part of a football game, which was his work.

Besides which he did no "stunt" --- he simply did nothing. Literally did nothing.

Kaeperpimpleneck was at work. The football work doesn't start at the beginning of the game. The Anthem and opening of the game are part of the show, for which he is paid.
Wanda Sykes called Trump an Orangutan.

If Clyde the Orangutan had sex with Eva Braun (Hitler's girlfriend), the result would be Trump.

See? I can do it too...................................
Should you be fired for it?

Depends. Currently I am on a message board under a screen name and nobody really knows who I am, so in this case, no.

However..................if I used my real name, and posted it under an avatar of me in uniform, yes, I should be held to account for it.
Hogwash. You want your freedom of speech as long as it pertains to what YOU want. And you know it.
Wanda Sykes called Trump an Orangutan.

If Clyde the Orangutan had sex with Eva Braun (Hitler's girlfriend), the result would be Trump.

See? I can do it too...................................
Should you be fired for it?

Depends. Currently I am on a message board under a screen name and nobody really knows who I am, so in this case, no.

However..................if I used my real name, and posted it under an avatar of me in uniform, yes, I should be held to account for it.
Hogwash. You want your freedom of speech as long as it pertains to what YOU want. And you know it.

Actually, I learned how to know my audience while I was in the military. In the military, your 1st Amendment rights are seriously curtailed. I know that in uniform, I was very careful about what I said, as well as was careful with my behavior while in public. Why? Because I was there as a direct representative of the U.S. Navy.

However....................catch me at a biker bar with all my friends? Not really careful about what I say, because we don't get offended so easily.

By the way..................ever heard of patience? There are several other threads that I am currently reading, and I am not going to sit here on this thread just so I can answer your questions. Ask once, and if I reply, you got your answer. You don't have to ask me the same question several times just because you're impatient.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.

Nope, not "at work" --- during a national anthem. That's not part of a football game, which was his work.

Besides which he did no "stunt" --- he simply did nothing. Literally did nothing.
Oh bullshit. He was AT WORK. ON THE FIELD. But nice try. Not.

Number one, there is NO part of a football game that involves any national anthem. ZERO.
Go ahead and prove that wrong.

While you're working on that, number two "continuing to sit on the bench" is not "pulling a stunt". Go ahead and show us how doing nothing is doing something.
And now Roseanne has put a young black child actress out of work.

And Roseanne has already been dropped by her talent agency, ICM Partners.

Batting a thousand there cupcake.
Last edited:
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Roseanne made her comment on twitter...not on her show. Kaepernick did his stunt while AT WORK. Big difference.

Nope, not "at work" --- during a national anthem. That's not part of a football game, which was his work.

Besides which he did no "stunt" --- he simply did nothing. Literally did nothing.

Kaeperpimpleneck was at work. The football work doesn't start at the beginning of the game. The Anthem and opening of the game are part of the show, for which he is paid.

Nope. They're not. He's paid to train, to learn plays, to run plays, to practice -- all those things related to football. Besides which --- again --- he was there anyway, on the bench. Ask Gracie -- she just posted it in ALL CAPS.

Seriously, we're gonna rehash all these fake arguments already shot down in the NFL threads? Again? Get ready for cut-and-paste.

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