Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

And now we know why Roseanne supports Trump: racism.

Her support for Trump always seemed a bit odd to me. She was at odds with him on most major issues, including the economy, all things LGBT, education, and religious pandering.

But now it all makes perfect sense.

remember when Obama made the "typical white person" comment?

now it all makes perfect sense, if you support Obama you are a racist.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to get you through the day, skinhead.

I get through every day just fine, shithead
Amazing how many conservatives support calling black people apes

VJ is Iranian, right?
No, she's American.
She was born in Iran...with American parents. Which makes her Iranian..and American.

The slur was about her ethnicity, not her citizenship. And, fwiw, Ms. Jarrett is the daughter of an African American father, and a mother who is 1/4 African American. Other things in her lineage include some European and Native American lineage.

I looked it up, and apparently, she was on the show "Who Do You Think You Are?", and they did a DNA test as well as looked into her ancestry.
And now we know why Roseanne supports Trump: racism.

Her support for Trump always seemed a bit odd to me. She was at odds with him on most major issues, including the economy, all things LGBT, education, and religious pandering.

But now it all makes perfect sense.

remember when Obama made the "typical white person" comment?

now it all makes perfect sense, if you support Obama you are a racist.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to get you through the day, skinhead.

I get through every day just fine, shithead
haha, I seriously doubt that, skinhead. 100 to 1 you have clinical mental illness of some sort.
I thought the last show was hilarious.

Roseanne needed surgery and they couldn't afford it. But then their basement flooded and the government gave them disaster relief money.

The same government they hate. Fuking hilarious!

Conservatives do not define their hatred for minorities as "racism", just as they do not define their hatred for people from other countries as "xenophobia".
The conservatives have a single word they use to describe their hatred for the above mentioned and their hatred for women, non-Christians, and any other group or individual who does not share their oppressive philosophy, that word is "patriot".
They certainly do the Founding Fathers and Jesus proud.

The founding Fathers and Jesus would not want anything to do with these so called patriots.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....
Here's the kind of pig they'll hire:

Fake tweet, snowflake OP

Is it ? If so, I sincerely apologize. Please provide a link, and then I will acknowledge it.
Yeah, it’s fake and no one should have to look it up for you. This is on you for spreading bullshit.

Racists are showing desperation. Corporate American is now the judge if racism since the WH is the instigator.
And the right wonders why so few blacks vote Republican.
Fox will pick it up.
Who will work with her?

In Hollywood? Turn on a camera and you’ll have an endless supply of actors who will do whatever it takes to get in front of it.
She is a comedian who told a bad joke and is paying the price; just like Kathy Griffin, Michale Richards, Andrew Dice Clay, etc…
I don’t see anyone working with Griffin. As far as Barr...?

About an hour and a half before the cancellation was announced one of the show's consulting producers, Wanda Sykes, said she was done with it. "I will not be returning to @RoseanneOnABC," Sykes tweeted.

And Sara Gilbert, who plays Barr's daughter on the ABC sitcom, tweeted that Barr's comments are "abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show."
Amazing how many conservatives support calling black people apes

VJ is Iranian, right?
No, she's American.
She was born in Iran...with American parents. Which makes her Iranian..and American.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You people are priceless.

Her father was an American contractor working in Iran when she was born.

That does not make her Iranian.

Jesus, you people parrot the stupidest bullshit! :lol:
Kathy head chopper did and visually displayed something-aTrump severed head being held by her .
Roseanne made a crack about someone looking like an offspring of
Renegade Muslims and a movie

Not even in the same universe as to grotesqueness and unacceptability
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

Actually, that depends.......................if Trump decides to do a twitter storm in support of Roseann (she's quite a supporter of his), then it could make it last even longer. Especially if Trump tries to use this as a political talking point. His supporters will see his tweets, and then, start talking about how unfair Disney and CBS are to Roseanne. Would be especially funny if he said that they were trying to silence her right to free speech.

I mean.......................look what happened with Kaepernick. Trump didn't like him kneeling, made a big stink out of it on Twitter, and guess what? The NFL folded like a cheap suit.

What's to stop the Cheeto in Chief from using Roseanne for a political talking point? I'm actually surprised he hasn't yet.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.
What in the world are you babbling about... nobody will be talking about this, a week from now....

You must be as incredibly dull in real life as well as here.

In a week, a brand new stupid celebrity comment will become the focal point of existence by a large swath of the Idiot Media and people like you who follow it RELIGIOUSLY.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.

ZACKLY, thank you. Did you know that just yesterday the most important issue facing the world was finding out whether some obscure football player in some game nobody could see was standing for the national anthem or not? It's a fast-changing world. Sometimes it's half-fast.

As for Twitter, I always say, if a "wrecker" is for wrecks --- what's Twitter for?

Answer: same thing.
Fox will pick it up.
Who will work with her?

In Hollywood? Turn on a camera and you’ll have an endless supply of actors who will do whatever it takes to get in front of it.
She is a comedian who told a bad joke and is paying the price; just like Kathy Griffin, Michale Richards, Andrew Dice Clay, etc…
I don’t see anyone working with Griffin. As far as Barr...?

About an hour and a half before the cancellation was announced one of the show's consulting producers, Wanda Sykes, said she was done with it. "I will not be returning to @RoseanneOnABC," Sykes tweeted.

And Sara Gilbert, who plays Barr's daughter on the ABC sitcom, tweeted that Barr's comments are "abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show."

Not to nitpick but you asked “who will work with her?” in response to my saying “fox will pick it up”.

As soon as the casting call is put out, you’ll have a line of actors from Hollywood to Lake Havasu. Its predicated on getting the deal first.
Is anyone else tired of how our culture revolves around stupid comments made by celebrities?

Gee, a has-been TV performer posted something stupid on Twitter. Surely such a thing is the most important issue facing the global population today.

ZACKLY, thank you. Did you know that just yesterday the most important issue facing the world was finding out whether some obscure football player in some game nobody could see was standing for the national anthem or not? It's a fast-changing world. Sometimes it's half-fast.

And don't forget that some Kardashian or other posted something vulgar on InstaFaceTwit!

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